Oh, to be a cat in a plastic container sailing around a bathtub

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Oh, to be a cat in a plastic container sailing around a bathtub
Photo: Jeremy Hogan

Sometimes, you can relax by proxy if you’re lucky enough to happen upon the right set of sounds or images. There are plenty of people who’ve figured out that ASMR videos of turtles eating food or a fake nurse whispering her way through a COVID exam do it for them, but some of us can only be calmed by more powerful stuff—stuff like a cat in a plastic container floating around a bathtub like a little sailor.

Ahsoka The Adventure Cat, like so many modern cats, has an Instagram account devoted entirely to pictures and videos of her just hanging out, being cute. Her social media presence is elevated, though, by the fact that she likes to climb into a plastic container and float around a bathtub in it. This has been thoroughly detailed in a Reddit thread by Ahsoka’s owner, “aquickcupofcoffee,” who posted that their cat begs to climb into the box and join her for baths.

After screenshots by @HooiWanV went viral on the sheer strength of them providing a description and image of Ahsoka enjoying what looks like the most relaxing sensation possible, the cat got her own Reddit in order to provide a steady stream of updates. Back on Instagram, though, we see evidence that Ahsoka’s fascination with The Deep goes much further than just floating in containers. A born mariner, she’s also been pictured on a raft, wearing a tiny cat-sized life jacket, while exploring one of our planet’s larger, naturally-occurring bathtubs.

As adorable as this may be, nothing compares to the brain-soothing effects of the original video. Watching Ahsoka bob around, curled up against herself as she watches the bubbles float by, we feel a deep sense of peace unrivaled by any other videos of bizarre cat antics the internet’s ever given us.

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  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    My cat would do the same thing, except after entering the bath with me it would claw me violently all over. And at the dinner table. Same for bed. And the couch, too.I just realized my cat hated me.

  • nilus-av says:

    My youngest takes a bath every night. When he gets in our cat comes into the bathroom, puts his paws on the bathtub and meows at my son for attention. My son will pet him on the head with wet hands, the cat will then hiss and run away. They do this every night

  • penguin23-av says:

    I knew there was a reason I got out of bed this morning and this was it. 

  • deletethisshitasshole-av says:

    The cat here brought in a rat earlier. She did not kill it. I’m still not sure if this is meant as a present, or if she just wants to play with it. She is quite amazing with her no harming skills, as she is constantly brings in skinks and letting them loose in the house. I did grab the rat eventually and let it loose outside. The cat then immediately went at it and destroyed it. This is life.

  • kinosthesis-av says:

    Not a one of these comments has convinced me that I need a cat. Or any pet for that matter.

  • stephdeferie-av says:

    i’ve had plenty of cats & not one has ever done any thing remotely cute like this.

  • uyarndog-av says:

    Nobody tell Ben Shapiro about this. He apparently believes that a moistened feline is a symptom of a disease.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    If I’m in my bathroom for any length of time, my older cat will sit outside waiting for me, and then meow intensely at me when I come out. She seems concerned for my welfare while I’m in there.

    • dead-elvis-av says:

      She knows those smells aren’t the sign of anything healthy, but it’s those goddamn noises you make that are really disturbing.

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