Welcome to the "Invisible Challenge," which involves a bunch of dogs running into plastic wrap

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Welcome to the "Invisible Challenge," which involves a bunch of dogs running into plastic wrap
Photo: Arterra

The domestic dog, trained and bred over centuries to obey and assist humans, has had its loyalty betrayed. Not content to ask our canine companions only to fetch sticks, shake paws on command, or dance around on their hind legs for a treat, our wretched species is now involving our noble pets in a viral internet challenge where, pumped up with enthusiasm to play with their masters, dogs run head-first into plastic-wrapped doorways.

The “Invisible Challenge” is simple: Stretch a bunch of cellophane across an open door, get a dog hyped up enough to mindlessly chase a person, then film the resulting bewilderment of the poor, trusting creature fooled by a trick their brains were never designed to handle. Eventually, tormented long enough, some of the dogs figure out how to break through.

Though most of the videos are overlaid with horrible, effect-ruining internet “doggo” speak, it’s important to watch them anyway. We must all bear witness to the hubris of our species as it celebrates not only having tamed the majestic canine to the point they accept having to wear humiliating Halloween costumes and fucked-up people-masks, but now smash their snouts into invisible barriers.

The Challenge may look funny, but we should remember that dogs, like all animals, adapt to the trials foisted upon them by uncaring humans. It won’t be long before, having conquered the Invisible Challenge, the dogs begin to question why they’ve put up with our shit for so long and begin to rebel against the hairless apes who have betrayed their trust.

Look below. The smartest among them may already be starting to put the pieces together.

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  • hunnybrutal-av says:

    These people need to be put down.

  • laserface1242-av says:

    This boarders on animal cruelty. A dog could get seriously injured. I think the first rule of any prank or “challenge” is to do no physica or emotional harm. 

    • patsonofkeon-av says:


    • boggardlurch-av says:

      The first rule SHOULD be “do no harm”.The first rule is ACTUALLY “It’s funnier if you wind up in the hospital because we’re innately cruel and far too many of us laugh at other’s pain.”

    • yummsh-av says:

      I miss Boarders. I bought all my boaks there.

    • squirtloaf-av says:

      I thought the first rule of invisible challenge was:”You do not talk about
       invisible challenge”?

      • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

        No the first rule of the invisible challenge is [                                             ].

      • bmglmc-av says:

        I thought the first rule of invisible challenge was:”You do not talk about invisible challenge”?

        ….that’s the silent challenge.

    • nilus-av says:

      The first rule of pranks is don’t do fucking pranks. Especially not to your pets. 

      • bobsmiththeeldercommentor-av says:

        I’ve got no problem with good pranks. And by that I mean the ones that follow the rule of “Confuse, don’t abuse.” But yeah, I feel bad for see it played on animals. I mean come on, that’s pretty much the definition of punching down.

  • hallofreallygood-av says:

    This is dumb. It’d be mean if the dogs fell for it and crashed into the barrier, but the few videos that I watched (I’m not watching all of them) show the dog walking up to the plastic wrap and looking at it, wondering why their master did this in the first place. And I’ve got to say, they all make a good point. It isn’t funny, and the dog isn’t fooled. It’s too stupid to be cruel. I award them no internet points. 

    • pabloduganheim-av says:

      I have to wonder if any of these idiots were cling wrapping public toilets in their earlier years….(another failure and such great fun carefully removing that wrap with the bottom of my shoe)

    • chriska-av says:

      wrinkly ass plastic wrap too. and likely smelly.

    • axiomaloud-av says:

      Yeah. All it shows is that dogs are smart. There senses and spatial awareness are too keen to be fooled by simple human plastic.

      • axiomaloud-av says:

        I am truly upset with myself. I used the wrong “There” instead of “Their”.Embarrassing.

  • murrychang-av says:

    These videos are making fun of the people who are bothering to do this and then post it online, right?  Like, the people are self owning and don’t even realize it.
    I’m gonna go with that angle, that feels like it’s the correct one.

    • blastprocessing-av says:

      The first video was completely unbearable. The high-pitched baby talk of the owner, the sickeningly dumb captions for the dog, just fucking horrible. I always look on pronouncements like “bring on the meteors” or “ISIS is right to hate us” as stupid and cliche, but fuck, humanity is awful. 

      • allreligiousarecharlatansorfools-av says:

        there’s no way the woman from video #1 is not insufferable in real life.

    • meanwhile-elsewhere-av says:

      Plus, their dogs don’t really like them =P.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    We get to play pranks on them for our amusement, and they get to eat our faces when we die alone and undiscovered.  It’s a fair deal, I think.

  • docnemenn-av says:

    This’d never happen in our house. Partly because, well, we love our dog and don’t try and injure him by playing mind games on him. But also, if we’re being honest, partly because he’s reached the age now where even if we were able to lure him off his bed to begin with — which would mean luring him away away from the best view of the television and kitchen, so he can watch soap operas and food preparation whensoever the mood takes him, and also moving him away from the location best positioned for both the heating and the AC — he’d take about five minutes to get up, would trot lazily over the doorway, look through it for a second or two, look back at me in a sort of “Welp, I tried,” fashion and then trot happily back to bed.

    • pandagirl123-av says:

      Your dog is living my best life.

    • meanwhile-elsewhere-av says:

      My dog is a zen master at tactically lounging. A/c vent, view out the front windows and most of the house. Plus, look at this face.Ridiculous.

      • docnemenn-av says:

        Yep. I know that look well, since our dog is also conveniently positioned in a central pathway through the house, thus making it easier for him to emotionally manipulate belly-rubs whenever necessary.

  • r3507mk2-av says:

    I don’t know if teaching your dog to test the destructibility of new barriers in the house is a good move. Dogs learn to not break lots of things they could out of deference to humans, punishing them for this seems both cruel and counterproductive.

  • mp81440-av says:

    And yet…dogs still love us.We are not worthy.(I do not do this kind of garbage to dog – he does enough goofy, hilarious shit on his own accord)

  • cog2018-av says:

    People suck. Dogs do not.

  • laylowmoe76-av says:

    dogs run head-first into plastic-wrapped doorways.
    smash their snouts into invisible barriers.

    …did you really think the dogs did that? The dogs didn’t do that. Dogs won’t do that, because they can smell the plastic in their way. They have bad eyes and good noses, not the other way round.

    • faloopa-av says:

      Aparantly our back screen has no scent at all because one of my dogs has smashed into it so many times he now refuses to use that door under any circumstances.

    • taco-emoji-av says:

      This article was obviously written by somebody who didn’t even watch the fucking videos they were writing about.

  • quietsilence-av says:

    The Challenge may look funny …agree to disagree, this is boring shite. Worst Great Job Internet since “Why did Daria have a thigh gap?”

  • silvrsurfr777-av says:

    Trying so hard, bruh. So hard. but this aint it.

  • drewknight-av says:

    Pranksters are inherently horrible people, bordering on sociopaths. People who prank animals are just fucked up and don’t deserve to have pets. Or even families.

  • kinjabitch69-av says:

    I’m guessing the kind of people who think this is funny, also think that filming their kids while telling them that all of their Halloween candy is gone is funny too.I disagree with these peop…idiots.

  • binkyridesagain-av says:

    Wow…. the internet is really full of assholes.

  • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:


  • ericbschmidt-av says:

    Perhaps I’m old fashioned but I choose to not fuck with/abuse my animals. In the long run their love and trust is more important than getting a bunch of views on a video.

    • waaaaaaaaaah-av says:

      Right? Back in my day, if we wanted to something stupid to psychology torture, we just had kids.

  • paulfields77-av says:

    When we adopted our ex-racing greyhound, his first attempt at coming back in from the garden involved walking into a glass door. This would freak him out. One time I threw a towel over his head after a walk in the rain, and he just turned his head from side to side wondering who’d turned the light out. Most dogs are cleverer than greyhounds to be fair. Greyhound heads are designed for aerodynamics, not computing power. Human brains however should be capable of realising that pulling shit like this pours (more) doubt on the concept of man as nature’s final word.

  • rzmmdxleetuber-av says:

    Why are these people pet owners again?Are they testing to see if their dogs are smart?Or is this a test to see if the owners are dumb?

  • bmglmc-av says:

    Finally AV Club, covering the real local media hilarities that gets overlooked by the MSM.


  • sbt1-av says:

    This is deeply stupid and I hope each and every one of those poor dogs chewed through every couch and chair in the house as revenge.

  • plies2-av says:


  • judygrandetetas-av says:

    None of the dogs fell for it, so I don’t get why it’s supposed to be funny or interesting. If  the dogs fell for it, then that would be noteworthy I guess, but it seems…. lame. It’s lame. 

  • brianfowler713-av says:

    People who prank their dogs suck!#Dontfuckingprankdogs

  • josef2012-av says:

    Is seems like all these “challenge” videos are lousy with horrible,stupid people,no?

  • gooddude-av says:

    The Infantilization of dogs kinda creeps me out.

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