Donald Trump brings some of that WWE swagger to Comey-centric news conference

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Hours after calling former FBI director James Comey a “leaker” (and he should know) on Twitter, Donald Trump showed that he still knows a thing or two about performing for the cheap seats with a bravado-filled press conference earlier this afternoon. The 45th President of the United States of America stopped just short of challenging Comey to a winner-takes-all Hell In A Cell match on the White House lawn, but he did tell Congress to bring it on, confidently proclaiming that he would “100 percent” testify under oath about his conversations with Comey.

Taking questions directly from members of the press for the first time in a month, Trump flat-out denied asking Comey to end the FBI’s investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, implying that Comey committed perjury in yesterday’s Senate hearing. He then pulled a Mariah Carey by claiming that he “barely know[s]” Comey, and that it would be totally ridiculous for him to demand loyalty from someone he barely knows. But “there’d be nothing wrong if I did say it, according to everybody that I’ve read today,” he added. Classic hard turn.

Speaking of, Trump played coy about whether or not he’s recording conversations inside the Oval Office, twice declining to elaborate on insinuations he’s made on Twitter. “I am not hinting at anything. I will tell you about it over a very short period of time,” he said, adding that we are all “going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer.” Oh, and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis was there, but his storyline wrapped up after last year’s Wrestlemania.

[via CNN]

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