20 Marvel superheroes and villains we want to see in the MCU

While hundreds of Marvel characters have yet to move from page to screen, these figures are worthy of live-action debuts in Marvel's Phase Five and beyond

Film Features Marvel Comics
20 Marvel superheroes and villains we want to see in the MCU
Clockwise from bottom left: Spider-Woman (Spider-Woman/Artist: Jung-Geun Yoon); Sentry (The Sentry/Artist: Bryan Hitch); Miles Morales (Marvel Tales/Artist: Joshua “Sway” Swayby), and Genis-Vell (Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel/Artist: Juann Cabal) Image: Marvel Comics

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been expanding ever since Tony Stark first put on his Mark I armor, and it shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. With plans for Phase Five and beyond announced earlier this year at San Diego Comic-Con, the shared universe based on the world of Marvel Comics is set to release multiple films and interconnected Disney+ TV series annually for the foreseeable future. So if you like the MCU, it feels like the ride is still gaining speed.

Each new project, of course, brings the opportunity for new characters to join the MCU and, in many cases, enter a live-action adaptation for the first time. Marvel characters were leaping to the big and small screens even before the dawn of the MCU, but Marvel Comics has been telling stories continuously since the debut of the Fantastic Four in 1961. That means decades of stories, and thousands of characters with live-action potential, are still on the horizon.

In recent MCU projects, we’ve seen Elsa Bloodstone pop up in Werewolf By Night and Namor finally made his long-awaited debut in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, but there are still hundreds of Marvel comic book characters waiting to be brought to life. So, which other superheroes should the MCU try to mine for new stories next? The A.V. Club has some ideas. From a Canadian superhero team with their own unique flavor, to power-hungry leaders of alternate dimensions, we’ve assembled a list of 20 Marvel heroes and villains who are worthy of a live-action debut in the MCU.

This article originally published on August 11, 2022

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Amadeus Cho
Awesome Hulk Image Marvel Comics

It’s pretty clear from shows like Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and the upcoming that the MCU is focused on beefing up its roster of younger heroes after years of focusing on a core group of adults. There are, of course, plenty of characters who fit this bill (one of which we’ll get to in a moment), but one of the most exciting is Amadeus Cho. His time in the Marvel Universe is still less than two decades, but in just a few years he’s made a big impact and done a lot of cool stuff.A supergenius Korean-American teenager who gets wrapped up in superhero affairs, Amadeus is best known initially as a sidekick, partnering with heroes like the Hulk and Hercules for his early adventures before eventually becoming a Hulk himself. In his time as the “Totally Awesome Hulk,” Amadeus distinguishes himself as a character who truly loves being big and green and isn’t afraid to flirt as often as possible even while battling supervillains. He’s a blast to read about, he’d fit right into a show like She-Hulk or a film featuring the recently introduced Hercules, and perhaps best of all, he’s highly adaptable. So even if he’s not a Hulk, Amadeus Cho could be one of the MCU’s next great teen heroes. And while he’s reportedly set to debut in the Spider-Man: Freshman Year animated series, a live-action version of the character would be a welcome addition.


  • earlydiscloser-av says:

    I wonder how Captain Britain will play once Scotland becomes independent.

    • stryke-av says:

      Well he’s called Captain Britain for a start and not Captain United Kingdom.

      • earlydiscloser-av says:

        Only because no superhero wants the short name CUK.

        • croig2-av says:

          It’s weird this article didn’t mention it, but Captain Britain’s schtick is that he is a member of the Captain Britain Corps, a multi-dimensional peacekeeping force. So there is actually a recurring ally of his called Captain U.K., the Corps member of another reality.

          • likeitisbutitdo-av says:

            Yeah, he was one of the best “multiverse” heroes, surprised that the current multiverse mania hasn’t been used as an excuse to bring him or any of the Excalibur folk into the MCU.  The Captain Britain Corps would be great for a miniseries, if they have the funding to do the wacky sets and CGI right.

          • a-square-av says:

            Honestly, the moment Peggy raised a sword and shield in What If? I was not going to be satisfied until she someday wields Excalibur and gets hit on by Opal Luna Saturnyne.

          • croig2-av says:

            She’s interesting, because that iteration of her is really crossing these two distinct character brands (Captain America-Captain Britain) from the comics that don’t really interact. I wouldn’t be surprised if the MCU decides to pursue a Captain Britain show/movie by featuring her, with Brian Braddock as a supporting character and all the Otherworld stuff being the backdrop.

        • JohnCon-av says:

          Only because no superhero wants the short name CUK.Speak for yourself.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        That’s true, but Scotland is part of Great Britain, son.  Inspect a map.

    • forkish-av says:

      Would Captain Britain have to get a new uniform, right? Or would they just going to keep the whole St Andrew’s Cross bit in a post-Scottish independence UK flag because it’s such an iconic image?

      • earlydiscloser-av says:

        I have my doubts that we’ll get independence but it feels good to speak as though it’s a given. Post-independence there’d be no need to alter the Union flag as it came about from the Union of the Crowns, which would still apply even if the union of parliaments was dissolved (the queen would still be Scotland’s Head of State). But good thing Captain Britain is fictitious and doesn’t have to worry about his post-U.K. costume.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        He’s not a political figure. He could still represent the whole island regardless of political separation.

  • jodyjm13-av says:

    Forbush Man.That is all.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:


    • likeitisbutitdo-av says:

      Which version? Rick Jones is EVERYWHERE, hard to pick out which aspect of his character they would try to adapt…

      • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

        I don’t care at this point. Use him to intro Genis-Vell, or somesuch.

      • coatituesday-av says:

        Which version? Rick Jones is EVERYWHERE, hard to pick out which aspect of his character they would try to adapt…
        Be pretty funny if they just featured him as an aspiring folk singer, barely audible in the background.

      • a-square-av says:

        All his many positions in the Marvel universe have been taken by other characters. Even his nega-band schtick got stole by Kamala!

  • maulkeating-av says:

    Merlyn (yes, that Merlyn)Oh yes! MERLYN!

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    Thor 4 was the perfect place to have Beta Ray Bill and those fuckers didn’t do it and that movie stunk. Damn them!Nightmare is intersting as having Nightmare fuck with Hulk and giving us a full blown (not shitty Avengers 2 fight) Hulk is in charge and Banner is gone like in Hulk 300 would be something else. As it can show that when Hulk is unleashed the Heroes are in deep shit. 

    • croig2-av says:

      Why do you think Beta Ray Bill would’ve been perfect for Thor 4?My worry is that Bill’s main claim to fame when he first appeared is that he was the first one other than Thor who could hold Mjolnir. With the way the MCU has just been letting several people use it already, it takes a bit of thunder away from him

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        I figured since they were teasing Thor was gonna walk away he could have grabbed both Mjolnir and Storm breaker and claim Storm breaker for himself and it would have made the movie more interesting. And your point of everyone picking up Mjolnir now is so true because Bill won’t see special at all to the people who don’t know much about his history. 

        • davidcbudd-av says:

          I think we get Beta Rey Bill.  Thor 5.  Have it open with him fighting Herc and them becoming friendly brawl buddies.  Have Bill show up looking for the power to help his people, fights thor and goes toe to toe without the hammer.  Have whoever the villain is drag them into it, have thor win out but in a way that he could only have triumphed with the help of Bill.  Thor keeps his hammer, and gives stormbreaker to bill to help him protect his people.  We arent getting straight adaptions.  I mean i enjoyed thor 4, for what it was, but it did justice to neither Gorr or Mighty Thor.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        Let’s recap! All the characters who have held Mjolnir in the MCU (in chronological order):
        – Thor
        – Odin
        – Vision
        – Hela
        – Captain America
        – Dr. Jane Foster

      • zardozic-av says:

        I’m not sure three characters (Vision, Cap, and Jane) count as “several”. But your point about watering down the worthiness factor is on point.

        • croig2-av says:

          Hela also. So that when 4 out of the 7 times Mjolnir has appeared in one of these movies someone else has managed to hold it, yes that’s several.

    • ruefulcountenance-av says:

      As I understand it, they were going to have him in Ragnarok in a cameo, but decided he deserved a bigger part in a film so it was reduced to just the statue bit instead.Then the next film rolled around and they still didn’t use him instead serving us something very mediocre.I agree with the other posters though, Mjolnir has been diluted too much for Bill’s introduction to have the required impact.

      • hootiehoo2-av says:

        Yeah and that’s why I was thinking he would be in 4 as they teased in in 3 but then they just forgot about it. And as the other poster said and you also just said, Mjolnir now has been seen as something many people can lift so Bill won’t look as cool with it. I still want him to get Stormbreaker back!

        • croig2-av says:

          In the comics, it was really special at first when someone could hold it. The MCU let Vision hold it as a joke! But the comics also usually developed good stories about Thor relating to him not holding it. Like in the comics when Jane had it, it was because Thor was unworthy. In Love and Thunder, they did that lame ex-girlfriend joke with the two weapons.
          The MCU have kind of robbed Mjolnir of its specialness now that Thor has Stormbreaker as well.  

          • hootiehoo2-av says:

            I forgot about Vision holding it. Good lord, you weren’t kidding them stole a good amount about what made it cool. Yeah they missed a shot at Bill being the 1st or 2nd one besides Thor holding it. 

          • jodyjm13-av says:

            The MCU let Vision hold it as a joke!It’s been a while since I’ve watched Avengers: Age of Ultron, but my memory of that scene is that it wasn’t really a joke. Most of the Avengers were concerned with whether they could really trust Vision, or whether he would turn on them as well; IIRC, Vision’s response was to agree that they had legitimate concerns, and then he casually handed Mjolnir to Thor. That was pretty much a sign to both the characters and the audience that yes, Vision could be trusted.

          • croig2-av says:

            I get the intent in the movie, it is as you described. But it was still constructed as a comedic moment paying off the earlier afterparty scene of everyone trying to lift it.  There’s even a beat where Thor makes a silly face to the rest of the team.  And then during the fight with Ultron, Vision again uses it and makes a joke about how it handles. The fact that he’s wielding it is not treated as a big deal, like when Cap handled it in Endgame. The problem is both of these AoU scenes diminish the “worthiness” requirement of Mjolnir. They teach the audience that’s it not as big a deal when someone other than Thor holds the hammer. Of the 7 films that feature Mjolnir, the last 4 of them feature someone other than Thor or Odin holding the hammer. It’s too much. Like what’s special about Cap’s shield is that it’s indestructible. If it got destroyed half the time it appeared, you start to wonder if it’s really so special after all.

        • cosmicghostrider-av says:

          Michael Mando (Spider-Man: Homecoming) and Tim Blake Nelson (“Samuel Sterns” in The Incredible Hulk 2008) would like to have a word with you about forgotten character teases in the MCU.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        I don’t know if him being in Thor 4 would have made it a better film tho… I’m sure that point will be argued endlessly by Bill fans seeing as it didnt / hasnt happened. It’s very easy to say “he would have made it better” since there’s nothing to compare that statement to other than peoples disappointment in Thor 4.

        • engineerthefuture-av says:

          Based on how Love & Thunder turned out, I’m happy they didn’t include Bill there. They likely would have ruined him the same way they did pretty much all the gods and god butcher, so he never would have even had a chance.  

  • stevennorwood-av says:

    I think they missed an opportunity to include Bill in L&T; but for me the one on the list I can appreciate the most is Arcade. Those early Murderworld stories in X-Men showed that even a non-superpowered villain could give an entire team of supes a run for their money…and aside from Zemo, I don’t know how many times that has occurred.

    • likeitisbutitdo-av says:

      I think Arcade would be a great villain for a TV show or miniseries. At the very little, could always be an excuse for a bottle episode; Harley Quinn recently had a great escape room episode that used the Riddler in place of Arcade.

      • Rainbucket-av says:

        The animated M.O.D.O.K series had Arcade as an appropriately menacing but ridiculous supporting character.

  • gallagwar1215-av says:

    Squirrel Girl will be played by Anna Kendrick, yes? We’re all in agreement there?Most of my wants are from the X-Men universe… proper versions of Apocalypse and Mystique, Sabretooth, Rogue, Cable, Shatterstar, Omega Red, Emma Frost, Mastermind.

    Gimme Javier Bardem as Apocalypse and Ana de Armas as Mystique and I’ll be extremely happy.

    • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

      I think AK as SG is dead. but would have been fun.

      • cosmicghostrider-av says:

        The girl Milana that they mention in the article is way better than Anna Kendrick:

        • derrabbi-av says:

          This “Werewolves Within” clip also stars who they should cast as Hank McCoy if they aren’t doing teen versions of the original 5.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Can’t follow you on that one.  SG should be younger than virtually any star anyone is set to fancast.  Would prefer a brand new person out of nowhere like we got with Iman Vellani.  Casting young versions of people, sure!  Baby Kristen Schaal or Kate Micucci, absolutely.

      • freshfromrikers-av says:

        Young D’Arcy Carden would have been great as Squirrel Girl, but, heck, nobody knew who she was back then. 

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Anna Kendrick as fan casting for Squirrel Girl is dated infomation. Have you seen Milana Vayntrub yet? She’s way better. She is funny / the embodiment of cuteness plus she’s been voicing the role for a couple years now in hopes of that translating to an MCU role. Wanting Anna Kendrick for the role is basic AF. I used to think Anna Kendrick was good for it to, and then I saw this clip. This is Milana:

    • a-square-av says:

      Have any of yall heard Vayntraub as SG in the podcast version of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl? (It’s an official Marvel production, not some random comedy thing.)  She *is* Doreen Green, as far as I’m concerned. Absolutely nails the exuberance, pluck, nerdiness, and power-of-friendshipness that Ryan North gave her. Now I can’t read issues of the comic without hearing her voice in my head.

      • derrabbi-av says:

        She was actually cast in the live action role for that New Warriors TV show that never made it to series.

        • a-square-av says:

          I am well aware.  I think of it every time I see her in an AT&T ad and I get slightly simmered that we didn’t at least get one season.

    • amaltheaelanor-av says:

      Ana de Armas is great, but imo she’s way too young to play Mystique. I think there are some New Mutants for which she might better fit the profile. Though at this point, I’ll be happy if we get a Mystique who’s manipulative and controlling rather than just a naked, mute femme fatale.

      • dikeithfowler-av says:

        I only got in to Unbeatable Squirrel Girl this year but absolutely love the book, it’s so warm and kind hearted, Doreen’s positivity is always amazing, it has fun with the genre while making the characters feel real and complex, and it’s built up an amazing supporting cast too. I’m a 48 year old bloke too, but I just love how sweet natured the whole thing is, and highly recommend it to anyone who is dubious ab0ut the concept.

      • systemmastert-av says:

        I hope Mystique turns into the Disney vault for about 5 to 6 movies.  We got enough of them desperate to figure out something to do with JLaw over the last 10 years.

      • gallagwar1215-av says:

        While I don’t disagree with that take, Marvel is generally trying to sign actors who are in their 20s and 30s to multi-film deals. De Armas is 34, so she’s not *that* young, and a +/- 10 year contract would take her into her 40s.

        • amaltheaelanor-av says:

          Personally, I’d rather they cast someone already in their 40s. Mystique needs to have some age to her. 34 is too young for the role.

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        Ana de Armas is over 30. If she’s “too young” then so is almost every other woman in Hollywood.
        At least any woman the executives think is “bedable enough.”

    • davidcbudd-av says:

      Mystique should be older.  I know she is a shape changer, but the character needs the older gravitas.  But De Armas…an xmen character.  Yes.  fuck yes.  

    • skylikehoney-av says:

      As long as the squirrels are of the Adorable Eurasian Red variety and not the Skanky American Grey fuckwits (they nearly annihilated the Reds in my wee country! Death to the Greys!) I’m all onboard with a Squirrel Girl film/series.  

    • Smurph-av says:

      IMO a Deadpool movie is the perfect place to introduce the X-Men. You can explain it away with some multiverse incursion / merging plot, where both X-Men universe and MCU people are unaware that the universe has changed, and Deadpool is the only one that’s aware of it. Like a Mandela effect. Plus maybe Wolverine plus whoever the villain is can be aware.

  • 0bsessions-av says:

    Arcade is a character I’ve been really into the idea of seeing in the MCU lately. His entire thing would just work really well in comics.Honestly, if they ever bring back Runaways and phase it into the MCU, that feels like a fantastic place to introduce him.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Lol at Tamara Devoux. I had to look up who that is to remember them and I have read every appearance they’ve ever had.

  • martyfunkhouser1-av says:

    It’d be fun to see Alpha Flight and (esp) Guardian/Vindicator. An interesting experiment to have a group of mutants sort of like the B-League to the X-Men, awaiting their call. (If I remember right; been almost 40 years since I read them.) Still have issues 1-30 or so. I remember 1-12 were pretty, pretty good.The first batch were illustrated by John Byrne and looked great. Once he left, the quality went way downhill. It was the first time I realized how much a good illustrator to a title really means. Hey, I was 15. Maybe some Canadian entertainment outlet will revive them on screen.

    • a-square-av says:

      Alpha Flight would actually be a sneakily good launching point for all kinds of comics storylines: mutants and government intrigue with the Weapon X program, extraterrestrial/existential threats with the Carol-led version, even Hulk-brand horror with Gamma Flight. Also, for some reason Marvel wanted to use Alpha Flight members for awkwardly introducing queer characters to the 616 in the 90’s/00’s, so it would be kinda nice to see that done with significantly less cringe.

    • noti-av says:

      Canada produces some decent under the radar scifi/fantasy series. I wouldn’t mind seeing their production companies given a chance to produce an Alpha Flight show.

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    This list looks little like like mine (in no particular order):1. US-12. Razorback3. Chance (villain)4. Red Ghost and his Super Apes5. Miles Morales6. Rama Tut (villain)7. Stingray8. U-Foes (villains)9. Wrecking Crew (villains)10. Nth Man11. Vindicator12. Puck

    • likeitisbutitdo-av says:

      Puck is awesome but I think his backstory is a bit silly even for the MCU, and he really has to be part of Alpha Flight or its equivalent to work well. Likewise, U-foes are fun but kinda dependent of the FF for their origin/powers to mirror well. I did hear rumors though that the Wrecking Crew may show up in She-Hulk!And re: Rama-Tut, I wouldn’t be surprised if the character is part of, or at least referenced in, the Kang insanity coming up for the MCU. I do worry that Disney can’t pull off the many many many different Kang iterations; lots of potential that may go to waste.

      • redwolfmo-av says:

        I could think of lots of ways to make the U Foes happen without the F4. Puck, I agree, would need to be with Alpha Flight.

      • croig2-av says:

        Bill Mantlo really messed up Puck hard with that backstory, and made him borderline offensive. I think the MCU has wisely handled these types of situations by just ignoring problematic elements, so I would hope they do that with him. But yeah, all the Alpha Flight characters need to be introduced as part of a team.

        • derrabbi-av says:

          Was that the storyline that made Puck not a small person but a shrunk down average size man? God awful idea. Counterposed to the Marvel ethos.

          • croig2-av says:

            That’s the one.  So terrible. 

          • m0rtsleam-av says:

            I always wanted to do a retcon where Puck was a little person initially, but in one of his adventures accidentally took a growth serum, then got cut back down by the Razaar demon or whatever the fuck was going on there. 

          • croig2-av says:

            That might be the only way to salvage it, I don’t know. Still so clunky. I’d prefer if they do something like Razer demon made him imagine that he was ever not a little person, but that goes against a bunch of stories that showed him big. It’s just so fucked up. I think they are handling it best by not really mentioning it anymore. About the only thing I like about what Mantlo did is give him legitimate superpowers. A little on the nose, but I like the idea that Puck’s indestructible.

    • a-square-av says:

      holy schnikes, the one other Nth Man fan

    • jodyjm13-av says:

      Even if it’s just in a What If? episode, I’d dearly love to see US-1 done by the MCU.

    • brainlock-2-av says:

      For Vindicator, do you mean Mac or Heather?On the one hand, they probably won’t touch Alpha Flight until after they (re)introduce Wolverine, if only to give him some more backstory.otoh, I wrote a fic a while back (it’s on ffnet, this username) where Gen. Ross sends Stark to meet them up north and shenanigans ensue when Walter pilots Bochs’ armor, but doesn’t realize he still has a few kinks to work out. What was meant as a friendly meet & greet/try out turns into a fight when an injured Langkowski loses control of his alter ego and Tony has to work with “a bunch of rookies” to stop him. This also hints at Armor Wars, when Stark accuses Mac and Bochs of stealing his designs, unaware those basic designs are all over the Dark Web, and both their armors predate Stark’s Congressional meeting in IM2.Meanwhile, Talbot introduces a host of “enhanced in training” to Ross that will eventually become the Thunderbolts. A whole host of characters dropped, and several have already made their on screen debuts since.

    • theotherglorbgorb-av says:

      No offense, but your list reads more like someone trying hard to list deep cuts, with Miles and Puck thrown in to make it look like you weren’t.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      You’re wasting space here, the Wrecking Crew were in the She-Hulk trailer.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      This list is hilarious.  Apart from the Wrecking Crew and Alpha Flight, this reads like a list of the characters the MCU shouldn’t ever touch.

      • redwolfmo-av says:

        Not my fault you can’t see the gold mine that is a trucker with a CB radio embedded in his skull that allows him to remotely control his big rig and fight the dreaded Highwayman with the help of Wide Load Annie, Poppa Wheelie, and others!

      • jodyjm13-av says:

        I’m guessing you also scoffed at Rocket, Groot, and Peter Porker being included in Marvel movies.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          No, I didn’t scoff at the two most popular characters from the new Guardians comics that were much more popular than any other version of Guardians being included in a Guardians comic. Nor did I have an issue with a ridiculous Spider-Verse character having a small role in a Spider-Verse movie.A space trucker who has barely ever appeared in print because the cultural moment that he was vaguely attached to passed like 40-50 years ago is something else altogether. As is Razorback (just totally random), Stingray (famously one of the most pointless and reviled Avengers ever, who was only even given membership so they could use his base), and Nth Man, who only ran for 16 issues 30 years ago and wasn’t ever actually part of the Marvel Universe.  That was an inane false equivalence, buddy.

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    Franklin Richards is a mutant with enormous power potential that includes the ability to create whole mini universes, while Valeria is a supergenius who Reed Richards suspects will be smarter even than him someday.I’d prefer they avoid Franklin and Val, tbh. Once you get into the power set of creates, alters or manipulates reality itself, you really have to nerf the character to give anything relatable stakes.Just look at Wanda. She could literally unmake life as we know it, but for the most part her powers manifested as red energy balls. 

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Marvel used to make a Toxic Crusaders comic so they should merge MCU with Troma. We all want that high budget Disney remake of Surf Nazis Must Die and Beware! Children at Play.

    • prcomment-av says:

      It seems like bloodless violence and constant quips would be a bad fit for most Troma films.Of course there was Toxic Crusader 3 which just went with the cartooning that a lot of darker movies of the time seemed to do. Gremlins 2 and Critters 2 especially.

      • wookietim-av says:

        Actually if you watch the Toxic Crusader cartoon that ran in the 90’s… Toxie is still fun even without massive amounts of gore.

    • wookietim-av says:

      No. Troma has to remain independent! But yeah, it’d be fun to see Toxie show up n a MCU movie. Won’t happen but it’d be fun.

  • daithi82-av says:

    Who actually currently owns the rights to Jessica Drew? Sony or Disney? The same goes for Miles Morales and the other Spider characters. But I would like to see them incorporated into the MCU somehow rather than letting Sony shoving them into a terrible standalone movie just to hold onto the rights.

    • ftee-av says:

      i believe any Spider-Man character in perpetuity defaults to Sony per their current contract so if she were to show up in an MCU project it would have to be a Disney/Sony co-production like the MCU Spidey movies

      • systemmastert-av says:

        Or a TV show.  Sony only owns the film rights to Spider-stuff.  Marvel could put her in that Nick Fury show no problem provided she never shows up in a theater.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          Also, I question the notion that Spider-Woman is actually a derivative character of the Spider-Man property.  Her origin is unrelated and they barely interacted for decades.

          • systemmastert-av says:

            Her origin story is unrelated (it’s some Mount Wundagore radiation exposure thing I think?) but her origin is definitely related. She’s a product of that weird period where the two big publishers were saying like “Wonder Woman eh? We’ll introduce Wonder Man!” and was literally just created by Stan Lee to head DC off at the pass from taking a piece of the hot Spider-Man action by creating a Spider-Woman first.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Her in-universe origin isn’t remotely related (she was empowered by experimentation performed by her Hydra agent parents), which is how these things are defined. Characters created in Spider-Man comics are Sony’s; others aren’t. The fact that Marvel created this IP to block DC shouldn’t be a factor.The exception to all of this would be if they try to use the Ultimate Universe (female Peter clone) origin, which would be derivative.

          • systemmastert-av says:

            You should go tell Sony because they’re using her in Spider-Verse (Issa Rae is voicing her), while the MCU is pointedly not using her yet. No one is ever going to let the public see the contract but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that this notion that Sony has specific access to anything created in Spider-Man is at best a theory. The sale happened in 1996 when Marvel was dealing with Chapter 11 bankruptcy and they sold Spider-Man and a slate of “Characters related to Spider-Man” to Sony, and I would be not at all shocked to learn that the origin appearances of the characters was a factor but not the only one. They may very well have just sold any character that is even vaguely thematically linked to Spider-Man at the time. I bet they also own the Julia Carpenter version.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You shouldn’t make those bets, because you’re wrong. I looked into it; both studios can use the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman, just like they could both use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Sony.  Issa Rae is playing her in the Spider-Verse sequels.

  • systemmastert-av says:

    Not really a character per se but I want the Brood.  Gimme the X-Men fighting a villain that won’t end the movie playing chess with Charles while waiting to get radicalized by the first five minutes of the sequel.  The fucking Brood just running around tearing people up and eating spaceships and junk.

    • suckabee-av says:

      And since Disney owns Alien they can’t get sued.

    • davidcbudd-av says:

      I want most of the xmen stuff.  I want the brood, the full on shi ar, the star jammers, the savage land, mojo, alternate futures, secret cabals of rich and powerful mutants, mutants living int he sewers, the whole shebang.  Hands down, xmen have the coolest….stuff.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    Was Arcade really created the year I was born? Because he felt anachronistic as hell in the first comic I read him in, and that one was so far back Colossus and Kitty Pride were still dealing with their break up.

    • a-square-av says:

      He’s a Batman ‘66 villain in an increasingly anachronistic milieu

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        I’m not saying Arcade was bad. I kind of like him in a cheesey way (of course, in my old age, I find myself missing all the cheesy stuff I said I hated as a kid). I’m just saying I always thought he’d be an older character.

        • cabs1975-av says:

          ”in my old age, I find myself missing all the cheesy stuff I said I hated as a kid”Amen, brother. The older you get, the more you realize real life is ‘grim n gritty’ enough- bring on the pirate boots, death traps and kid sidekicks

          • davidcbudd-av says:

            Yep.  Its why i dont like GTA games..too close to real life.  If im playing a game, i want some escapism.  

          • robgrizzly-av says:

            I feel like the cartoony looks of the games pre-GTA IV kept the world of it from feeling too ‘real’. My lil’ guy beating people with baseball bats, and ketchup-y blood splotching out was kind of… adorable? But once graphics improved, the series hit different.

        • davidcbudd-av says:

          This.  When you are a kid you want the cool characters (though as a spiderman fan I always though venom was overblown after his first two appearances).  As an adult…i want the ridiculous stuff.  The purple man was a D list character and JJ series made him awesome.  I like when some comic writer in the present looks at some old joke character and realizes they would be terrifying if properly used.  Molecule man was kind of a joke for decades…then you realize…he controls molecular structure.  Like Iceman when people realized…getting enclosed in ice would cause you to go into hypothermy pretty much immediately.  Or Human Torch…fire consumes oxygen he could get close to you and you wouldnt be able to breath.  Or any telekenetic could just open a tk bubble in your blood stream and cause a heart attack or aneurism.  Sorry, going off on a tangent that i love about thinking realistically about super heroes and powers.  Like how much food a super hero would have to consume.  Either they have insanely efficient metabolisms…or spiderman would need to consume like olympic swimmer level calories each day.  Spidey would have a food bill like that off a 8 person family.

          • garland137-av says:

            On your last point, they talked about that a bit in X-Men vs. Fantastic Four. They’re trying to figure out why Franklin Richards’ powers are failing, and they think it’s because most metahuman powers aren’t derived from the host’s metabolism, but because they’re all tapping into some alternate dimension superhuman power source. Franklin’s problem is that he got cut off from it somehow and can’t draw any “fuel” as it were.

          • robgrizzly-av says:

            Magneto’s prison escape in X2, (“Too much iron in your blood”) is a good example, and I remember my audience gasping- I myself only then started to comprehend how powerful an ability like that can truly be. Even comic fans were freaking out, so it had to be the first time someone thought to take it to that level

  • zirconblue-av says:

    How about Mojo? And the X-Men Babies.

  • wileecoyote00001-av says:

    Serpent Society was used for Netflix Luke Cage.  Downplayed to a couple of street level gangsters. But the threat and the gimmick was there. 

    • mattthecatania-av says:

      Luke Cage’s Cottonmouth & Bushmaster weren’t the same characters who were in the Serpent Society. Marvel reuses snake names.

    • brainlock-2-av says:

      There have been like three Diamondback’s, only one joined the Serpent Society. Cage’s guy was just a street gangster.More interesting is, is he was played by Maher Ali, so how they’re going to explain him as Blade is probably going to be….ignored.

      • robgrizzly-av says:

        Multiverse, baybay!

      • kikaleeka-av says:

        Ali was Cottonmouth, not Diamondback.
        And they ignored Gemma Chan being in a movie just 2 years after Gemma-Chan-looking-exactly-the-same-but-blue was in a movie, so it’s no big deal if they ignore Ali being in a movie 7 years after Ali-looking-exactly-the-same-but-without-fangs was in a show. As long as Luke Cage himself doesn’t interact with Blade, there’s no reason to even comment on it.

  • davidcbudd-av says:

    1. I want a live action spidey 2099. Marvel/Sony needs to make that happen before someone at DC finally realized that a live action Batman Beyond is a gold mine. 2. Yes to Mr. Sinister. If they screw that up I will be pissed. I have wanted a live action Sinister since…well, ever. 3. ….going to take a lot of buy in, but i really want an Xmen movie with Mojo, Spiral, Dazzler, Longshot.  Mojo is just insane, if they can pull it off…but hey, they made a talking raccoon work.

    • hardscience-av says:

      Nah, lean into Mojoworld. Let them be the multiverse that introduces the X-Men and then fold them into the MCU 616 (#FeigeWasWrong) when they team up with Strange and Clea to blow up Mojo’s streaming platform.

      TDK viral level of marketing if D+ has a MojoTV streaming channel (or subsection of D+) that plays X-Men media leading up to the release of the movie. Some original contenet, even if animated, would be college class devoted to the campaign worthy.

      • davidcbudd-av says:

        not sure I get the “nah” part.  I want Mojoworld.  I want the crazy almost stupid stuff from the comics in real life.  I mean Im a huge xmen fan.  Disney owns fox…but they should fire every single producer who worked on xmen.  Those people are fucking morons.  There is absolutely no reason that xmen couldnt have been a massive massive franchise.  You have scores of characters to work on and develop, they just hopped from movie to movie with no plan.  Why did they wait three xmen movies to do wolverine…and then do it badly?  Why waste dark phoenix, the intro of the morlocks, the mutant cure, and juggernaut in one movie?  Because they had no plan and no understanding of the material.  I am fine with adaptions…xmen storylines were written over years so some stuff….just not gonig to work the same…but geez, they never made magneto the power house that he was in the comics.  I mean he used to go toe to toe with the whole team by himself.  He didnt need lackies and frequently didnt have them.  We never got new mutants until they did it and fucked it up.  No xforce, no excalibur, no alpha flight, no cable until deadpool 2.  I genuinely think that the one thing that Feige did was actually bother to think about more than one movie at a time.  DC was like lets run and get to JL that is where the money is.  So they didnt bother world building.  Xmen was just lets make a movie, then another, not thought about a through line.  I think Feige did a lot, but he gets all of this credit….just hire people who think about where you want to go and plan movies that can stand by themselves and be built on.  I really dont think it is actually that difficult, i think the big swinging dicks at studios are just full of ego and lack creativity.

        • hardscience-av says:

          I just meant “nah” don’t worry about the buy in. The more out their the MCU gets, the more people seem to buy into it. Mojoworld would be as weird as GOTG, and explain why we’ve never seen mutants before.
          And I’m interested to see what era they start the Mutants in. Do they introduce Krakoa (or an amalgam of it and Genosha)? Or if they just start pulling in random characters and we don’t see a team form for a while. Like focus on Jumbo Carnation, or start Scott in Champions with Kamala.

        • m0rtsleam-av says:

          The real problem with the X-Men is in order to do the complexity of the evolving storylines and characters any justice, it would have to be a tv series, but it would also have to be insanely expensive. But I for one would love to see the classic 5 as teens in school being taught for three seasons, learning their powers and having real teen interactions while encountering mutants-of-the-week (Think Buffy / Smallville) then add Polaris and Havok (and Banshee), then have them get taken by Krakoa and introduce the new team, ending the 5th or 6th (?) season with a proper six-episode Dark Phoenix storyline incorporating the Shi’Ar, the Starjammers, Dazzler and the Hellfire club. I once had it all mapped out for something like 10 seasons, including the New Mutants and X-Factor spin offs, but it got too unwieldy once the teams reunited and we got into the blue and gold 90s teams and the constant crossover events.

          • robgrizzly-av says:

            I’m also nerdy enough to have mapped out an entire multi-season series of my dream X-Men show 🙂 Unwieldy is right. The First Class, The Second Gen, New Mutants, X-Factor, Age of Apocalypse and Days of Future Past all in there, making up each season’s major theme. (6 is the television sweet spot, imo) Genosha, Madripoor, The Hellfire Club and Phoenix Force… all repped, and I still couldn’t find room for The Savage Land. It’s not easy!

          • m0rtsleam-av says:

            Since it was pre-streaming, my seasons were 22 episodes long, so I could still get through a fair bit of the plotlines. The idea was to expand the early issues, update some of the sillier silver age elements and beef up the characterization, basically one issue an episode. Until ‘round about the Second Gen / Season 5, where two issues of Claremont dialog and plot mechanics get folded into one episode. Sometimes three issues per episode if necessary. It becomes a different show with a mostly new cast, so I figured it could last another 5 seasons. I don’t know how one would compress it into the modern format of 6 to 10 episodes a season. You’d need at least 12 to get any sense of an overarching plot.

          • davidcbudd-av says:

            yeah, i know.  I cant imagine a live action mojo happening at any point this decade.  Even if they get an xmen tv show up and running that wont be out till 2024 at the earliest and 2025 seems more likely. The Xmen present a problem in that they were kept to their own corner, more or less, for most things, and that they developed such a massive continuity on their own…more less because Claremont was just writing long detailed stories.  Kind of how I view Spiderman…his best stories are his alone.  Xmen works if they bring them in and dont connect them to the avengers storyline building, but have mutants referenced.  Then you do Xmen Event Movies, and you build up to Avengers v. Xmen.  Xmen would lend itself well to a tv series or a few…with big events serving movies.  Or crossovers serving as movies.  Its why they fail at dark phoenix.  That story works if you understand Jean.  She was the weak link  in the og team, who suddenly came into her own, then became the most powerful one….then went dark.  You need to establish jean, her place on the team.  Cyclops long love for Jean them finally getting together.  The hellfire club as the prelude to her dark turn.  Then she goes dark, and they face the shiar on the dark side of the moon.  They keep rushing it and doing a bastardization of a 2 minute summary of the plot of jean going dark.  Having just watched Thor 4….they need less moving parts in movies.  That should have been Gorr or Might Thor…not both, not that way.  It did justice to neither.  I get you cant have 6 movies to build up characters.  But then you watch eternals…and that should have been a series.  Im just rambling now…

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      The introduction of Mojo would be the biggest shark jump imaginable and would probably spell the end of the universe.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    I just want to see Whirlwind in Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania!

  • noisetanknick-av says:

    I mostly want Elsa Bloodstone to turn up because it would add another member of the Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. roster to the MCU. (Captain ☠️☠️☠️☠️ can’t be far behind!)

  • hekhuis-av says:

    Am I the only one who wants to see Moondragon? A cool kick ass female hero, kind of like what Mantis was supposed to be and is not?

    • noti-av says:

      Both competitors for Celestial Madonna.

    • ernestozm-av says:

      I was going to say The Infinity Watch, but they’ve pretty much all been introduced already: Gamora, Drax, Thanos, Pip the Troll and Adam Warlock’s showing up in Guardians 3. Moondragon’s the only one left.

  • aej6ysr6kjd576ikedkxbnag-av says:

    If they’re going to do Captain Britain, they’d better get cracking: the country could cease to exist if Scotland decides it’s had enough of England’s delusional bullshit in 2023. And if they are, better get Tom Hopper signed while he’s available and read up on the Alan Moore run.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      Britain isn’t a country; it’s an island. Britain will be intact regardless of independence movements.Captain Britain is not an agent of the “British” government, so it’s not an issue.

      • JohnCon-av says:

        Maybe they meant Scotland would destroy Britain in 2023. If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s all on the table.

  • coatituesday-av says:

    In the olden days, when the FF first encountered the Frightful Four, the Wizard, at least once or twice, called (because he could fly with some kind of anti-gravity discs) “the wingless Wizard!” Implying that wizards usually have wings. And can fly. It was really just Stan’s penchant for alliteration I’m sure – another member of the Frightful Four was Paste-Pot Pete, who later called himself the Trapster, although I think both iteration used various glues to get the villainy done.The person I’d like to see show up (and yes, I mention it a lot) is Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo [Doctor Voodoo, more recentlly – same guy]). He was name-checked (well, his brother was) in the first Dr. Strange movie, and I was hoping he’d show up in this new one. I’ve got the Marvel Horror trade paperback that covers his original run, and although there surely were problems with the character (it’s 70s Marvel) I think they could fix that up in the movies. And I would like him to be played by William Jackson Harper, please.

    • brainlock-2-av says:

      Brother Drumm was the guy at Bleecker Street when Kaecilius came knocking. He was killed with five seconds of screen time under his belt. @_@

      • coatituesday-av says:

        Thanks – I’d forgotten that he was (slightly) more than just name-checked.I really think Brother Voodoo could fit in somewhere in the MCU.  I wouldn’t say no to an 8 episode tv series.

  • bartcow-av says:

    Gwenpool should be a series.Impossible Man could really fuck shit up.And of course, Night Nurse.

  • John--W-av says:

    Never understood the love for Beta Ray Bill. It’s the one thing during Walt Simonson’s excellent run on Thor that I hated. Maybe because I hated the idea of someone else wielding Mjolnir.Would love to seeCount Nefarious
    The original Defenders and The ChampionsKorvac (although without Galactus this would be difficult)The HeadmenThe BadoonThe Enchantress and Karnilla, Queen of the NornsOnce the FF are back:Doctor Doom is a givenAnnihilusBlastaarThe Super SkrullGalactus and Silver Surfer, of course but also some Galactus’ other heralds like Terrax and GabrielThere’s too many to name for the X-Men.

  • John--W-av says:

    Characters I’d to see get a second chance:Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist of courseThe InhumansAbsorbing ManGhost RiderBen UrichDeathlokDormammuDr JeckyllS.H.I.E.L.D.

  • ctsmike-av says:

    Arcade and Captain Britain kind of suck. I’ve just never gotten into excalibur’s whole sword and sorcery thing, the best it got was the recent X of swords crossover I think, and even that was kind of a downgrade from the other stuff going on in Krakoa. Sinister is good, but you kind of have to build up to him somehow. It was hinted that he was the big bad in New Mutants as well.

    • stalkyweirdos-av says:

      The original, weird Captain Britain comics are pretty great, but I agree that they’ve never figured out what the hell to do with him, and he’s mostly been a bridge to allow other characters to interact with Otherworld.Arcade is a great comics villain who would have to be changed to practically unrecognizable in a film.

    • coolchazine-av says:

      If his characterization is pretty much exactly what it is in the Hickman X-Men era, people are going to fucking love him.

    • lexw-av says:

      It is in fact you who sucks. Both of them are great if done right.

  • czdmj-av says:


  • WillOWispy-av says:

    the MCU needs to finish their villain Mt. Rushmore with Magneto and Doctor Doom.Loki, Thanos, and Green Goblin are waiting for them!(also its insanely awesome thanks to No Way Home, Dafoe remains the one and only Green Goblin ever, especially in a world of bazillion Jokers)

  • thewiredknight-av says:

    My dream X-men movie we never got was having one final X-men film in the Fox universe where we discover that all the X-men films leading up t that point have all been an elaborate series of films and shows created by Mojo and now that he has tired of the X-men he has decided to cancel the series.  It would be a hilariously meta way to explain all the contradictions and inconsistencies in those films, offer a unique villain and a fun way to send off the franchise that was so radically inconsistent over the years.

  • gterry-av says:

    My deep cut villain I want to see is the Black Panther bad guy Achebe. The MCU at least the movie side doesn’t really have any Joker-style batshit crazy villains who cause chaos because it is fun.I was actually a big disappointed when they revealed that Namor would be the bad guy in Wakanda Forever. SInce after the first movie with T’challa talking about opening up Wakanda’s borders and Achebe being a refugee it would have been perfect. Although I am not sure I want him so crazy where he talks to a puppet version of himself. Maybe.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      Namor is the antagonist but I doubt he’s the bad guy.  He’ll probably have a change of heart and start to make peace overtures just in time for Attuma to be like “NO! We must finish what we started!” and be the bad guy for the finale.

  • brainlock-2-av says:

    What’s the future of Tom Holland’s Spider-Man? Will he still be tied to the MCU or doing his own thing? I ask because it occurred to me they could do the Spider-Clone Saga with Sinister instead of Miles Warren. Give a nod to the Ultimate versions by having Jessica come out of that, maybe Arana and another Spider-Girl, too? Along with Ben and Kaine, obviously.Or, if Sony pulls him back to their corner, have Warren create the clones, then they team up against the Symbiotes, and Venom finally gets his classic look when he sides with Team Parker over his “children”.On one hand, I am almost expecting Secret Wars to be the one where they finally introduce F4 and X-teams to the MCU, but Phase 7(?) will be where they hit the reset button and reboot the entire MCU where the Avengers and X-Men and F4 all started about the same time and can cross over to each others’ movies. Maybe we’ll get the Spider-license back by then and have the New Avengers with Spidey and Logan on the team, or at least Simon and McCoy. and Janet and Hank were founding members again.In the end, all I ask is they NOT do Dark Phoenix right off the bat, and certainly NOT in ONE film! @_@

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Jessica Drew for sure. Mind you, when I bailed on comics she was starting up a pregnancy story which was a whole fan-angering thing, I don’t know how that shook out.

  • takeoasis-av says:

    Bring in Doc Samson so the hulk can kick his fucking ass 

  • hardscience-av says:

    The only reason to introduce The Wizard is to introduce Bentley, who is just such a goddamn great kid.

  • systemmastert-av says:

    I’d like to see Krakoa. Not the current version where it’s like their friendly clubhouse. I want to see a filmed version of that old classic Giant-Size X-Men #1 where the original team is captured and Xavier recruits the roster to end all rosters to go rescue them. It’s perfect for a movie, you get to let some of the overused basics like Cyclops, Beast, and Jean take a break for the first movie, introduce a lot of disposable heroes like Banshee and Thunderbird, and instead of having to spend half the movie on setting up yet another dark mirror villain (or just Magneto again, the most boring possible option), it’s just a pissed off monster island.

    • frederik----av says:

      I mean, I adore the current X books, but “friendly clubhouse” Krakoa made me giggle. Good call.

  • noti-av says:

    Hmmm…. this list seems very random. Let’s run through it.M.O. charactersSome characters were only interesting or had large storylines because they had a peculiar and specific motivation, the ability to organize and plan over long periods, like Mr. Sinister or Wizard. Apocalypse didn’t work so well and was similar in lots of ways to Sinister as far as story goes. Wizard was always there to prove the hero genius was smarter. Since the departure of Tony Stark and pending the MCU arrival of Reed Richards, doesn’t seem like a good fit against any main characters presently around. And an M.O. doesn’t mean the character was even interesting, just the plan or motive might have been. That worked with Thanos, but neither would be among my first round draft picks.[Storyteller Note: Thanos and these other epic planning types always have great resources and detailed plans and lots of hench-people, so are good at plot. But they always stink at plot-development. Being fixated makes them able to build up great things, but narrows their vision so much they adapt poorly. So, when plans need to change, hero drives to the center and lops the head off the organization.]VariantsCho, Captain Britain, Miles, and Spider-woman… knock-offs. Miles gets oxygen in the spider-verse and deserves it because he’s a good character who developed individuality. And She-Hulk is already getting a show. They might appeal to demographics or hardcore fans but there are so many Hulk knock-offs, 2nd string geniuses, nationalist heroes, and spidery characters… again, better picks exist. Even the actual Hulk we already like can’t get his own movie anymore…. um, wait. I say Maybe on Spider-WomanYes, Spider-Woman is another knock-off, invented as an IP placeholder by Marvel so DC wouldn’t name a character Spider-anything. But she does represent a unique property MCU could exploit. If they retconned Spider-Woman (with any origin better than her actual one, um, ones which make Captain Marvel’s multi-retcons look sensible) into a hybrid of Spider-Man and Black Widow. MCU needs replacements for Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, and (sadly) Black Panther. I’m not sure how much longer Samuel Jackson can sustain Nick Fury, either and with the Skrull angle, they can change his appearance/actor almost any time they choose. MCU doesn’t needs power replacements as much as they need character replacements. RDJ, Chris Evans, ScarJo, and Chadwick Boseman checked a lot of boxes for personality characteristics that lubricate good action/drama/comedy. Spider-Woman’s IP is gray. Her character will appear in Spider-verse 2, but can be used by MCU so long as no Spider-man elements are involved. She could be reinvented to replace Black Widow and essentially be a power analog for Spider-man at the same time. As a power set, which could be adjusted, she fills the stealth, spy, athletic type action which CA, BP, and BW occupied. Fill her character in with whatever serious/quipping/sardonic/ironic/??? personality you want since she’s ill-defined in that respect. They could even put Florence Pugh in the role. But the likelyood that will occur to MCU creatives is more wishful thinking even than OP’s list. So, I won’t hold my breath.Individual no’s.Arcade… A villain so theatrically over the top and ridiculously inefficient in his obsessively huge and complex death-traps, he makes James Bond villains look like middle-school bullies. He’s the Marvel version of 50’s Batman villains with all the giant props. Maybe for a Deadpool movie or a cartoon series.Captain Universe A power McGuffin. Might as well call Vibranium or arc reactors characters as Captain Universe a character.Champion of the Universe (Tryco)I vaguely remember him from the 70’s (yes, contemporary) as one of the Elders of the Universe (Collector, Grandmaster, Champion, …). I know he’s shown up a few times since. Basically cosmic tough-guy but like all the Elders, a tissue-thin story underneath. The Marvel Elders are proto-Endless from DC. Ideas anthromorphically manifested. If MCU needs a tough-guy, there are a million far less obscure ones with more character, better stories, and more interesting powers.The ones I agree with.Beta-Ray BillHe burst onto the scene like literal lightning. Part of Walt Simonson’s epic run and revitalization of Thor in the 80’s. He was immediately cool and interesting and could solve the Sif problem since she fell for him in the comic. A character defined by duty and honor much as is/was Captain America and without all the indecision and meandering identity of Thor. The Chitauri are part of MCU by no accident and with a multiverse and Jane Foster Thor already in place, I would be more surprised not to see BRB than to see him.Elsa Bloodstone Should marvel do a monsterverse? Absolutely, if for no reason other than to wash the Universal Dark Universe from my memory. But if Morbius is any indication, there needs to be some major disciplined planning. Elsa is still kind of random as a selection, but someone who could be built on. Immortality makes a good character to build around. Certainly, it was what Tom Cruise hoped would occur for him in the Universal Dark Universe. A Monsterverse and Elsa both seem outside the current movie phases which are trending more cosmic. But would I like to see her or some similar character included in the mystical side of things, why not?NightmareThere’s little doubt Nightmare will figure into a Doctor Strange movie at some point. Unlike Dormammu or many of Dr. S’s other villains, Nightmare has a relatable ambition and his method impacts all humans on a visceral level. So, big check yes for him (it?). He’s certainly less full of ennui as DC’s Dream (Sandman), which I liked but which could have been better.Serpent Society Captain America’s version of the Sinister Six. Background noise. Reinvented so many times, with no real memorable players since Nick Fury was an old white guy. Revive Marvel’s Agents of Shield and pit them against the Serpent Society and I’d watch it, though. In MCU, more of Crossbones level stuff.Franklin and Valerie RichardsAgain, sure, why not, but only after FF are introduced and after they’ve had time to develop and after they’ve had time to have children and the storylines associated with fear/protecting said children and those children to grow up and {insert several more ands} and then we can get to the whole overpowered godlike children who fuck up all storylines by being way to f-ing powerful. On second thought, having them is as good an idea as having Beyonder.Squirrel GirlWe all know it’s going to happen. We all know it’ll be adorbs whether it’s Vantryub or Kendrik or whoever. I don’t think it’ll be overwhelmingly memorable. Just a cute running gag as part of something else.So, overall, I gotta say m’eh. Sorry OP, but IMHO, throwing darts blindfolded in a comic shop would produce a list as good.

  • divp7-av says:

    Let me know if and when Alison Brie makes it. I’ll resume watching the MCU then

  • natalieshark-av says:

    Absolutely yes to Spider-Woman! She’s easily one of my favourite superheroes. I would hope they would model her most off of Dennis Hopeless’ run on the character. No shade on Brian Michael Bendis, but I feel like his take on the character lacked the fun of which she’s so very capable. Throw in a bit of her adorable friendship with Carol Danvers, and you’ve got a great start!I used to say that Camilla Mendes was the perfect person for the role, but after seeing Single Drunk Female, I think Sofia Black-D’Elia would also nail it. 

  • amazingpotato-av says:

    Just give us a decent big-screen Ghost Rider (and Vengeance), please. Agents of Shield’s Robbie Reyes was surprisingly good, but I’ve always been a sucker for the Danny Ketch version.

  • ernestozm-av says:

    The Fantastic Four and the X-Men are the biggest names that have yet to be introduced, so let’s go with them. Though I’d like to see an X-Men movie that focuses on the original five – Cyclops, Jean Grey, Angel, Beast and Iceman. As great as Jackman is as Logan, having every other X movie be “Wolverine and Friends” to varying degrees got old fast (though they kinda fixed that with the three last ones).

    Cyclops is the leader of the damn team and he got shafted over and over again. He has to get his due.

    Others which I think could work:- Big Hero 6. The real version, not the Disney one. The one where Baymax is a kaiju instead of a cuddly marshmallow.- Alpha Flight. Could easily be tied to Wolverine, if you’re that eager to introduce him.- Ka-Zar. Marvel’s Tarzan, basically. And he brings along the Savage Land.- Mister Sinister. They’ve only hinted at this guy so many times, might as well bring him in. Is it true that Antonio Banderas was going to play him in New Mutants and that whole idea got canned?Also, it’d be great if they made a Hulk that’s not an increasingly bumbling dolt, a War Machine who doesn’t get crapped on or ridiculed in every single appearance, and an Apocalypse who doesn’t resemble a blue Ivan Ooze.

    • rar-av says:

      I would also like to see an X-Men focused on fidelity to the comics and using the original five members. And no Wolverine. Wolverine works better as an edition to an already established team, which was the premise of the first X-Men movie. I’d prefer at least one X-Men movie before they inevitably bring him in and make him the focus of every X thing going forward.Now, having said that, I know there’s absolutely no way they’re going to give me what I want. What I really want is an MCU based on modern versions of only the characters and concepts introduced in Silver Age Marvel comics, and nothing else (race/gender/orientation swapping/shifting allowed).

      • ernestozm-av says:

        Agreed that X-Men should go small for its first outing and focus on the original five and Professor X. And have Magneto as more of a background presence than a main bad guy. One of Marvel’s best villains, you can’t just do a one-and-done with him.

      • JohnCon-av says:

        What I really want is an MCU based on modern versions of only the characters and concepts introduced in Silver Age Marvel comics, and nothing else (race/gender/orientation swapping/shifting allowed).You want all caucasian shit, got it.

        • rar-av says:

          “(race/gender/orientation swapping/shifting allowed).”I literally said, and it was in the snippet of my comment that you quoted, that they can race/gender/orientation swap those characters all they want. Because no, I don’t want “all caucasian shit”.

          • JohnCon-av says:

            NooOOOOoooo! Sorry X 10000! I think I’m just used to reading horrible shit and getting outraged that I fully skipped all rational thought. I am embarrassed and chastened. *crawls under bed*

          • rar-av says:

            lol I’ve been there.

    • kikaleeka-av says:

      Fantastic Four already has a release date announced, & they’ve already started introducing mutants as of last month.

      • ernestozm-av says:

        Looking forward to see who they cast in FF. Rumours say Jason Segel as Ben Grimm, which is perfect; just put him through the Marvel Workout and you’re good to go. Really curious to see who they’ll get for Doom, but also nervous about how they’ll use him, since he’s one of Marvel’s top tier baddies, you don’t want him to go to waste in a single film (see: Red Skull).Just finished watching Ms Marvel, so I’m caught up with the mutants thing. It’s a good show, if rushed and a bit convoluted; now looking forward to The Marvels just to catch up with Kamala Khan again.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Even better: skip doing Apocalypse at all.

    • cosmicghostrider-av says:

      Bryan Cranston expressed interest in playing Mr. Sinister at one point.

  • yeetwoodmacc-av says:

    Dr Doom?? Honestly the only character I am going to get excited about, he’s all but confirmed since they’re doing Fantastic Four and Secret Wars. Oh and Frog Thor, I want to see Frog Thor beyond that easter egg in Loki. They already kind of have a captain Britain right? Peggy carter has played CB in What If and Dr Strange 2.

    • rar-av says:

      They have a captain from Britain, with a Union Jack-themed outfit and all, but in concept and execution Captain Carter is nothing like Captain Britain. Captain Britain draws really heavily on Arthurian legend, and his whole schtick is super tied up in magic and mysticism and extra-dimensional shenanigans (so I guess that part is similar to Captain Carter).

    • akabrownbear-av says:

      I think this list is meant to be characters who have not had a live action debut in any film (MCU or otherwise) so far which is why none of the X-Men, F4, or Doom are here. 

    • brianjwright-av says:

      If Atwell buffs up those shoulders to What If proportions I will definitely be first in line and then will probably die happy 

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    i see arcade is here and i like that. i think you could really play off an incel/gamer gate/gamers rights type and have a lot of fun.

  • krunkboylives-av says:

    Squadron Sinister/Supreme. Just to troll DC/Discovery on how to make the Justice League movies the right way.

    • edkedfromavc-av says:

      Man, Nighthawk is one character whose costume design just kept getting worse after like the second version (the Supreme Power version with the creepy night vision eyes excepted).

  • kikaleeka-av says:

    Thoughts on your list: They’re very clearly setting up a Young Avengers team & 4 Hulks would be just ridiculous, so Amadeus Cho is happening if & only if Hulkling doesn’t happen (keep an eye on Secret Invasion).If Beta Ray Bill is in Thor 5, sure. But there is no other context where it would make sense to introduce him.Even though they aren’t related at all, the heavy use of Captain Carter in the current multiverse stories majorly muddies the water when it comes to introducing Captain Britain.The Richards kids are basically a given at this point; it’s just a matter of time.Fox tried to set up Mr. Sinister twice, only to backtrack on it the 1st time (Apocalypse) & run out of franchise the 2nd time (New Mutants). Marvel will almost certainly use him.They probably already have Nightmare simmering on the back burner, since he was originally planned to be in Multiverse of Madness. Spider-Woman won’t happen, no matter how much we all want her to, because Sony. (And MCU Miles, while already confirmed to exist, won’t get powers until Tom Holland is ready to quit.)Big YES on Squirrel Girl. Vayntrub deserves another shot at it, especially since the New Warriors pilot tested so well & only got killed because some mid-level exec was an idiot.Don’t care about: Arcade, Elsa Bloodstone, Serpent Society.Literally never heard of: Captain Universe, The Champion, The Wizard.I also want a good Gambit. And a friend sold me really hard on his fan-pitch for The Sentry.

  • sillysaur-av says:

    Flabbergasted that you didn’t use Erica Henderson art for Squirrel Girl.Similarly vexxed that you didn’t mention Howard the Duck, who absolutely fits into the Squirrel Girl/She-Hulk “sitcom” vibe with his funny private eye stories.

    • systemmastert-av says:

      It was probably because he’s already been in two MCU movies (plus an Easter egg cameo in Endgame) and the What If show.

  • tripleplenty-av says:

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again until it happens: Madea Kills the Marvel Universe

  • reformedagoutigerbil-av says:

    Squirrel Girl, naturally.

  • angelicwildman-av says:

    Having read the Claremont/Byrne saga of X-Men, I actually started with issue 121 which was a cool cover of the X-Men and Alpha Flight battling each other. Now Arcade I also read of course but just didn’t think he aged as well with the whole pinball setup. Now Proteus as a enemy was at least in X-Men First Class mentioned since it is Moria’s MacTaggaret’s son.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Seems like this is meant to be a list of characters who have not had a live action debut anywhere. Probably should have made that a bit more clear if so as most of the comments here will be about missing X-Men, F4, or major villains that aren’t in the MCU yet but were in Fox movies.Solid list if it truly is brand new live action characters.

  • redwolfmo-av says:

    Not sure how you make this list and leave the SQUADRON SUPREME off of it. Imagine Marvel doing the Justice League better than DC. The Gruenwald written 12 part comic would make an incredible 12 part TV series.

  • angelicwildman-av says:

    The issue that got me started on the X-Men.  This issue was in the stands when I was picking up my usual Amazing Spiderman plus the new Peter Parker one.

  • jedimax-av says:

    Mr. Sinister is the real big one for me on this list. I can’t believe we got…like 11 X-men movies or whatever, and 30 MCU movies and he hasn’t shown up.I rewatched the whole x-men animated series recently, and he’s basically the 2nd most important villain to whole tv show run. I’m excited for MCU to get into mutants territory strictly for the villains. 

  • thepowell2099-av says:

    Fuck your fucking sideshows. Christ.

  • nomatterwhereyougothereyouare-av says:

    Yeah, I think Squirrel Girl would fit right in the Disney+ pantheon of Marvel shows. I didn’t care for She-Hulk but I’d welcome a Squirrel Girl comedy.Mr. Sinister is long overdue. He’s not only be teased or referenced in ‘X-Men Apocalypse’ but also ‘New Mutants’ and ‘Deadpool 2′.

    • brianfowler713-av says:

      We were supposed to get “a Squirrel Girl comedy” until we suddenly weren’t.
      What the heck happened to that?

  • sfmike23-av says:

    I would be happy to see an end to the superhero movie cycle as this dead horse is being beaten into pulp. The genera died with the end of Phase 3 and better shows like The Boys, The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker have put the nail in the tired superhero parade. The MCU has become a checklist for PC inclusion and nothing more. Changing characters sex, sexual orientation and race and pretending we aren’t making the same movie over and overexposes the extreme lack of creativity that should not be encouraged.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Amadeus Cho came to my awareness at exactly the time I figured I never again wanted to read about another teenage hyper-genius who’s a billion times smarter than everybody, even all the other teenage hyper-geniuses.I’m sure I’d be more patient about that now, but then I look at that hair.

  • John--W-av says:

    I’m shocked Rick Jones hasn’t been introduced yet. He could be used in so many ways.Here’s characters I hope the MCU gives a second chance to:-The Inhumans-The New Mutants/X-Force-Luke Cage/Iron Fist/Jessica Jones (this is a no brainer)If Namor is going to headline his own movie-Orka (I haven’t seen Wakanda Forever so he might have already been introduced)-Tiger SharkFrom Thor-Karnilla-Mangog-The Enchantress

  • seinnhai-av says:

    Power Pack.  ‘nuff said.

  • meichner-av says:

    So Sentry is more of a blatant ripoff of MiracleMan than I previously thought?

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    Following in the footsteps of ‘No Way Home’, I hope that there’s an MCU Fantastic Four movie where the cast from the Fox movies crosses over offering to help. The new FF take one look at Michael Chiklis’ lumpy Thing and say, “You know what, we’re, uh, good. We got this. You guys just take it easy.”

  • grandmasterchang-av says:

    Don’t forget that Wolverine was a member of Alpha Flight before he joined X-Men.

  • cscurrie-av says:

    I vote for Brad Pitt as Robert Reynolds. But I vote no on including Genis Vell. He stole Monica Rambeau’s hero name. TWICE. Racist, much?

  • gterry-av says:

    My big villain request has always been the Black Panther bad guy Achebe. He is an insane refugee from a country that neighbors Wakanda who in the comics hated T’challa. Marvel doesn’t really have any crazy, unpredictable Joker style villains who are evil because they just like to cause chaos, and Achebe is so crazy he has conversations with a hand puppet version of himself.

  • cosmicghostrider-av says:

    I’ve been thinking about how the MCU will end. I guess it’s selfish of me to want that and what will probably happen is Ill be forced to select a jumping off the train point because it’ll still probably make people happy beyond me etc. but like wouldn’t it be cool if it finished after Kang? I don’t think I’m gonna see Spy Kids: Quantumania in theatres, I’m exhausted. I really liked Wakanda Forever but considering that end credits scene, it kinda feels like certain aspects of the MCU (Black Panther specifically) should break away from the shared universe so they can do things like time-jumps in individual franchises etc.

    Just wishful thinking because I wanna see something I loved end on a high note but we all know it’s going to drive itself into the ground and that’s the only conclusion that’ll happen because if they weren’t satisfied with calling it quits after Endgame it’s quite obvious they intend to suck the life out of the franchise.

  • brainlock-2-av says:

    AND I just noticed the comments are from three months ago, with several of my own replies. FFS recycled clickbait. @_@heh. I just came from the io9 fanfic post to this one and the first suggestion is one I wrote into a fanfic over a decade years back. Tony heads north to meet Mac’s team while Ross gets a rundown on various recruits for a “replacement Avengers” team under slightly more government control. Lots of namedrops that have now been nullified by Netflix, esp since the MCU T-bolts lineup has been revealed.Genis – I’ve thought they could introduce Mar’s “long lost” son since the CM movie.Nightmare was thought to be the antogonist when Dr Strange 2 was announced. oops?Rick Jones’ absence is severely noted. Maybe he’s stuck in the TVA? and could led into….Sentry – io9 Morning Spoilers says Hyperion is the Big Bad of Thunderbolts. some random vlogger INSISTS it’s Sentry. Who is right??Wizard – we have two potential suspects, if Feige wants to use them. The Tinkere can upgrade to either Techno or Wizard, or Peter Billingsly’s tech guy from Iron Man1/Spidey:FFH as Mysterio 2.0 or Wizard. Either works for me.

  • jamesderiven-av says:

    “Doreen Green has always been a fun superhero, but recent comics like Unbeatable Squirrel Girl have really amplified exactly what she’s capable”

    I read through all the pre-Ubeatable Squirrel Girl comics recently, and the phrasing of this is just silly. Outside of her fun first appearance at the back of an Iron-man comic, she doesn’t exist as a character before USG. There’s just a bunch of grotesquely horny drawings of her underage body in Great Lakes Avengers and some minor walk-ons as Luke Cage’s babysitter.

    Functionally speaking she doesn’t exist and is not a character: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is Squirrel Girl for all intents and purposes. Anything else is just well technically pedantry or complaints from the six people who faithfully read Great Lakes Avengers because it featured a superhero who constantly committed suicide and that was edgy and cool in 2005.

    Great Lakes Avengers is bad, okay! I really just wanted to complain that Great Lakes Avengers as a team suck and are really embarrassing and we should just pretend that Squirrel Girl starts exclusively with that one Iron Man one-shot and then jumps straight to Unbeatable Squirrel Girl with nothing in-between.

    And that way no one ever has to talk about her terrifying SkyBox card.

  • wangphat-av says:

    I love all the FF villains. I hope they dig deeper than just Doom and Galactus when they bring them to the silver screen. I’d love to see the Mole Man, The Wizard, The Puppet Master, The Mad Thinker etc.

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    Had to look up this Tryco Slatterus, think he looks more interesting when he had the longer, flowing hair and the giant forehead. Like he was an aging rockstar in denial over the fact he was slowly going bald.

  • wrecksracer-av says:

    Come on! Nobody likes Arcade or the Sentry.

  • hshshs-av says:

    You guys literally pulled names from a hat, didn’t you? I’m 42 years old and I have no idea whom most of these characters are. I can absolutely understand Miles Morales.

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