
Legends Of Tomorrow serves up a dumpster full of love fireworks

The time-idiots eat too much curry while trying to save the captain, and if that's not pathos, what is?

TV Reviews Legends of Tomorrow
Legends Of Tomorrow serves up a dumpster full of love fireworks
Caity Lotz, Jes Macallan Photo: The CW

Before we do anything else, there’s one thing we should get out of the way. If you’ve been holding in a squeal of joy, go ahead and release it on three.




That’s better.

Sara Lance has died a lot, and death has trailed her even when her pulse hasn’t been an area of concern. Friends have died. Family members have died. (Like quite a few Arrowverse viewers, Nate seems confused about exactly which Lance family members are alive and well in this timeline.*) She’s killed and chosen not to; she’s fought to save people and grieved when she realized she couldn’t. And she was a death witch for a minute.

Death is kind of Sara’s thing, is the point. And no small part of her power (speaking of emotional strength here, not bulletproofedness) comes from that intimate relationship with death. It’s like she says to Spooner here, in the lovely little scene they have together, a perfect example of a Sara-comforts-a-Legend-by-just-being-open-and-listening scene, this time with someone she’s never met. She’s not afraid, she’s intrigued. Sara’s only really scared of herself: of who she’ll hurt, of what she’ll become, of who she’ll fail to save, etc. Not death.

But there’s a world of difference between not fearing death and actively choosing a joyful life. Even as a clone.

“Back To The Finale: Pt. ii” isn’t a perfect episode of DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow. It’s an episode (credited to writers Morgan Faust and Mark Bruner and directed by Glen Winter) both somewhat overstuffed and at times a little thin. It’s also occasionally rushed. But it’s a gem all the same, thanks largely to the show’s understanding of Sara Lance and of the story that brought her to the Waverider. Like Buffy summers, she died a lot. Like Oliver Queen, she wanted to make amends for the mistakes of her past, and for a long time thought she wasn’t capable of doing good, nor of deserving happiness or love.

But look at her now. Sure, as we learn from her conversation with Spooner, she’s nervous that as she keeps changing, she’ll change into someone Ava can’t love, but she’s not afraid she’ll stop loving Ava, nor that she herself isn’t deserving of love. Yes, she tries to sacrifice herself for the 252nd time, but it’s to give “human” Sara—a version that’s not self-healing or anything else that Bishop wrought upon her DNA—a chance to live a happy life with Ava. And even that plan gets abandoned when Mick Rory, of all people, gives it to her straight. “I see Captain Lance,” he says. “I see my oldest friend.”

Dying, then coming back (either as someone new or not ) is an Arrowverse tradition, and Sara Lance is one of its originators. But as with the show’s farewells to Martin Stein (grief through time travel + Beebo) and Ray Palmer (an oh-no-the-love-of-my-life-is-leaving episode, but centered on a bromance), the Legends take on this Sara resurrection is appropriately screwball without losing its emotional core. Ava spends the episode watching Sara talk to David Frickin Bowie on a loop; the rest of the team spends the episode attempting to keep her from getting spacenapped in the first place. It starts with Behrad and the stripe on the wrong side (and his thinking weed). It ends with a dumpster full of love fireworks.

The dueling A stories—Sara escapes from Planet Bishop and the Legends badly attempt to change the past—at first seem like polar opposites. Yes, Bishop is wAcKy (thanks largely to Raffi Barsoumian’s winningly manic performance) and the Avas wear some truly terrible wigs, but the stakes are clear and high. In contrast, the Legends do nothing but screw up from start to finish. At no point is their plan anything but doomed, and even the bits that work (mostly just Spooner talking to Sara, which she’s supposed to avoid at all costs) don’t come close to solving the problem. In fact, Behrad’s attempt seems (to him) to cause the spacenapping in the first place. It’s not screwing things up for the better, it’s a desperate attempt to do the impossible, and it never comes close to working. It’s just a lot of sadness and Nate eating mushroom curry (and then showing up from an alternate timeline).

That shouldn’t work. But it does, because they’re really just grieving. The plot doesn’t spin its wheels. It just hits a wall over and over again because not even a time machine can solve everything. Sara needs to save herself in the present, with the help of a couple friends, a bloodthirsty alien queen, and a planet full of Avas.

It’s great. And even the season-long “wow, Legends, dark” vibe works perfectly here: it’s not an entirely happy ending, as they’re forced to leave Kayla behind (and Mick is not happy about it). Gee, I wonder if that will be important later?

She gets home, to her home, having died once again “I die about once a year and my girlfriend’s a clone,” Sara tells Bishop disdainfully when he thinks he’s truly shocked her. He has, but it takes more than a shock to stop Sara Lance. She’s been through a lot, and she’ll have to go through more, but for now, it’s love in a punk club parking lot as a terrifying lady mannequin explodes in a shower of beautiful fireworks.

*— Quentin/Dad—died but is now alive. Laurel/Sister—dead, but just the version from our earth; the Earth-2 Laurel (aka Not-Laurel aka Black Siren) is here instead, living life as this Sara’s Laurel. Dinah/Mom—never died, just lives in Central City and so is apparently dead to all other Lances unless they need an engagement ring for their girlfriend, and then it’s Hello, Sweetie.

Stray observations

  • Behstra is back on, baby!
  • I would like Zari’s cheetah sweater please and thank you.
  • The ending is solid, but Mick/Kayla still feels like a story that should work but doesn’t, as if all involved (rightly) assumed that the pairing would be obvious and then (wrongly) decided they didn’t have to work too hard to justify the relationship.
  • It took those idiots an embarassingly long time to realize that Spooner could slip in there without a problem.
  • Does Nate use his extremely helpful superpower in this episode? He does not, unless he steeled up while taking a curry shit.
  • Episode MVP: Caity Lotz (and Jes Macallan).
  • Why the fuck not?: Nate goes full time-travel shenanigans and comes back as Nate cosplaying as a one-eyed John Constantine. Then he gets blooped out of existence. Also, dumpster full of love fireworks!
  • Line-reading of the week: “You have an unorthodox comforting style.”
  • Gideon, what’s the most meta moment?: All the finales are great, except the one where Nate died.
  • Episode title ranking: 1. Meat: The Legends. 2. Ground Control To Sara Lance. 3. Back To The Finale: Pt. ii. 4. Bishop’s Gambit 5. Bay Of Squids. 6. The Satanist’s Apprentice. 7. The Ex-Factor.


  • allfartnopoop-av says:

    loved it. i cried.

  • jessiemonster-av says:

    So much of this season doesn’t work for me.*Mick talking again and again about how great Sara is seems out of character*Bishop, in spite of all the good work Raffi Barsoumian’s hard work, is not connecting with me at all.*Nate calling Zari the love of his life, when we all watched Nate/Amaya play out much more epically.*Behrad’s emotional journey. Acting like he has been a part of the crew for years worked last season when it was part of the mystery, but this season it just highlights how little we know him. Weed is not a personality.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      These are valid points, but I’m okay with #1 & #2. … #3 I mostly agree but Zari and Nate had that great Raiders-inspired date. (That came out weirdly rhymey) … And #4 I totally agree.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      I’ll admit I’m biased against Bishop given there’s so many DC mad scientists they could’ve used and chose to use none of them. The antics and dancing are OK, but he’s missing the edge of the best Arrowverse villains. That said, he’s got more personality than Mallus, Neron and the Fates combined so by default he’s at least mid-tier on my list.That’s a good point about Behrad, The good news is half the characters are new-ish (Zari 2.0, Astra, Spooner) so we’re seeing him define those relationships as we go, but yeah he needs some specificity with the older crew. 

      • wastrel7-av says:

        Ugh, now you’re just reminding us how much the villains are a weak point of the show. The Fates, Neron, Mallus, Savage, Nate’s Dad, Generic Zany Scientist Villain…Really makes me long for villains like Dahrk, Merlyn and Thawne again. It’s probably not a great sign that their best villains were three characters stolen from other shows!

    • mhaynes2-av says:

      -Mick writes romance novels. There’s a sensitivity there that is part of his character’s complexity. And with every version of Snart now gone (for now) Sara is the only person left who really gets him. -This one is personal so okay. -I agree with this one, but everyone (including many fans) prefer Zari 1.0 to be around and with Nate despite that relationship being forced to the max. As long as we don’t lose Zari 2.0 he can mope as much as he wants IMO. -We have to remember that Behrad did everything Zari 1.0 did in seasons 3 & 4 (aside from dating Nate, which I assume was replaced with him dating Charlie). It makes sense that he is so close to them in that instance. 

    • dee2017-av says:

      Weed is not a personality.I know and have dated stoners who see weed as a core personality trait for them…Mick has dug deep from time to time (he was good with Mona) so it is not too far out of his personality. Plus he and Sara are the OGs left. I honestly haven’t paid much attention when Bishop is on screen so I haven’t been invested in his plan. I agree with the Nate/Zari bit, he was with Amaya for much longer and they established a relationship.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Agree with all these points to some degree accept the Sara and Mick one. Mick has talked highly of Sara even in season one. Maybe its happening more frequently but that’s because he is looking for her and his motives are being questioned. She like Leonard has always had Micks back and he recognises that.Completely agree on Behrad. However I will say that his strain of ‘thinking weed’ does indeed exist.

    • delaccount-av says:

      #2 Actually, this one was the first episode in that Bishop did not annoy me… oh, well… but I guess, we get to see him again – at least once.#3 Allergic to all kinds of love triangles (and “will they/won’t they” for that matter), and Nate + Whoever never worked for me anyway, though Nate + Amaya probably came closest to working. Just hoping there’s no Nate + Zari 2.0 ahead of us…
      #4 Agreed.

  • kris1066-av says:

    Mick had sex with Kayla in her alien form?…..That’s just not right.I actually thought that Ava’s room was in her house. It just didn’t look like the rest of the Waverider. And why was the door open?Well, Sara’s not having an existential crisis about being a clone. At least not yet.Legends being meta about the finales.Awwww, Mick is a big softie.Behrad, you have a problem. Get help.John’s magic isn’t coming back. How’s that going to work going forward?I’m glad that John’s love speech was about him not having powers, not him falling in love with Zari. Also glad that Zari picked up on it. She’s a woman that runs a multi-million dollar company. She’s not an idiot.I love Ava reacting to finding the future Legends. And her plan to erase it from her mind.Nate PliskinNo, don’t walk Zari down that path again.Ready for Nate to just leave.Nice scene between Spooner and Sara. Will she remember it next episode?Kayla’s disappeared, huh? I wonder if she’ll show up in the 80’s….pregnant.Spooner isn’t in the background of Bowie’s video of Sara.That moment when Sara touched the side of Ava’s face was the most romantic moment I’ve seen in the Arrowverse.Caity Lotz. I could hear the tears in her eyes when she was giving her proposal.That’s how you do it.

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      I think the Mick/Kaya sex was a nod to Galaxy Quest.

    • crackblind-av says:

      Mick had sex with Kayla in her alien form?…..That’s just not right.But you know what it is?

    • shlincoln-av says:

      Nate Fury

    • skipskatte-av says:

      I loved that Zari was totally into Nate-as-Constantine. So it’s all the coat, huh, Zari?
      Also, Sara figuring out she has to hurry up and save herself because The Legends were dicking around with the timeline was a great “Captain Lance as exasperated mom” moment.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I’m glad I’m not the only one who was confused about Ava’s room.

      • skipskatte-av says:

        It’s totally an Ava move to Pottery Barn the holy shit out of her room on the Waverider. 

        • wastrel7-av says:

          To be fair, they do have access to the whole of space and time for their decorating needs; it’s surprising they haven’t all personalised the ship a bit more.Also, covered all the walls in original Van Goghs. They’re really cheap, if you buy them off Van Gogh…

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    Hardly their best finale but solid and fun and that’s all I really ask for.

    Alt!Nate’s Constantine was great but not as great as Zari’s reaction to it. 

    • lhosc-av says:

      This wasn’t the finale. We’ve got like 6 more eps.

    • priest-of-maiden-av says:

      Hardly their best finale but solid and fun and that’s all I really ask for.

      It’s the seventh episode of the season. Not the finale.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      I was going to leave this comment if no one else did. Constantine/Nate mashup = Zari: “Hello-o Sailor!”

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Although it was played as a joke, it’s another example of their willingness to take their conceits seriously. Zari 2 is just Zari 1 with different life experiences – it makes sense there’d be at least a little overlap in what they find attactive. She may not be in love with Nate*, but physically there’s probably got to be something about him that appeals to her…
      *am I the only one who gets annoyed when Nate calls Zari the love of his life? Dude, you’re just across the street from the woman** who’s wearing the face of the LAST epic love of your life…**I know it’s probably unavoidable for Real World Reasons, but wow, it feels cold the crew knowing that Sarah’s been abducted, and then knowing that she’s dead, and then running around within shouting distance of one of Sarah’s friends, who used to be a member of their own crew until approximately yesterday, and yet they never ask Charlie for help! Imagine how pissed Charlie would feel if she found out that her friend died, and maybe she could have saved her, but her own “friends” didn’t even bother to let her know…

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        How exactly are they going to tell her when she’s on stage? 

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Well Amaya moved on from Nate & married someone else and had kids and grandkids, so I don’t think we can fault Nate for also moving on

        • wastrel7-av says:

          Oh, I don’t mind that he has a new girlfriend. It just seems really cold to act as though the previous girlfriend never existed, particularly when it was a relatively short time ago, he was with the new girlfriend for such a short time, and he’s been until recently constantly faced with a reminder of the old girlfriend.[Sarah falls into this as well, of course, with Nyssa, but for me that’s less of an issue, because that really was many, many years ago now, and Sarah has died repeatedly since then, and she’s had little reason to think about Nyssa since then. It’s not like she’s in a bar watching Nyssa’s identical twin perform on stage or anything…]
          It annoys me in real life, too, because a lot of people do this. One week it’s all “oh, Person X is the one true love of my life, I will love them for all eternity!!!”, and then the next week it’s “oh, Person Y is the one true love of my life, I will love them for all eternity!!!” and Person X is never mentioned again. I always think that if I were Person Y, this would be an enormous red flag for me.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      I’m late catching up on these episode, so I know there are a bunch more for this season.  But this episode *really* felt like a season finale.

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    It was Behrad confused on the Lance family situation, not Nate.I wish we had gotten more out of Nate-as-Constatine, because that was just amazing. If John really doesn’t have magic, shouldn’t the spell have affect Behrad and Zari’s Totems?I kinda doubt Bishop is gone once and for all. Surprised you didn’t note that Bishop was only into Sara due to Mick’s novels. Also surprised Sara didn’t rib Mick about that.I’ll be honest, I half expected Sara to get abducted again (possibly with Ava this time) by someone else during the final segment.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      I didn’t know what to expect, but I was certain SOMETHING terrible was going to happen in the last few minutes (probably just before Ava said ‘yes’). That’s such a tired trope, and I’m glad they avoided it.Then again: we have checked there’s more episodes, right? Because that did feel worryingly like a “we decided to end the season halfway through but don’t worry it all ends happily!” episode…[Annoyed that they had Sara even temporarily go down the “oh no! I’m a clone, am I really me?” and then the “oh no! I’m part-alien! Am I really me? I’d better risk death AND the victory of the villain rather than stay like this!” routes – she’s better than that. And in the end she is, just as the show is better than having it all undone by time-travel, but it took her rather too long to realise it. Plus, imagine how awkward the conversation would be when she met Spooner. “Hi, Captain Lance, I’m Spooner, I’ve had an alien implanted into me and I’m worried about that!” – “Oh, yeah, that happened to me once and I decided to kill myself to undo it because the thought was so disgusting to me…” – great pep talk there.]Is Sara the same sort of alien as Spooner now? That seems like a missed opportunity (though it would let them speak alien to each other, which would be fun). Sadly it feels like something they’ll undo at the end of the season anyway, just like the last time she got special powers. [and the time before that…]And how certain are we that “clean” Sara was actually destroyed? Wait, is that how they’re going to undo this – have aliensara die heroically and be replaced by cleansara?

      • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

        This was intended to be the mid-season finale, but CW is just airing the whole season in one straight shot rather than taking a break in the middle.

        • wastrel7-av says:

          But even as a midseason finale… it (seemingly) wrapped up all the season’s plot neatly, and left nothing for the next half.
          I know there’s lots more plot that could come from the first half… but in the past, even their actual season finales have felt less conclusive. There’s usually at least one scene at the end with a ‘oh no, look at the next problem!’ sting to hook the audience…

          • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

            Given the preview for next week, there are still aliens roaming about the time stream.It would not surprise me if Sara’s body begins breaking down and they need to head back to the mystery planet to save her.

          • wastrel7-av says:

            Oh, sure, there’s plenty of possibilities (I’m not convinced Bishop’s dead either, and there’s Kayla, and…). It’s just it’s really unusual for them not to have explicitly dangled some of those possibilities in front of the audience as a cliffhanger.

          • simonc1138-av says:

            I remember on Arrow when Ollie finally got released from prison (in very much the same sort of lead-character-is-sent-away-arc) they just let that moment play as well without any immediate hints as to what was coming next. Conversely Supergirl also went through something similar this year and teased what was next, but they should’ve taken another minute to let the reunion sink in. 

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        Well, we saw “clean” Sarah collapse into dust, so that’s pretty clear. I do think Sarah and Spooner are the same alien, but I can’t be sure.

    • angelicafun-av says:

      If John really doesn’t have magic, shouldn’t the spell have affect Behrad and Zari’s Totems?
      Zari and Behrad were a flip phone and a candelabra when Johnny C lost his magic so maybe that didn’t apply? Plus they established that the totems’ power, while magic, work on a different level.

      • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

        Maybe the best way to think about it is: John & Aleister’s power was derived from Hell. Astra’s Mom’s song was created to blank that. Zari and Behrad’s totems are derived culturally from a different source. It’s a theory, anyway.

    • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

      Yep I was bracing myself for Sara and Ava to get abducted again. Then I breathed a sigh of relief when the mannequin fireworks went off.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    -SQUEEEEEEEE!-Behrad has “thinking weed”.-Sara being condescending/scornful of all Bishop’s crap has been great all season.-Love Ava stealing the displaced Legends’ drinks so she can forget their timeline fuckery. also explains why she was so incredibly hung over in the premiere when it seemed a little OOC for her.-HI CHARLIE NICE TO SEE YOU ON STAGE AGAIN!-Mick needs his friend back on the Waverider.-Sara actually wrote down a proposal instead of going off the cuff? a) when did she even sneak the time b) that feels like Ava’s influence-Even the exploding mannequin had a part to play.

    • angelicafun-av says:

      If they don’t somehow bring Bishop back, I already miss Sara punching him in the face every chance she got. 

      • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

        YES it was great and also maybe a bad self-preservation move…but when you die yearly what even is self-preservation

    • simonc1138-av says:

      -Sara actually wrote down a proposal instead of going off the cuff? a) when did she even sneak the time b) that feels like Ava’s influenceThere was a lot of time on the trip back (which felt a little abrupt considering how long it took Mick and Kayla to get there, but we get it, writers).

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Mick as Best man confirmed

    • hornacek37-av says:

      “also explains why she was so incredibly hung over in the premiere when it seemed a little OOC for her.”I’m hoping this was planned out when they wrote the premiere.Now I’m wondering in the previous season finale when Sara gets abducted, do we see her get distracted by someone offscreen (Behrad) just before she’s beamed up?  Because that would be impressive.

  • fireupabove-av says:

    I may have been wrong last week in my prediction about this being an all-time great episode, but it was still a great episode.Nate Pliskin was amazing.I love the way this show subverts expectations constantly. Somehow, Mick’s friendship with Sara and how much he values it has produced the best emotional beats in the show this season when you’d expect John/Zari or Ava/Sara to have them. After so long of Mick having nothing to do but drink, the writers have remembered why he’s so important to the team.Did anyone screencap the white board with Behrad’s plan? In the moment I focused on the large “Back to the Future Part II” but I am sure there were some other funnier things on the board.Pregnant Kayla is going to be HELLA PISSED at being left behind. She shouldn’t have done the ear thing.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      After so long of Mick having nothing to do but drink, the writers have remembered why he’s so important to the team.I assume Dominic Purcell made the decision to leave independently of this season, but him rescuing Sara and telling her flat out how much he values their friendship seems like a satisfying way to complete his character’s arc.

      • fireupabove-av says:

        Yeah, I kinda hope her gets a good but appropriately Legends sendoff, like maybe he goes to live on Kayla’s planet or something.

      • angelicafun-av says:

        Him shouting I HATE CLONES and then literally 15 minutes later just accepting Sara as a clone for being his captain and friend one is just beautiful.

  • lostlimey296-av says:

    I feel like Mick referring to Sara as his oldest friend is a little unfair to the late Leonard Snart.

  • lhosc-av says:

    Calling it now. Sara has Bishop dna and his consciousness in her, manchurian candidate style.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      And Mick is the one who is pregnant.

    • allisonshoemaker-av says:

      That was my guess from the preview for next week as well. 

      • wastrel7-av says:

        I think (hope? pray?) that that’s just her usual inappropriate pre-mission enthusiasm, magnified by the elation of just getting engaged, the relief of getting home, and the need to avoid thinking about the whole dying/cloning/mutating thing. That cocktail would make anybody giddy, and she has, for instance, done the fingerguns before.But it could also be Bishop.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      NOOOOO…Shes going to break out in gyration and song but in his irritating style

    • rethinkling-av says:

      Oh I hadn’t considered that possibility. When he died while the human Sara clone was being printed I figured he’d hijack that body.

  • brucelapangolin-av says:

    So are we just not gonna talk about how willing Sara was to have two of her running around the universe, and let the one that wasn’t “her” go back to the Legends and marry Ava because it didn’t have any alien DNA? (watches rest of episode) Okay, guess not.

    • gccompsci365-av says:

      The plan was for alien Sara to die.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      She felt that as being part human/part alien she would be a danger to Ava, the Legends, and humanity.  So she was willing to sacrifice herself (at first I thought her plan was to create the all-human Sarah clone and then kill herself) by remaining on the planet, knowing that a safe (i.e. all-human) version of herself would be with Ava.

  • simonc1138-av says:

    Yeah! She’s home! The Sara/Ava reunion was everything it needed to be. Still the best romance in the Arrowverse. I thought at one point Sara was going to call Ava her lightning rod during the proposal. I like that Behrad is the one to go rogue to save Sara. Granted there’s not a lot of characters left whom the writers could realistically give this to – Mick’s already off, Ava’s too seasoned to mess with time, Nate and Constantine learned the hard way and Zari 2.0, Astra, and Spooner don’t have the history. But with Behrad it implies so much of the unseen re-written history between him and Sara, and also calls back to Zari 1.0’s time hacks, just with less finesse. Of course Pliskin Nate just proves some Legends plans are too wacky. “It’s a mannequin, B.”Kayla getting left behind is definitely a setup for later, but still seems hypocritical after she stayed for them.How can the Avas still live in that base if the generators are gone?

    • wastrel7-av says:

      The big difference of course is that Barry doesn’t particularly seem to need a ‘lightning rod’ (he has a general need for people to constantly praise him and cheer him up, but any passing stranger seems to be good for that…).Whereas here the writers made sure to explain why Sara’s anxious about her own constant mutation as a person, before having her explain that Ava can be the constant thing in her life that keeps her who she is. She doesn’t know where she’s going to end up… but she knows that so long as she stays by Ava’s side, she’ll be home. That’s both genuinely sweet and genuinely insightful.The fact that after 7 seasons we don’t have any equivalent sense of who Barry is or what he’s afraid of is a big part of why Flash is so much worse as a show than Legends. And why character decisions on Flash so often feel like things characters do just because the writers needed them to do it, whereas even things on Legends that actually are done just because the writers needed it – Ray leaving, for instance – feel organic and understandable (albeit sometimes slightly rushed).

  • psychopirate-av says:

    This was a little rushed at times, but still excellent. The Nate/Constantine gag was excellent, as was Zari’s little bit of attraction towards him. I’d expect Kayla and Bishop to come back, even though I’d rather be done with the latter entirely.

  • joec55-av says:

    Sara has been dead before, but it was always Sara in Sara’s body. This is much different. I’m still trying to get over Picard not being Picard. We have to look back on their previous shows as the ‘real”, original character. Maybe Q can fix both of them.

    • dee2017-av says:

      I’m still upset with how they rushed the ending of Picard. When he “died” and there was like 10 minutes left in the episode, I knew they’d bring him back but there was no way to emotionally land that when we all knew he’d be back in 5 minutes…

    • barron63-av says:

      Add LMD Agent Coulson to that once distinguished but suddenly rapidly growing list!

      • joec55-av says:

        Thanks for remining me. I had thought of Coulson after Picard “died”. Now was Coulson actually Coulson after ‘Tahiti’.

  • angelicafun-av says:

    Allison, seriously, thank you for these reviews, you really get this show. I will miss Sara punching Bishop (and Bishop himself) every chance she got a lot, I hope there is a super cut or at least a gif set of it. There was a ton that happened and I legit said “How is it that there are still 10 minutes to go” at the last commercial break. After the trauma of Arrow, I really thought a public proposal will end up the way it did for Oliver and Felicity, but nope, Legends writers love us as much as we love them.

  • sassyskeleton-av says:

    I recently had a medical emergency and thought “Cool I can watch Legends while I rest a bit.”BUTFor some reason, I’m just not getting back into it. Maybe it’s fatigue from the show or something else, but reading these recaps is the only way I’m keeping on it. I’ve given up on the rest of the Arrowverse (Flashverse now?) and Legends was the only thing I was keeping up on. Maybe when the season is done, I’ll binge it all since I’ll have more downtime in August.

  • alphablu-av says:

    Tremendous bit of physical acting from Raffi Barsoumian as the paralytic was kicking in. He was certainly a fun villain, and even if we never see him again the eccentric singing clonemaster was certainly nice to have around.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I loved Ava struggling to restrain herself from saying “yes” to Sara’s proposal until she got to the end of it. For a clone from the future Ava is very relatable to me. I loved Mick being the one to make the inspirational speech & getting through to Sara. I kind of wanted the Ava clones to come with them. Sara & Ava having an army of Avas at their command would be great. Though perhaps that might make our Ava a little insecure

    • delaccount-av says:

      Everything as usual – Sara dies a lot. Ava exists a lot.Perfect match, I guess.And yeah, an Ava army (with all kinds of bad wigs) would’ve been fun.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      Yeah, I loved Ava immediately saying “Yes!” and Sarah saying “No, you gotta let me ask first.”

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    Spooner & Astra bickering is already great, even though both are new regulars this season  like with Behrad they definitely are strong presences who seem like they belong, especially because like true Legends they are weirdos who don’t belong anywhere 

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Astra ‘works’ in the sense that she’s fun and has good chemistry. But I’m still not sure what the point of her is in the team. She doesn’t have any assets to contribute – her one thing, experience of being queen of hell – is largely ignored except for jokes, and in any case is probably too similar a skillset to Zari’s social media influencer career.Even if she learns magic, she’s just duplicating Constantine. Maybe they get rid of Constantine – but does that mean getting rid of the Zaris? (I doubt they’re actually going to kill off John Constantine, so I guess he’d have to just leave). Or maybe Constantine never gets his magic back and Astra takes over that role… but then what good is Constantine? [good role: Zari’s off-screen boyfriend who owns a house they can crash at and makes occasional funny guest appearances. But there usually seem to be Real World Reasons not to bump people down from starring to guest – they’re either on the show or kicked off it].I guess I’m just a bit annoyed that they have a literal Queen of Hell, played by a funny and talented actor, and are utterly underusing her…

  • stryke-av says:

    I’ve been binging a bunch of RealJims on youtube recently and so I just lost it the moment when they mentioned the only other building around was a fireworks factory. Even better as unlike on the Simpsons they actually got there and it paid off wonderfully.

  • evanwaters-av says:

    Jes Macallan has been pulling off so much this season. Multiple Avas, all sorts of emotional stress, and that shot of her dancing during last season’s finale was so hilarious. (BTW I thoroughly welcome any opportunity to re-use the punk mix of Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sace.)

    • simonc1138-av says:

      Yeah I was just thinking she had to do all the exterior BC stuff then come back and do the studio interiors with the different costumes + all the regular A plot stuff with the other Legends.EDIT: It’s baffling to think how Stephen Amell was doing this on a weekly basis for seasons on end back in the day.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Jes has a particularly cute/sad cry face which I noticed last week.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      I’ve always been skeptical of Ava as a character – she was introduced as an annoyingly obvious love interest with an uninteresting personality and few distinguishing features (which they even seemed to lampshade when it was discovered that even her parents are fake).But even I must admit that this season she’s really felt part of the crew. Macallan’s done a great job of filling in the blanks, I think.

      • simonc1138-av says:

        Cliched meet-cute aside, I like how they’ve gradually broken her character down and rebuilt her over the seasons, not unlike Sara. She’s a fussy bureaucrat that has an existential crisis when she discovers she’s a clone, then loses the comforting, regulated office structure when the Bureau folds and learns to roll with the punches with the Legends. “Meet the Legends” where she’s trying to awkwardly plan the post-crossover surprise party and the Marie Antionette episode are two of my favourite Ava appearances so far.

  • obatarian-av says:

    Of course the most appropriate song for the last 2 episodes is…..

  • onslaught1-av says:

    Having watched all of these Arrowverse shows from the jump im reallllllly tired of their pep talk trope. Its the one of many but the the most annoying peeve I have with these shows. Yet i squealed when Mick and Sara reunited and my heart melted when he gave her the pep talk that she immediately changed her mind and I didn’t care how quick.

  • alanlacerra-av says:

    Buffy Anne Summers did die a couple of times but also . . . “She saved the world. A lot.”

  • onslaught1-av says:

    Gonna miss Sara beating the shit out of Bishop and dragging him around on the floor while he shrieks out admittedly hilarious asides.Did some of the Ava’s return with them?

  • docprof-av says:

    This season has been weird and there were some parts of this episode that didn’t work but I deeply enjoyed it.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      The pacing of this episode was weird & there were parts of it that don’t make sense to me. But I enjoyed it anyway & I am so happy for Ava & Sara! They both deserve to be happy. And the Legends were all so happy for them! They might be a bunch of fucking weirdo lunatics but that counts for something.

    • dee2017-av says:

      It really has been a weird season. I’m not someone who enjoys horror/monsters and this season has been chock full of that

  • delaccount-av says:

    Since Bishop is/was (who knows for sure) the inventor of the AVAs – was this like “Back to Meeting Ava’s Parent(s), Pt.ii”?We don’t consider him kind of Sara’s father-in-law, do we?

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Well, Rip was Ava’s mentor. Probably either Rip or the actor who played Ava’s father should give her away at the wedding.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    The biggest logistical challenges to Ava and Sara’s wedding will likely be rounding up all past and current Legends to be there, and making sure that none of Sara’s many historical hookups disrupt things. Nyssa al Ghul, the queen of France, and the Salem witches might be particular problems. Alex Danvers and Oliver/ the Specter I think will be fine

    • kris1066-av says:

      John will already be there.My thoughts are on who will be in the wedding party. I see Zari being Ava’s maid of honor and Lita giving her away.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        I do think that Zari is Ava’s closest friend, but Nate has been her most reliable teammate/ friend in the quest for Sara so he deserves consideration too I think Lita and Mona should be the flower girls, though I know Gary wants that role 

    • bc222-av says:

      I would actually bet on a VERY long engagement. I think they will drag this out, and the wedding may very well be the capper of the Arrowverse. The final crossover. Think the last season of How I Met Your Mother, where the entire season took place of the the course of the wedding weekend. Legends could easily do 13 eps where they travel back and fourth through time, gathering everyone they want at their wedding, even if they’re dead. Oliver, Snart, Rip, Laurel, Firestorm. Bring back every Arrowverse character. Have the wedding at Vanishing Point. Hawkgirl could serve coffee.

    • onslaught1-av says:

      Nyssa HAS to be in this show before it ends.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        Should be; has to be; won’t be.[as we’re seeing with Nate/Amaya, the first step to making someone the Love of Someone’s Life on this show is to Never Again Mention their previous Love of Their Life. Makes it feel less special…]

      • simonc1138-av says:

        Again, there was a missed opportunity to bring her in with an episode called “The Ex-Factor.”

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        Katrina Law was just cast as a regular on NCIS, which shoots a long season in a different country, which somewhat is concerning as to her availability unfortunately 

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Sadly, I suspect that, with the current state of the Arrowverse, the crossovers will be minimal at best. I doubt they’ll bring back actors who are out of their contracts.

    • the-ratchedemic-av says:

      I’m hoping that they delay the wedding to the 100th episode so they can have an excuse to blow the budget bringing everyone back. I want all the Legends to be there, but specifically some version of Snart, Jax, Stein, either Amaya or Charlie, Ray, and Nora. 

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      The CW will say that bringing back all those characters is beyond their budget. My counter response would be – Start a Go-Fund Me page!(I’d drop $50 in that)

    • angelicafun-av says:

      Franz Drameh is filming in Vancouver and was hanging out with Caity Lotz so fingers crossed Jax will show up 

  • newbender2-av says:

    This week in Sara Is The Best: all it takes is one brief conversation for Spooner to realize how cool Sara is.And I am very deliberately choosing a moment that features Sara in the past, because unless they establish that Bishop was able to transfer her consciousness from one body to another, then I am still not sold on accepting Clone Sara as Our Sara. The show has spent so much time arguing that all the Avas are unique individuals, it would be really disingenuous to suddenly turn around and say that Sara is replaceable and one clone version is just as good as any other, especially when they were getting ready to have two Saras running around simultaneously, which would seem to prove that Clone Sara just has a copy of her consciousness, not the original consciousness itself.That’s why, as lovely as the proposal scene was, I couldn’t fully get onboard with it, because that wasn’t Our Sara. Our Sara, the Sara who showed her engagement ring to David Frickin’ Bowie and talked about proposing to her girlfriend, she’s still dead on an alien planet, apparently. This new Sara is someone else, just as Nurse Ava and Chef Ava and PowerPoint Ava are all different people from Ava Sharpe. That’s why I’m really hoping that there is still some time travel hijinks or something in store which will restore Our Sara, because I don’t want to watch some other Sara marry Ava Sharpe. I want to watch Our Sara Frickin’ Lance marry Ava Sharpe, because she deserves it, and Ava deserves it, and frankly, we deserve it, because Our Sara Frickin’ Lance is the best Sara, and also just The Best in general.(And I kind of suspect something will happen to bring Our Sara back by the end of the season, because if they wouldn’t let her keep her psychic vision powers, then I doubt they’ll let her have a mutant healing factor for the rest of the series, because where’s the drama in that?)

    • gussiefinknottle1934-av says:

      I think the idea is that Sara is like Bishop who explicitly explained he’s not like the Avas – his exact conscious state is transferred to the next body so it’s basically just a mind moving through different bodies unlike the Avas which I guess start from a base consciousness and grow from it.(I’m a little behind here so maybe the last aired episode cleared all this up!)

      • newbender2-av says:

        But there would still be the issue of how Sarah (that’s what I’m calling the clone now) was about to generate another clone, and Sara’s original mind can’t be existing in two bodies at once, so why should we believe Sarah has Sara’s original consciousness either?To put it another way, we know for certain that souls exist in the Beeboverse, because when they revived Sara with the Lazarus Pit on Arrow, Constantine had to help them get Sara’s soul back to her body. Unless Sarah somehow has Sara’s soul inside her, then I’m sorry, but she’s #NotMySara.

  • dascoser1-av says:

    Dinah/Mom—never died, just lives in Central City and so is apparently dead to all other Lances unless they need an engagement ring for their girlfriend, and then it’s Hello, Sweetie”Nice.

  • groucho1971-av says:

    Life sucks so goddamn hard right now but Legends never fails to bring a good 42 minutes or so of joy every week. I utterly broke down for the proposal and fireworks. If you work on this show and stumble upon these lowly comments, please pass on to everyone involved that you’re keeping this guy alive.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      Same, and the show is so rewatchable to me, that there is the prospect that rewatching episodes will continue to keep me alive in the future! 

  • onslaught1-av says:

    Actor for Bishop reached Jim Carrey levels once Sara hit him with the paralytic. This week on missed scene on first watch. Ava dirty dancing with a trash can.

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    “Photoshop Ava”

    Mick and Sara’s heart-to-heart got me in the feels, I can tell you. I loved that Alternate Nate was also a Snake Plissken homage; I sort-of hope he makes a re-appearence but also sort-of don’t, as it’d be a perfect one-off weird joke.

  • boymeetsinternet-av says:

    The most meta moment should have been Sara saying she dies at least once a year lol. 

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    Why is the Ex-Factor last when you rated it higher than several episodes?

  • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

    Here at the end of the thread, I must say: Be still my heart over Spooner’s punky makeover. Please keep that look forever.

  • batista_thumbs_up-av says:

    Really? No comment on Zari’s panties proverbially dropping seeing Nate in Constantine garb? Because that was wonderful

  • hornacek37-av says:

    We finally get to see Mick’s flame-gun actually burn someone instead of just knocking them back but not actually burning them.

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