Seth Meyers begs viewers not to eat horsey medicine, since that’s where we’re at now

Just a note: Everyone at Fox News is following strict, doctor-approved COVID protocols

TV News Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers begs viewers not to eat horsey medicine, since that’s where we’re at now
(R-to-L): Seth Meyers, a horse Screenshot: Late Night With Seth Meyers

Partway through his Thursday “A Closer Look” segment, Late Night’s Seth Meyers apologized for the amount of swearing heading viewers’ way. And, sure, some of that was on Meyers’ Mets, but mostly, his exasperated (if NBC-bleeped) profanity was used to punctuate his monologue’s deftly infuriated response to yet another growing trend among the right-wing and conspiracy-minded. That new fad sweeping the nation being the recklessly ineffective ingestion of a popular horse and cow deworming medication because the professional misinformers and assorted white supremacists at Fox News tell them to. “Fuck,” indeed.

Meyers first went after “comic book henchman,” Florida Republican governor Ron Desantis, who has been making the conservative media rounds blaming the current administration for not ending the COVID-19 pandemic, while himself acting as COVID’s most efficient accomplice, banning local mask and vaccine mandates in the state currently suffering under his thumb. That even though, as Meyers notes, Florida now has recorded over 3 million COVID cases, and is officially rationing both ICU beds and [checks notes] oxygen. Then there’s DeSantis’ Republican co-conspirator in Texas, Greg Abbott, who is similarly fighting common sense, civic-minded health measures despite himself just catching COVID, possibly at a defiantly maskless fiddle hoedown.

Still, Meyers’ real target was the “political coalition fighting against mask and vaccine mandates while pushing unproven miracle cures.” (Spoiler for the rest of this article—he means Fox News and much of the GOP.) Showing how the “scam artists” at Fox keep playing on their viewers’ victimization fantasies of those “miracle cures” being kept from a desperate, God-fearing populace by some shadowy “them,” Meyers played clips of Fox’s ever-mutating snake-oil salesmanship on behalf of every unapproved/lunatic/actual harmful hard-sell remedy. From malaria and lupus drug hydroxychloroquine, to Donald Trump’s favorites in household cleansers and, um, light, to that aforementioned horsey anti-parasitic paste, ivermectin, Meyers showed how the “trust your doctor” to “your doctor is keeping the real COVID cure from you for… reasons” pendulum swings wildly over there at Fox, depending on the day, and which political enemy Fox imagines will inspire viewers to smoldering (and lucrative) resentment.

Meyers held up Fox & Friends’ Ainsley Earhardt for claiming that the last-ditch COVID mitigation of DeSantis’ pet, expensive monoclonal antibody treatment from Big Pharma giant Regeneron is “basically the same as getting vaccinated.” (Oh, one of DeSantis’ largest political donors is heavily invested in said treatment.) Meyers noted that both emergency defibrillation and taking your doctor-prescribed heart medication might both keep you alive, but one is really only for the last extremity, and that Fox figures like Earhardt are literally killing off their most vulnerable (and gullible) viewers with their nonsense.

One might ask what the endgame is here in Fox and other right-wing media outlets urging violent distrust of an actual, scientifically proven vaccine while pushing a series of easily disproven snake-oil cures that put their all-too-eager acolytes at mortal risk. Meyers zeroes in on that “they,” showing how Fox doesn’t even bother to maintain an internal logic in its “upside-down world where nothing matters,” except sticking it to that imaginary “they.” It’s about fostering division and distrust, even at the expense of human lives and—more to Fox’s mercenary interests—a disproportionate number of their viewers.

In summary, Meyers swatted away this latest ivermectin craze, noting how, in Mississippi, 0ver 70 percent of poison control center calls now come from people who’ve gone to the local feed store and swallowed livestock-grade amounts of the veterinary drug in the parking lot. (Texas reports a 550 percent spike in ivermectin-related poisonings since Fox jumped on the worm-killing horse-paste train.) Meanwhile, the myriad health clinics, pharmacies, and pop-up roadside injection sites offering the free (and FDA approved) COVID vaccine are going begging in areas where the Fox misinformation flu has really taken hold. (And Fox News personalities are carrying their own “vaccine passports” around the office while railing against such measures for their rubes viewers.) It’s enough to make a late-night host use up his network swear allowance all in one, 12-minute segment. Fuck.


  • FourFingerWu-av says:
  • fever-dog-av says:

    Excuse me but I believe ivermectin is USDA approved whereas the COVID19 vaccine is not. Do your research.

    • kaingerc-av says:

      Approved for what?!

    • emodonnell-av says:

      I honestly don’t know if this comment is satirical or not, and I find that unsettling.

    • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

      And when was the last time you heard of a horse or cow with COVID? Exactly.

    • finalformminivan-av says:

      Exactly, wake up people! Enjoy your freedoms and take eat up a whole tube of ivermectin and chase it down with bleach for good measure. This is the only real way we can beat Covid, they just don’t want you to know about it. “They” being Jews, antifa, mole people, and everything else that lurks under the shadows of pizzerias.

    • patke6ss-av says:

      Pfizer Covid Vaccine is fully FDA approved, the other two Companies are working on submitting documentation (yes that still exists) to the FDA. Ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses for some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (a drug for treating viruses). Honestly, I should not say anything, why don’t take a bunch of those pills and tell me how you feel afterwards. Sadly there is no cure for stupidity.

    • treewitch46-av says:

      It is approved for use in animals for parasites, not for use in humans for COVID.  All the vaccines have emergency approval for preventing COVID and the Pfizer vaccine now has full approval for preventing COVID.  The others will soon follow.

  • gregthestopsign-av says:

    Is that *all* horse medicine we’re advised against because I’ve just ordered an absolute shit-ton of ketamine off the dark web and I don’t want to have to throw it out. 

  • kencerveny-av says:

    Of note is the fact that Fox has required vaccination results from all of their personnel whether they are working at the NYC studios/HQ or working from their home or remote location. This would mean that folks like Carlson and Ingraham, who constantly denounce or question vaccination are, in fact, up to date on their shots. My only question is how many at-risk seniors the two of them knocked over as they clawed their way to the front of the line back in early 2021.

    • khalleron-av says:

      It’s kids dying now. Let’s just call them murderers, because that’s what they are, morally if not legally.

      Although I think they are legally liable for fraud.

  • taoka-av says:

    For me the really scary thing in this whole shitshow is…these people aren’t held in any way responsible. People poison themself because of these assholes. People are dying because they listen to them and don’t get vaccines. Like it isnt even a speculation if there is blood on their hands…because IT IS!
    And these monsters that pretend to be humans earn millions with it. They are getting richer and richer by doing it.

    Are these morons that listen to them also at fault…sure. But they are the cultists…not the cult leaders. When will someone finally kick down the door of these assholes at Fox? They are for me nothing else then murderers.

    • ceallach66-av says:

      What amazes me is that I haven’t hear of any Fox or OANN or Newsmax viewer (or viewer’s widow/widower/orphaned child) suing the network for intentionally hawking goods that are demonstrably unsafe and ineffective. I know it’s not easy to do, but come on.

    • largegarlic-av says:

      Yeah, this is how I work to maintain some sympathy for the average Trumpist anti-vaxxer. There have been plenty of pretty normal, decent people throughout history who have been somehow sucked into some cult, and some are salvageable through deprogramming. It’s the cult leaders and their lieutenants who know what they’re doing who are the truly irredeemable assholes.

      • ahsubh-av says:

        Maybe 50, 100, 200 years ago or further when literally all of human knowledge wasn’t immediately at your fingertips I could see the ease of sucking people into a cult, but these days it’s inexcusable.

      • iamamarvan-av says:

        Why do you need to find sympathy for these people? 

        • khalleron-av says:

          I dunno. 40 years of cuts to education spending, maybe?

          We intentionally undereducate people and then mock them for doing stupid things. Doesn’t seem fair to me.

  • mrdalliard123-av says:

    I can’t wait to see what 35 year old presents to the emergency room after a horse medicine binge. It’s rubbing alcohol/hydroxychloroquine all over again.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    It amazes me how so many people are desperate enough to ingest farm medications but not to get a simple vaccine.

    • khalleron-av says:

      It’s a weird kind of dementia, that they trust con men on the internet, but not doctors and scientists.

    • h3rm35-av says:

      This is prepper mentality. The “Armageddon” set breaking through to the mainstream.
      For decades, the prepper set has been suggesting purchasing stocks of aquarium antibiotics for the apocalypse, among other things of a similar nature.To be fair, the aquarium antibiotics ARE normally prescribed antibiotics, and if used properly WILL work, but this nonsense is… beyond the pale. IMO, this is an attempt to further regulate farm-based animal medicine and give more money to PhARMA.
      Fox news may be a virulent propaganda machine, but they’re actually more a capitalist entity pushed and prodded by a swarm of lobbyists for different reasons, and, trust me… While, on a day-to-day basis, they might look like f*cking morons, they’re positioning solely for profit, and they’re VERY good at it.

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    I have it on good authority that Christ would like his TRUEST adherents to clear their systems of COVID via Dran-o or pneumatic toilet snake.

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    if you just took a medication that trump told you would cure covid, why would you call poison control? anything happening to you is just the medication working

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    To me this represents a line of demarcation. Either you’re smart enough to know that dewormer isn’t meant for human consumption and won’t fight Covid; or you’re so dumb and so lost in right wing media disinformation you’ll take it.If you’re dumb enough to continue to believe that there’s another dodgy miracle cure, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I say we encourage these dolts to consume as much as possible. Wash it down with some bleach. I’m tired of these ignorant imbeciles. Go on and poison yourselves, do us all a favor and thin the herd. Freedumb!

    • iamamarvan-av says:

      Hard agree 

    • ajvia1-av says:

      That’s called eugenics And it’s a LITTLE bit problematic

    • khalleron-av says:

      ‘Ignorant’ being the operative word.

      So pat yourself on the back for being rich enough to afford an education, or being old enough to have lived through the era when education was cheap.

      But it’s hypocritical to blame people for being ignorant when that was the plan all along.

  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    I’ve been wondering something about ivermectin…well, many things, but one specific thing…how did this start? Somewhere, someone was the first person to think “maybe we  should try this horse medicine” and THEN to take the step of writing up a (I’m guessing) Facebook post about it.  Who exactly was the Patient Zero in the current plague of people convinced that they should take medication that makes horses shit like a firehose?

  • jimisawesome-av says:

    Can we stop calling Ivermectin a horse medication?  It is FDA approved for human use to treat a number of different conditions.  Its not an Anti-virial so likely will do next to nothing to treat COVID and its really stupid to take human drugs that are beign dosed for livestock use.

    • radarskiy-av says:

      “Can we stop calling Ivermectin a horse medication?”They are literally dosing themselves out of packages that have pictures of farm animals.

      • jimisawesome-av says:

        You literally have problems with reading comprehension. Me “its really stupid to take human drugs that are beign dosed for livestock use”That still does not change that Ivermectin is FDA approved for human use on a number of different diseases and symptoms.

        • radarskiy-av says:

          We are calling it horse medication *because they are taking horse medication*. We are not talking about people with a prescription for ivermectin. They are going to an ag store and buying horse medication. That’s why it is correct to call it horse medication and to say that they are taking horse medication.

          • jimisawesome-av says:

            No you are calling it horse medication to dump on them for being dum dums. They are taking it because a paper was published that suggested that human medication ivermectin worked against covid. That paper was later retracted. They are taking Ivermectin dosed for horses because its easier for them to get and cheaper.This would all be a different story if they would just get the damn needle in their arm but Facebook made that impossible.  

          • h3rm35-av says:

            I mean… the ACTUAL vaccine is nearly everywhere and free in the US. I don’t see how facebook made that impossible (and don’t get me wrong, I hate an have no active account on facebook for other reasons.)What’s cheaper than free and easier than basically every pharmacy counter and medical establishment? I guess they could pay you to get it…

          • khalleron-av says:

            Some states have offered cash payments or lotteries, to limited success.

  • ajvia1-av says:

    About a month ago I had a crazy Texan in my Uber telling me about how he had used this horse medicine to vaccinate his entire family against covid. He was explaining it to me, the liberal New Yorker, as how they didn’t want me to know about it and if I was smart I would not take the vaccine and I would give my family this. He had pictures of it on his phone with links that he was sharing with me to show me how to get it. It’s kind of weird now to think to myself that he’s probably dead.

  • greeleevee-av says:

    The WHO is suggesting use of it in clinical trials. So it’s not just a “horsey” medicine.  Most of Africa is using it right now with great success.  –

    • fever-dog-av says:

      That article is from March and it says evidence is inconclusive. A quick Google search of “ivermectin covid africa” shows no information confirming your statement “Most of Africa is using it right now with great success.” So why not come clean and tell us why you would like it to be used?

    • radarskiy-av says:

      They do ivermectin trials against all kinds of viruses. The problem is that thus far it has only shown antiviral effects at toxic levels. Sure, this virus *may* be the one it can work against without killing the person taking it, which is why they will study it against this virus, but that’s not an actual endorsement for taking it.

    • khalleron-av says:


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