A real-time archive of MAGA dorks melting down about the election results

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A real-time archive of MAGA dorks melting down about the election results
Photo: Justin Paget

Media figures and politicians have suggested that now is a moment to reach across the aisle and embrace Trump supporters as they mourn their idol’s loss in the elections. This is a nice kind of sentiment when applied to stuff like basketball games and school debates, but doesn’t hold all that well when it comes to the life-or-death ramifications of politics. So, with that said, here’s a Twitter account called Coping MAGA that exists to document the post-election whining and brain-disintegration of Trump’s base in real-time.

The account bio says, “MAGA hats are coping with their loss, and we’re gonna enjoy it.” It doesn’t look like that kind of material is going to run out anytime soon. Coping MAGA shows someone tweeting a very believable story about the time he shamed a Biden-supporting restaurant server by leaving her a $700 tip before taking out a MAGA hat, a guy predicting Trump’s win before the elections and later pleading for God to take mercy on the evil nation that betrayed him, and, of course, an official statement from Trump’s team from November 7th about its plan to contest the election (probably for the rest of time).

The real shit—the pure uncut schadenfreude—though comes from right-wing personalities trying to cling to made-up terms of victory, predicting the election’s outcome completely wrong, or making desperate jokes about why the media wasn’t more interested in looking through Hunter Biden’s porn receipts and checking out photos of him smoking cigarettes in the bath.

There are also the MAGA dorks predicting the coming authoritarian dystopia soon to arrive with a Biden presidency by ranting about Disney contracts or comparing the treatment of Trump supporters to (what else?) the Holocaust.

There are, of course, also sweaty conspiracy theories about Trump’s loss being another instance of his 4D chess mastery or an excuse by the Democrats to instigate rioting. And, naturally, cries to a Q who seems to have forsaken his acolytes.

In the best cope demonstration of all, though, Coping MAGA was suspended earlier this week after being targeted by 4Chan. It’s hard to think of a better example of what the account’s been highlighting than that.

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  • singleuseplastic-av says:
  • miked1954-av says:

    Latest word is Arizona went for Biden but the Repubs in control of the vote count don’t want to release the results. Because… you know… the state went for Biden.

  • precognitions-av says:

    this needs a NSFW tag cause it’s givin’ me an erection

  • brontosaurian-av says:

    It’d be nice if that person actually gave $700 to a waitress who’s job has probably been effected by covid, better than sending it to Trump’s “voter fraud investigation” grift. These fuck’s never tip well though. There is no way I’m watching any of those videos though. 

    • joestammer-av says:

      I will bet you $700 bucks that interaction never happened AT ALL.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        Of course not.

      • systemmastert-av says:

        I mean, it’s a situation where a MAGA chud took his hat off in a public place, so you know it’s a farce.

      • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

        You know how I know the story’s bullshit?  He “pulled out” his MAGA hat.  People who wear MAGA hats don’t take them off to eat in a restaurant.

        • joestammer-av says:

          You know how I know the story’s bullshit? He listened to a woman speak.You know how I know the story’s bullshit? He gave her $700 instead of calling her a bitch.

          • immortanmoe-av says:

            I absolutely believe this fellow heard a waitress voicing her opinion. I also believe he left her a 15% tip and didn’t say a word about his Trumpet.

        • kimothy-av says:

          Which is funny, because they supposedly want old fashioned values to come back and one of those is for men to not wear hats inside.

    • jomahuan-av says:

      it will be interesting to see how long that ‘voter fraud investigation’ scam lasts.
      just to pay off campaign debts? or a full-time grift?maybe there’s a ‘kamala harris birth certificate investigation’ coming.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        Maybe or that’ll be an off shoot, but this will probably turn into Trump 2024 reelection fund or something like that. Which he’ll just line his pockets with. 

        • jomahuan-av says:

          o cool, trump 2024.*vomits violently*

        • tobias-lehigh-nagy-av says:

          You know what, he’s welcome to run in 2024. His age is creeping up on him fast, and at his weight he’s probably going to be so decrepit he can barely walk four years from now, and I doubt COVID did him any favors.

    • seattleted-av says:

      I want all the Trump fans to give all they can to his funds. Also to the gofundme accounts of those claiming the voting fraud. I want them to give every penny they can afford to give. On Jan 21, Biden will be in office Trump at Mar lago or such and they’ll be broke.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      Dude paid $700 to justify tipping like a bitch after every other meal for the rest of his life.

    • tokenaussie-av says:

      I’m not from a tipping culture (despite our worst efforts, alas) but I’ve seen those “I’m praying for you/God loves” fake dollars they hand out that look like real currency but just contain a bunch of religious pablum instead.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        I don’t know of that happening to anybody around me thankfully, but I’ve heard of it and some scripture is the biggest fuck you as a tip. It’s such a condescending selfish shitty thing to do.

        • tokenaussie-av says:

          Here it is:Note how the cowards don’t have any contact details on there. Wonder why.

        • smithsfamousfarm-av says:

          Saw it all the time at my restaurant in WI. Same group of church goers would come in Sunday afternoon about once a month. “Your soul is worth more than any money I could tip.” They would leave a tract with that right on the front cover and sometimes a whopping 10% tip, if that. And it seemed like the same server would always get them.

        • kimothy-av says:

          It’s bad enough to tip religious tracts, but to disguise them as money so that the server believes they got a nice tip (most of the one’s I’ve seen are disguised as 20 dollar bills) is just scuzzy.

    • kimothy-av says:

      He forgot the decimal after the 7

  • dwarfandpliers-av says:

    I thought I would be more ready to gloat than I have been but reading stuff like this is like watching Captain Queeg’s monologue about strawberry theft on the Caine Mutiny.  I cannot fathom and may never be able to understand how easy it was drive almost half the country off the deep end.

    • firewokwithme-av says:

      I really feel like with this and the Q stuff is that people want so much to feel special to feel like they have figured something out. 

      • josef2012-av says:

        Exactly, that want their cosmically insignificant lives to have some stakes+meaning,you know,like in the movies 

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        this is an interesting point—that what motivates QAnon “followers” is the idea that they’re privy to something the libtards aren’t and thus are better or smarter than them—and of course the platforms they follow like FB and now Parler will never show them anything but material that keeps them falling down that rabbit hole, away from reality. And also, even if they keep falling but hit a wall of reality that unequivocally shows them how wrong they are, how likely are they to ever admit they were wrong?

        • karma414-av says:

          They’ll never admit they were wrong. Any proof contrary to their belief is part of the conspiracy/Deep State/not to be trusted. It sure makes it pretty easy to be right all the time when you get to choose which sources of information you’re willing to accept.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            what I don’t get is when the proof that they’re wrong is the words out of Trump’s fat mouth. It doesn’t happen often (and they usually then pivot to Benghazi, Obama, emails, etc.) but still—that’s gotta penetrate the cult fog at some point, right? We’re not talking about something that’s subject to interpretation; it’s the words out of his mouth sometimes.

          • karma414-av says:

            Those are the times when Trump “didn’t mean that,” or is speaking in coded messages that (to his loyal Q followers), actually mean the exact opposite of what he literally says. For someone who supposedly “tells it like it is” and “speaks his mind,” he sure needs a lot of interpretation. My ex-gf flipped from an Obama voter to a Q and could not have been more proud of her “supreme critical thinking skills” or the fact that she was now so “politically informed” (her words).  The cult-like behavior is truly sick.

      • callmeshoebox-av says:

        This is my theory of conspiracy theorists. It’s deeply stupid people who finally have a chance to feel like they know something the rest of us don’t and therefore they are special. 

    • kinosthesis-av says:

      70 million is not even close to half the country’s population. An outrageous number to be sure, but still a vast minority.

      • inspectorhammer-av says:

        We just had a pretty comprehensive opinion poll. Seems like more than 47% of respondents prefer Trump. I’m not a statistician but I’m pretty sure that’s what they’d call a large sample size.

      • triohead-av says:

        It’s not half, but it’s a pretty large sample size.
        For a population of 328.2 million, you only need a sample size of 4160 to have a 99% confidence in a ±2% margin of error. 

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        but not a vast minority of voters, and remember, Republicans live to vote; Democrats have to be coaxed more.  I’m afraid without Trump to “motivate” everyone Democrat turnout at the midterms will collapse.

      • sybann-av says:

        Still far too many for comfort. And defies any understanding.

    • sgt-makak-av says:

      I guess it’s a can’t see the forest for the tree thing, but I can’t grasp why everybody seems to keep circling around the fact that this is the direct result of the USA being a theocracy.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I don’t know if it’s a theocracy or just that for some reason Americans seem more susceptible to cults of personality, because the evangelicals have seem shockingly willing to replace one cult for another when it comes to Trump, hypocrisy be damned.  A lot of Americans would love for the country to be an out-and-out theocracy but it seems like that number is dwindling as atheism rises in prevalence.  Now the atheists and agnostics just need to open their mouths and shout down the evangelicals more often.

        • davidpuddy2nd-av says:

          It’s a lack of experience. America hasn’t had a cult of personality whereas Europe, for example, has had iterations of them for centuries through monarchs, emperors and dictators.This is also to say that Americans aren’t more prone to cults of personality otherwise history wouldn’t have repeated so many times in Europe and Asia and Africa. People are prone to cults of personality when they’re poor, uneducated and have no prospects for the future. No dictator rose to power in any country where its people were happy.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            we’ve had plenty of cults though in American history in just the last 50 years…NXIVM, Scientology, Jim Jones, Heavens Gate, David Koresh, even the “Moonies” back in the day. I think some of them would qualify as “cults of personality” if the leaders had been in higher positions. What occurred to me with all the people who fell for NXIVM was how none of them was probably poor; their biggest shortcoming in their minds was that despite their (self-perceived) value and intelligence and awesomeness, they still hadn’t succeeded as much as they expected or felt entitled to, which made them susceptible to a high-functioning con artist like Raniere. No one in NXIVM was really poor, uneducated, or without prospects; they just hadn’t landed that multimillion dollar contract with a studio yet.

          • davidpuddy2nd-av says:

            I think you need to differentiate between cults full of whackadoodles and political cults of personality, a la Trump, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, etc. NXIVM and Heaven’s Gate and all those were not an organized political movement with the aim of taking political power, as least not that I’m aware. 

          • Fieryrebirth-av says:

            What’s worse is that throughout the US’s history in the past 40 or 60 years, it has been setting itself for a dictatorship.

        • sgt-makak-av says:

          They did not replace one cult for another. Trump is nothing but a vessel for god in their eyes, put there to pack the Supreme Court.

          • dwarfandpliers-av says:

            LOL ah yes, the “flawed vessel” quotes that the evangelicals use to defend their support of President Pussy Grabber, how could I forget that old chestnut.  I wish their psychotic fervor to protect unborn children extended to born children as well (including the non-white ones).

          • sgt-makak-av says:

            Even worse are the one who see him as a vessel of Satan who will bring forth the Rapture.

    • salnder-av says:

      For me a big part of it is that Trump appeals to people who see the world in black and white. You’re either for Trump or you’re the enemy, you’re white or you’re the enemy, you’re republican or you’re the enemy. No shades of gray, which makes supporting Trump VERY easy

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        somehow Trump found a way to radicalize the binary way his supporters view the world even further than it was, which is kinda stunning to consider. And now that they have platforms like Parler where these rabbit holes of white paranoia and ignorance can go even deeper, I don’t know if they’re ever coming back.

  • markagrudzinski-av says:

    It would be hilarious if it isn’t for the fact these loons aren’t going anywhere. They’ll descend even deeper into their echo chamber of delusion thanks to Parler.

    • elloasty-av says:

      I wish that were true. That troll culture thrives on the high-jacking of audiences given to them by piggy backing on another’s visibility. They may be temporary humiliated but I’m sure they’ll be back in full force on Twitter, Reddit and various comment boards. You can’t be “in it for the lolz” and retreat to Parler to “own” your fellow boogaloo-ers.

      • ihatewater-av says:

        My thoughts exactly! If the whole point of their schtick is to own the libs, they won’t have any fun on Parler and the like. But I would enjoy their going away somewhere they can be ignored more easily.

    • ooklathemok3994-av says:

      We would be so lucky. Let them circle jerk each other off in the dregs of the Internet.

  • calebros-av says:

    “Forgive us for the sexual perversions running rampant through the land”No don’t forgive me. I deserve to be punished. Mm yes. 

  • kate-monday-av says:

    The thing is, the problem isn’t about letting go of political points of contention, the problem is when people present things like racism, misogyny, and bigotry as political issues instead of ones of basic human decency. If the divide were just over political issues, even loaded ones, like medicare for all, that would be one thing. But, when one candidate is supporting and supported by white supremacists and actual self-described Nazis, that’s something entirely different. It’s not reasonable to ask for reconciliation between minority groups and the people who still actively hate them, especially if you want that conciliatory effort to start with said minorities.  

    • Axetwin-av says:

      Not just political issues, but “differences of opinion”. We need to start putting forth the idea that there is ABSOLUTELY the wrong opinion. When your opinion is in line with the White Supremacist and Men’s Rights groups , you need to rethink your entire outlook on life and start making better life choices.

      • citricola-av says:

        I think the biggest mistake that has ever been made is treating all opinions as though they have value. People use that as a shield to say heinous shit, always have.

    • doobie1-av says:

      I have the strong suspicion that the moderates calling for “unity” are really just picturing straight white people. It’s not a call for Mexican immigrants to embrace the people calling them criminals and rapists so much as it is a call for white people not to let disagreements over the basic humanity of Mexican immigrants spoil any BBQs.

      • brontosaurian-av says:

        Gotta say despite being targeted some Mexican immigrants have quite conservative values and have been known to vote that way. It often boils down to religion. A weird Trump may hate us, but abortion is worse type thing. 

        • doobie1-av says:

          His Latino support is around 1/4-1/3, with a huge gap along gender lines. Apparently people can get over deportation threats or pussy grabs, but not both.

          But there are log cabin Republicans and the Weimer Republic saw the Association of German National Jews endorsing Hitler, so there’s really no amount of “fuck you and everything you stand for” that won’t still garner some level of support. People can and are writing books about why, but, as you mentioned, even a lot of the Latinos voting for him concede that he’s racist.

          • roboj-av says:

            https://www.economist.com/united-states/2020/10/27/latino-men-are-a-bright-spot-in-donald-trumps-faltering-campaign“You’ve got to look at the big picture,” says Agustin Reyes, an
            Obama-Trump voter who dislikes the president’s anti-immigration stance
            but supports him “going after China”. Daniel Reyes Saenz, a
            fifth-generation Texan with a Led Zeppelin tattoo on each forearm,
            recalls his journey from young Democrat to middle-aged Republican in a
            booth at Maga’s, a cosy restaurant named after its Mexican owner,
            Margarita. Asked about Mr Trump’s description in 2015 of Mexican
            migrants as “rapists”, he replies: “I didn’t take it personally.”Whodathunk that Latinos turned out to be selfish single issue voters like everyone else is.

          • westsidegrrl-av says:

            the Weimer Republic saw the Association of German National Jews endorsing HitlerOMG seriously???

        • popculturesurvivor-av says:

          It’s more than that. A lot of Mexican-Americans and people who immigrated legally are really, truly not fond of illegal Latino immigrants, for reasons both economic and cultural, and back efforts to kick them out. They resent being put in the same category as illegals. Ethnic solidarity only goes so far. That’s their right, and makes sense, up to a degree.
          That degree is that Donald Trump is thoroughly amoral and, politically, functions an agent of white backlash, and so while immigrants and Latino Americans might draw fine distinctions between who’s legal and who’s not, it’s a good bet that a lot of people who support Donald Trump don’t, and that, in the end, is what counts most. It’s not like red hat-wearing Limbaugh listeners in Wisconsin or Iowa sit around parsing these differences too often: I suspect that they’d happily load anybody brown and Spanish-speaking on a one-way train over the border no matter what their papers happened to be. There are already calls on the further reaches of the right to withdraw citizenship from, for example, the American-born sons and daughters of illegal immigrants. It’s probably not something that Trump would mind doing if it would please his base. I’m not quite in this debate — I’m more of a white American whose family emigrated out — but I really, truly want to shake every single Latino who voted for Trump and yell, “Hoy ellos y mañana vos! Piensas que no lo harían?” But what the hell do I know, right?

          • anotherburnersorry-av says:

            In fairness, there’s nothing more American than pulling the ladder up behind you

          • popculturesurvivor-av says:

            It’s true. But as the great-grandson of immigrants and a sort-of immigrant myself, I wish it wasn’t.

          • jomahuan-av says:

            i think a lot of immigrant families feel that way, especially the older folks who bought into the whole ‘melting pot’ assimilation myth.
            they don’t realize that just having brown skin is enough for these right-wing folks to start hollering for ICE. and ICE is no better, which is even scarier.

      • bc222-av says:

        They’re the same people who, when pointing out all the Trump has done for black people, they ALWAYS say “criminal justice reform!” first. And only.

        • ac130-av says:

          Which they throw out like it was his idea, when it in fact was not.Also can any of them tell you what exactly was reformed?

      • cphillips2118-av says:

        This is so fucking spot on.

      • secondsnice-av says:

        Exactly. And as a straight white person, I refuse to do that. We need to stop pretending that our white friends’ racism/sexism/LGBTQphobia isn’t a big deal.
        I have cut former friends out of my life over lesser transgressions than being a Trump supporter, and I’ll do it again. You can be a shitty person or you can be my friend – you can’t be both. I wish more white people had this attitude.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I’m glad you brought up this example. I was very surprised when I read that Trump had done so well with Hispanic/Latino voters. It didn’t make sense since he constantly demonizes immigrants. Would it be fair to assume that many Hispanics who have established residence feel threatened by the wave of newcomers? This is my first attempt to sort this out and if I’m on the wrong track I’d like to know.

        • kate-monday-av says:

          That’s my guess – as someone else said, there’s a long history of the latest group of immigrants being awful to the group that comes next. Also, people talk about demographics like Hispanics or Asians as if they’re unified groups, but those headings cover a bunch of different countries and ethnicities, and there’s lots of history there, not all of it good, so there’re probably also some Hispanics who, when hearing Trump say awful things about Mexicans, for example, might not even object that much.

        • doobie1-av says:

          With the caveat that every Hispanic voter, just like every other voter, has their own reasons for doing what they do, there are a couple of general trends. His strongest support comes from the ethnic Cubans in Florida who either are or are the direct descendants of people fleeing Castro’s regime, some of whom were directly involved in the Bay of Pigs scheme. Because of this, they are extremely sensitive to any perceived move toward “socialism,” and Republicans have been screaming that it’s coming for years.

          Outside of Florida, I think there is a group that doesn’t necessarily agree with Trump’s immigration policy but also don’t feel personally threatened by it. They’ve been here long enough that they don’t have close friends and family who are still in Mexico, so they can put it in a box like a lot of white people do and focus on other issues where they might be more conservative.

          In my experience, it’s rarer to find someone of Mexican descent who is as openly hostile to the idea of new immigrants as Trump, though they are certainly out there.

    • selburn6-av says:

      This. Voting for Trump isn’t a political stance; it’s a moral failing. In 2016, he ran on a platform of hate (build the wall, ban muslims) and misogyny (grab ‘em by the p*ssy, trump that b*tch, nasty woman). There were no plans for improving infrastructure or solving political problems, it was all “let’s get these minorities.” Voting for that = moral failing.In 2020, there was no platform. It was just “Trump”. Four more years of Trump. AFTER four previous years that amply demonstrated his bigotry, corruption, and incompetence that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Voting for that = moral failing + extreme stupidity.Trump voters have to recognize their moral failing, and apologize to the rest of the country for it. Then the healing can begin. (So….probably never.)

    • josef2012-av says:

      Well said.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      How DARE you judge politicians by their followers? It’s not Trump’s fault a few morons like him. It’s not fair to judge the rest of us based on a couple of fringe cases.Coming up next: Unwilling Dupes or Agents of Satan? How to tell your liberals apart. Stay tuned.

    • muddybud-av says:

      MAGA was always a fascist movement. It’s adherents need to be shunned out of society. 

    • guppysb-av says:

      Here’s the funny thing Kate. All the Trump supporters I know claim he is the least racist president of all time. He’s anti establishment and good for the American economy. When you present them with his statements, they claim “It was a joke” or “Fake News”. How do you argue or have a conversation with people that have already made up their mind? 

      • kate-monday-av says:

        Right, but I don’t have to respect or indulge that degree of willful ignorance, either – those are people you need to work around, not with. After all, their judgement, morality, and ability to reason are seriously in doubt.  

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    This is the first stage of grief: foaming at the mouth insanity.
    The other stages are also that.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      It’s all they know. They have fragile gentle minds that react to everything by lashing out. There’s no nuance or self reflection and if confronted with a fact that goes against their preconceived notion they just rage harder. 

    • precognitions-av says:

      there’s also the HA HA HA. HAAAAA HA HA HA, HAHAHA, HAAA HAAA HAAAstage, apparently

    • joestammer-av says:

      Just before Hillary lost I said, “If Hillary wins there will be a lot of happy Hillary supporters and a lot of angry Trump supporters. If Trump wins there will be a lot of unhappy Hillary supporters and a lot of angry Trump supporters.”

      • bryanska-av says:

        They will still be angry. I’m not laughing at this; I’m expecting blood at some point. This is not to be taken lightly. 

      • brianfowler713-av says:

        Really? I assumed the Hillary supporters would become happy Kamala supporters.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        This exactly is what defies reason. The Trumpsters won and were they happy? Hell no; they just became meaner and pettier. How do “winners” manage to be absolute VICTIMS at the same time? We need to design a new kind of jacket to accommodate the enormous chips on their shoulders.

        • xaa922-av says:

          Speaking of victimhood, yesterday I was reading an opinion piece in WSJ (mainly because I like to look at the MAGA hats getting trolled in the comment section) and among the conservatives as a whole – NOT limited to MAGA chuds – is this WHOLLY ACCEPTED characterization of the impeachment proceedings as nothing more than the evil left trying to do the same thing to Trump as Trump is doing to Biden now … delegitimize his presidency. The notion among these folks that impeachment had any basis in fact or law is not even considered anymore. It’s not on the table. It’s not part of their narrative at all. And this notwithstanding the fact that there is a RECORDING of Trump engaging in exactly the behavior he is accused of; i.e., withholding aid to a foreign nation unless they agree to advance his personal agenda of investigating a political rival. Remember when Graham and McConnell first heard of these allegations? Both of them said effectively “if that’s true, it deserves to be closely scrutinized.” Well, it was true – the recording proves it – and yet these rats turned tail and ran instead of standing up to Trump.Point is, this “victim” narrative isn’t limited to MAGAs. It is the wholly-adopted mantra of the bulk of the Republican party. Snowflake City!

          • puddingangerslotion-av says:

            I’ve noticed this, even in the supposedly edumacated articles you see from the goony-bird contingent at the Washington Post: they can only refer to the impeachment if they follow it up with “sham” or precede it with “debunked,” as though it was either of those things. It’s so la-la-la-I-can’t-hear-you, which you expect from the standard MAGA goon, but less so, or at least not as blatantly, from their “intelligentsia.”

          • ooklathemok3994-av says:

            It was a fake impeachment!

            No, you absolute dumbshit. He was and will always be impeached. That was a thing that happened.

          • puddingangerslotion-av says:


    • thekinjacaffeinespider-av says:

      That’s not how I remember it. Does this mean my masters degree in psychology is now null, void and useless?(I don’t really have one of those)

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:


    but also, Christ, they’re losing their minds

    • secretagentman-av says:

      What a stud, threatening a teenage girl! All part of the Trumplethinskin playbook.

      • knowonelse-av says:

        More than that, he actually assaulted her, twice. Once when threatening o back the truck on her, and then actually backing up towards her, and once again after the bald crack when he opened the door and actually hit her. Such a wimp to threaten and assault a teenager.

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          He was done after about the third “Touch Me!” Even if she had then poked him in the shoulder with her pinky finger – he asked for it. Any escalation from then on would put that dude in jail. Crazy to think how many truck-flaggers would throw their lives away just for some superficial imagined payback. I guess that’s why they don’t wear masks at the rallies. “I’ll throw my life away for you Dear Leader.”There’s some road-rage homicide in that guy’s future.

        • kimothy-av says:

          He also spit at her before he got out of the truck after backing it up. Which is bad enough in normal times, but so much wose during a pandemic.

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        So if she had touched him gently onthe shoulder he would have beaten the crap out of her? Somehow I don’t think he would have convinced a judge that it wasn’t attempted murder.

      • mifrochi-av says:

        As much as I like the part where the guy gets out of his car and approaches the children, then tells them that they’re in his face, I just can’t get over the fact that he states the kids are under 18 and then keeps telling them – over and over and over – to touch him. It would have been a cherry on top of the shit sundae if one of them called him a pedophile, but I’m glad they showed restraint. 

    • ozilla-av says:


      • sarcastro3-av says:

        I always love the “you will not replace us” thing.  Uh, correct.  The space you once occupied will be left empty, without any loss in value to the world.

    • noisypip-av says:

      I wish the video had continued, as I was starting to get concerned for the girl filming. She handled herself brilliantly, but this guy was just begging for a reason to beat up an 18 year old girl. His face when she pointed out he had no hair was fucking priceless.For the record, nothing against bald men. My Dad was bald my whole life and he was still the handsomest Dad a girl could ask for.

    • bad-janet-av says:

      jesus christ. that girl is a champion for holding her ground against that fucking freak

    • triohead-av says:

      Ah the great rhetorical move of angrily striding up to your opponent and telling them to relax, then begging them to start the fight you wanted but that you’re too chickenshit to initiate. (Extra points for making your tough guy act sound like sexual desperation.)

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      I REALLY need to know who TF he is calling on that phone because he has lost what’s left of his damn mind. Is he calling some of his buddies? The cops??? I live a city full of these guys. They HATE women. Make one of them mad and they will devote endless hours trying to getting revenge.

    • nonoes-av says:

      that is genuinely scary, and i don’t look unlike that fat bitch in the video. kudos to the woman recording him, that was brave as FUCK.

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      “TOUCH ME! TOUCH ME!”I bet he says that to all the women!

    • mattballs-av says:

      I love how he keeps threatening them, but then tells them “FUCKING TOUCH ME!” like they are threatening him. The girl laughing at him must have made him SO mad. She wasn’t scared at all, and it was amazing.

      • printthelegend-av says:

        The laughing is my favorite part. Men like him can not stand being laughed at by women. It’s the opposite of the respect he think’s he’s owed.

        • mattballs-av says:

          My favourite part is when he calls her a “d*ke” and her reaction is just “Yeah, and I bet I get more pussy than you do too!” That had to hurt him in the ol’ fragile male ego.

    • apewhohathnoname-av says:

      Holy shit that video is scary. You could see his eyes change every time one of her insults landed. Wow, I’m really glad she didn’t get hurt. Good for her standing up for herself. I hope he gets charged with assault. 

    • pearlnyx-av says:

      He got doxxed on Twitter and his ass got fired from his job.

  • mech-armored-av says:

    Oh just inject this right into my jugular. I’m here for it.

  • shackofkhan-av says:

    I know it’s in literally every media organization’s financial interest to keep us frothing at the mouth, and Trump is the easiest way to do that, but I miss when this site used to be about TV, movies, and music.

  • squatlobster-av says:

    Sick to death of all the madheads. 

  • genejenkinson-av says:

    My existential dread has ticked down about 8% since Biden pulled to a commanding EV lead, but I don’t think we as a country are adequately prepared to deal with the fact that roughly 40% of the populace will view this election, and the succeeding presidency, as illegitimate and stolen.Yes, there was birtherism and all that, but we’ve never really had a sitting president and an entire media apparatus at his disposal spreading obvious falsehoods that will absolutely be taken as gospel by its followers.

    • nesquikening-av says:

      roughly 40% of the populace will view this election, and the succeeding presidency, as illegitimate and stolen.Some will continue to say that out loud, as if their vocabularies have indeed been permanently abstracted from reality, but I trust most of that 70,000,000 are not so far gone.

  • bassplayerconvention-av says:

    Media figures and politicians have suggested that now is a moment to reach across the aisle and embrace Trump supporters as they mourn their idol’s loss in the elections.

    How about those media figures and politicians fuck off right to hell instead?

    • ryan-buck-av says:

      As far as I’m concerned, I don’t mind making up with them, but those assholes have to show remorse for supporting such a blatant piece of shit and convince me that they’re changed people. It’s all on them and has been for years. I’m not doing the old battered housewife song and dance for these fake ass patriots.

  • cab1701-av says:

    My message to MAGA nation is the same as any other:Don’t be an asshole and you won’t get treated like an asshole.Very. Simple.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    Love to see it!

  • galdarn-av says:

    “The real shit—the pure uncut schadenfreude—though comes from right-wing”

    So the losers are engaging in schadenfreude, eh? That’s how that word works.

  • westsidegrrl-av says:

    Coping MAGA shows someone tweeting a very believable story about the time he shamed a Biden-supporting restaurant server by leaving her a $700 tip before taking out a MAGA hatBULLLLLLLLLLLSHIIIIITTTTTTTComplete horsepucky from beginning to end…especially with that smarmy “I certainly silenced her!” ending.

    • ozilla-av says:

      Yes. Can’t some asshole neighbor of mine in his MAGA hat give me $700 and totally shut me down?!?!

    • cyrils-cashmere-sweater-vest-av says:

      I was expecting the punchline to be “$0 tip and I pulled out my MAGA hat”.

    • obtuseangle-av says:

      Even if the story is 100% true (which I doubt), the morals are really messed up. In the internal narrative of the story, he clearly just gave the tip to prove “See, Trump supporters can be nice people too, so I shut up that libt*rd by proving that, because I’m so much better than her.” It wasn’t because he was kind or doing it because it was a good thing to do, it was all to prove someone wrong.I don’t think the story is painting the picture that the guy who’s telling it thinks that it’s painting.

  • TRT-X-av says:

    Freaking out that Biden is going to invoke 1984 is maximum projection. It’s all they’ve ever had.

  • edkedfromavc-av says:

    Eric Carmen? Like, the “All By Myself” guy? Became a right-wing psycho? (checks) Holy shit, it’s totally the same guy.

    • harrydeanlearner-av says:

      Crazy right? As if “All By Myself” wasn’t a crime against humanity already.His work in the Raspberries is pretty good however.

  • sarahmas-av says:

    Wait is that Lady in Red Eric Carmen?

  • dadamt-av says:

    The guy in the “made-up terms of victory” video is Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier.

  • furtim-av says:

    You know the tip story isn’t true because A) MAGA guys don’t tip, not even to own libs, and B) they never take their fucking hats off in the first place.

  • bittens-av says:

    Scott Adams – the author of the Dilbert comics, and hardcore Trump fan – is on the “voter fraud,” train, and what’s better is he thinks it’s all going to be exposed before Biden is president.My guess is we’ll see Coping MAGA: Round 2 when Biden’s win is confirmed by the electoral college, as people like Adams admit that the Democrats are probably going to get away with (supposedly) committing large-scale voter fraud to steal the election from Trump, the REAL winner. I don’t think they’ll accept that Trump simply lost for a very long time, if ever.

    • raptureiscoming-av says:

      Brainwashed? Fucking brainwashed? What? You mean directly by Trump himself right? Because that’s how I formed my opinoin about his fascist wanna-be-dictator ass. By everything he says and does… not what others say about him. Nobody brainwashed me motherfucker! It’s as clear as day he is a fascist, racist, malignant narcissist! Fuck you Scott Adams and your ilk.

      • daddddd-av says:

        These people believe that the only reason anyone dislikes Trump is because the media told them to. The notion that someone would come to dislike Trump on their own based on, say, the unstable and stupid things Trump tweets and rambles about on a daily basis, doesn’t make sense to them. It MUST be that MSNBC and Twitter brainwashing.

        • roboyuji-av says:

          I disliked him since seeing him in Home Alone 2 when I was a fucking kid and could STILL tell he was a sack of shit upon sight.

          • mullets4ever-av says:

            it astonished me as someone who grew up in NY (not even in the city, we were way upstate) that people thought donald was a real business man who wasn’t insane. he was considered a massive joke, even in upstate. that reality show rescued him in ways that require a lot of research. because before that, he was known as the doofus who had golden toilets and kept losing money

        • avataravatar-av says:

          It all plays well into the “these are subhumans who can’t think for themselves and whose votes shouldn’t count” narrative.

        • kimothy-av says:

          Besides, the media has been a whole lot kinder to him than the rest of us. It’s something we complain about constantly. 

      • bittens-av says:

        Scott Adams claims that Trump is a genius and master of persuasion, so obviously the people could never think he was a fascist, racist, malignant narcissist on their own. Nooooo, it must all be brainwashing from the liberal media.

      • kimothy-av says:

        Who is more likely to be brainwashed, the person who sees and hears a man lying constantly, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, making fun of disabled reporters, making racist policies, and allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die and more to suffer during a pandemic, and determines that man is not fit to continue being presidentorThe person who sees and hears all of these same things but insists that none of it happened and continues to worship this person claiming he is the opposite of what he continually shows them he is.Hmm…it’s a thinker.

    • captain-splendid-av says:

      Wow, Adams really has perfected that ideal “dumb dude’s idea of a smart dude” vibe.

    • brianjwright-av says:

      Didn’t he just do an interview with Nicki Ckyne to the effect that brainwashing isn’t real

    • avataravatar-av says:

      Man, the list of things Trump’s “going to expose” but never does is miles long at this point.Obama’s true origin, taxes returns, healthcare plan, secret plan to defeat isis, plan for Mexico to pay for the wall, etc. It’s almost like the guy is some sort of conman or something.Also, if dems are “brainwashed”, doesn’t it…make total sense that they voted in huge numbers to vote Trump out?

      • bittens-av says:

        I know, right? He’s also claiming that Biden getting more votes than Obama is evidence of election fraud, even though according to his own thesis, people thought they were voting out the next Hitler.
        Clearly, if Democrats think Trump is a threat to the country, then conducting widespread election fraud – to the extent of millions of votes – in states and counties all across America and hoping you don’t get caught is a waaaaaaay more achievable and rational course of action than, IDK, just turning out to vote.

      • ghostjeff-av says:

        Yes, I’m fond of saying (and really not joking) that I’m still waiting to hear what his investigators-on-the-ground in Hawaii found re: Obama’s birth certificate… and that was eight years ago. 

    • galvatronguy-av says:

      Okay, Scott, I believe that “unlikely” thing… Now what?

  • hplbenn-av says:

    Actually, Trump supporters branded themselves long ago, with dumb red trucker hats and slack-jawed directionless anger.

  • throwdetta-av says:

    Eric Carmen? Like, Hungry Eyes Eric Carmen?

  • beertown-av says:

    It just doesn’t really feel like a big secret to me why so, so many people are sick in the head this way. Whatever mental barriers stood in their heads between religion and politics is completely gone. Trump is now a savior, here to bring forth the Rapture in Israel, squash abortion, and [much lower speaking voice] restore the white christian heteropatriarchy to full Mayberry.Any attack on Trump is an attack on Christ. So you’re gonna get a lot of this, a whole fucking lot, for a long fucking time.

    • roboyuji-av says:

      Which is rich, because I’m pretty sure Christ would punch Trump right in his fucking face.

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      As long as AM Radio provides sports talk, conservative talk, and Christian talk all on the same station – for free – in your car and at your job site. And all you have to do is lock it in and never change the channel again. Rush Limbaugh dedicated 35 years to this. It’s like if you listened to the same college professor expound upon his same narrow focus subject of grievance for, say, 6/8 hours a week for 35 years… even if it was just background noise… it totals out to thousands and thousands of hours. People rarely have the same pastor for 35 years. Hell, people don’t have parents for that long. It’s no wonder people are brain fried.  

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      Honestly, they aren’t even really lowering their speaking voices for the last part anymore.

  • political-not-metaphysical-av says:

    Hey now, UPS just dropped that damning, undeniable proof of Joe and Hunter Biden profiteering in the Ukraine off at Tucker Carlson’s door!He’s hot to air it any minute now … Any … minute … now … Aaaaanny …

  • slayerville-av says:

    Trumpies live within a fantastical dream world of whimsy and magic, where Waddles has the power to literally alter reality and make anything he desires come true. Meanwhile back here in the real world they just look dumber and more foolish every single day. The best way to deal with Trumpies is by using five little words…”you lost, get over it”.

  • bumknuckle-av says:

    Seems to be a real time archive of Massive Citroen Advert.

  • mullets4ever-av says:

    damnit man- schadenfreude is the act of feeling happy when random innocent people suffer misfortune (i.e. some random fella takes a digger and you can’t help but chuckle.) none of these trump fuckers are innocent people getting AFHV’d. they deserve all the shit they get

  • avataravatar-av says:

    Goddamn, i accidentally clicked on a link in here and went to actual Twitter for a second there, and had to fight an epic internal battle against an overwhelming urge to kill myself.Fucking hell, social media is terrible and ruining everything.

  • ajaxjs-av says:

    It’ll be interesting what the perspective around here will be, if there ends up being enough election fraud to flip even one state, proving that some of these people had a point. It wouldn’t take much. And it is much more likely to happen in an election where the rate of absentee/mail-in ballots accepted was 30 times greater than in prior years.

    • davidpuddy2nd-av says:

      Judging by the historical rate of election fraud the chance that a state will flip is statistically zero.

  • joe2345-av says:

    Think of the worst most irrational sports fans bases to ever exist, Patriots, Yankees, Red Sox, Lakers, all teams in Philadelphia and then add racism and that’s what you have with these maga asshats. I hope they all die 

  • tokenaussie-av says:

    I appreciate the tasteful restraint  here in referring to them as mere “dorks”.

  • formerlymrsbiederhof-av says:

    The real Eric Carmen, ladies, gents, and others:

  • pomking-av says:

    But Liberals are the whining cry babies?  

  • hamburgerheart-av says:

    Pres Don did it. He did it to the American people more than any other president before him. but he also achieved his goal: a conservative supreme court for decades to come. that’s the big picture.

  • dudebra-av says:

    Trump is garbage.If you support Trump, you are making yourself garbage.

  • ofaycanyouseeme-av says:

    Welp, there goes my day off.MAGA tears taste good. Wait, they aren’t crying, they have colds

  • srocket4229-av says:

    Wait…is that Eric “All By Myself” Carmen? Riding the Trump train??

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