Seth Meyers takes Lorde day drinking, which is good work if you can get it

Look, it's been a long, long, trying year, you guys

TV News Seth Meyers
Seth Meyers takes Lorde day drinking, which is good work if you can get it
Lorde, Seth Meyers Screenshot: Late Night With Seth Meyers

Just to get it out of the way for anyone playing the same drinking game Lorde and Seth Meyers did on Wednesday’s Late Night, the New Zealand singer’s birth name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor. You try remembering that after an ungodly amount of tequila, Crown Royal, and whatever the hell Meyers sloshed together with Four Loko, Red Bull, iced coffee, and some floating espresso beans. (Meyers claimed the thing was inspired by Lorde’s song “Solar Power.”) He could have gone with “Stoned At The Nail Salon,” one supposes, but, hey, we’re not the ones day-drinking with pop superstars on NBC’s dime.

Meyers has said that his advancing years (and his wife) have caused him to curtail the frequency of these fan favorite segments (it looks like his last one was with those now-legal Jonas Brothers in January 2020), and you can see why. The now 47-year-old late-night host isn’t pulling beery all-nighters at SNL any more, after all, he’s—as Meyers boasted in mid-binge—working a whole four nights a week at a very responsible job. So might as well make the segment count, as Meyers and Lorde truly took some serious shots for the team (and our entertainment) in a cozy, deserted bar (New York’s fancy-schmancy Zero Bond) filled with shiny, shiny bottles and various contest-adjacent props.

Can Meyers remember Lorde’s real name, under penalty of more drinking? Eh, sort of. Whose recreation of the painterly cover of Melodrama is better after drinking, well, everything? There’s a poll. Whose hometown slang is more incomprehensible when swilling down whatever a tipsy singer and talk show host can get their hands on? Tough call, but Meyers’ Boston-accented “30 rack” edges it, based on his assertion that that’s how his Masshole friends pronounce the name of the building where he works. The pair also took a swing at identifying various royal types (because, “Royals”), which quickly devolved into griping from Meyers that he got all the hard ones. (To be fair, King Ecgberht of Wessex is a tougher pull than the current English monarch. Or Prince.)

In the end, the bout of daytime boozing went about as smoothly as could be expected, with Meyers drunkenly crooning along to “Green Light” while jumping all over the bar’s sturdy furniture. And if the Late Night crew couldn’t locate a single New Zealand beer in Lorde’s honor, we did get to see the proud Kiwi spit out the Foster’s Lager that kicked things off, along with the spectacle of Seth Meyers making a happy fool of himself. After all, isn’t that what’s important? (Lorde’s real name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor. Drink.)


  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    That screenshot has powerful “look, lady, your daughter came on to me” energy.

    • branthenne-av says:

      it also has “don’t look Meyers in the eye, or he’ll eat your soul” energy. You know, the soul sucking kind.

    • tokenaussie-av says:


  • paulkinsey-av says:

    I try not to be a pedant. I really do. But it really annoys me when people use “cheers” as a verb. The word “toast” already exists and is perfectly sufficient.

    • chippowell-av says:

      Pedant originally meant ‘male schoolteacher.’  Now it means ‘person who can’t accept that word meanings change over time.’

      • paulkinsey-av says:

        I accept that word meanings change over time. I’m not a prescriptivist at all. But that doesn’t nullify my right to think some new words and word usages are stupid.

  • bogart-83-av says:

    How can Seth Meyers possibly drink that much and not die? It’s gotta be watered down right? 

    • highlikeaneagle-av says:

      It’s not that hard. Shit, I’m still kicking. 

      • ericmontreal22-av says:

        I was gonna say…  Although I do wonder about it being watered down as he did a show the same evening (whenever they film) where he talked to Amy Poeler and claimed to be so hung over…  I’d be passed out, or still drunk.

    • domesticbemusementpark-av says:

      Drinking is like anything else: practice, practice, practice.(Lorde, on the other hand, said she had to be hydrated via IV in her hotel room after this.)

  • pepperjaaack-av says:

    This is irresponsible!  Lorde is only 15 and the drinking age in NZ is most definitely 15 1/2.

  • josephl-tries-again-av says:

    [Lorde]’s birth name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor. You try remembering that…I pretty much don’t drink at all (something like six drinks in my entire lifetime), and I forgot her name while reading it.

  • nurser-av says:

    My favorite part of this is when he is trying to sing Green Light doing manically energetic interpretive all over the place, and she plays mortified but ends up joining in at the end. I spent a month in Oz, and learned a lot of Aussie slang. I had heard “They live in the Wop-Wops” instead of “Outback” not knowing it was a Kiwi term. I still use it–makes me laugh.

    • paulfields77-av says:

      It’s generally “Woop Woops” (or “back of Bourke”) in Oz.

      • nurser-av says:

        That’s how I thought to spell it (looks like NZ spells it both ways) but I specifically asked the guy who said it at the pub and he said “W-O-P” and being part-Italian I thought they were throwing out a slur and he said “No, it means ‘Way-Out-Place’ or ‘WOP’ pronounced ‘whoop’!” So as usual, ask an Aussie and they will tell you four different stories about it, ha! 

  • rafterman00-av says:

    Randy Marsh is looking good.

  • bloggymcblogblog-av says:

    I would spit out Foster’s too. It’s not good. 

  • sarcastro7-av says:

    You can definitely see why she decided to go with “Lorde”.

  • lakeneuron-av says:

    I’m surprised the AV Club hasn’t done anything yet about the announcement of Charlamagne Tha God’s new Comedy Central talk show, produced by fellow South Carolinian Stephen Colbert. Seems like it would  have been a newswire item.

  • michello2-av says:


  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    Too much dude and not enough guest.We didn’t really learn much about her from the segment.

  • burgerrs-av says:

    I think this segment is kind of awful, wow. Tipsy enough to have less filtered and more ‘real’ conversations is one thing. So drunk you need an IV is another. Arguably, that’s alcohol abuse.

    • junwello-av says:

      Hard agree. This is literally promoting alcohol abuse, and a man doing that with a woman several decades younger, even with a genial vibe, is gross. We have made a devil’s bargain with alcohol like we have with guns, but the difference is that alcohol is *everywhere*.

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