LaKeith Stanfield apologizes for participating in Clubhouse room broadcasting anti-Semitic speech

Film Features LaKeith Stanfield
LaKeith Stanfield apologizes for participating in Clubhouse room broadcasting anti-Semitic speech
LaKeith Stanfield Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for EJAF

Recent Oscar nominee LaKeith Stanfield issued a statement on Instagram last night, saying that he “unconditionally apologizes” after serving as a moderator of a Clubhouse room where a great deal of anti-Semitic hate speech was broadcast. In explaining the incident, Stanfield wrote that, “At some point during the dialogue, the discussion”—which took place in a room dedicated to discussing the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan—“took a very negative turn when several users made abhorrent anti-Semitic statements, and at that point, I should have either shut down the discussion or removed myself from it entirely.” Stanfield then added that, “I condemn hate speech and discriminatory views of any kind.”

The nature of Clubhouse—an audio-only, invitation-mandatory social media app that allows users to join topic-based rooms to chat with each other, and which bans recording—makes it difficult to externally verify the beats of this story. But Stanfield’s statements all track with a Daily Beast article published yesterday about the incident, including that he joined the Farrakhan room and was quickly made a moderator (a position usually shared between numerous people in a room, and often given as a matter of course to someone with Stanfield’s clout). Both accounts also confirm that, when anti-Semitic speech began flooding the room, Stanfield neither participated in, nor used his moderation powers to shut down or condemn, said speech. (Stanfield’s apology does not address a moment highlighted in the Daily Beast article in which he was called out in the Clubhouse room for lending tacit support to the hate speech being used, and yet continued to participate.)

The Daily Beast article also notes that, after the initial incident, Stanfield attended a Clubhouse room run by Jewish educators. In his statement to the room, he thanked the other participants for educating him, and stated that, “It’s been a crazy couple 48 hours.” He went on to explain the situation, and explicitly described much of the language he had heard in the Farrakhan room as anti-Semitic. “Someone would say something that was without a doubt anti-Semitic… and then instead of acknowledging why it was anti-Semitic, it would just go back to that original person, and then it would kind of repeat what they were saying, they clearly weren’t listening to us,” he reportedly said.

Commenters have been quick to link Stanfield’s participation in the room to a number of other incidents of prominent Black celebrities making anti-Semitic comments in recent years, most notably the moment in 2020 that saw Nick Cannon booted from MTV’s Wild ‘N Out over comments about Jewish people controlling the media. (A popular Farrakhan talking point, as it happens.) Stanfield, meanwhile, has come under criticism over, and apologized for, a previous incident involving hate speech, specifically for a video he posted in 2018 of a freestyle rap in which he used homophobic slurs. That being said, his statement this weekend is pretty unequivocal: “I unconditionally apologize for what went on in that chat room,” he writes, “And for allowing my presence there to give a platform to hate speech.”


  • stegrelo-av says:

    It’s so weird that being antisemitic is the only type of hate speech where you’re immediately forgiven for a half-assed apology!

    • trevorstmcgoodbody-av says:

      As a Jew, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.  He didn’t say anything anti-semitic and condemned hate speech.  What do you want him to do?

      • theblackswordsman-av says:

        Right? Thank you. Fellow Jew here, too. He apologized – maybe he could have done so more quickly, but I’m accepting the apology and view it as sincere. Show me where he specifically said something and maybe we can talk about it more but while I think we can have a lot of conversations about how to build better bridges between communities (and, uh, there are MANY Black Jews overlooked in these discussions!), I’m never thrilled when I feel like someone’s trying to push me to go after members of the Black community when I have more pressing concerns about how anti-Semitism is laundered and sanitized (like, I dunno, pre-Capitol-riot how often I was told that I needed to understand where people were coming from on Qanon).

        • trevorstmcgoodbody-av says:

          You said it better than I could. There is a strange desire by a lot of outside forces trying to pit two groups of people who should be allied historically against one another. It’s truly upsetting to see the orthodoxy of the right-wing become mainstream doctrine. This isn’t Mel Gibson making a whole movie about how Jews are to blame for Christ’s crucifixion.  I find it abhorrent when people try to tell me how I need to feel about Israel or Judaism when they themselves have no connection to Israel or Judaism.  I accept LaKeith’s apologies and I think he’s a terrific actor and that’s that (for me).

      • Ducic-av says:

        this won’t change how much I like Stanfield and his work but those canned-sounding statements always ring hollow. Why not take the moment to go over what you said and why in the moment he may have entertained it before maybe learning some more about the subject? That would be more interesting and sincere.

      • sunnydandthepurplestuff-av says:

        yeah, good apology, whatever

    • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

      That seemed like a pretty full-assed apology to me. He didn’t actually say anything (Unlike Cannon), he apologized for not doing anything more to confront it, he accepted responsibility, and expressly condemned anti-Semitism. Short of a trip to Yad Vashem, I’m not sure what else he was supposed to do.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        He didn’t accept responsibility though. Twice he mentions (in the passive voice) that he was ‘made’ a moderator; i.e., it was not his fault that the other participants granted him that power so he shouldn’t be blamed for mis-using it. It’s a pretty pale apology.

        • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

          As a Jew, I feel perfectly comfortable accepting this apology. Maybe I’m just not online enough to care about someone deflecting their dereliction from their duty as internet sheriff by using the passive voice.

        • flatwormhole-av says:

          That’s not what he meant and you know it. 

        • missrayge-av says:

          I mean, he said that he should have shut it down or left the room and he “unconditionally” apologized for the fact that his presence there gave those people more of a platform than they ever should have gotten (when celebs are in rooms usually wayyy more people join). That is taking responsibility. He didn’t say anything then apologized and stated that he should have said something or left. Not sure what other responsibility he could/should have taken. (Regarding the passive language of being “made a moderator”, that’s literally how clubhouse works. You can’t make yourself a moderator nor can you request to be one. The people who start the room are the only ones who can make people moderators, so they did in fact make him a moderator.)That said, in general, people don’t truly get “canceled” for any hate speech. An apology and nothing else is usually all that happens. I can’t think of anyone who REALLY has. Even Paula Deen still has a TV show. THAT said, the hold that Louis Farrakhan has on (way too many) Black men is a wild combo of misogyny, patriarchy, homophobia and anti-semitism disguised as pro-Blackness and Black jews have been fighting this battle for a lonnnggg ass time. The presence of the NOI and other teachings is crucial here and articles such as this usually don’t even scratch the surface of how people like Farrkhan gained and kept influence in the Black community. 

        • gargsy-av says:

          “He didn’t accept responsibility though. Twice he mentions (in the passive voice) that he was ‘made’ a moderator; i.e., it was not his fault that the other participants granted him that power so he shouldn’t be blamed for mis-using it.”

          And? You know differently?

      • stegrelo-av says:

        He sat there, listened to it, said nothing. Because he doesn’t really care. If they were saying racist stuff about Black people he would have immediately shut it down because he cares about that. What you do in the moment says a lot. 

        • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

          I’m not a fan of holding people accountable by proxy, but besides that, what would you have him do to make amends? 

          • stegrelo-av says:

            A blindspot has been revealed, to put it charitably. He apparently doesn’t know how to spot antisemitism, so he should make sure to educate himself on antisemitism, the history of it, why it’s important. That would be a gesture that shows that he understands where he went wrong so this doesn’t happen again.

          • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

            “The Daily Beast article also notes that, after the initial incident, Stanfield attended a Clubhouse room run by Jewish educators. In his statement to the room, he thanked the other participants for educating him”Like that?I’ll assume you’re Jewish. I grew up in Philadelphia. Being called a kike devil by Black Israelites was a pretty common occurrence for me. I actually used to find it pretty hilarious, before I realized that that kind of ideology doesn’t attract people who haven’t suffered a lot. Jews aren’t “chosen people” because they had a good time of it.What’s the upside? Canceling some Black people for embracing an ideology that doesn’t like Jews? Reminding LaKeith about desegregating pools and Freedom Summer while pretending that Jews and Black people don’t have an extraordinarily complicated history in this country? He apologized and appears to have made a good-faith attempt to make amends and educate himself, which is about as much as anyone can expect. 

          • stegrelo-av says:

            Yes, I am Jewish. Are you suggesting that antisemitism from Black people be overlooked because of racism and the “complicated” relationship between the two sides? Would you say the same about it is the prejudice went the other way? 

          • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

            I’m not saying it should be overlooked, I’m saying that I don’t believe that anti-Semitism in Black communities comes from a place of deep-seated hate for Jews, and as such, I don’t see a lot of value in punishing someone who has apologized for being a proxy to some really shitty hate speech. I’ve never felt a palpable sense of anti-Semitism from Black communities. I have seen fringe weirdos who are really into it, but they’re on the fringe. I think that if you want to gain something positive out of criticizing someone engaging in something really shitty, you have to accept their apology at face value. It’s fine to just ask someone to do better, provided they want to. 

          • gargsy-av says:

            “so he should make sure to educate himself on antisemitism, the history of it, why it’s important”

            Yeah. Now imagine you READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE and saw that he’s already done that since the Clubhouse chat in question.

            Jesus fucking Christ, ignoring the article you’re commenting on does not make you sound smart, you know.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        Yeah with Cannon he specifically brought up the Rothschilds, something only deep anti-semites give a shit about.

        • honeybunche0fgoats-av says:

          Yeah, Cannon was going on some OT-VIII levels of anti-Semitism and rebounded probably too fast. That said, he went into some textbook Black Israelite bullshit, which isn’t an ideology anyone is drawn to just because. I think it’s kind of shitty to get too angry with some fringe weirdos sitting on sidewalks shouting at people while not acknowledging that the kind of severe racism that makes an ideology that bizarre attractive.

        • harpo87-av says:

          Exactly. To me (a Jew, FWIW), there’s a massive difference between someone who basically acted human – i.e., not necessarily doing exactly the right thing at the right time every time without fail – and someone who seemingly has much more deep-seated issues and hatreds. Stanfield not necessarily jumping in to shut down a conversation is an understand error, and the type we all make – speaking as an autistic person, I’m acutely aware that we humans don’t always know the right thing to say, and nothing in his actions indicate antisemitic intent to me. Cannon, on the other hand, actively engaged in some hardcore antisemitic conversation on a platform he controlled entirely. (Like, as far as I know, his podcast wasn’t broadcast live – he had that conversation, and then put out the episode, despite having a chance to edit or cancel it in the interim.)So, basically, I don’t find anything here to hold against LaKeith – just a human failing to be perfect, but still doing the right things to make up for that imperfection. It’ll be a while before I forgive Cannon, though.

          • recognitions-av says:
          • jmyoung123-av says:

            Aaah, the boy who contributes nothing to the conversation speaks up again

          • recognitions-av says:

            That’s true, you are here.

          • missrayge-av says:

            True. Nick cannon knew exactly wtf he was doing and his late ass “apology” and “education” afterwards was nothing but an attempt to save all the shows he had on air. He’s been sliding down the Farrakhan hole for a couple of years now.I’ve been in CH rooms with Lakeith and he usually doesn’t say anything (as in he usually stays down in the audience and just listens. In random rooms too. I saw him in the “audience” listening in on one room about how POC early in their film careers can secure representation, managers/agents etc…. which I’m pretty sure he has already lol).

    • disqusdrew-av says:

      I generally agree with your sentiment, but I think Stanfield’s specific situation is a bit different. This doesn’t appear to be him straight up saying antisemtic garbage as we’ve seen with other celebrities over the last year or so (Ice Cube, Nick Cannon, NBA player Stephen Jackson, NFL player Desean Jackson, the latter two both cited Louis Farrakahn btw). To your point, in most of those cases, its pointed out and nothing really happens. There’s isn’t much furor and there’s just some half assed apology. Stanfield at least seems to be sincere and maybe just found himself in a bad situation that he didn’t realize he was getting into. Though I’m a fan of his work, the situation does make me raise an eyebrow towards him. Hopefully, he means what he says here.

      • ddreiberg-av says:

        I don’t think this was your intent at all, but I feel like we should try and avoid singling out the anti-semitic statements of Black celebrities while ignoring (or taking for granted) the anti-semitism expressed by other groups, celebrities, public figures, etc. 

      • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

        I’m guessing DeSean’s private apology was a lot more full-throated than his public statements, given the fact that Jeff Lurie and Howie Roseman kept him on the team.

      • RiseAndFire-av says:

        None of the people you cited, for what it’s worth, faced any long-term consequences.

    • idprefernottoplz-av says:

      From the article you’re *literally commenting on*: Stanfield, meanwhile, has come under criticism over, and apologized for, a previous incident involving hate speech, specifically for a video he posted in 2018 of a freestyle rap in which he used homophobic slurs.

    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      zei gezunt.

    • snagglepluss-av says:

      I think it’s just that people don’t think something is anti-Semitic unless it involves the holding of a tiki torch. It’s kind of like how some people don’t think something is a racist unless it’s it involves a cross burning

      • missrayge-av says:

        This is 100% correct. People who’ve bought into Farrakhan’s “The Jews are controlling everything!” talking points don’t peg it as anti-semitism. Partially because to THEM the Jewish people in question are incredibly powerful so they can’t be oppressed. They don’t see Jewish people as persecuted therefore they don’t peg their speech as part of the persecution. And we as a country don’t teach nearly enough about the Holocaust for a lot of American’s to know the history of the “greedy, all powerful, taking over everything” anti-semitic stereotypes that ran rampant leading up to the concentration camps. Or they’d recognize these stereotypes immediately as being part of it. If you don’t know history you’re bound to repeat it. Edit to add that this isn’t a defense, just some context. Since unfortunately Farrakhan is gaining in popularity and celebrities don’t read and are very susceptible to believing ANYTHING so I feel like this will come up again. And outlets tend to pop in at this stage when this is the tip of Farrakhan’s shit iceberg. 

    • ospoesandbohs-av says:

      Did Mel Gibson ever even give a half-assed apology?

    • elgeneralludd-av says:

      Its mainly because of the left’s foreign policy stance on Israel. A lot of Jews support Israel (duh) and so the left is frequently mistrustful. It’s why CRT has generally taken to classifying Jews as white. 

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      If you’re at a bar and a knife fight breaks out you’re not necessarily responsible for the knife fight if you’re not holding a knife just for being in the bar. I don’t vibe with guilt by association in terms of hate speech and when people get wild there’s kinda little you can do beyond reacting, a lotta people under react to confrontation as a defense mechanism and gotta process even if they privately disagree. Feels ridiculous to me to make him more or equally as reprehensible as the people who are legit out here practicing and uphold antisemitism.

    • dickcreme-av says:

      What’s weird is no part of this is even close to true, but I’m sure you consider being undefeated against bullshit straw men an accomplishment.

    • Ducic-av says:

      hey now, let’s not forget misogyny

    • sunnydandthepurplestuff-av says:

      I’m a practicing Jew. Is it really that anti-semitic to say that Jews control the media. that’s kind of statistically true. to say that we use the media in a conspiratorial way or something…

    • ahayford-av says:

      Where does it say that he was being anti-Semitic?

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      That…doesn’t seem true.

      • stegrelo-av says:

        • electricsheep198-av says:

          That’s one example. It doesn’t show that categorically anti-Semitism is “immediately forgiven” after a half-assed apology, or that anti-Blackness, for instance, or transphobia, for instance, aren’t “immediately forgiven” after half-assed apologies. I’d submit Mel Gibson still hasn’t fully recovered reputation years later.  I’m not saying you’re absolutely wrong.  I find racism in general to be too easily washed over in our society.  I’m juts not sure we can say that anti-Semitism is treated so differently.  But I will admit that I perhaps haven’t followed it as closely as maybe you have.

    • RiseAndFire-av says:

      Especially when, frankly, it’s members of other historically marginalized groups. Progressives love their narratives, and that just wouldn’t compute.

  • badvibesinthewomb-av says:

    this guy has done like 8 cancellable things now. where are the woke police when you need em?

  • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    “Well La-la-la-la-LaKeith…what would your mama say?”

  • snagglepluss-av says:

    Wait, somebody posted anti-Semitic comments on a message board about Farrakhan? That’s crazy! Who would have thought that would have happened?

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    It took place in “a room dedicated to discussing the anti-Semitic rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan” and it got anti-Semitic? What’s he going to do next, hold a discussion about violence in sports at a hockey game?

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    So shocked that a discussion about Louis Farrakhan would devolve into anti-Semitic garbage said no one ever.

    • TotoGrenvitch-av says:

      I knew when I clicked this he would somehow be involved and I was not disappointed. To me personally the antisemitism espoused by Farrakhan and the NOI has always been perplexing because…we’re going to willfully ignore the similarities to that and racism against black people? It’s a vibe and the culture has formed a lot of people. I think it needs to be talked about more about I don’t know to what end because I feel like those repressive beliefs are best ignored…how you gonna be antisemitic but taking Scientology money dog. Make it make sense.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    Oh hey an actual apology. No doubling down, no ignoring your fans who feel hurt, no accepting lovebombings from bigoted abusers, no shouting “cancel culture” at every opportunity while calling your critics “wokescolds” and “Diet Nazis” for asking you to not be an exculusionist asshole while saying that your YouTube video getting demonetized is a violation of your “free speech” like a certain allegedly left wing YouTuber. Just an honest apology where he says he’s sorry, admits he fucked up, and promises to do better.

    • thebtskink2-av says:

      To be fair, the Lindsey Ellis video you seem to be referencing with “Diet Nazis” had a number of explicit and specific apologies, while calling out the bad faith criticisms that seem inherent to many of these pile-ons.

      • laserface1242-av says:

        That’s a whole different pile of worms. The short version is Lindsay apology rings hollow when she misgendered a non-binary person in the video and her own issues with how she allegedly gaslit a former friend of hers whom was allegedly assaulted by a mutual friend of theirs.I was talking about ContraPoints, who has been defending the asshole who outed Lana Wachowshi to the paparazzi because his ex-partner was dating her and has made a habit of calling people who ask her not to mock non-binary people and non-cis passing trans people .And, given tweets like this, I’d say she’s a year away from platforming Nazis.

        • mark-t-man-av says:

          she allegedly gaslit a former friend of hers whom was allegedly assaulted by a mutual friend of theirsThat’s a lot of “allegedlys” to condemn someone.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            Too late to edit it. Meant to only have one allegedly and forgot to delete the other. 

          • jjjj23-av says:

            You mean the friend who got very vague about the accusations in question (but very loud), and when the alleged friends who were involved gave there very detailed rebuttals also alleging emotional abuse on the first friends part; her response was to call out their statements for racism and sexism (when they did no such thing in their statements) and misgender the second person (a transwoman)? That former friend?

          • tertiaryrewards-av says:

            Maybe look for the bigotry in your own heart instead of seeing a Nazi in every rosebush.

          • biywqhkmrn-av says:

            The “whom” is a bit pretentious, as well.

        • tunafishchibs-av says:

          I can’t tell you whether you should or should not accept people’s apologies (we agree, for what it’s worth, that LaKeith Stanfield’s apology seems genuine), but I can say that the idea that Natalie Wynn has repeatedly defended Buck Angel is completely untrue. Further, that tweet above is clipped out of context from a longer thread, and in context it’s clear that she’s talking about protecting marginalized creators from abuse by Youtube’s shitty and haphazardly applied restrictions—hardly the sort of thing one says when they are “a year away from platforming Nazis.”Here is my attempt to provide a link to the whole thread, if you are interested (not sure how it works, so please forgive me if I fuck it up).

        • seven-deuce-av says:

          “And, given tweets like this, I’d say she’s a year away from platforming Nazis.”Gotta love how defending the principles of free speech are the road to Nazism. Clearly, he ACLU were Nazi sympathizers when they took a stand for free speech in Skokie all of those years ago.

        • knute-l-av says:

          Natalie’s point is dead on though. It’s shortsighted to welcome tech platforms silencing people for holding political opinions you may not like and not see how ceding the public commons to private service providers who can decide what “misinformation” and “harassment” are could then be abused.

        • biywqhkmrn-av says:

          “The short version is Lindsay apology rings hollow when she misgendered a non-binary person in the video”
          Timestamp?“and her own issues with how she allegedly gaslit a former friend of hers whom was allegedly assaulted by a mutual friend of theirs.”
          “Gaslit” is a conclusory term. Presenting the actual alleged acts would be more useful.“I was talking about ContraPoints, who has been defending the asshole who outed Lana Wachowshi to the paparazzi because his ex-partner was dating her”Again, low on details.

          “and has made a habit of calling people who ask her not to mock non-binary people and non-cis passing trans people”
          Looks like you missed some words there, and could use a cite.“And, given tweets like this, I’d say she’s a year away from platforming Nazis.”
          There seems to be a massive amount of context you’re just assuming the reader is aware of.

        • sunnydandthepurplestuff-av says:

          I think it depends on whether you considering misgendering a person is some cardinal moral event horizon or simply a mistake and teachable moment. There’s a difference between wanting to make sure that transgender people live a healthy unharrassed life and coddling that population enough that you want to stone anyone to death who commits a greivance that minor. If anything that obscures the death threats, homelessness, and violences they face.

          Additionally, the amount of work Lindsay Ellis has done at raising awareness for reasonable feminist discourse should be applauded. The many positives of her work outweight the negatives.

          Platforming Nazis is a strawman argument. Free speech is a humongous part of what this country is. Treating any platform as inherently harmful or harmless other than a neutral place where ideas are exchanged is just plain ridiculous. Are you like a 20-year-old college student?

        • thisoneoptimistic-av says:

          I don’t think those alleged things take away from the fact that she was harassed by a bunch of really psycho twitter stalkers.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            True, but we shouldn’t ignore that Natalie has done bad shit that’s worth calling out and keeps doing. 

          • thisoneoptimistic-av says:

            I’ll be honest, I mentally skipped over Contra because yes, she seems to be doing some really terrible things lately and that’s pretty plain to see.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            That’s probably why most of the people defending Natalie are burners. As for Lindsay, the thing that just makes me uncomfortable watching her stuff anymore is that, much like Natalie, she has been using right wing newspeak that was literally coined by Ben Shapiro. It just make it a lot easier for assholes to operate in leftist spaces and harass people. 

          • thisoneoptimistic-av says:

            I agree the “free speech” canard is very much a thought terminating cliche that is upheld in defense of bad faith nazis way too often. Totally agree that Natalie is conflating her own struggles online with the free speech argument. However I also do think that there is an extremely unhealthy culture developing in left spaces that is about feeling morally virtuous and defeating your enemies, rather then true solidarity and human understanding. Fine and dandy when directed at bigots, but way too easily redirected over small slights and human errors. It really feels like there is a thrill in tearing down others that is absolutely poisonous. Doesn’t help that Twitter has fostered a really weird parasocial environment in which people form fucking teams based on which living breathing human beings they choose to parasocially identify with.

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            However I also do think that there is an extremely unhealthy culture developing in left spaces that is about feeling morally virtuous and defeating your enemies, rather then true solidarity and human understanding. Fine and dandy when directed at bigots, but way too easily redirected over small slights and human errors. Yep. And, as someone who is knee deep in some of those left spaces, I’ll shred these stupid, tryhard motherfuckers like a sheet.At a certain point, some folks’ masks slip, and you see that what they’re really after is the establishment of a pecking order. Activism just gives them a conduit for that ambition.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            That’s true. I’ve seen really stupid Twitter mobs. Like how Moviebob gets harassed by trolls by bringing up a eugenics joke that even he admits was stupid and has long since apologized for. Yet for some reason everyone acts like he’s on par with Doug Walker. I have no idea why this is. Or how recently a bunch of white autistic people got upset that Gita Jackson said Hermione was a know it all and they thought she was being ableist because they saw Hermione as coded autistic. I’m also autistic and, while I get why they’re upset, I don’t think this was done with malicious intent and just ended with a bunch of white people ganging on a black neurodivergent woman over their headcanon. However with Lindsay and, to a much greater extent, Natalie, there were people with legitimate grievances who tried to explain why they were upset who they lumped in with trolls and assholes and end up getting harassed by their fans.Hell that NB person Lindsay misgendered when she used screenshots of their tweets in her video ended up getting harassed by her fans. Which is ironic because Lindsay literally talks about how this sort of shit is a bad thing.I think a problem with Breadtube as a whole is that they’re so used to being viewed as morally virtuous that they just have a hard time accepting that they can be wrong or have stupid takes sometimes. Like with the ongoing issue of letting ex-Nazis be platformed in leftist spaces. So when they’re criticized they just lump their critics as trolls whether they’re acting in good faith or not. 

          • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

            I briefly read up on the Ellis thing, and it seems to be a blend of the original issue (not the misgendering, which came later, IIRC?) being blown way out of proportion AND Ellis being unable to handle that with aplomb.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            There’s also just the fact that Lindsay just seems to spend most of her apology video making excuses for her actions rather than actually apologizing. Like, she makes allusions to the fact that there were valid criticisms of her Raya Tweet in her “Masks Off” video but never specifically mentions what they were and just focuses on the “Diet Nazis” making bad faith attacks on her. And than she made this Tweet stating on the Raya Tweet that she put as much nuance as she was “willing to give it.”.

      • syafiqjabar-av says:

        Hard to take Laserface talking about Ellis seriously when it’s possible he’s just upset she called Zack Snyder a good person. 

    • fired-arent-i-av says:

      You already made your personal dissatisfaction with Lindsay Ellis’s thorough apology video quite clear in a previous unrelated thread. What’s your goal here, to convince everyone else to also come down on the side of your opinion of it?

      • laserface1242-av says:

        My OP wasn’t even about Lindsay. It was about ContraPoints. The guy who replied just jumped to conclusions assuming I was talking about the former. If you like Lindsay fine. I have mixed feelings about about her at best and I have no interest in watching her stuff. Though admittedly I made my initial comment way too vague and easily could have applied to either of them in hindsight.Natalie on the other hand is about a year away from platforming fascists given her Twitter rants on “cancel culture”, calling her critics “wokescolds”, providing a platform for the asshole who outed Lana Whachowski, and saying her video getting demonetized is censorship despite the fact that she makes at least $13000 a month on Patreon. Honestly I apologize for my OP being vague.

        • brockhampton-av says:

          You should also apologize for believing in someone who falsely accused a transwoman of being predatory:

          A Statement Regarding Jourdain Searles, Kyle Kallgren, and Lina Morgan A Personal Account Concerning Jourdain Searles

        • fired-arent-i-av says:

          Ellis can be blunt and her answers can be sharp, but misgendering is not something I see in her MO. That’s the kind of spiteful bullying tactic that isn’t her style. If she used the wrong pronouns I suspect it’s a mistake or ignorance.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            It was literally in their bio that they preferred they/them pronouns when Lindsay lifted screenshots of their tweets. I also just don’t like she and Natalie are popularizing right wing newspeak in leftist spaces like “wokescold” and “cancel culture”. The former of which was literally coined by Ben Shapiro and is just “SJW” with a new coat of paint. Using this type of language allows right wing dickbags to more easily infiltrate leftist spaces and allows them to more easily harass marginalized people within these spaces.

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            Didn’t the person’s username have the word “girl” in it or something like that? Intentional misgendering is obviously not okay, but when you present yourself as a specific gender and then get called that gender, it’s pretty disingenuous to berate someone for not noticing the gender neutral pronouns in your bio.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            No, Lindsay added that…

          • paulkinsey-av says:

            Fair enough. I should have realized that it was a fake name. Still don’t know that it was intentional, but she should be more careful.

          • laserface1242-av says:

            The thing is, she has been running interference for Natalie when she was called out for platforming Buck Angel, an enbyphobic abuser and con artist and generally punching down at NB and non-passing trans people.

        • jjjj23-av says:

          As to your last point:So I don’t appreciate you misrepresenting what she said.

  • ospoesandbohs-av says:

    His statement sounds believable and contrite to me. It’s important to note he wasn’t actually the one making these vile statements, he was just in the room, so to speak. Apology accepted.

    • drkschtz-av says:

      Does his statement sound inherently believable to you because you want it to? More so than say, a white country singer?

      • ospoesandbohs-av says:

        His explanation of what happens seems plausible (though I’ve never used Clubhouse). And I think his actions after the incident are evidence he knows he fucked up even by (as he puts it) accidentally associating with these people. The statement hits all the right notes.

      • dannyhammer-av says:

        If this was Tim McGraw or someone then they’d be shitting all over this apology.

        • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

          Lol. Proof positive that you’re not actually up on country music, other than as a way to signal how “anti-woke” you are.This whiney punk is complaining that Morgan Wallen got in trouble for shouting the n-word on camera.Don’t worry, though – his sales skyrocketed, once his listeners found out!

          • dannyhammer-av says:

            Here are three things that are true:1) If Tim McGraw did what Lakeith Stanfield did, and then issued the exact same apology, commentators here would be far less willing to accept it. This is because McGraw’s actions would’ve played into their preconceptions and unconscious biases about Southern whites, and people really don’t like having those biases challenged.2) Country music sucks ass.3) Your post is a giant non-sequitur and you have brain worms.

          • callmecarlosthedwarf-av says:

            Your not catching that he was referring to a specific, recent incident doesn’t make my post a non sequitur, kiddo.Also, good country is dope.

    • bennyboy56-av says:

      Why was he in the room in the first place? Mr Farrakhan’s views are well known, so you’d think that most people would avoid anything connected to him like the plague.

  • imodok-av says:

    I’m glad Stanfield apologized but I’m more bothered some people find that Farrakhan is worth discussing. He’s just another flavor of conservative, reactionary religiousity that makes me glad I’m agnostic.

  • filmgamerone-av says:

    I actually heard he was going to host beforehand and as soon as I saw what he was going to host I thought, “I’m sure that’s going to turn out very poorly”.

  • zwing-av says:

    I’m shocked that a discussion about Farrakhan’s “teachings” turned anti-Semitic. It is far past time that he is treated with the disrespect he deserves for his hateful and conspiracy theory-laden thoughts, not just on Jews, but on…pretty much everyone? Any forum that doesn’t place his words in that context is by its nature going to devolve because of the content of, you know, the content of those words.

  • docprof-av says:

    I pretty much only ever hear about clubhouse being full of all kinds of anti-semitism, racism, misogyny, hopophobia, and transphobia.

  • syafiqjabar-av says:


  • syafiqjabar-av says:

    It doesn’t need to be said that when the group you’re in starts to get racist, you have to Get Out.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    I feel like people should generally stay off of newer social media sites that haven’t already dealt with and banned racist assholes. Like yea, they may pay you some money to market it. But it’s also fairly likely those racist assholes who have no permanent home are gonna be there too.

  • adohatos-av says:

    Why does anyone need to go into a room to discuss the ‘teachings’ of a hatemonger? Maybe a quick Google search beforehand would have saved him a lot of trouble. I guess I’ll just give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he’s not a bigot, just either lazy or dumb enough to have complete strangers verbally instruct him about a subject rather than checking Wikipedia. Entirely predictable and preventable. 

  • hasselt-av says:

    I must be old. I never hear about new(ish?) social media platforms until they cause a public controversy. Although, thankfully, this article did a nice job of explaining Clubhouse for Gen X geezers like myself.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    It’s too bad he wasn’t in a position to do anything about the anti-semitism in the discussion he was moderating.

    • aliks-av says:

      I mean, he literally took responsibility for the fact that he could’ve and didn’t do anything about it. Not that that means that you have to forgive him or anything but it’s not really a gotcha to call him out for that when he already did it himself

  • schwartz666-av says:

    I’ve never used nor really know much about Clubhouse, but I imagine being an audio-only social media platform means that every topic room inevitably devolves into rascist rehortic eventually.Like all social media, it will be constantly ruined by horrible assholes.

    • lordpooppants3-av says:

      The only other time I heard about Clubhouse was a few weeks ago when one of their PR flacks guested on a radio business show. This exact scenario was brought up by the host, to which the PR person gave a rambling retort that could be distilled to an audio shrug emoji. My only thought was “This will end well for all involved.”

      • schwartz666-av says:

        There lies the major flaw in an audio social platform. Real-time content moderation inherently falls to “moderators” as no sufficient audio-based algorithm exists yet (besides the NSA) to do anything.Allowing mods to “self-police” dooms Clubhouse to Parlor & 4chan levels of bigoted anarchy.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    So Clubhouse is just Twitter out loud?  Sounds awesome.

  • elemeno82002-av says:

    This is why it’s so important to put in the work and educate yourself about important issues BEFORE you become famous and/or before you deep dive into social media. Celebrity just attracts fake intellectuals who want to teach you their version of history and social grievances. It’s more than a little shameful how many people are seeking out social media spaces and social media influencers as their primary source of history education.

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