Deadpool‘s TJ Miller says he won’t work with “horrifically mean” Ryan Reynolds again

"I love [Reynolds] as a comedian, but I think after he got super, super famous from the first Deadpool, then things kinda changed," said the actor and comedian

Aux News Deadpool
Deadpool‘s TJ Miller says he won’t work with “horrifically mean” Ryan Reynolds again
Comedian and actor TJ Miller Photo: Cindy Ord

Known to be the utmost professional on a set, comedian and actor T.J. Miller has some complaints about his treatment while filming the superhero comedy Deadpool from a certain Merc with a Mouth. Speaking on The Adam Carolla Show, the Silicon Valley star shared that he’d never work with his Deadpool co-star Ryan Reynolds again after the actor supposedly took some jabs at Miller while filming a scene.

“As the character, he was, like, horrifically mean to me. But to me. As if I’m Weasel,” said Miller. “He was like, ‘You know what’s great about you, Weasel? You’re not the star, but you do just enough exposition that it’s funny, and then we can leave and get back to the real movie.’”

After the moment, Miller recounted that something seemed off about the interaction. “I just kind of listened and thought it was weird, and then I got off stage because they were like, ‘Cut…?,” remembered Miller, adding that the film’s crew was put off by the interaction, as well.

Apparently, the incident was enough for Miller to declare Reynolds as hating him and ending any potential appearances of Weasel getting beat up by Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in the upcoming Deadpool 3.

“Would I work with him again? No. I would not work with him again,” Miller firmly said in the interview. “I sorta wish him well because he’s so good at Deadpool and I think it’s weird that he hates me.”

Mind you, Miller hasn’t had the best history of on-set decorum. After his surprising departure from the hit series Silicon Valley, stories of the comedian’s bad behavior while filming began circulating. In a piece from The Hollywood Reporter, sources said Miller would fail to show up on set, as well as behave erratically and fall asleep when he was there, which the Emoji Movie actor denied.

Back in 2017, The Daily Beast reported allegations that Miller sexually and physically assaulted an anonymous woman while the two were in college, with the actor denying the accusations in a joint statement with his wife. Going into 2018, Miller’s fall from stardom continued with him being arrested for allegedly calling in a fake bomb threat as he rode an Amtrack train from Washington D.C. to New York City.


  • yyyass-av says:

    His manager, “….yeah, if you could just stop talking that would be great.”

    • pocrow-av says:

      I assume him going on Corolla is preparatory to him opening for Louis CK on the “you can’t cancel my — checks notes — fearless truthtelling” perma-tour.

  • bythebeardofdemisroussos-av says:

    “I’m not going to visit the White House again,” says Putin. “Those guys have been super rude to me. I’m not going to their state dinner no matter how many times they ask.”

  • mcpatd-av says:

    Poor baby…*flush*

  • fuzzyjammys-av says:

    I somehow doubt Reynolds wanted to work with him again anyway, so this feels like an easy bridge to burn.

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    I’d be most insulted he kept mistaking me for Pauley Shore.

  • yesidrivea240-av says:

    After *points at last paragraph*, TJ Miller wasn’t going to be in the movie regardless. I don’t see why we should care about his potentially made up cover-feud.

    • mifrochi-av says:

      Ironically, the tone of this article isn’t nearly snarky enough – TJ Miller talked with Adam Corolla about how shitty Ryan Reynolds is, and the headline isn’t “Second-Worst Guy From Silicon Valley Dumps on Ryan Reynolds to Second-Worst Guy From Loveline.”

      • thundercatsridesagain-av says:

        I read this article and imagined how AV Club would have written this back in the day when they had some teeth. 

        • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

          Yeah I really thought this was going to be biting but it’s pretty weak.

      • pgoodso564-av says:

        Seriously. The point of the article seems to be “You should listen to this crazy thing said on Adam Corolla’s podcast!” and I’m not quite sure they realize the underlying ludicrousness of that entire idea.

      • madwriter-av says:

        Second-Worst Guy From The Man Show

      • nogelego-av says:

        Second worst? Adam Corolla is now a regular on Sean Hannity’s show.

      • dibbl-av says:

        Right? T.J. Miller should be a snark layup. 

      • baronzima-av says:

        Right, the tone of the article isn’t snarky enough for us to pick up on the fact that Miller flushed his own career in the toilet for unprofessional behavior and persistent sexual assault rumors. I mean, if you’re as good as Andy Dick, maybe you can be rehabbed, but TJ Miller, c’mon.

  • marsilies-av says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but this seems like a nothing story.They were shooting a scene for Deadpool, Ryan adlibbed, as Deadpool, 4th-wall breaking line about how the character Weasel, not TJ, is mainly there to serve exposition in a comedic way, and TJ took it personally. I mean, maybe the ad-lib didn’t land the way Ryan hoped, but that’s what improv and editing are all about.Based on the description, it reminds me of the scene in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, where Robert Downey Jr’s character breaks the 4th wall and rags on the immediately preceding dialogue with a lot of exposition and Chekov’s guns.Maybe in the actual interview there’s more examples, but the one in the article here just seems like an improv that didn’t land, and TJ taking it as a personal insult, even though Ryan was calling him Weasel and obviously referring to the character/role. 

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I imagine the actual way Ryan Reynolds was a dick to him was telling him that he doesn’t want to work with rapists, and since that’s not a very compelling argument for Miller, he pulled up this anecdote as the closest thing to Reynolds being rude to him that he could manage.

    • nowaitcomeback-av says:

      Yeah given the fact that even from TJ’s mouth it seems like some off the cuff, in character riffing, and the fact that Miller is notoriously a huge asshole, I’m not thinking there’s much here.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Yeah this just comes off as Reynolds riffing as Deadpool and weirdo Miller somehow took it seriously (and beyond, all the way to assuming Reyolds hates him??). Best I can tell Reynolds is quite the smartass but not a complete dick.

    • drpumernickelesq-av says:

      Not to mention – and I’m sure it’s because he still hoped to continue on in the series at this point in time because it was obviously before all of TJ’s crap came out – when he was on Hot Ones, he absolutely raved about Reynolds. Some of it might have been performative because, again, paycheck and promoting the franchise, but still.

    • egerz-av says:

      Yes it seems like Miller didn’t understand he was playing a fictional character and that acting is make believe. But also, Reynolds was absolutely correct. The Weasel character is just there to get some laughs during exposition scenes and they limited his screen time in the first two movies so that he didn’t overstay his welcome. If TJ Miller was infuriated about being reminded that he plays a supporting role in a movie called Deadpool 2 (and not Weasel 2), he’s got some issues to work through.

    • dwarfandpliers-av says:

      now, my takeaway from this nothing story was, the guy who didn’t get invited to prom is all “proms are dumb, only losers go to prom” LOL

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      It’s even less than that. He’s using this tiny anecdote to help backfill (in a positive way for him) the reason why he doesn’t get as much work these days.

    • weedlord420-av says:

      I read the little sub-headline and thought “huh, this could be interesting” but yeah it does kinda sound like he just took an ad-lib too personally.

  • sven-t-sexgore-av says:

    Ah, yes, Ryan Reynolds being ‘mean’ is why you won’t be in any more Deadpool films. Sure… that’s it…. 

  • pushoffyahoser-av says:

    Are we sure this isn’t a bit? Because honestly, this seems a lot like a bit.

    • yellowfoot-av says:

      I doubt it. I mean, when has anyone ever associated Adam Carolla with comedy?

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Jimmy Kimmel?

      • bcfred2-av says:

        I’m sure Corolla was thrilled to hear Miller was being booked on his show. Probably evaluating his professional options about now.Feels like Gabbo discovering Ray Jay Johnson is his next guest.

    • brobinso54-av says:

      Miller really relies on bits to be funny. I once heard him on a radio talk show and in the middle of an interview, he was asked a really softball question about something. He went into schtick and started screaming about how offensive the question was and stormed out. The host, a comedian himself, was like ‘wow, that’s some weak tea bit there, pal.’ Miller came off like a stooge and a hump.

  • theblackswordsman-av says:

    Glad we waited for the last paragraph to actually mention that he’s a goddamn sexual predator. Excellent! But about that on-set decorum,

  • dromens-av says:

    Dude tanked his own career with his on and off-set behavior. This is ludicrous. Also, that joke completely fits the 4th wall breaking and isn’t all that mean. It’s literally how the characters talk to each other in the film. What a goob.

    • malaoshi-av says:

      I saw him in a comedy club in NYC a while back. His set sucked. Sloppy drunk. Miserable crowd work. Begging to be edgy and just ended up being a man-child on stage. 

      • conductorchris9-av says:

        Hmm, came to say pretty much the same thing.
        Saw him a few years ago at the Village Underground. He was so drunk he could hardly get any lines out. Just alot of yelling and “I was in the Emoji Movie” otherwise see above.

  • ablakeslee-av says:

    “Emoji Movie star” is just exquisite shade. 

  • jakealbrecht1985-av says:

    What he doesn’t seem to get is that sort of meta joke is absolutely in line with Deadpool as a character. 

  • grant8418-av says:

    Props to Reynolds for being a dick to TJ Miller.

  • dreadpirateroberts-ayw-av says:

    Yeah, I don’t buy this at all. Seriously, this sounds just like any other 4th wall ad-lib the character would make. Some get used, some don’t, but all are in character.

    • charliemeadows69420-av says:

      Makes a lot of sense to me that TJ Miller wouldn’t understand it is a joke since Deadpool wasn’t a funny movie and Ryan Reynolds fucking sucks.   Only brainless Marvel fans could enjoy something as stupid and babyish as a comedy superhero movie starring Van Wilder.  

  • morbidmatt73-av says:

    Yes, Ryan Reynolds only became “super, super famous” after Deadpool. Sure, TJ. Sure. 

    • sharazjek1983-av says:

      Actually, yeah.Prior to “Deadpool”, Reynolds was on a run of flops (“Green Lantern”, “R.I.P.D.”, “Turbo”, “The Captive”, “The Voices”, “Self/Less”).He was written off as box office poison and his name was a punchline.Jeff Wells in 2009: “Reynolds’ upgrade into classic movie star status isn’t going to happen. Because this feels like a low-rent move. Box-office aside, Wolverine has weakened the X-Men brand and you just know (or strongly suspect) that a Deadpool film will almost certainly bring about further diminishment.”Bill Simmons in 2011: “Look, I like Jeremy Renner, Josh Brolin, James Franco and Jesse Eisenberg. I really like Paul Rudd. None of them are not movie stars…at least not yet. And neither is Ryan Reynolds. But you knew that already.”What Culture in 2013: “suffering two crushing flops in quick succession with R.I.P.D. and Turbo has surely dealt a good deal of damage to his future prospects, as studios come to realise that, despite his good looks and cocky swagger, he’s really not all that bankable.”The New York Post in 2015: “Like it or not, movie stars are brands, and the strongest brands are those that are clearly defined. Think of Denzel Washington: You can immediately picture the kinds of roles he might play. Same goes for Julia Roberts, Will Smith or Seth Rogen. So what exactly is Reynolds’ brand? “Er, he’s the generically handsome guy who . . . made those movies. Or, wait. Was that Ryan Gosling?””

    • rafterman00-av says:

      I knew who Ryan Reynolds was before Deadpool, but I only cared about Ryan Reynolds after Deadpool.

    • lunanina-av says:

      Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place put him on the map as everyone knows. 🙂

  • bagman818-av says:

    Safe bet he’s not working with Reynolds again. Suggesting Reynolds would even offer is the comedy.

  • doctorwhotb-av says:

    “No, no, seriously! It’s totally MY choice to never work with Ryan Reynolds again. There are no other variables affecting me being in any new Deadpool or other movies/TV shows.”

  • elvis316-av says:

    He’s mean?  Well that settles it, I would also like to announce that I will not be working with Ryan Reynolds on any future projects. 

    • hardscience-av says:

      Psht. That dude buys and starts so many businesses that statistically, you just quit your next three jobs.

  • kleptrep-av says:

    So so so the story is, TJ Miller who I guess from appearing in Silicon Valley and Deadpool is supposed to be a comedic actor. This comedic actor vehemently detests someone for uh telling a joke? Um, aren’t comedians and comedic actors supposed to be like fans of comedy?Like correct me if I’m wrong but I can’t foresee Ryan Reynolds being the type of guy to maliciously insult someone right? Like he’s a likable asshole right?

    • ragsb-av says:

      They’re also notoriously insecure, petty, and vindictive towards those they’ve surmised have crossed them. Also usually on many drugs/deeply depressed

  • aaron1592-av says:

    IIRC Deadpool 2 had just dropped when all the Miller shit came out, I’d argue it’s Reynolds who wouldn’t work with him again…

  • thenuclearhamster-av says:

    He’s salty cause no one wants to work with a abusive, bullying, sex predator who makes bomb threats. 

  • noyousetyourusername-av says:

    The fact that Ryan Reynolds is very mean to rapists just makes him more likeable tbh. Also:I love [Reynolds] as a comedian, but I think after he got super, super famous from the first Deadpool, then things kinda changedWhat the fuck is he talking about? Van Wilder was in 2002. Reynolds has over 50 movie credits to his name, plus he was the star of a network television show for three seasons. Ryan Reynolds has been incredibly famous for decades 

    • necgray-av says:

      Dude was with Alanis. How much famouser can you get?

    • sharazjek1983-av says:

      Prior to “Deadpool”, Reynolds was on a run of flops (“Green Lantern”, “R.I.P.D.”, “Turbo”, “The Captive”, “The Voices”, “Self/Less”).He was written off as box office poison and his name was a punchline.Jeff Wells in 2009: “Reynolds’ upgrade into classic movie star status isn’t going to happen. Because this feels like a low-rent move. Box-office aside, Wolverine has weakened the X-Men brand and you just know (or strongly suspect) that a Deadpool film will almost certainly bring about further diminishment.”Bill Simmons in 2011: “Look, I like Jeremy Renner, Josh Brolin, James Franco and Jesse Eisenberg. I really like Paul Rudd. None of them are not movie stars…at least not yet. And neither is Ryan Reynolds. But you knew that already.”What Culture in 2013: “suffering two crushing flops in quick succession with R.I.P.D. and Turbo has surely dealt a good deal of damage to his future prospects, as studios come to realise that, despite his good looks and cocky swagger, he’s really not all that bankable.”The New York Post in 2015: “Like it or not, movie stars are brands, and the strongest brands are those that are clearly defined. Think of Denzel Washington: You can immediately picture the kinds of roles he might play. Same goes for Julia Roberts, Will Smith or Seth Rogen. So what exactly is Reynolds’ brand? “Er, he’s the generically handsome guy who . . . made those movies. Or, wait. Was that Ryan Gosling?””

  • canasta59-av says:

    Pretty nasty of the AV Club using Mitchell for the drama of a cheap unverifiable tabloid headline and then throwing him under the bus just to cover its ass.

  • canasta59-av says:

    Pretty nasty of the AV Club using Mitchell for the drama of a cheap unverifiable tabloid headline and then throwing him under the bus just to cover its ass.

  • canasta59-av says:

    Pretty nasty of the AV Club using Mitchell for the drama of a cheap unverifiable tabloid headline and then throwing him under the bus just to cover its ass.

  • luisxromero-av says:

    TJ Miller also states “and I didnt wanna do any more Silicon Valley”

    He followed it up with “I find being cast in movies and projects really stressful and don’t want to do that anymore. Please stop asking me to be in things”

  • galdarn-av says:

    Cool, so on top of being a racist, a maybe-rapist and an asshole who calls in fake bomb threats, he also doesn’t understand the difference between real life and acting.Cool. Way to go, TJ.

  • Ghstofperdition-av says:

    Id much rather have him in the next Deadpool rather than an elderly man playing wolverine. Jackman was never that good as wolverine. Xmen 1 2 3 wolverine origins and wolverine 2 all suck, or are mediocre at best. Logan was the only time he did good as wolverine. We literally have no idea if anyone else would be better cause no one else has ever had a chance. 

  • ragsb-av says:

    Sounds like a dumb idiot rapist. Also the downhill slump towards a trash rag continues unabated.

  • tristan89-av says:

    I have heard that Ryan staying in-character as Deadpool goes beyond a fault. Like, he’s well known as being annoying while filming. I live in Vancouver and I have a few friends that work in various depts in film. there’s a story that I’ve heard where Ryan grabbed a completely random PA’s phone, opened Tinder, swiped left on a bunch of matches and then tossed the phone over his shoulder. It was definitely a bit, but it was still irksome to those involved.

  • pocrow-av says:

    Breaking: Weird creep doesn’t like being treated poorly. Fails to learn anything by it.

  • harpo87-av says:

    So, famously nice guy said an in-character not-actually-that-bad thing to noted dirtbag co-star, then guy who played a character named “weasel” tells noted actual weasel about it on actual weasel’s podcast. Yup, this is clearly an anecdote that should be taken seriously and have any sort of consequences.Also, if Reynolds hates miller, I’d say that qualifies for the proverbial “celebrities: they’re just like us!” category.

  • ghostofghostdad-av says:

    You forgot that he attacked an Uber driver. 

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I wouldn’t want to hang out with any of these people.

  • pak-man-av says:

    The ol’ “They can’t fire me. I quit!” defense.

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    Speaking on The Adam Carolla ShowWhoops, correcting your headline: “T.J. Miller Announces He’s Gone Full Asshole By Appearing On Show For Assholes”

  • capnandy-av says:

    “He said ‘you know what I like about you, Weasel?’, and I took that personally, as Weasel is my legal name and not the character I was playing at the time.

    Also me being an asshole and sex pest has nothing to do with this. Just bringing that up. No reason.”

  • notjames316-av says:

    Adam Carolla is still a thing?Well, I guess he was tailor-made for TJ Miller, who apparently is also still a thing.

    • macthegeek-av says:

      Used-to-be-a-thing went on another-used-to-be-a-thing’s podcast.  I’m gonna need more before I can upgrade either one of them to still-a-thing.

  • ryanjcam-av says:

    So Deadpool 3 is making headlines, TJ Miller is obviously not going to be asked back this time, so I guess he decided to get ahead of it by saying he won’t work with Ryan Reynolds and sharing one of the most feeble stories of victimhood I’ve ever come across. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed Ryan Reynolds in anything but Deadpool, but I find no fault with him here. 

  • nostalgic4thecta-av says:

    “Speaking on The Adam Carolla Show,”Ohh, TJ. Things really aren’t going too well. 

  • yttruim-av says:

    I know one cannot get a full sense of an individual from interviews and being filmed in a documentary setting. That said…..Ryan gives off the vibes of someone who is quiet, a little shy even, super nice, but who has zero, hell, negative time, for anyone accused of assault, or sexist, or racist, etc. He is not the public statement type, his silence and ghosting alone is message enough.

  • coolhandtim-av says:

    It’d be VERY Deadpool-esque to bring back Weasel with a different actor, but make that actor absolutely unlikable in every way. I hear Jar Jar Binks is available. Or, wait, hear me out here… Pauly “The Weasel” Shore.

  • bobwworfington-av says:

    Why the fuck was this news?

  • theporcupine42-av says:

    Oh for sure man, *that’s* the reason you’re not gonna be in the third movie,

  • tvs_frank-av says:

    Maybe Michael Bay was right to lovingly focus on his brutal death?

  • diabolik7-av says:

    The original Deadpool 3 announcement was Ryan Reynolds asking Miller ‘Hey TJ, wanna play Weasel again?’, as he inexplicably goes upstairs in someone else’s house. Now everything’s ruined…… Guess we’ll just have to wait for Office Christmas Party 2 – The Quickening…

  • krinj-av says:

    It’s like a pile of shit being made at the asshole that spit it out.

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Yes… that’s the reason…

  • soylent-gr33n-av says:

    I’m sure Ryan Reynolds is really upset that T. J. Miller won’t ever work with him again.

  • nogelego-av says:

    I admire him for simply refusing to appear in Deadpool 3 and not throwing his considerable weight around to have Ryan Reynolds fired from the film.

  • galdarn-av says:

    Reached for comment, Reynolds said, “Who?”

  • cody2isdown-av says:

    If this is true, then it only makes me love Ryan Reynolds more.  Miller is an asshole, and deserves to be mocked.

  • brobinso54-av says:

    Fuck this loser, he wouldn’t be HIRED again is the truth. He’s proven in so many ways, in so many venues that he’s not only unfunny, but he probably has some kind of personality disorder that he’d rather let run rampant than take responsibility and get himself some help. No respect for that douche.

  • rocnation-av says:

    Deadpool out of all movies would have the least problem recasting a character (anyone except Ryan Reynolds) and moving on.

  • cariocalondoner-av says:

    Ha! That’s our Shershow! Classic Shershow!

  • nycpaul-av says:

    Massive Dickhead Gets Upset When People Are Mean

  • yodathepeskyelf-av says:

    Amtrak. No “c”.

  • avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7--disqus-av says:

    Why is this a story. TJ Miller is a scumbag, I doubt Ryan Reynolds would ever want to work with him again.

  • suckabee-av says:

    Remember when he made a bomb threat a few months before Deadpool 2 came out? There’s a joke in the movie about replacing him with Christopher Plummer because at that point it was way too late to write him out.

  • theunnumberedone-av says:

    I can’t believe I find myself wishing Sam Barsanti had written an article.

  • brianjwright-av says:

    Has anybody ever worked with TJ Miller and come away from the experience thinking they wanted to work again with TJ Miller? 

  • mexican-prostate-av says:

    Wtf is this article? The headline makes it seem like we’re supposed to take this seriously as if we’re not already going into it knowing full well what an alleged P.O.S. miller is, briefly goes into this nothing exchange, and then the latter 2/3 is just a summary of miller’s record. 

  • rayoso-av says:

    Oh no! How will Ryan and the 3rd Deadpool film manage to go on without the participation of an (alleged) rapist and bully (according to one of the women that worked with TJ on Silicon Valley)? 

  • hamiltonistrash-av says:

    I’m going to go ahead and file this one under “consider the source”

  • seoulglo-av says:

    Can’t wait for what they say about Weasel in Deadpool 3!!!

  • theeviltwin189-av says:

    Honestly this is probably the funniest thing he’s said in years.

  • dudebra-av says:

    …and, and Adam Carolla will never ever work with Ryan Reynolds either and they said it first before Ryan.No take backs infinity.

  • swearwolf616-av says:

    I dont really like Reynold’s schtick. And I despise Deadpool. The most derivative character ever created. The Family Guy of super heroes. But this makes me like them both just a little. 

  • oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy-av says:

    As much as TJ Miller is utter slime, watching Ryan Reynolds in Welcome to Wrexham, I can actually believe there’s a certain egotistical rage bubbling underneath the carefully cultivated nice guy persona. You can see it in his eyes. I can imagine him being a complete nightmare to work with.

  • nottheag-av says:

    I’m *pretty* sure that TJ Miller doesn’t need to worry about being invited to work with Ryan Reynolds again, ever. 

  • zaxby1979-av says:

    Welcome, you got Wrex’d, Miller.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Oh yeah, that’s why TJ Miller will never work with Reynolds again. Not because Miller was accused of multiple cases of sexual harassment and assault and thus Reynolds probably wants nothing to do with him.Okay TJ, sure. He can’t fire you because you quit. Whatever.

  • anathanoffillions-av says:

    “something seemed off about the interaction” – yes, when Weasel started crying…otherwise pretty in-character for Deadpool…and I really don’t know what Miller is complaining about, his character was not going to get superpowers…he was a funnyish exposition machine…what’s so bad about that, exactly?Fucked up thing is that I saw this story carried by like ten outlets and wasn’t going to read it, but they finally wore me down.

  • bellestarr13-av says:

    My favorite detail in the exposé account of Miller’s college years is that he went to a comedy night of all women comedians specifically to heckle then. So, yeah, #teamreynolds 

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