It’s a low-key battle of the ages for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow

The Legends, pitted against their bloodthirsty robo-variants, take the scenic route to victory in “Rage Against The Machines.”

TV Reviews Legends of Tomorrow
It’s a low-key battle of the ages for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow

Amy Pemberton, Olivia Swann, and Shayan Sobhian star in DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow Photo: Colin Bentley/The CW

There are but three episodes left in what could possibly be the final hoorah for DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow. Our historic Legends are fighting for their futures at a crucial point in history. Their foes? Those dastardly psychotic robo-doppelgängers. The price of failure? The freedom of Captain Sara Lance. (There’s also a possibility for the Legends to finally return to the present, but Sara’s fate sounds more dire.) You’d think this was some kinda epic battle. In true Legends fashion, it’s more of a ruckus.

That’s right, “Rage Against The Machines” is the showdown that the series has been hinting at all season long. (Or maybe this was just the first round, you can never really tell with a time travel show.) There is romance! There is betrayal! A new Legend earns his bonafides! Ava gets shot (and recuperates off-screen so Jess Macallan can direct the episode unfettered by screen time)! It’s a wild hour of Legends, or at least it has every reason to be. So why does it feel like we’re still taking baby steps towards the finale?

Our Legends are where we left them last week, staring down the incoming rogue Waverider outside The Fixed Point, where Archduke Ferdinand is still alive, The Great War never happened, 20 millions lives have been saved, and drinks are on the house. Its patrons are feeling feisty and thanks to its generous bartender they’re just juiced enough to join the Legends in their final reckoning against Mean-Gideon and her Robo-Legends. That means: Nerdy Nate vs. Jacked-up Steel; Sara Lance vs. The White Canary; Behrad vs. Behrad In A Hat. “We really are our worst enemy,” Fancy Zari says. They really are.

Or, at least, they’re meant to be. (Also: R.I.P., Fixed Point patrons.) DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow has had its share of villainous clunkers: Vandal Savage, Mallus, Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne’s doofy Legion Of Doom. Bishop. Pitting the Legends against the cracked-mirror versions of themselves is enough of a cliché that the original Star Trek series is giving the show side-eye. But when Legends set aside its seventh midseason premiere to properly establish the warped dichotomy of Mean-Gideon and her Robo-Kids, there was every reason to believe that—once they met up with their proper-timeline facsimiles—there’d be a chance to see some real emotional fireworks. (Or was I the only person who felt that Robo-Sara was primed to betray her programming once more?)

“Rage Against The Machines” is less intense than its title might imply, but that shouldn’t suggest that it isn’t still an adequately fun episode of Legends. As stated above, Ava takes a bullet thanks to the ’80s Action Star Behrad variant, the first bloody casualty in what turns out to be a wicked series of violent mishaps. Sara’s propensity for resurrection means we get to see her head twisted around like a broken Pez dispenser at least once, the Fixed Point patrons get absolutely slaughtered by the Robo-Legends (Robo-Spooner’s got a quota to meet, apparently), and even Eobard Thawne, once the marauding Reverse-Flash, got a knife slid between his ribs. (Let’s try not to reconcile what this means for The Flash.) Macallan might not have written this episode (the honors go to Mark Bruner and Mercedes Valle), but she certainly leans into the offbeat violence that has become a low-key trademark of latter-series Legends. Whenever Alien Gary licked his mandibles, I stood to attention, because anybody could get it this week. (So long as they weren’t actual Legends, mind you.)

That’s not to say Legends doesn’t put some thought into its brutality. Robo-Steel takes great relish in brutalizing a version of Sara that isn’t his moody leader, and the ensuing fracas triggers Dr. Gwyn Davies into a reverie of his terrible wartime past. Beyond the awful things he experienced in the Great War (did we get our first glance at his beloved Alun?) Gwyn also remembers the support he’s received from the Legends and the promise of a better tomorrow that comes with it. So he puts his brilliant mind to work: To beat the Robo-Legends, the Real-Legends have to outthink them. Strategy is the game. (It’s also much cheaper to shoot than an all-out war.)

Because Gwyn is the latest in this long line of Legends, “strategy” is just code for “fighting dirty.” In order to board the only Waverider available to them, the Legends must lure the Robos outside and deploy a spy inside. Gwyn’s choice? Behrad, not just because his Robo-variant’s husk is sprawled out on their mansion floor, but because Behrad is ready to assert himself in the face of destiny (more in the Stray Observations!). Tasked with taking out Mean-Gideon, Behrad’s path is… well, not clear, exactly, but easy enough to lay out: Unplug the rogue Gideon AI (thereby disorienting her Robo-Legends), and land the Waverider so the Legends can take it over and zoom off to the present. Simple! (Turns out it’s not so simple, and Behrad will need a ringer. We’ll get to that in a minute.)

As for Sara, Nate, and the rest of the Legends, they distract the Robo-Legends by kicking up a temporal ruckus. The ruckuses they come up with aren’t shrewd or inventive or even cunning, but at least they’re amusing: Nate and Sara whip up an offscreen Macarena frenzy in 1914 Sarajevo, they drop contextless spoilers for The Empire Strikes Back, they burden the poor people of history with our clunky-ass VR headsets, and, later, they unleash the power of… Big Mouth Billy Bass. The jokes are exhausted this week, it’s true. Anyway, back to Behrad.

“My agents warned me about playing villains,” Fancy Zari tells her brother, but she’s down with playing her psycho-robo variant. (Tala Ashe is, once again, quite versatile in playing different versions of the same character, and her interpretation of “Evil Zari” is one for the books.) Once Zari and Behrad are back onboard the Waverider, Behrad whips a wicked creatine mix for Robo-Astra and Dr. Sharpe (a wickedly effective laxative) and through a bit of keyhole magic Gary murders these foes by shoving them into Hell. (Legends!)

Alarmingly, the day is saved. (What are we doing for the finale?) Behrad christens the Legends as Team: Ruckus and he plants one on Astra. As for that Sara-might-be-trapped-in-time-forever tease? A tease is all it is. Heading into the finale of its seventh season, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow isn’t just enjoying its fake-outs, it’s being merciless with them. Take that final twist of the knife at the end of this episode: Gideon and her quasi-mother Astra have a heart-to-heart, then she’s literally stabbed in the back by Astra’s Hell-scorched variant. As Gideon drifts off into unconsciousness, the last thing she sees is a person she loves, staring Terminator hate into her eyes. We may not have any idea where this is supposed to be going, but at least Legends still knows how to leave our jaws on the floor.

Stray Observations

  • Episode’s MVP: Behrad! He briefly embraced his darker side and successfully boarded the Rogue Waverider, maneuvered around Robo-Spooner’s intensity (which, !!!), and finally planted a smooch on Astra in a moment of triumph—or did Astra plant one on him? Either way, Shayan Sobhian once again steps up to his leading man potential and knocks it out of the park.
  • Still no Mick. Anybody else getting the feeling that Mick ain’t coming back ever, ever again?
  • If Archduke Ferdinand’s continued existence was a problem, wouldn’t the Robo-Legends need to go just before the point where Sara disrupted the timeline to make sure he died? Legends!
  • These are some of the jankier Waverider effects I’ve seen this season, in the few instances where we’ve actually seen the Waverider. Is the show stashing effect money for the finale?
  • Jeez Louise, Steel’s arms are hairy.
  • Matt Ryan made Shayan Sobhian blush, I saw it. Hell, he made me blush.
  • Why is Spooner still a background character? If Sara and Ava leave this season, Captain Spooner for season eight, that’s what I say!
  • Real Gary stood up to Astra on behalf of his best girl Gideon this week, which revealed an interesting (if undercooked) character moment: As Gideon’s technical mother (she did give her a human form, after all) Astra is worried she’ll get hurt, so he pulls rank and sidelines her technical-daughter. (Legends!) This week, Astra apologized for being so hard on her. It’s a small thing, but it works.
  • So did “Rage Against The Machines” stir up rage-ly feelings in you, group? Was the Sara-leaving-Legends fakeout worth the subplot? Do you suppose the prop master got a bonus for making sure Steel’s arms resembled a yeti’s? Where will the Legends go with two episodes left in front of them? Get nervous with me in the comments below.


  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I always am upset when Legends team members leave & the team is shaken up, but damn if I don’t love every single current team member & I want all of them to be there. Even New Constantine feels like a real team member now, as does human Gideon and (grudgingly) GaryI don’t think Spooner being captain is crazy, but I would prefer Zari if we had to have a new captain. But honestly if Sara leaves they should probably end the show, and I say that despite this being one of my all-time favorite shows I am not prepared for this to be the final season, so I refuse to engage with that idea

    • kris1066-av says:

      …but I would prefer Zari if we had to have a new captain. Say it louder for the people in the back.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        The question of course is which Zari should be the new captainAnd the answer of course is Zari 1.0

        • kris1066-av says:

          I originally thought that they were setting up Zari 1.0 as a replacement captain for Sara before they erased her.

    • delaccount-av says:

      Surely hope we get a final season that’s advertised as such so that we can get our heads around that…

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I thought they might go the route of having Sara stay in the loop and having robo-Sara be on the Waverider. Since we’ve already had three actors stay but in different roles, this makes me want a permanent Waverider crew that has all the same actors, but they are all in different roles. We already have multiple clones of Eva to work with.

  • kris1066-av says:

    Gideon did come up with the plan, so it only make sense that Gideon would figure it out.Is it me, or did Ava look like she got shot in the back of the chest?She’s losing a LOT of blood.Theory: the evil Legends will kill the regular ones, and Sara will use the time device to go back and save them.Ah, Ava WAS shot through the chest.Why didn’t Sara use the time device to stop time and defeat him?The Arnie accent and pun. It hurts my soul.“Gideon, you’re grounded.” “Yes, mommy Astra.”Why does the Waverider still only have one bathroom?Badass Zari still does slap fighting. Bet she doesn’t have a totem though. (Speaking of, it would be nice if she ended up in the totem after this anyways.)That’s the second time that Zari 2.0 has unplugged Gideon.Astra is so much taller than Gideon.GIDEON! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      One of my favorite sight gags ever on the show was from the bowling episode when Spooner was celebrating & lept into Astra’s arms & Astra is so much taller she held her up well off the groundApparently when Caity Lotz and Jes Macallan first did a chemistry read and the much taller Jes as scripted brusquely dismissed Sara it actually infuriated her & she said in retrospect it showed how perfect they were together, Jes Macallan always made her feel things 

    • simonc1138-av says:

      Why didn’t Sara use the time device to stop time and defeat him?I assume she knew once she put it on, she was bonded to the time device for the rest of eternity.

      • ukmikey-av says:

        What’s going to happen to the timeline now? Robo-Nate didn’t seem entirely up to speed on his mission parameeters to safeguard Princip and ensure Franz Ferdinand is eliminated.

    • inthesilence13-av says:

      I’ve become so attached to Gideon that I think I might break if anything happens to her.- Astra being a mom is the cutest thing ever- I am now completely rooting for Gary & Gideon

  • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

    – I’m gonna wager a guess that Season 2 Thawne is still supposed to be after Flash!Thawne, despite how little sense that makes, but it’s Thawne after all.- Little nitpick: The Big Mouth Billy Bass was before the Empire spoilers and VR headset.- I don’t quite get the Vomit/Poop Potion plot. Why would the Robo!Legends need to eat at all? Like, maybe when Gideon was trying to convince them they were the real Legends, but once they accepted their robot origins, why not upgrade them to not need to eat anything?- Also, why would Gideon not have the Robo!Legends install a security camera in the bathroom? They’re all robots, they don’t need to poop.
    – Feels kinda off that all the Robo!Legends got taken out already, especially with all the focus on them.
    – While I did like that Gideon saw through Zari’s attempt at espionage, I’m a little surprised she didn’t have any countermeasures ready, though maybe we’ll see them in a future episode.- Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the episode, but I feel like this particular story is a bit too rushed. Especially compared to the first half of the season.
    – Nate’s Arnold impression was gold.- Batwoman corner: I want to like this show. I really, really do. But man, does it make it hard to do so. Mary JUST had a storyline where she felt slighted and ignored, and what happens after she turns back to good? She gets ignored for Ryan, Sophie, and Alice. Oy. And when they try to have Mary take the spotlight again, the writers couldn’t even be bothered to give a name to the hunter who’s wake Mary was supposed to be attending, but then she gets wrapped up in Alice AGAIN. The Ryan/Sophie coupling also irritates me because the show really just dove straight off to “Ryan and Sophie are soulmates” despite all the build-up towards Kate/Sophie when Ruby Rose was the star. Like, goddamn. Also, with Renee out of the picture and Marquis still in control of WE, where are the crew getting money from? Speaking of Marquis, I have to wonder why nobody in Gotham besides the Bat-crew notices him dressing up almost exactly like the Joker, one of the more infamous criminals in the city’s history. Red suits aren’t exactly standard CEO business wear!- Superman & Lois corner because apparently we’re back to not covering it this week: I know I should be over the whole “S&L refuses to acknowledge the Arrowverse” thing, but it just continues to frustrate me that everybody keeps saying Superman is facing Bizarro alone and not even acknowledging his cousin or the speedster in Central City who could help (Wait until Natalie finds out!). Also, LOL at the implication that neither ARGUS nor STAR Labs could track the energy signature. As for the actual in-show dealings, I’m surprised the Army!Supermen got taken out so quickly, figured they’d be on longer. I’m also a bit miffed on Lucy Lane. In Season 1 of Supergirl, she was a JAG lawyer, but apparently Ollie fucked that up too Post-Crisis. It would have been a really cool nod if Lucy’s ramblings about the cult allowing her to see visions showed her Pre-Crisis self, which would have added even more moral complexity because Lois is supposed to have all of her Pre-Crisis memories. If the show was going to nod bother with any of her character from Supergirl, why bring back the actress to play Lucy? Why not recast like Sam or Morgan Edge?
    – Naomi corner: I’ll admit that this show is a slow burn, and if the characters weren’t so likable, I would probably be paying less attention than I am. I do appreciate that Naomi’s arguing with her parents didn’t result in a season-long schism between them, though. And apparently the multi-verse is a thing in here too! I don’t think Earth-29 appeared in COIE, but I do wonder if any of the characters are from Earth Prime or Earth-2. D’s wings continue to confuse the hell out of me. How do they appear without tearing his jacket to shreds? The shot where he was rolling on the ground also made the wings seem more flexible than they really should be. My only real true negative is Naomi’s various love interests, as none of them are really interesting. I felt nothing when she kissed Black Dude Love Interest on the football field.

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      -Some of the robo!Legends stuff felt like they forgot halfway through whether or not the robo!Legends were self-aware.-The love interests are definitely the weakest part of Naomi so far. There are three of them and I have no idea why she kissed that one as opposed to the others, because they have no character traits. I think he’s a jock? And the girl likes comics? And the dude she didn’t pick is…is he supposed to be a nice guy friend thing? But like you, I’m really glad they didn’t draw out the schism with the parents. It would be an interesting Arrowverse niche for the hero to have live, present, and supportive parents. And I would really like to see her in a crossover at some point.

    • avi24again-av says:

      Batwoman: I really hope they aren’t looking to recast Alice/Beth’s role. She still does pretty well as a pseudo anti-hero.Superman & Lois: Well, TWO of the 3 Supermen were killed. Tag is still alive and like you, I am wondering if there will eventually be a Flash tie-in to have Tag do something there.  I am getting very strong Agent Liberty vibes from this season’s Lois foe.

      • ukmikey-av says:

        S&L: Ally Alston is a version of Parasite in the comics.Assuming Lucy really did ascend and see her other self, was it an army major in the J.A.G. Corps?

    • kinjascrewedupmyaccount-av says:

      According to DC, Earth-29 is… Bizarro Earth. And except for Diggle showing up, I keep thinking that S&L is taking place on another Earth, or a future where most of the established heroes have retired, left, or died.

    • ademonstwistrusts-av says:

      I will kindly state that you are overthinking a show that got a fictional version of John Noble to imitate the demon he was voicing and that just had a low-level slap fight between two different versions of Zari that was backed with over-the-top epic music and utilized slo-mo.

    • inthesilence13-av says:

      I wasn’t thinking too much about Lucy’s ~visions~ but her having Pre-Crisis memories and all that is good.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      I don’t quite get the Vomit/Poop Potion plot. Why would the Robo!Legends need to eat at all? Like, maybe when Gideon was trying to convince them they were the real Legends, but once they accepted their robot origins, why not upgrade them to not need to eat anything?I just remembered that they’re not fully robotic, they’re based on Bishop’s AVA cloning technology so parts of them are organic, with organic needs. I assume Gideon couldn’t upgrade them enough to not need the organic matter.

    • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

      I am super frustrated by Batwoman this season. I was going to quit at the mid-season break, but Rose from Jane the Virgin as Poison Ivy was too perfect casting and it sucked me back in. Spent the whole episode this week wondering why I was watching.It’s interesting for a show set in Smallville to take on a NXIVM-lite cult. I do think there has been time since she was first on Supergirl for Lucy to have been sucked into it, but I’m not clear on the timeline. It is good for Lois to have an enemy Clark can’t fix by punching. 

      • souzaphone-av says:

        “It’s interesting for a show set in Smallville to take on a NXIVM-lite cult.”Especially with a leader named “Ally!” I didn’t know about Ally Alston being a version of Parasite in the comics, so I assumed it was an Allison Mack reference. But Google tells me she goes by Alexandra there, so it could still be a thing.

    • starvenger88-av says:

      Batwoman, S&L and Naomi all really drag along and to be honest the only way I can watch the first two now is on DVR when I’m bored. S&L really needs to dig more into the Arrowverse connections because it’s hard to believe that Supes isn’t calling on the Superbuddies to help out.Naomi I gave two episodes and it just drags, so I’m done with it, and will probably just follow along when I see recaps.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    -“It took the Legends years to notice I was an alien.”-Matt Ryan’s line reading when Gwyn hears we put a man on the moon and says “good god, what was his crime?” was perfect.-Awww, poor Gideon getting harshly sidelined.-Dammit Sara not telling anybody about the timewraith trap…-ZARI VS ZARI FIGHT! They really should’ve tagged in Flannel!Zari to impersonate the hacker though.-NOOOOOOOO GIDEON-I thought Ava’s blood on the leaves was going to lead somewhere with the robo/flesh legends.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      Matt Ryan’s line reading when Gwyn hears we put a man on the moon and says “good god, what was his crime?” was perfect.I still don’t quite get his reaction. Is there a reason he wouldn’t view putting a man on the moon as a scientific wonder? It’s an interesting response, it just left me wondering if it was a reference to something I didn’t know.

      • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

        I guess I took it as a penal colony thing? “put a man on the moon” maybe read differently.

      • ohyouthief-av says:

        Hmm, I get what you’re saying. Given all he’s seen now, though, and the fact that he’s the inventor of time travel… space travel in the future might not be so hard for him to wrap his head around. But “We put a man on the moon” without the “and he and the crew returned safely as national heroes” bit does kind of make it sound like we just… put a man on the moon and left him there.

      • raven-wilder-av says:

        It’s the phrasing. “A man went to the moon” is someone making an active choice to go to the moon, but “We put a man on the moon” sounds like someone was placed on the moon by other people, regardless of their own volition.

      • jmyoung123-av says:

        It was the phrasing. “we put a man on the moon”

    • drips-av says:

      Oh man yes, Nonstantine’s reaction to the moon thing had me gut busting. Best response to that news since Lloyd Christmas.

    • BlueBeetle-av says:

      Ava’s blood on the leaves led Robo!Behrad to follow it and go to the bar, which led to everything else.  Without it we don’t get B impersonating his robo counterpart, him taking out a bunch of the other robos, the robos getting thrown out of the manor to have one return and kill Gideon, etc.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    The Robo-Legends give me Evil Robot Us-es from Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey vibes. The regular Legends call them robots to their faces, which they don’t deny. So did misunderstood Gideon’s latest upgrade make them no longer think they’re biological? Then why do they still drink beverages if they’re aware of being inorganic?

    Since the plan was hacking misunderstood Gideon, why didn’t they call in flannel Zari to replace her robo-doppleganger?
    Some BIG SPOILERY casting was teased for the season finale today!

    • haodraws-av says:

      If the actor’s playing who the description heavily hinted they’d be playing, I think it’s a terrible miscast. I like the actor, but they’re just an awful fit for that character.

      • mattthecatania-av says:

        I disagree. It’s not going to be 100% comics accurate, but he’s got the comedic chops to pull off a LOT spin on the character.SPOILERS

        • haodraws-av says:

          He just has the wrong vibe for Booster. Someone like Nick Zano would be a great fit(if he hadn’t been Nate), but Faison as Booster would feel(to me) like a parody of a parody. I hope they prove me wrong.

          • shotmyheartandiwishiwasntok-av says:

            Whaddya wanna bet it’s an apology role for all the development hell Powerpuff is going through? Remember, he was supposed to be Utonium in that show.

      • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

        I thought maybe he was cast as Alun. Gwyn never mentioned Alun’s nationality – if they only met during the War as fellow soldiers.Otherwise, adding a “name” actor in the finale may be a hint that he’s open to joining the cast – a tactic to help get the show renewed, perhaps, no matter who he’s playing.

  • simonc1138-av says:

    Low-key feels about right. This was good, but never felt like it was firing on all cylinders like last week. Maybe part of the reason is after they killed all the time travellers in the bar, all that’s left is the core cast and their doppelgängers and it felt very much like a season 6 pandemic-era semi-bottle episode. A little disappointed after the build up of Sara potentially having to replace Thawne, the answer is simply to trick one of the robots into doing it. It’s a tidy enough answer but feels a bit anti-climactic after the build up. Also nitpick, I believe Thawne never saw her in that costume, Robo-Sara’s wearing the suit that debuted in season 3. I am very much prepared for Gideon to return to being a voice-only A.I. when this season wraps. I love having Amy Pemberton around full-time, but given how unpredictable this show is with casting it wouldn’t surprise me if they only signed her for a one-season deal.Best moment of the episode was Zari vs Zari awkwardly dancing around each other gearing up to fight.

  • angelicafun-av says:

    I really thought that the twist of Sara taking over Thawne’s role would be resolved by putting Gwyn and Alun there so they’d be together without really messing out timelines any further, but I was really happy with the resolution with Big Arm Nate doing Arnold!! Astra and Behrad finally kissed, there were literal sparks! 

  • almightyajax-av says:

    Harrumph! Excuse me, sir, and I do beg your pardon, but the Legion of Doom was not “doofy.” That villain team-up single-handedly (err, triple-handedly) rescued Legends from being another humdrum Arrowverse show after the slog of season 1.

  • psychopirate-av says:

    I liked this week more than the review did, I think. I’m interested in where exactly we’re headed, but remain optimistic. I will say, I don’t see how the show can continue without Sara; out of all the cast departures, she feels like the only one the show cannot recover from (Nate being a close second).

  • hootiehoo2-av says:

    I haven’t kept up this season, I’m 6 episodes behind. I can’t stand the villian from last season who now is good or was always good, Ava gets on my nerves now. I really miss Jon as Jon. 

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    Legion of Doom was goofy? Hard, hard disagree. Legends made Damian Dahrk so much better and it started with the Legion of Doom. Also was fun to see Thawne in the role he was in that season.

  • lhosc-av says:

    I’ve got to say, the team has done a great job with what is clearly a major budget reduction this year.

  • wrdbird-av says:

    Spooner: “Okay, so by aberrations you mean like telling them to put a man on the moon in 1969?”

    Gwyn: “Good God, do we?”
    “And what was his crime, I wonder.

  • jmyoung123-av says:

    “DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow has had its share of villainous clunkers: Vandal Savage, Mallus, Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne’s doofy Legion Of Doom. Bishop.”Yes, to Vandal Savage. No to everything after that.

    • souzaphone-av says:

      Mallus wasn’t great, although without him we wouldn’t have “Guest Starring John Noble,” and that’s not a world I want to live in. 

  • jeremym-av says:

    Wikipedia seems to think that Thawne in Legends is a time
    duplicate created by Flashpoint. It says that this is why the Black
    Flash was chasing him – he was an aberration. Thawne in the main Flash series is the original, presumably restored when Flashpoint was obliterated.  So, any changes to Thawne in Legends have no effect on Thawne in The Flash.
    This more-or-less makes sense, although I don’t remember it at all from when I watched the Legion of Doom episodes.

    • cnash85-av says:

      There’s really no point in puzzling out Thawne’s timeline. The showrunners don’t care – if he needs to be in an episode, he’ll be in an episode. He’s the Arrowverse equivalent of The Master from Doctor Who – he might appear to die, or even be erased from time, but he always finds a way to come back somehow.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I love Nate & this was one of his best ever episodes. He critiqued the ego of his massive-armed robo-doppleganger, failed to high-five with Spooner, supported Gwyn & his plan, and asked Sara to trust him & easily convinced his robo-self to take over for her as the time-looped protector of the fixed point. 

  • glamtotheworld-av says:

    Why is Spooner still a background character? Because she’s Legends’ Che Diaz. She doesn’t belong there and the actress is terrible in her one-dimensional performance. Her introduction was great but since then I don’t feel her part showed promise. I rather see Bishop as a new legend and captain than an upgrade for Spooner.
    What really bothers me is that the female characters who came onboard in the last three seasons are all too exchangeable with their rom-com behaviour. I never liked the Zaris but they’re at least endearingly played. Rational thinking being Gideon falling in love with Gary of all aliens and humans available wasn’t necessary for her character growth. Even the outstanding Astra has been softened too much.

  • pi8you-av says:

    Late to the party, finally caught up post-break and these last couple of episodes were a hoot for me. The bar is an absolutely amazing conceit, and I imagine if you look closely enough, you’ll find others tucked away along the timeline.
    Also, having Robot!Nate go full Austrian Arnold as he commits to ensuring Ferdinand’s perpetual demise is a fun detail beyond the main musclehead gag that makes me giggle, such loyalty to the (would-have-been) crown.

  • hornacek37-av says:

    “Or was I the only person who felt that Robo-Sara was primed to betray her programming once more?”After the way she slaughtered that Russian defector on the park bench a few episodes ago, yeah, I think you were the only one. The reprogrammed Robo-Sara was all business, no caring.

  • hornacek37-av says:

    “Still no Mick. Anybody else getting the feeling that Mick ain’t coming back ever, ever again?”Mick left the show after last season. Why were you thinking that he would return? Aside from cameos or very brief appearances, when has any cast member left the show and then returned later?

  • hornacek37-av says:

    When Sarah was telling the team about Thawne, it made me wonder – are Sarah and Nate the only current Legends that have met Thawne? Was any of the rest of the current cast around in season 2 to know who Thawne is?I guess Gideon could also be added to that list, although she was still an AI back then.

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