Patrick Warburton is done apologizing for Family Guy, which he apparently was doing before

Patrick Warburton says "we need love and humor, acceptance," which can all be derived from Family Guy

Aux News Patrick Warburton
Patrick Warburton is done apologizing for Family Guy, which he apparently was doing before
Patrick Warburton Photo: Amy Sussman

No one’s trying to cancel Family Guy. Literally speaking, the show has been on for more than twenty years. Sure, there have been critics along the way, but the series enjoys a secure spot in the annals of pop culture. Perhaps the people Patrick Warburton (the voice of Joe Swanson) talks to don’t agree, as he now declares he won’t apologize for being part of one of the longest-running and most successful animated comedies in television history.

“I used to apologize for being on Family Guy, and I apologize no more because this world is a horrible native satire,” Warburton proclaims in a new interview with Fox News. “Everybody takes themselves too seriously, and… I think in many ways become an overwhelming mess. But we need humor in our lives, and we need love and humor, acceptance. It’s all rather simple.”

Not apologizing for something no one is currently asking you to apologize for does, in fancy, seem simple. But the show has certainly pushed boundaries and chosen targets indiscriminately over the years, so it would be unfair to say that no one has ever demanded an apology from the Family Guy team. Even Warburton himself has pushed back on some of the content, the actor told Digital Spy back in 2019. “There was an episode one time, this has only happened once in 20 years of being on the show—the episode was so offensive I can’t repeat it now. It had to do with Christ on the cross but there was no humor in it and it was just so, so horribly offensive,” he explained.

Acknowledging that he knew what he signed up for with the show, Warburton went so far as to say he wouldn’t participate in that particular episode if the offending line remained in the script. “I play along and I’m not going to get in the way but they go, ‘This line will never make it past standards of practice’ and I go, ‘Well, why does it have to be there in the first place?’ They know I am a team player but I guess we all wonder if we have a line. I said, ‘If you ever do this on the show, it’s diminished returns. It’s not funny but so offensive to any Christian.’”

“In 20 years, there’s only been this one episode,” Warburton reiterated. “We have great communication all the time. They are all great and listen to you. They know I’m a team player. They know how offensive that was.”


  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Yes, but will this bastard answer for Kim Possible?

  • capnjack2-av says:

    Ah, I love the smell of snide, unnecessary commentary in the morning

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    Good for you.
    Wha’cha drinkin’?

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    Yeah, that’s right.

  • rosssmiller-av says:

    Actually, the disabled community has A LOT of beefs with Family Guy, and his character is a big one. Regardless of your feelings one way or another, I guarantee you that he’s been criticized and asked to apologize about the show quite a bit.

    • rafterman00-av says:

      The whole community? Everybody? Or just a few without a sense of self-deprecating humor?

      • rosssmiller-av says:

        Obviously not every single disabled person has problems with Family Guy, but there is a sizable part of the community that thinks Seth MacFarlane is ableist, and makes particularly cruel jokes towards them. Again, I’m not judging either way, and I’m not disabled, I just know that that is A THING.

        • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

          a “sizeable” group of any demographic is upset with absolutely anything you can think of for any reason you can dream up.  Im not sure what point you are trying to make.

        • burnout1228121-av says:

          I’m surprised the disabled community didn’t roar at MacFarlane for that Gordon joke on Orville where Issac surgically removes his leg as a joke.

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          Great. I doubt a bunch of activists nobodies speak for anyone but themselves. 

        • puffpuffpasss-av says:

          So you are outraged about something that doesn’t effect you? Bc you know its a “THING”? WTF , disabled people do not care about family guy, it’s a comedy cartoon. Stop being outraged just to be outraged.

        • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

          you don’t even know, you just assume because you’re a stupid person and you’ve been programed by society.

        • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

          “abelist”? ROFL! This world is fucked.

        • drgzrphn-av says:

          And I think they are right. Family Guy’s Joe  Swanson jokes are mean-spirited and cruel. But so are its jokes about everybody else. Family Guy has gone beyond the pale so many times, that this is in fact has become part of the joke. The joke becomes “look at us how cruel and mean-spirited we are, ha-ha, aren’t we jerks?” In other words, through its cruel and mean-spirited jokes about Joe, Family Guy is actually ridiculing  people who make fun of disabled people.

        • bigburit0-av says:

          Honestly I would not put that on McFarlane at least not now. if you look at his newer shows like The Orville you actually see disabilities handled much better. Not to mention he hasn’t really been the one writing jokes on Family Guy/American Dad for 10 years now.

      • gargsy-av says:

        Yes, everyone.There, are you happy to have a disingenuous answer to your disingenuous question?

        Jesus, fuck off.

      • hercules-rockefeller-av says:

        Self-deprecating humor works best when it comes from one’s self. There are plenty things I’ll say about myself that I would also find offensive coming from someone else.

        • stalkyweirdos-av says:

          It’s literally only a thing when it comes from the self.The word he was looking for was “punching down.”

          • mollyfrances-av says:

            If you (a real person) are disabled and use self-deprecating humor, that may be just fine, but if you write a character on a TV show who is disabled and uses self-deprecating humor (“I’m just a useless cripple ha ha!”), it’s punching down. I’m guessing that’s what Hercules Rockefeller meant. I dunno, I’ve never seen Family Guy, although my 17-year-old son has seen a million of them, so I should probably be worried.

        • andtrollingishalfthebattle-av says:

          They are disabled and no longer can self-deprecate by themselves, so someone has to do it for them. Duh.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        Yeah, that word doesn’t mean what you want it to mean.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        It’s not self-deprecation if someone else is doing the deprecating. But I’m not disagreeing with your point in general. McFarlane doesn’t really care who he pisses off.

        • yesidrivea240-av says:

          McFarlane stopped writing on the show like 10+ years ago. But, yeah, he didn’t care when he was still writing.

      • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

        You might want to look up the definition of “self-deprecating”. What you’re doing is like a bully mocking you and saying “don’t you have a sense of humor? Only narcissists can’t laugh at themselves!”

      • turbotastic-av says:

        How is it “self-deprecating” humor when it’s not a disabled person writing or making the jokes? You might notice from the photo that Patrick Warburton is not in a wheelchair.I feel like you may not have notice the “self” part of that word.

      • eatshit-and-die-av says:

        Dude shut the fuck up.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Thats not how “SELF-deprecating” works.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      But it’s weird to me that he ever apologized.  Is it an apology if you’re continuing to do the very thing you’re apologizing for?  Or is it “I’m sorry you’re offended”?  Because that’s not an apology.

      • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

        Fuck apologies in the first place, but doing something that you didn’t think was offensive and then apologizing for it is absolutely an apology. I just have come to a place in life where I realize everything is going to offend someone and they’re just going to have to deal with it because I don’t fucking care anymore.

    • qjoy-av says:

      Well how about they get up and do something about it then?

    • suckadick59595-av says:

      I saw this supercut of “best asian jokes in Family guy” on FB… I watched part of it. Like, a, it’s obviously all offensive stereotypes and shit. I can’t speak to if some of the writers are of east Asian descent, but it’s hard to imagine so because they “jokes” are clearly just riffs on white people ideas (haha chinese are bad drivers). Even more, it wasn’t funny. Like shit, I’m into some dark, fucked up humour. There weren’t jokes, it was just the laziest shit possible. Which I suppose describes FG as a whole. 

      • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

        Bingo. The show used to be funny, but once Seth checked out around 2005 to do other projects, the writing team they hired made the offensiveness unpalatable because it was just unfunny and the same old jokes you’ve heard a million times about stereotypes.

      • alferd-packer-av says:

        They make a lot out of Cherry Chevapravatdumrong working for them.I agree though. The FG writing has been piss poor for a long time. I still enjoy American Dad though.

    • daftskunk-av says:

      All I hear is “someone somewhere is offended by something”. In other news, water wet, fire hot.

    • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

      I doubt it. How many people who are not just disabled, but also active in community organizations, do you think he encounters? They don’t tend to seek out random voice actors for a show and harass them in their personal lives. They offer public statements directed at the entire show. Do you really think disabled people are out there harassing him at the grocery store?

    • fireaza-av says:

      Really? I would have thought they would be happy just to have a handicapped character has a main cast member. Not to mention one who is cooler and more capable and a better person than the others in the cast. It’s not like ALL the jokes involving Joe are “cripple jokes”.

  • drips-av says:

    Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News? no no no no no no

    • paezdishpencer-av says:

      I loved Brock simply for the moments of levity on the utter stupidity of the plots and characters sometimes.  You can always see him so at the point of saying ‘Fuck this, I am leaving.’

    • pdoa-av says:

      It’s a Fox show, maybe it’s in his contract, but they probably brought him on thinking he’d rant about wokeness. At least he was able to mention that “we need love and humor, acceptance” on Fox News, because they’re all about the opposite of that.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “It’s a Fox show, maybe it’s in his contract

        *sigh*Disney bought 20th Century Fox, which is no longer, in any way, connected to the Fox network or Fox News.

        He’s clearly Christian, stupid, so he’s clearly going to appear on the pretend-Christian news network.

      • drips-av says:

        Fingees crossed.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        They don’t think they’re about the opposite of that, though.  They’ll say they’re about “love, humor, and acceptance” with an absolutely straight face.

        • pdoa-av says:

          Love, humor, and acceptance, (if you’re a white, Christian heterosexual).

        • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

          Bingo, doublespeak is their favorite tactic. Screaming freedom while they ban books and gender affirmative care. Screaming personal responsibility while the let off cops who murder unarmed citizens. Screaming small government while they increase police and military budgets. Screaming fiscal responsibility while they cut taxes for the rich and balloon the debt.

          • electricsheep198-av says:

            And screaming “intolerance” when someone asks them to maybe not use their religious beliefs to discriminate against and oppress others. Really, just a lot of screaming.

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            That reminds me: screaming “family values” while kicking their own son/daughter out onto the street for coming out of the closet.

      • crann777-av says:

        *Disney show. Remember, Disney bought FOX, but Fox News is still owned by FNC/Murdochs.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        These aren’t the same company anymore, and they never really were.

      • rollotomassi123-av says:

        They have no problem with humor, provided it’s the humor of a bully.

      • Anecdatum-av says:

        FoxNews and Fox Entertainment are entirely separate. It’s not in his contract. I think he’s been on there many times before. He is a self-professed “lifelong Conservative.”

      • babymech-av says:

        Uhh… the only example of offensiveness he could think of was something that theoretically might be offensive to Christians…” I don’t think he’s as opposed to Fox News as you might want to think.

      • soakupthesunman-av says:

        So fun when yet another prat reveals his ignorance and hatred of Fox News, probably the least crooked of all mainstream news. You and your ilk are just a sick joke.   Go chase your sister.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News?”

      What, you didn’t hear him drop the “C” word about a dozen times?

    • turbotastic-av says:

      Talking about “love and acceptance” while you work for someone completely evil does seem like something Kronk would do.

    • krunkboylives-av says:

      Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News? no no no no no noI thought it was well known that Patrick Warburton sleeps on the right side of the bed…

    • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

      Because it’s a FOX show and he probably has a thing called a contract, you stupid asshole.

    • FakeguyMadeupname-av says: does consider himself a conservative with “liberal views”. Whatever that means.

  • yellowfoot-av says:

    It honestly didn’t even occur to me that people would be asking him to apologize for things on the show that they think are offensive, rather than just how unfunny the show has been for most of its run.

    • fredsavagegarden-av says:

      If people wanted him to apologize for being on a show that isn’t funny, we would all be reading an article about Rules Of Engagement instead.

      • teddyray-av says:

        Rules of Engagement gets a pass from me because of Megyn Price (and later Sara Rue).

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        At least they knew:

      • jjdebenedictis-av says:

        Oh, gosh. That show.
        I liked Adhir Kalyan’s character, thought Megyn Price and David Spade’s characters were acceptable, and then every other character was invisible and forgettable except Patrick Warburton’s, who I actively disliked and wished would get off screen.
        And it’s clear, the way the show was written, that this was not the way my sympathies were supposed to arrange themselves.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      It was a Fox News interview, so they were making up someone who wanted a hypothetical apology

    • hisroyalbadness-av says:

      You’re probably the same hipster who jumps into SNL chats saying it hasn’t been funny since the 70s either.

  • spiraleye-av says:

    So you’re saying that because your corner of Twitter isn’t actively pursuing this cancellation, no corner is? Stretch your legs a bit and wade deeper into the cesspool, is my advice.

    • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

      So you’re saying that someone, somewhere in a world of 7 billion people must be saying something, therefore it’s a valid narrative to platform?

      • spiraleye-av says:

        I’m being facetious. These bloggers act like their Twitter feed is what constitutes “the narrative”, and anything outside of it isn’t.  

        • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

          I think their point is that there is no sizeable movement attacking him to speak of. Sure, you can always find a few people making almost any argument you could imagine. That doesn’t mean it merits a weird defensive statement like Warburton has made here.And many others, including most who oppose “these bloggers” will find one person on Twitter saying something overzealously “woke” and build a narrative around that.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            I mean, the top comment on this article is someone claiming to be part of the “disabled community” who apparently do have an issue with him. Kinda drives my point home that even someone as woke as Mary Kate Carr thinks that other small corners of woke Twitter are not something to take seriously. It’s all non-sense.

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            First of all, that comment is a reaction to this article. Warburton is claiming there was some kind of attack on him. To use a response to “prove that point” is circular logic.Like I said, you can always find a few people. There is no evidence of any kind of movement against him or anything at all. It really sounds like he’s just crying victim about other people expressing their opinions and criticism.I can’t speak to Mary Kate Carr’s “wokeness”. I don’t have a weird obsession with bloggers I disagree with over politically manufactured grievances.It’s pretty obvious that she’s just using hyperbole by saying “no one”, but whatever fits your agenda, bro.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            “politically manufactured grievances” is 85% of the AV Club, bro. You’re responding to me in a vacuum that doesn’t exist.

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            I suppose if you consider your race, sexuality or gender to be political. That you do only proves my point.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            lol. This is, my guy. Ran by greedy, rich assholes as counter-programming to their actual political ideologies. Nothing here should be taken seriously. 

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Nah, you’re projecting. The right wing media is obsessed with identity politics. Gender wasn’t political until the right realized it was a convenient scapegoat. You seem to have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

          • spiraleye-av says:

            Sure, guy. I consume exactly zero right wing media. What part of Jim Spanfeller as CEO of G/O Media is projecting, exactly? Some serious myopia you wallow in, kid. 

  • fredsavagegarden-av says:

    So…nothing to say about the episode where Quagmire rapes and murders Marge Simpson? Jesus jokes are the only issue here?I’m not here to call out Family Guy. I have bigger things to worry about. But it’s baffling to me that he chose to say that only one episode ever went too far.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    Love and acceptance? That show is nothin but potshots at every possible target from every possible angle. People can like what they like, but I’m keeping a wide berth from anyone who’d describe Family Guy as loving and accepting.

    • liffie420-av says:

      I refer to it the same way I do South Park they are both equal opportunity offenders in that they make fun of EVERYONE.

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        Exactly. Its like you can be racist, but if you also mock disabled people, it totally cancels out.

      • mcfrankenstien-av says:

        Yeah but South Park has a lot of heart. All of Family Guy is mean spirited.

      • stalkyweirdos-av says:

        It amazes me that anyone still buys this “equal opportunity offenders” bullshit meme.

        • hisroyalbadness-av says:

          Go have a good cry Crissy.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Sorry I forgot that this is one of these sacred incel things.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            yeah everyone is an incel except you – a loser who posts here all day, every day. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            If you read all those posts I supposedly make, you’ll find that I only use incel for dudes like this, who like to troll the Root and make white power posts.It was your choice to identify with him, kid.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            I like how you say “supposedly” like there’s any doubt as to if it’s true. 

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Sick retort.

          • recoegnitions-av says:


          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            And you’re here to troll with personal insults. That makes you an even bigger loser by your own logic.

          • recoegnitions-av says:


          • prime-directive-av says:

            yeah everyone is an incel except you – a loser who posts here all day, every day.You’re really gonna play that line when this is your post history? Hell of an own goal.

          • recoegnitions-av says:


          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            You are so brave.

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Thank you. I like that you came back 3 days later to try again to prompt a response from me. Stay seething 

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            I like that you came back 3 days later
            I like that trolls always think this is some kind of diss. Sorry I have a life outside the internet? You know there is a notification system for replies, right?You responding 20 mins after I commented is what’s fucking pathetic. XDI’d say “get a life”, but you spend all day trolling a website you hate because your real existence is THAT miserable. Keep me out of the suicide note, huh champ?

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            “Sorry I have a life outside the internet?”You objectively do not. “I’d say “get a life”, but you spend all day trolling a website you hate because your real existence is THAT miserable.”Nah

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            I like that you came back 2 days later to try again to prompt a response from me. Stay seething

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Ok. Nothing you say or think matters to anyone. 

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Aww widdle baby is projecting his own worthlessness.Glad you took my advice and stayed seething. XDI expect your next triggered response to come in less than 5 minutes like your last. No life! XD

          • recoegnitions-av says:

            Go back and re-read the part where I told you that you don’t matter. 

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            You seem to know a lot about them, now run along, Blue’s Clues is on soon, maybe Mommy will make you a snack!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Yeah, this seemed like an apt place to drop in this stock boomer response. Really aligns with the other lame response to me you posted back to back.You seem sharp as fuck.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Boomer?! I’m in my 30s you fucking moron.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Try not parroting ancient old person memes then, 4chan.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            4chan? Do you also wear a fedora you hipster pussy?

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            LOL, I love when right wing babies start projecting their immaturity. Insecure much?

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Aww, you got offended by their comment, so you attacked them personally in an emotional outburst. Maybe you should work on being less sensitive. It’s no way to go through life, cupcake.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            “attacked them personally”…yeah, sure dipshit.

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Control your emotions, Nancy.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            How many times are you gonna use “Nancy”, limpwrist?Isn’t there a rainbow parade you should be twerking in?

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Aww, it seems I struck a nerve with that one, huh? Enough to bring you back a week later! Stay triggered, Nancy! Your time of the month will surely subside soon.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Dude you aren’t triggering anyone, you’re getting flat out curb stomped here by me and others, the fact that you are so unaware is hilarious.Jump, doggie jump HAHAHAHA!!!

          • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

            Looks like my little pet has returned again. Good boy.

          • hennyomega-av says:

            I know this is old, but… I don’t believe I have ever seen a more hilariously pathetic series of comments in my life than your dips**t cliched homophobic insults that literally nobody Liked, followed by your hilariously delusional comments that you were “owning”and “ragdolling” the people that you were lobbing your embarrassingly cliched and thickheaded insults that literally nobody Liked at. One MAGA dipshit spewing out the most idiotic and cliched dipshit insults possible, followed by absolutely nobody Liking them or agreeing with them or praising them, is about as far removed from owning and ragdolling someone as humanly possible. But no, you hadn’t humiliated yourself quite enough yet; you then had to follow up that stunning lack of self-awareness by accusing someone else of having no self-awareness, which… wow. Chef’s kiss. Just a whole other level of irony. A person could not make up a more embarrassing series of comments.

          • turbotastic-av says:

            Hey buddy, if you’re that emotionally attached to lazy zero-effort comedy, you have plenty of options to choose from. No need to be upset.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Where exactly in my statement did you find me upset, clownshoe?

        • recoegnitions-av says:

          No one cares what amazes you or not. 

        • antifaninjajediwarrior-av says:

          Agreed. South Park is incel humor and incel TV. Wasn’t always but is now.

        • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

          it amazes me you still haven’t gotten a sense of humor, or that you can’t let people enjoy things you don’t like.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            People can enjoy whatever they want.  But if you’ve gotten to 2023 thinking this show is still funny or that “equal opportunity” anything is real, I feel bad for you.

          • ohmygodthatissoterirble-av says:

            no, you’re right, the last few seasons have been fucking terrible regirgitations of shit they produced 15 years ago, but I would say for the original run you’re a humorless cunt

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            It was funny for a couple of years, decades ago.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Who cares what you think? When did your opinion become the barometer that all others need to follow?

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            You seem bad at reading and understanding.Show me when anyone suggested otherwise, dork. The only one elevating my take over just being my take is you and your overwhelming virginity.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Dude, you’re the one getting flat out OWNED here by not only me but other posters. If this is the hill you want to die on we can do this all day, and you’ll still look like an idiot. Again, no one cares what you think or “feel bad for”, just take your ‘L’ and walk away son.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            It’s extraordinary what virgins perceive as massive victories.

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Lol, reading your comments it’s clear you’ve never even seen a girl naked, tubby. Back to your Halo tournament!

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Oh man, this dude is trying to act like it’s the fat incels who DON’T love Family Guy.That’s fucking amazing!

          • hisroyalbadness-av says:

            Who the fuck are you talking to?! There isn’t a fucking soul here supporting your idiocy, cuckboy.Between you and that other dipshit, you’re getting fucking ragdolled here.

          • stalkyweirdos-av says:

            Gosh it really hurts my self-esteem to know that people like you are sensitive as fuck when someone points out that your intentionally offensive decades-old cartoon isn’t some kind of politically neutral paragon.Jesus, kid, you can still enjoy your played-out fucking cartoon.

      • nicktaxidermy-av says:

        it’s not honourable to be an equal opportunity offender when not everyone has equal footing.

      • eatshit-and-die-av says:

        South Park is actually funny. Family Guy is unusually cruel towards those they mock. 

        • liffie420-av says:

          To be fair whether they are funny is a matter of opinion, and TBH I haven’t watched EITHER show in a very very long time.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Being an asshole to everyone still means you’re an asshole. It doesn’t cancel out and turn you into a nice person.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      I think his point was Family Guy is a weird thing for people to get upset about, and he’s not going to engage on whether it’s crossing some moral boundary.

    • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

      They’ll occasionally have a positive, progressive moral of the story at the end of an episode, so in that respect they surpass others like South Park, whose morals always bend toward libertarianism. But they do both share the “insult everyone” attitude.

    • seven-deuce-av says:

      You sound like a serious person.

  • elvis316-av says:

    I will read all comments in Putty’s voice for this article. 

  • frycookonvenus-av says:

    Support the team. 

  • yardtown-av says:

    On a related note, Joe has stealthily become one of the funniest characters on the show. He’s totally square but always has a great attitude and doesn’t let the other guys’ cynicism get him down.

  • godshamwow-av says:

    So the point of this interview is how he’s not to apologize for the show and also how he got a joke he didn’t like squashed?

  • fireupabove-av says:

    I said, ‘If you ever do this on the show, it’s diminished returns. It’s not funny but so offensive to any Christian.’”Doesn’t bother him though, he’s not the one going to hell.

  • carrercrytharis-av says:

    The best apology for Family Guy would be a Seth MacFarlane cartoon that’s actually funny. (In other words, American Dad.)

    • gargsy-av says:

      “(In other words, American Dad.)“


    • shakerdangler-av says:

      I had to come alllll the way down here in the comments for my AVClub Family Guy < American Dad take? Tsk tsk. 

  • iambrett-av says:

    The show’s been running long enough that you’re going to inevitably have some older episodes that are offensive by modern standards, especially from a show that tried deliberately to be kind of edgy at the time.

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      Honestly the show was more tame than it is in recent years IMO, Joe went from capable police officer to someone who always talks about killing himself. Like the joke is “haha cripple wants to die” – is that really funny? 

      • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

        that ISNT “the joke,” though. if anything the joke is “disabled ex-cop who has absolutely overcome every fucking obstacle he has faced in spite of having no use of his body below the waist is a whiny bitch that cant get over the fact that life changes sometimes.” Pre-accident he was an overconfident showboater Hero Cop, and having lost that aspect of his life, no matter how capable he still is or how great his life legitimately is, he is self-sabotaging at every turn. They make a point of showing this…very blatantly…all the damn time. In the latest seasons his wife, who use to be entirely devoted, is even shown as being tired of his shit and his acting like a helpless baby when everyone except him knows he is fully capable of doing *everything* on his own. “the joke” isnt anything about him being disabled even, its more poking fun at macho-men and their insecurities, even when those insecurities are a fabrication of their fragile egos and have no real basis is reality.

        • normchomsky1-av says:

          He’s still a cop, and everyone just treats him like shit suddenly, and the joke is that Bonnie is sexually dissatisfied and cheats on him, and that he wants to kill himself. The first time it happens Quagmire is changing him and going “you make your doo-doos?” There was maybe one episode where he learns to get his confidence back (even though in other episodes he’s overcome his accident and remained a hero cop) and then they default back to the lolcripple moments 

    • timtheninja-av says:

      IMHO, the newer episodes are far worse in this matter than older episodes are. Seasons 1-3 really aren’t all that offensive. Newer ones (like the ones involving Quagmire’s trans parent) are… yeesh….

      • iambrett-av says:

        I don’t know about the newest episodes, but I do remember being pretty turned off by season 9 and never going back to the show.
        What’s interesting is that it’s not really Seth McFarlane’s doing anymore – he has basically no creative involvement with the show, and just does voice-acting for his characters.

    • bashbash99-av says:

      iirc the 1st joke was an Aunt Jemima joke so that one’s probably a bit outdated

  • jacquestati-av says:

    I actually still find Family Guy funny and agree he shouldn’t have to apologize for it. I’m more just disappointed that he’s a Christian who interviews with Fox News.

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    Imagine using Fox News as your platform to promote “love and acceptance.” Also, suspicious that the only thing you found offensive was when they made fun of Christians…?Look, whatever, Pat.  

  • nogelego-av says:

    “I used to apologize for being on Family Guy, and I apologize no more because this world is a horrible native satire,” Warburton proclaims in a new interview with Fox News.”
    Oh – that’s why. He’s done apologizing to conservatives for the show making fun of how fucking ridiculous they are. Now it makes sense.

  • faaaaqimscarey-av says:

    “Not apologizing for something no one is currently asking you to apologize for does, in fancy, seem simple.”
    When did you get access to Patrick’s personal inboxes? And why would he allow that? I mean, you must have access, since how else can you say so confidently that nobody is “asking him to apologize” for Family Guy?

  • medacris-av says:

    I haven’t watched Family Guy in years, so I barely remember anything about Joe other than “he existed and he’s Peter’s friend”.
    I did always get mildly salty that Joe was always the role Warburton was known for— not Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove, or Brock “Swedish Murder Machine” Fuckin’ Samson from The Venture Bros.

  • photoraptor-av says:

    The world does need humor. And for the last ~18 years of its run, this aint it.

  • dremiliolizardo-av says:

    Everybody takes themselves too seriously……he said to a news outlet that loudly complained about a brand desexualizing a piece of candy.

    • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

      That whole thing really illustrates how this is all a game of framing for them. Imagine if the opposite happened, and the female M&M was given more noticeable secondary sex characteristics. They would be screaming about a “CHILDREN’S CANDY BEING SEXUALIZED!!!” and tie it all into their “groomer” narrative. But since it’s the opposite, they are screaming about desexualization trying to eliminate gender or whatever the fuck they’re on about.It literally doesn’t matter what happens, they can always find a way to frame it within their narrative. Frankly, the left needs to get better at doing that because you can’t just sit out a game that your opponent is playing, or you’re going to lose.

  • coagula13-av says:

    Anyone else read what he said in  his voice or just me?

  • needascreename-av says:

    Is he apologizing for the show being so staggeringly unfunny? If so, he needs to keep apologizing.

  • minimummaus-av says:

    So he’s fine with offending other people as long as he’s not being offended? This is a lot like Isaac Hayes quitting South Park as soon as they turned their sights on Scientology.“There was an episode one time, this has only happened once in 20 years
    of being on the show—the episode was so offensive I can’t repeat it now.
    It had to do with Christ on the cross but there was no humor in it and
    it was just so, so horribly offensive…”That describes so, soooo much of the show but it never bothered him because he wasn’t in any of those groups.

  • antipothis-av says:

    I’m not sure what world you live in, where people havn’t been bitching and complaining about how shit and or offensive family guy is for (checks watch, screams at age), decades now. It was South Park 2.0. People have always loved to shit on it for any number of reasons. I can totally believe that he was getting crap for it for that long.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    Jennifer Tilly does her Family Guy lines over the phone while in a cage with her soul trapped in a doll’s body. Isn’t technology great?

  • TjM78-av says:

    Apparently he’s very religious

  • sgt-makak-av says:

    “There was an episode one time, this has only happened once in 20 years
    of being on the show—the episode was so offensive I can’t repeat it now.
    It had to do with Christ on the cross but there was no humor in it and
    it was just so, so horribly offensive,” he explained. Ah and there it is. The only time it really went too far was when a Christian was offended.

  • gerky-av says:

    Just watch American Dad. 

  • daftskunk-av says:

    Came here for the faux moral superiority (particularly in the comments), and golly, I’m not disappointed.

  • ovencraversiv-av says:

    Someone needs to apologize for Family Guy being so much less funny than American Dad for so long

  • thejewosh-av says:

    Honestly they should just be apologizing for how terrible it’s gotten in recent years.

  • evilfacelessturtle-av says:

    Wow, what a surprise, the Christian is all “no apologies, freeze peach” when it comes to everything BUT Christianity…

  • it-has-a-super-flavor--it-is-super-calming-av says:

    But we need humor in our lives,

    A good recommendation for many shows other than Family Guy.

  • Odyanii-av says:

    It’s a weird hill to die on because as already stated, it seems besides minor stirs here and there, Family Guy has somewhat oddly evaded anyone’s sights. Was there ever a big push to sideline it? The most I can remember is some people asking MacFarlane if he’d admit that the show had handled things in poor taste. Whenever I’ve seen Family Guy catching flak over the years it’s usually just people saying it’s not funny, not any sort of moral statements.

  • turbotastic-av says:

    Well, if he doesn’t want the job I’ll take it. Hello, I am now the person who apologizes for Family Guy. Here I go:
    Sorry the show isn’t funny. We will make no effort to improve. Sorry about that, too.

  • thuesing-av says:

    Its worth nothing that the only people who have actually tried to cancel Family Guy are Fox. 

  • systemmastert-av says:

    So anyone got one of these apologies he used to do lying around?  I wanna see one.

  • slak96u-av says:

    Meh…. Humor isn’t allowed in the Prog safespace. They kill(try) anything that doesn’t conform to their idea of appropriate.
    Name a popular communist comedian…. go ahead… Find one.

  • sobscured-wrkbrnr2-av says:

    Somebody has been sucking on the RWNJ pipe. It’s a shame that it’s someone who’s been funny.

  • kinobi-av says:

    Where does the author / AV Club get off on acting like there aren’t any detractors, when this is the very kind of Twitter journalism site that would declare some other person or entity was being cancelled and then cite a handful of tweets by anonymous no-follower NPCs? You don’t get to have it both ways.

  • schrodingerslitterboxx-av says:

    hard to take someone seriously when they can’t spell “in fact” properly.

  • donnation-av says:

    I only know him as David Putty.  I’ve never watched an episode of Family Guy and think adults watching cartoons is fucking weird.

  • jeremyalexanderthegeek-av says:

    The show is constantly criticized both by cancel culture outrage idiots and just by people’s personal judgements on it.

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    Making fun of christians???!?!? NOT OKAY. Gays, women, trans, disabled, handicapped, mentally challenged, asians, black people, jews, muslims, fat people, the elderly, etc etc etc – all just fine though. Dude is a fucking pussy and a hypocrite – which makes sense that he would be on fox “news”.

  • chrismcharvey-av says:

    Hearing his butthurt take on the Jesus jokes really puts the rest of this article in perspective

  • bigburit0-av says:

    Honestly this screams Chef from South Park vibes where he’s fine making awful jokes about everyone else until the joke is on his religion at which point now there has to be a line in the sand.

  • cartoonist-av says:

    This checks out. The one time Family Guy has ever been offensive was when they unnecessarily made fun of Christianity. That’s it. Otherwise—just love and acceptance, man.- Guy Who Is Not Trying to Cancel Family Guy But Thinks This Is a Dumb Take

  • rogersachingticker-av says:

    People defiantly declaring they’re done apologizing for stuff they never actually apologized for is roughly 60% of FOX News’s content. Sad, but not exactly surprising, to hear that Putty’s one of those guys.

  • BlahBlahBlahXXX-av says:

    “There was an episode one time, this has only happened once in 20 years
    of being on the show—the episode was so offensive I can’t repeat it now.
    It had to do with Christ on the cross but there was no humor in it and
    it was just so, so horribly offensive,” he explained.

    Hollllly shit. Seriously? *THIS* is the episode he picks? Ya, fuck you. Holy shit fuck off. How about the one where Quagmire’s dad come’s out as trans? Where the gag of the show is literally throwing up because of that. Honest to fucking god, if you need to pick one episode that should never be shown again, that one is it.
    But noooo, we can’t offend the bible thumpers, heaven forbid!

  • underemploid-av says:

    It doesn’t take much digging to see how nutty-conservative Patrick Warburton is, so I think the real narrative is that a great deal of people with better politics accept that he has a different opinion on things and enjoy his work regardless.

  • imnottellingyoumydamnname-av says:

    “I’m a team player. They know I’m a team player. I never complain”. Jesus. Free Patrick Warburton.

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