The Washington Post avoided falling for a right-wing "fake news" sting

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As Trumpers and similarly right-leaning dummies try to dismiss the child molestation allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore as “fake news,” The Washington Post has managed to shut down an attempt by well-known conservative bullshit factory Project Veritas to actually generate some real fake news. Apparently, a woman secretly working with Project Veritas contacted The Washington Post and claimed Moore had impregnated her when she was a teenager, all in what seems to be an attempt to get Post reporters to admit that they wanted to hear her story because it would harm Moore’s chances in the election.

Project Veritas is best known for secretly recording conversations with people in hopes of catching them lying or saying something that could be construed as controversial, and that was probably the goal here as well. Of course, Project Veritas hasn’t admitted to having any involvement with the woman, but reporters for The Washington Post were able to catch her entering the Project Veritas office in Mamaroneck, New York, and Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe dodged questions when a reporter tried to turn the tables on him in a video posted in the original Post story.

Even before figuring out Project Veritas’ apparent involvement, The Washington Post noticed some inconsistencies in the story the woman—who went by Jaime Phillips—had told them, including her sudden skittishness when reporters tried to ask for any kind of corroborating evidence. She also denied living in Alabama even though her phone had an Alabama area code, and her supposed employer did know of a Jaime Phillips. Also, a Post reporter found a GoFundMe page for someone named Jaime Phillips who needed money so she could move to New York and “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.”

The Washington Post eventually confronted Phillips, who explained that her hesitancy was because she wanted absolute certainty that Moore would lose the election. “I really expected that was going to happen, and now it’s not,” she said, adding “I don’t know what you think about that” in a fairly obvious attempt to once again get the reporter to admit to a bias. When confronted with the GoFundMe, Phillips says that she was trying to get a job at the Daily Caller, saying she interviewed with a Kathy Johnson (who doesn’t exist, of course). There’s also a fun aside in the story about how the Washington Post reporter assumed Phillips would tape their conversation, so she made a point to put her own bag in front of Phillips’ to block a camera. Phillips moved her bag and—apparently without any prompting—later told the reporter that she wasn’t filming their conversation.

Eventually, Phillips ended the discussion, saying she didn’t want to answer any more questions and that she wanted to take the whole thing back. By that evening, the GoFundMe page had been taken down. Basically, it seems like Project Veritas tried to “prove” The Washington Post was lying about Moore by passing off a false story that The Washington Post’s basic factcheck work immediately saw through. That is probably why one of them is a famous news outlet and the other is best known—as we previously noted—as a conservative bullshit factory.

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