QAnon and Pizzagate popped up on NCIS: New Orleans last night

Aux Features qanon

Procedurals like Law & Order and NCIS and their many, many iterations are, thanks to their quick turnaround time, uniquely suited to commenting on the stories, crimes, and conspiracies capturing the public’s attention. SVU, for example, just did an episode about the violent “incel” community, and now NCIS: New Orleans is out here name-dropping conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate. Journalist Travis View, who covers far-right extremity, noticed and tweeted out the context-free clip early this morning.

For anyone feeling completely lost: QAnon (deep breath) is a labyrinthian far-right conspiracy positing that everyone is a pedophile and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Democrats, not Trump, and that the Clintons will be arrested any day now. Pizzagate operated similarly, and resulted in a dude opening fire in a D.C. pizza restaurant. As such, it’s kind of troubling how light and jokey the show treats this stuff. View called it a “terrible move by the show’s producers who clearly have no idea what they’re doing.”

The writers were pretty clearly just riffing on some political buzzwords, but we won’t be surprised when the QAnon chuds read it as yet another sign that the Dems are truly, definitely heading to Guantanamo Bay any day now.

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  • mark-t-man-av says:

    That’s network TV for ya. Always on the cutting edge.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    At least they didn’t spend the whole episode trying to figure out who Chad and Stacy were, like on SVU.

    • bagman818-av says:

      I’m pretty sure they’re still trying to puzzle that out.

    • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

      Incels totally stole chad and stacey, because chad and stacey exist and suck, they just turned totally normal complaining into hell. Don’t make me defend Chad and Stacey just because 2% of choads want to murder them, I still hate those guys.

  • martianlaw-av says:

    I’m sorry but I will never stop making fun of QAnon and Pizzagate because it is a joke. Taking them seriously is exactly what they want.

    • NoOnesPost-av says:

      I think it’s the opposite. They want to be seen as not serious trolls.

    • zkidder-av says:

      Pizzagate alleges that there is pedophilia going on in our country and in Washington DC. No one doubts it when a bunch of #metoo fluzys claim they were assaulted as adults but when evidence of child rape comes up, ignorant pin heads like you make it into a joke. Shame on you! This shit should be investigated with a tooth and comb, not ignored like it has been. We’ve allowed the Catholics to do it and now we’re letting politicians do it and it’s not right.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    You tryin’ to tell me that some police procedural shows get off on inserting topical references into their episodes?

  • automotive-acne-av says:

    QAnon people are deeply disturbed.  They’re your next-door GOP neighbor.

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    I can only assume that they zoomed and enhanced repeatedly beforehand.

  • boner-of-a-lonely-heart-1987-av says:

    Jeez, how long has this episode been sitting on the shelf? Nothing’s worse than stale pizza!

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    This is wrong in that if a normie knew what QAnon was and found out that one of her roomies was into it…she would look into involuntary committalThey also turned it into like a Big Bang Theory conversationI kind of came here hoping the bad guy was a Q supporter and they tossed it off but yeah this does suck…But this is also a shitty show made by people in Los Angeles.  QAnon is just on par with regular things people in LA get into. All this contagious mental illness makes me want to rewatch Pontypool.

  • armandopayne-av says:

    So NCIS did an episode on K-Pop, NCIS NO did an episode about Qanon and Pizzagate so I can’t wait for NCIS LA to do an entire episode on Baby Shark bruv.

  • brickhardmeat-av says:

    If I didn’t already know QAnon and Pizzagate already existed, and saw them presented on a television show as conspiracy theories people actually believed and took seriously, I would start a campaign to shoot that show’s writers and producers directly into the sun for coming up with something so fucking stupid.

  • catherine1220-av says:

    I’m always grateful for any Q publicity – it’s just weird that MSM won’t report on it, isn’t it? If it were as crazy as some like to portray, you’d think MSM would be all over it! anyhoo – for those who would like to actually know how the group works, I find this to be the best synopsis:  

  • TheMonkeyKing-av says:

    Shhhh, dammit. It’s code for those who really know…

  • akadiscospider101-av says:

    I would feel like an idiot for not knowing how QAnon was pronounced (not Q-A-non apparently), but that would mean I ever respected them enough to try and look up how to pronounce it. 

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