Ryan Reynolds hides an edgy disclaimer for his edgy movie in latest Deadpool & Wolverine trailer

We get it, Ryan. The movie is going to be really sweary and take a bunch of shots at Disney/Marvel. You don't need to keep telling us.

Aux News Wolverine
Ryan Reynolds hides an edgy disclaimer for his edgy movie in latest Deadpool & Wolverine trailer
Ryan Reynolds giving his disclaimers in costume in the latest Deadpool & Wolverine teaser Screenshot: Marvel Entertainment/YouTube

Deadpool & Wolverine is going to be really fucking R-rated, you guys.

If you somehow didn’t get that from the fact that the movie’s tagline is literally “Let’s fucking go” or from the past two-plus years of marketing telling you exactly the same thing, you can now hear it once again in “disclaimer” form from Ryan Reynolds.

In the Twitter/X version of a new teaser for the movie, eagle-eyed fans spotted a tiny QR code that appears onscreen for a split second between Hugh Jackman’s legs, right at the 0:03 mark. (Shoutout to IGN for helping this very much not eagle-eyed writer spot it.)

The QR code leads to another video that was, of course, immediately posted online. In the clip, Reynolds offers a few quickly spoken warnings to “set the table correctly” for the film. The full list of super dangerous side effects is as follows:

This film is as paper thin as a sequel to Battlefield Earth. We’re mostly going to beat each other senseless, make enemies with Disney, tell a few dick jokes, make a few jokes at my expense, make a lot of jokes at Hugh’s expense, and completely sidestep Marvel’s mandated after-credits sequence, which if you haven’t figured it out yet, is always just a commercial for another movie which will invariably end with a commercial for another movie. So sit back, relax, let us lower your IQ and raise your heart rate while we travel to a vapid Dreamland, a place where grown men and grown women walk around in tights, and act like it’s not a giant cultural cry for help. This is cinema.

Look, we’re not trying to be total party poopers here. Deadpool & Wolverine will likely be more fun than anything else Marvel has put out recently, and this sort of gimmick might have worked if Reynolds genuinely went rogue or was taking any real shots at Disney. It loses a lot of its luster, however, when Marvel releases bits of it—specifically the “we’re mostly gonna make enemies with Disney” dig—as a part of the movie’s Bob Iger-approved marketing on their official YouTube channel. But hey, at least fans get to pretend Ryan Reynolds is above caving to things like the mandated Marvel post-credit sequence while they watch the multi-million dollar movie he made specifically for Marvel. At least the “cultural cry for help” part is spot on.


  • indicatedpanic-av says:

    I wasn’t booing, I was saying “boo-urns”

  • samo1415-av says:

    It’s like Mattel approving jokes about itself in the Barbie movie. They’re willing to take a mild roasting in exchange for money.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      you can tell the king has a good sense of humor because the jester gets to make fun of him when commanded.

      • adohatos-av says:

        I’ve always wondered how many acted like Lear’s Fool because he was really pushing it.

  • keykayquanehamme-av says:

    If Ryan Reynolds finds himself in mid-air, do you think he looks down for a shark these days? I really wanna like the guy and I legitimately think his heart is in the right place, but…

  • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

    it was genuinely cool that leaked footage led to the making of the first deadpool movie, this just looks like he’s shadowboxing the internet. also is the video at 2x speed? i know he’s a motormouth but i found the pace made me almost panicky.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “also is the video at 2x speed? i know he’s a motormouth but i found the pace made me almost panicky.”It’s. A. Disclaimer.It must be difficult to make comedy when the general public is stupider than a bag of rocks.

    • clamsteam-av says:


  • wompthing-av says:

    Ryan Reynolds shtick has become so incredibly grating to me. Maybe its just all the mint mobile commercials and general whoring he does at every turn.

    • pophead911-av says:

      I feel your pain, I don’t understand the appeal and the mint ads are making it worse. 

    • ddnt-av says:

      I’m just glad that I don’t have to worry about getting him and Ryan Gosling confused anymore. One is an incredibly talented, funny, charismatic, and daring actor, and the other is that dude from Two Guys, a Girl & a Pizza Place who won’t stop popping up on my TV screen.

    • davidwizard-av says:

      Yeah, what an asshole to have JOBS for MONEY. Who does he think he is – a human being living under late capitalism?

    • nogelego-av says:

      Ah I still remember when he was just a wee boy with an abusive dad and a drinking problem on Nickelodeon

    • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

      Yeah but now he’s really rich, and that’s all that matters to a lot of people. Not me, but others.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      An entire Welch community is eternally grateful for the whoring. A more admirable use of wealth than penis rockets, I think. 

    • peon21-av says:

      He needs to do actual acting, instead of falling back on “undercut with sarcasm what someone said, even if it was yourself; wait for audience to guffaw their recognition”. Buried was a superb performance, so we know he’s capable of it.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Oh bless you. Deadpool is the only bit of his I’ll watch and that’s only because he’s being himself.

  • tomatofacial-av says:

    It sounds fun.  Remember when movies were fun and didn’t chastise the audience for being fans?

  • unspeakableaxe-av says:

    At least the “cultural cry for help” part is spot on.This site suckled at Disney’s spandex-clad teat for years. Congrats on being part of the problem while pretending you’re not part of the problem. Or is that just another Ryan Reynolds-esque faux-edgy joke?

    • optramark15-av says:

      Wait, *this* site? As in, What’s Left Of The AV Club? Man, perspective is a thing, because from what I’ve seen, they take genuinely every opportunity (or create an opportunity) to try to be as edgy as a teenager who’s just discovered Universal Studios in their general disdain for all things Disney. 

      • unspeakableaxe-av says:

        Well just in February they updated this ranking, for the umpteenth time, of the top MCU movies: https://www.avclub.com/the-marvel-cinematic-universe-ranked-from-worst-to-bes-1834158288And gleefully posted three new articles every time Scorsese said anything about Marvel, or anyone else said anything about Scorsese’s take on Marvel. Think this was the most recent, late last year: https://www.avclub.com/chris-hemsworth-marvel-weighs-in-on-scorsese-1850515109The best I can give you is that *sometimes* they throw some shade at Disney/Marvel. The rest of the time they are feeding at the trough. And arguably, anything they post about MCU stuff, positive or negative, is just here to get fanboys to click, so really, how are they different from Reynolds again? 

        • briandavion-av says:

          Speaking of Scorsese I trust you got Reynalds subtle jab at him?“This is Cinema” heh 

        • captain-splendid-av says:

          LOL, your big get is another fucking slideshow on the most popular franchise currently in existence?You are such a tool.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Big get? This isn’t a surprise witness at the trial of the century, genius. Just pointing out the obvious. They make money doing rankings of, and bottom feeder news reposts about, Marvel movies—then refer to their ongoing existence and the fandom they inspire as a cultural cry for help, while mocking the Disney employee who actually made that joke first. Give me a break. I don’t care if they want to leech off Disney properties for their dwindling revenue stream, but they could have the decency to not act above it all when they’re actually smack dab in the middle of it.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Wow, that was even dumber than your last post.  Shit, you don’t even have a point anymore.  Fuck off already.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Your trolling efforts have been noted, and as your reward, here is the cookie you so desperately want. It is old and dry and I took one small bite out of it, but you earned it, you abrasive little moron. 

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            I don’t want a cookie you fucking moron, I want you to take your banal and tired conspiracy theories somewhere else. Like Breitbart or Red State. They’ll enthusiastically gargle your balls over the sad tripe you come up with.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            Wait, what? I’m a conservative conspiracy theorist now? What the ever-loving fuck are you even talking about?And what you really want is what any number of internet assholes want—to win at any cost. I’m here to discuss; you’re here to feel bigger than you really are. Enjoy your well-earned cookie, you adorable malcontent. 

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Not sure what you are. What I do know is that your dumb theories are quite popular on those sites.
            Also, fuck off with that cookie bullshit. I’m not here to ‘win’, I’m here to mock you and your laughable attempts at parsing cause and effect.  You only have yourself to blame.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            You’re absolutely incoherent. What dumb theories do I have? That this site makes a lot of its money by writing (often, though not always, uncritically) about Disney content? Is that a popular idea around Breitbart? Also, does Breitbart still exist? I really thought they had shut down. Don’t hear a thing about them anymore.I’m also going to be to be filled in on what cause and effect I’m “parsing,” because I don’t see any such attempts in my above posts. Lastly, while I’m asking questions, why are you such a raging dick and what exactly do you have against me? I barely remember you and I’m pretty sure after this exchange I’m going to immediately forget you again. Apologies in advance for future me acting completely blind-sided when you throw another inexplicable tantrum over nothing much.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            ‘What dumb theories do I have?’ Proceeds to double down on dumb theory.BRB, gonna go grab some popcorn.“what exactly do you have against me?”You’re a culturally illiterate hick who’s stumbled on a decades old talking point and is waving it around like he found gold. When confronted by even the tiniest bit of evidence, you double down. You are the exact worst kind of person that regularly pops on pop culture websites.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            So you think that it’s a “dumb theory” that an ad-driven pop culture site makes money by talking about very popular movies and getting people to click on articles about it? That is for sure an interesting take. “Decades-old talking point”… yes, the very old talking point about clickbait that predates the existence of the internet. You have exposed my flagrant cultural illiteracy. I salute you!I would love to hear you try to articulate what you think my opinions actually are, because honestly it feels like you’re arguing with someone else, and your replies are just appearing under my posts due to a technical error. I do look forward to the first appearance of “the tiniest bit of evidence,” though. Wow me. So far there’s been none of that–just you insulting me like I ran over your mom.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            No, what I think is dumb is that you think it’s worthy of comment let alone any kind of gotcha for this site.

          • unspeakableaxe-av says:

            That’s it? That’s the period at the end of your tiny tyke tirade? That it wasn’t “worthy of comment”? For that you called me a tool, a conspiracy theorist, a refugee from Breitbart, a moron, a hick, and culturally illiterate? Please don’t talk to me anymore, you absolute buffoon. Subsequent replies from you will be automatically redirected to the trash compactor at the bottom of my subconscious. The only dumb thing I did today was engage with you—never fear though, lesson learnt at last. Psych! I am definitely going to forget you exist in five seconds, so feel free to troll me again later. It’ll be fun for us both.

          • captain-splendid-av says:

            Fuck me, how have you not run out of monocles yet?

          • bobbybadfingers-av says:

            Lmao, you are one angry little boy aren’t you?

          • crocodilegandhi-av says:

            You’re like a fucking hall monitor that pops up any time that someone (rightfully) criticizes the current direction of this site, and spouts off defensive bullshit. You, sir, are a tool!

    • largeandincharge-av says:

      Be careful, you’ll summon that AVClub writer who hates hacky Youtubers yet carries water for the Star Wars prequels!

  • coldsavage-av says:

    I find Deadpool a bit like Waititi’s Thor – it was great the first time and really fun and refreshing, but it lost a lot of luster the second time out. To echo that, the “let’s explain the meta-ness of what is happening” gag is quickly turning into the cinematic equivalent of SNL explaining the joke to you as you are watching the sketch.I am still looking forward to Deadpool 3 and it even looks better than Deadpool 2. But as with all things MCU my excitement has been significantly downgraded from being there opening night ready to go, to being content to catch it on D+ a couple months later on a random Saturday night.

    • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

      it’s the difference between something being an alternative and something being the default. deadpool 1 is a fun palate cleanser to a world where marvel alone is dropping 3 movies annually. when you get to deadpool 3 and it’s the centrepiece of your entire universe…well it’s not a funny alternative distraction to the bigger stuff, it’s the same as the bigger stuff. same with taika’s thor stuff – great, new direction for the thor franchise, but it can only be new once.

      • indicatedpanic-av says:

        I think you’re right about the the Waititi and Thor stuff. I think the only difference for Deadpool is that Reynolds isn’t directing and didn’t write the script by himself, so there’s at least some stopgaps and fresh eyes looking at the damn thing every so often. Also, Reynolds isn’t making this movie with 80% of his focus on fucking around with Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson.

        • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

          surely there are differences in the exact products, but my point was more that these products worked so well at the time because they were alternatives and fun distractions. also a pair of those ‘fresh eyes’ belong to shawn levy so god have mercy on us.

          • indicatedpanic-av says:

            That is all a fair point, lol. And I do agree. I want this movie to succeed and be great, but I really do feel nervous about it

          • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

            the shawn levy of it is really preventing me from being too excited. also the entire production was completely fucked with 2 strikes, so i am expecting it to be pretty shaky.but i already have tickets because at the end of the day i am a statistic.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      The second Deadpool has the better action scenes (more money), but the script was less sharp and a lot less funny (less time).

    • learn-2-fly-av says:

      I feel like the franchise is going to have the same issues Deadpool does in all the other forms of media the character appears in. After a brief period of being witty and interesting, it just becomes an over saturated mess of “lol so random” garbage. I despised Deadpool when the first movie came out, because I was so sick of the character being absolutely everywhere, doing the “random for random sake” style humor, and thinking shouting references counted as a joke. The movie was honestly not like that at all, and was a great reminder that the actual premise of Deadpool is still really interesting, and when handled with restraint he can be a great character. But just like in the comics, every time he gets used, they make him more and more out there to try and top themselves, and we just end up with a character so annoying even 90s Jim Carrey thinks he should tone it down.

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      Good point. I hope you’re not bothered if I suggest that Thor/Hemsworth actually got better (love him in Ragnok) whereas Reynolds will likely never step out of his very lucrative wheelhouse.

      • coldsavage-av says:

        I might have posted this before, but here’s my thing with Ryan Reynolds: his whole brand is “quippy guy”. Virtually everyone of his roles is a snarky guy who shows up, quips a lot and… that’s it. I can usually only take that in small doses but since that’s also Deadpool’s brand, it kind of fit. And even then… a lot of the “charm” wore off by the second movie.Some actors feel constrained by their typecasted roles and want to try new things occasionally. Some are perfectly happy to do what they do and collect a check on top of it. Reynolds, at least now, seems like the latter. Which, fine, its his choice and it seems to be working for everyone. But outside of Deadpool, I have no reason to see a movie starring Ryan Reynolds.

        • breadnmaters-av says:

          Agree. He has found his metier but, mostly (imo), he’s a businessman. Nothing wrong with that. He likes money, he’s image-conscious. I can’t see him doing a movie like Snowpiercer; I didn’t even recognize Evans. Maybe someday he’ll try talk-show hosting. Tbh, he “gets up my nose” so I avoid him. I’ll watch Deadpool because I love all of the other characters.

  • jbheinous-av says:

    LFG is becoming very reminiscent of WTF/every flavor of the week baby speak that makes it into a show or movie from the internet.  It makes me embarrassed hearing anyone say it, I wish it would end.  On the same note, I would laugh my ass off if they said it in the Kingdom of the Monkeys movie.

  • mcpatd-av says:

    I really enjoy the Deadpool movies, but I just get this sense that with all the Mint Mobile ads and the If movie not performing to expectation, audiences will be more than completely Ryan Reynold’s out come July.

  • borntolose-av says:

    This is completely unacceptable. Bob Iger should have Ryan Reynolds flogged.

  • clamsteam-av says:

    Will Renolds cut ticket prices in half when everyone else is increasing them? I hear that’s his thing.

  • usernameorwhatever-av says:

    I’ve very happily aged out of the audience for whom “It’s a Disney movie but with cusses!!!11!!!!!1!” is an effective marketing strategy.I’m very happy for the edgy tween boys between the ages of 12 and 12.5 who will love this.

  • maash1bridge-av says:

    Well as long as it has boobs, physical feeling violence and atleast marginally sensible plot I’m OK with it. It’s still 3/3 of those more than any marvel stuff made in last 10 years or so. Heck in a pinch I’m even willing to drop the boobs.

  • moonbeamlily-av says:

    Does anybody remember when the writers and commenters on this site WEREN’T all massive sparky curmudgeons who couldn’t find anything in the world fun or joyful if it bit them in the face? I do. Kinda. I know it’s hard not to be irony poisoned by the internet these days, but christ, I’m a diehard anarcho-communist dweeb and even I can have a lil sensible chuckle at Ryan Reynolds doing a goof.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      Don’t you dare speak of joy (unless it’s a dig at Furiosa) or any other expression of good will. Hitler!

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    No he really does need to keep telling us… This is the only MCU film this summer and it’s deliberately rated R boxing out the MCU’s main demographic. They need to do everything in their power to warn parents so there isn’t massive backlash from their kids saying “whiskey dick of the claws”.

    Genuinely this seems like a bad idea that’s going to blow up in Disney face. I might have a good time but yah…. this is a bad idea from a logic standpoint Disney. If there was one other MCU film coming out this summer sure. But really boxing out your main demographic for your only summer film? Lets see how that goes.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    *Two months from now during the outrage from parents*
    but look how many disclaimers we put out!

  • wellgruntled-av says:

    Look, we’re not trying to be total party poopers here.

    • tscarp2-av says:

      They meant in the Yoda do-or-don’t-there-is-no-try sense. They’re definitely party poopers. 

    • mrzzsazz-av says:

      “We do the snarky-comment-thing around these parts, thank you very much!” The A.V. Club

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