
Reservation Dogs recap: Rita has a visitor

Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs directs this equally funny and touching half hour

TV Reviews Reservation Dogs
Reservation Dogs recap: Rita has a visitor
Sarah Podemski as Rita, Evan Adams as Larry Photo: Shane Brown/FX

If there’s one theme that’s run through much of Reservation Dogs, it’s the perils and promises of aimlessness. Of youth’s aimlessness. Or rather, of the aimlessness of youth. For the likes of Bear and Elora and Cheese and Willie Jack, their driftless days play backdrop to some of their most engaging (mis)adventures. But their lives, as they’re slowly growing older and into themselves, start drifting toward something. Aimlessness cannot sustain them. It’s why the uncles and aunties around them keep nudging them toward making choices for themselves about their futures—lest they find themselves, decades later, unaware of all the choices they once had.

But I kept thinking of said aimlessness when, in “Wahoo!,” we’re called to follow not our teenage protagonists but Rita (Sarah Podemski), Bear’s mother, as she has to make a decision as to how she wants to (re)orient her life in the months, if not years, ahead. For, despite her initial fears, her boss isn’t right at her desk to give her the bad news of her firing. Instead, he’s there to deliver some great news: There are two IHS positions that she’d be perfect for. Only they’re away from Okern: One’s in Oklahoma City; the other’s in Albuquerque.

As Rita begins pondering what such a change in scenery (and salary) would mean for herself and Bear, she finds she has a visitor: Cookie (JaNae Collins), Elora’s mom. Don’t worry, though, she’s not a ghost. (“Ghosts are dumb!”) She’s a spirit. And yes, that does mean that seeing spirits runs in the family. But why is Cookie suddenly showing up at her friend’s house hoping to play Wahoo?

If you’re Rita, you’re in no mood to find out. You just wait her out in Bear’s room and then try to have Bev squeeze you into a quick therapy session where you hope you’ll be reassured you’re not losing your marbles. (Instead, she gets arguably the most bonkers version of intro to Native trauma 101 you could ever imagine.) And so, eventually, just as we’d seen Bear do time and time again with William Knifeman, she eventually relents and gives into what her old friend wants. Which is, really, to play Wahoo—even if it is just an excuse to ask about Bear and, more pressingly, Elora.

And so, armed with Cookie in tow (Cookie proves t0 be quite a quippy spirit—just watch her tell Rita all about Big and Bev), Rita visits Elora. She may be frazzled at first, but it’s soon obvious that what she’s there for is the thing that comes most naturally to her: to mother. She learns Elora is thinking of going to college, and she doesn’t even have to think twice about what to tell her: Her mother would be proud of her.

That’s all Cookie wanted. To have her friends check in on her daughter. To mother her in the way she never could. But the experience also serves as a reminder that Rita can serve as a guidance to others by living the life she can for herself. It’s why she agrees to take the job, to take the plunge into a different kind of life, even if that one is away from all she’s known. There are those like Cookie who never got a chance to fulfill their own wishes and desires, whose aimlessness now is not of their choice. Better to give shape to your life with a better job and better prospects miles and miles away from everything you’ve ever known.

Rita’s decision feels like a helpful turn for the series since it’ll no doubt have repercussions for Bear and Elora—not just in their day-to-day life, but in the kind of futures each of them can now dream up for themselves.

The episode ends with a lovely coda, wherein Cookie’s old friends gather around and pay tribute in hopes of releasing her, remembering how much she meant to them and reassuring her that they (and Elora, especially) will be okay, will be at peace. Now let’s hope Rita will relent and allow Bev to make her a Tinder profile.

Stray observations

  • This episode was directed by Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs, a.k.a. Elora herself. And what an assured directorial outing it is, carefully balancing the thorny tonal shifts required to make a vivacious twenty-year old spirit visiting her old friend into an equally funny and touching half hour.
  • “We are Native. We have trauma.” This may have been the funniest line of this entire season so far. Actually, Rita’s squeezed in session with Larry—which devolved into an elucidation of trauma via the motion picture La Bamba and a possible vision of Lou Diamond Phillips (as a welder)—was arguably the one scene this episode that had me laughing out loud. Both for its absurdity and for its spot-on satirizing of the way storytellers (ahem, Hollywood, perhaps?) can’t help but trot out the T word whenever any Native storyline comes across the screen. Also, what a joy Evan Adams brought to this scene; where’s his In Treatment-like spin-off?
  • Love seeing Willie Jack continuing her training to take over Old Man Fixico’s stand. She clearly has a knack for it.
  • What recipe was Bear trying (and failing) to recreate from TikTok and how disgusting do we think his first attempt was?
  • Is this yet another instance where I’ll sing the praises of Jana Schmieding? She’s turned Bev into such a scene-stealing wonder that I find myself more and more looking forward to her scenes to watch her turn a side eye glance or a wide-eyed glare into comedic gold.
  • I have to single out Sarah Podemski’s lovely, textured work in this episode. Reservation Dogs has slowly but surely colored in the many nooks and crannies of its extended universe. And “Wahoo!” was a fitting ode to world-weary Rita, who finally gets to be more than Bear’s mom and who gets to play more than exasperated auntie. Watching Podemski try and find the fine balance between the absurdity of what Rita’s doing (ordering fried catfish for a spirit, say) and the hurt of what she’s finding out about her friend and herself in the process, is quite touching—a rare gift the show keeps giving us and its characters week in and week out. It’ll make parting with them all all the harder.


  • fireupabove-av says:

    My brain is full of long rambling thoughts about spirit guides and self-discovery and life ruts and chosen families and a million other things this show handles expertly and none of those thoughts would do justice to anything that’s been on screen, so I’m just going to shut up and wonder what we did to deserve such a wonderful thing.

  • shatner2-av says:

    I have a funny story. I was on vacation (and then got Covid) so I decided to watch the 3rd and final season of this amazing show while quarantining. My Covid brain told me that there were only 6 episodes in this final season, so I watched last week’s episode as if it was the series finale (which in my mind it was.) And it was just about utterly perfect. I wondered briefly why our Indian spirit guide wasn’t in the episode, and briefly again why the “main” characters weren’t in it much either. But it ended in such a place that I found it immensely satisfying nonetheless.And now I’m stoked that there are actually 4 more eps to watch lol.

    • LoganNZed-av says:

      It finally just appeared here in NZ – any my husband was the same! He thought that episode ended things well (and then we watched the other episodes and loved them just as much).

  • gordd-av says:

    I have to admit that this show is starting to make me lose interest. I’m having difficulty paying attention and caring less and less as they get away from the Core 4. I seem to spend time trying to remember who is who.The episodes where they veer away from the group are less interesting, but I think when they ordered 10 they realized they didn’t have enough story so they just are bouncing all over the place.At least the last episode was centered around Cheese, who is far and away the most interesting of the group.  I am off to actually watch Ep 7, but I have Hulu with ads, and it is painful which is also affecting my enjoyment.

    • swreads-av says:

      I completely agree with you about wanting the episodes to be about the four kids. They’re all so talented, and I like the way they play off of each other (particularly Cheese and Willie Jack). Although I can appreciate the acting and writing of the more adult-focused episodes and the adults, I enjoy them a lot less.

      • drabauer-av says:

        I think the adult-centered episodes are crucial. This is not just a show about teens, it’s about generations and community. The choices made (by adults), the choices in the air (for the kids), and the choices that still remain for everyone.

        • swreads-av says:

          I’m just saying what I prefer.

        • briliantmisstake-av says:

          I also think the adult shows play into the themes of the younger kids. Rita and the elders from the previous ep are dealing with similar trauma that was incurred at the same age as the teens. Tita talking with the ghost of her long gone friend could be Elora looking back in 20 years at the loss of her teenage friend. The elders on the fishing trip are a future echo of what the teens might be like in 40 years.

    • refinedbean-av says:

      I’m gonna say this and it’s going to sound very stupid, so forgive me. But the strength of this show isn’t that they’re making it for you. They’re making it for themselves.

      So they’re allowed to do what they want, unforgivingly, and devoting an entire episode to Rita is something they wanted to do. And I’m here for it.

      This show is a treasure and truly hasn’t had a bad episode. I will miss it, but I’m also very thankful it can also go out on its own terms.

      • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

        I agree. I love the kids, I do want to see more of them, but I also love the new directions they’re taking some of these episodes. The whole point is that they are part of a community, that they’re all connected. I loved the “aunties” episode last year. I laughed so damn hard at Big and Bev awkwardly flirting. The Deer Lady episode this year was harrowing and amazing.And ultimately … it’s not for me. I’m free to watch it and enjoy it and even critique it, but Sterlin Harjo is making this for himself and good for him.

        • refinedbean-av says:

          It’s very different from the (usually VERY white) prestige dramas/dramedies we see that have consistent, logical narratives that follow individuals on their own paths.

          Whenever we see people on individual journeys in Rez Dogs, it’s almost always finding them confused, in pain, etc. The community is the entire point – for native/indegenous people at all points in their lives, but ESPECIALLY now as they work to reclaim their lands and identities as much as they can in the here and now.

          The white corollary to this show is High Maintenance, and even then, that was a super diverse anthology that had the absolute awesome ability to tell tons of “disjointed” narratives that nevertheless worked as a cohesive whole.More shows should do this. The major problem with a lot of prestige TV these days is it all starts to blur together, no matter how polished, well-acted, etc.Take me on fucking journeys. Surprise me. Drop everything to follow a specific character we haven’t seen in a while. I fucking love it.

          • ademuri-av says:

            I agree. I have really been enjoying this season; the quiet, personal stories work for me. Your comparison to High Maintenance is apt.

    • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

      The only weakness I can find in this show is that sometimes when it does episodes about characters not in the core 4, it’s somewhat confusing who new characters are and how they relate to the rest of the cast. I didn’t understand who Cookie was until midway through the episode, which is my own dumb fault, but it was also hard to track the kids in the 70s episode too (except for the kid who played young Brownie, he was spectacular).Seasons 1 and 2 were a while ago and my melting, aging brain has watched too much other TV since then to recall all of the character relationships. But you can’t tell me offshoot episodes about different characters (like ladies night at the casino, one of my absolute favorite episodes) don’t work.

    • zooomerx-av says:

      I can help: first, a story necessarily has to expand to give the main characters more world and thus context to allow character development to move forward in a meaningful way. They don’t exist in a vacuum and you can’t expect random things without context to be introduced to drive the story forward.

      Second, these other stories are still about the kids. Think about it like the tale of Scrooge and his ghosts. We all are haunted not just by the ghosts of our past, but the ghosts of our present and the ghosts of our possible futures. We see those future ghosts in our elders around us, their choices, their struggles, and their outcomes. We can’t know everything about how they got their but whatever insight we can gain holds lessons for our own decisions on navigating our own paths, right?

      So in exploring the generation before, we come to understand how Bear or Cheese run the risk of being on a path like Maximillian. Or how Rita can help with Elora’s silent struggle between her ambition to escape Rez Life while needing the her relationships within it, an insight prompted by a ghost  spirit.

      Anyway, hope that helps you appreciate why exploring the supporting characters is really about layering the main characters. 

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    I love this show. I was really impressed when I saw the director, she’s so young!

    • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

      OK just want to note that she’s 30, older than I thought, but STILL… 

  • disqusdrew-av says:

    This was great and so heart touching. But the thought of the spirits watching over you and seeing…everything kinda makes me freak out a bit

    • captainschmideo-av says:

      My Mom passed away 2 weeks ago, and now I worry the same thing…

      • disqusdrew-av says:

        Sorry to hear that. Hoping for all the best to you

        • captainschmideo-av says:

          Thanks for the kind words. But, what I was really meaning was, the idea of mom seeing her kids in their more, uh, “private” moments is a bit of a freaky idea…

          • dialecticstealth-av says:

            I had the same thought after my mom died; I figure she looks away during private moments, similar to what she would have done in life haha.  Take good care.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    The episodes with the aunties are always standouts & I definitely think this one was. I loved how happy Cookie was when she found out that Elora is going to college 

  • 4jimstock-av says:

    Best of the last 3 episodes. 

  • jbbb3-av says:

    The caption on the first image is incorrect. That isn’t Nathalie Standingcloud, it’s JaNae Collins as “Cookie”. 

  • gk2829-av says:

    The therapy session with Evan Adams was probably the funniest scene I have seen on TV all year. I was crying and smiling at the same time while watching Adam’s manic as well as sublime performance. Lou Diamond Phillips!! Bravo

  • nurser-av says:

    Evan Adams DOES need a series ( He is a Deputy Chief Medical Officer in Canada for First Nation Health Authority) but I am not picky whether it would be a new premise, a reality based series based on his current profession or a Thomas Builds-The-Fire continuation.

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