Fox News dipshit says Shia LaBeouf called him "trash" in an airport lounge, which rules

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Fox News dipshit says Shia LaBeouf called him "trash" in an airport lounge, which rules
Photo: Shia LaBeouf (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images); Jesse Watters (John Lamparski/Getty Images

Shia LaBeouf’s no angel—we’ve written about his troubling behavior, the consequences of his substance abuse issues, and his weird plagiarism. The actor’s since apologized, gotten sober, and discussed how his work on this year’s excellent The Peanut Butter Falcon helped him stop being such an asshole. Fox News host and Trump sycophant Jesse Watters, meanwhile, has yet to apologize for his history of harassment, spreading disinformation, and being extremely racist. Even his mom thinks he sucks.

As such, we very much enjoy Watters’ claim that LaBeouf called him “trash” in an airport lounge. He said as much while discussing CNN host Chris Cuomo’s Fredo-induced meltdown, taking credit that he didn’t “lose it” like Cuomo. Of course, that’s likely less due to his own restraint—he threw punches at a Huffington Post reporter back in 2016—and more to the fact that LaBeouf isn’t the kind of guy you just step up to. Just look what he did to Brad Pitt.

“The other day I was at a lounge at the Delta…Sky…situation, trying to take off for a flight with my family,” he said in the above segment. “And the actor Shia LaBeouf or whatever his name is—I think it was him, it looked exactly like him. I walk by, and he calls me trash, right in front of my kids.”

Unnecessary? Probably. Guys like Watters get off on being despised. We’d still, however, add it to the list of great things LaBeouf’s been up to lately. On top of The Peanut Butter Falcon, his autobiographical Honey Boy just got a trailer after wowing at Sundance, and he’s set to star alongside Robert De Niro in the indie crime drama After Exile.

Watters, meanwhile, will probably join Trump’s cabinet any day now.


  • yourmomandmymom-av says:

    So the two of them are just having a beef.

  • brandonii-av says:

    Unnecessary? No!

    • bussyriot-av says:

      Calling out someone who spreads fascist lies is always necessary. Omission is being complicit when people are being locked up and gunned down. 

  • brandonii-av says:

    It’s too bad Shia didn’t sock him in his goddamn mouth

  • bartfargomst3k-av says:

    Is anyone surprised that the people who love to “tell it like it is” and rail against “political correctness” are the first to curl up in a little ball when somebody says some mean words to them?

    • fcz2-av says:


    • yourmomandmymom-av says:
    • normchomsky1-av says:

      Not really, they are also the masters of projection.Liberals really need to coordinate their messages better and drive home the fact that it is actually right wing reactionaries that are the more PC bunch. Over everything. What do you call freaking out over someone’s actions during a sporting event’s national anthem?

    • feministonfire-av says:

      But it happened IN FRONT OF HIS KIDS!!! Won’t someone think of the children?!

      • daveassist-av says:

        Yes, some Republican will think of the stranger’s child not behaving properly during the national anthem and then try to end the child’s life over it. Or, they’ll praise the strength of the Russian dictator that signs a law that allows for brutal child and spouse abuse so long as the child or spouse doesn’t show up at a hospital.Actually, don’t let them think of the children, they do horrible things to children on a regular basis.

  • yummsh-av says:

    I got $500 that says his kids think he’s trash, too.

  • McGarnagle-av says:

    Amazing self own

  • thefabuloushumanstain-av says:

    Please, for further amusement look up what Watters’ own mother thinks about him.  My favorite is where she told him to read more books.

  • kaingerc-av says:

    “The actor Shia LeBeouf, or whatever his name is”Is he bragging that he met Shia LeBeouf or trying to diss him by saying that he isn’t important enough to be recognized.You can’t have it both ways.

    • tekkactus-av says:

      It’s just some “I totally don’t care what this celebrity who definitely did not hurt my feelings’s name is” macho bullshit.

      • misterpiggins-av says:

        “I didn’t think about it all the way up to now when I shared it on my nationally televised show. Not at all.”

    • normchomsky1-av says:

      He thinks Shia Labeouf is still an A-Lister and that Michael Moore is still or ever was some sort of Democratic party icon

      • bembrob-av says:

        Yeah, some of Moore’s best work is not when he’s pointing out the obvious with the GOP but when he’s calling out both high-profile and local Democrats for being just as despicable on the issues or amidst of a national crisis.

    • brontosaurian-av says:

      He’s also just promoting Shia LeBeouf with all this. You think the old folks who sit around all day watching Fox even know or care who that is? You just gave him cred and publicity.

    • yourmomandmymom-av says:

      That’s somethign Robin said last week on Stern when talking about the Orange Shitstain’s attacks on Baltimore, which is her hometown. Her attitude was that she wasn’t offended at all because she has no respect for that assclown, so why waste the time and energy being upset over a comment from someone you don’t care about. Pretty healthy attitude.

      • freerangehumans-av says:

        My sub lapsed so I haven’t listened in a few weeks. And now you bring this up. And I miss it. 

    • crunchy200-av says:

      He’s pointing out how un-American is name is because it’s not John Smith or Howard Thompson.“Leeee beeeouuff?! Where is this guy from anyway, amirite??”

  • hunnybrutal-av says:

    He is misremembering, he actually just walked by a mirror and called himself trash.

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    “I walk by, and he calls me trash, right in front of my kids.”
    “And my kids look up at me and ask ‘Is it true daddy? Are you trash?’ And I looked down and told them ‘Yes, kids, I am trash.’ with a smile.”

    • brandonii-av says:

      “Yes, sweetheart. Daddy is trash.”

    • igotlickfootagain-av says:

      “Hey, kids, did you see that? Someone just called your daddy trash right in front of you! Doesn’t that make you sad?”“…”“Kids?”“Gosh, sure is sunny today. It’s a really sunny day, isn’t it, Dad?”

  • sui_generis-av says:

    You humiliated yourself in front of your kids when you *took* the job, dipshit.The fact that you got burned by a loser as big as Shia is just a bonus.

  • unlvtogs-av says:

    The Beef, the

  • miked1954-av says:

    I’ve said this before, if the right wing so dislikes being despised perhaps they should try not being despicable.It was a short while ago that conservative pundits (ironically) started pushing for ‘civility’ in public discourse. Because they were the ones getting the short end of the stick. Not so nice when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it?

  • happyinparaguay-av says:

    This comparison is an unfair insult to trash.

  • narwalt-av says:

    Maybe he should try not being trash? The whole conservative public figure meltdown over having to face the teensiest sliver of accountability over their actions is so amusing to me.

  • theclassic-av says:

    “or whatever his name is”You know what his name is you literally just said it, why play it off as you being to cool to know after giving specificity?If you wanted to achieve true sarcasm misname him call him Shaya Lebowth and let someone else interject to correct you but not even smart enough to do that play. Pedestrian hack. 

  • jonesj5-av says:

    I can totally see an actual journalist talking about something like this on the actual news. Very newsy there, Watters. Good job.

  • lordshetquaef1-av says:

    Thanks, a lot, Shia. Jesse only gets his kids one weekend a month and you ruined it.

  • minimummaus-av says:

    I walk by, and he calls me trash, right in front of my kids.

    Damn it, LaBeouf! You’re not supposed to insult a parent in front of their kids. You’re supposed to separate the parent and the kids and lock them up hundreds of miles away from each other and then lose track of who is who and where they are so they may possibly never find each other again. How is it so hard for you to get this right?

  • toasterlad-av says:

    “Your Honor, the defendant clearly referred to my client as ‘trash’ in front of several eyewitnesses.”“What does your client do for a living, counselor?”“He works for FOX News, Your Honor.”“Case dismissed.”

  • arcanumv-av says:

    Watters is lucky that Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf didn’t devour him right then and there.

  • thegameroomblitz-av says:

    Is this the dink who tried to ambush Keith Olbermann for a Bill O’Reilly piece? Olby knew and just started shouting “Falafels!” until the little worm crawled away.

    • dinoironbodya-av says:

      Did that really happen? I remember Keith doing a segment where he talked about what to do if an O’Reilly minion ambushes you, but I don’t remember that actually happening to him.

  • ghostjeff-av says:

    Wow, I guess he’s successfully buried how he got his foot in the door at Fox News: Bill O’Reilly would send him out to ambush people at their homes, places of business, etc. I believe he once followed someone into their home garage and followed a woman in her car for many hours. It became a schtick and Bill O’Reilly eventually introduced each segment with that “I always feel that somebody’s watching me” song. One of these people’s powers is that they bury their pasts so effectively. Hell, I was surprised by how many people on both sides have forgotten that Donald Trump was a reality TV star. 

  • larrydoby-av says:

    Was it actually Shia LeBeouf or just some guy who looked like him? Either way, this fox news dude is trash.

  • dirtmcgirt82-av says:

    “Shia Labeouf called me trash….you know, these things happen.”Not to those that are non-trash people, they don’t.

  • whiteboyjeff12-av says:

    what do you call Jesse Walters, or whatever his name is, with his kids, in the basement?The Whine Cellar!*zing*

  • drpx-av says:

    What a faggot “publication.” Obviously geared toward liberal snowflake pieces of shit.

  • g22-av says:

    He doesn’t know Shia Lebouf’s name but knows “exactly” what he looks like…Love that he treats his family as if they’re some sort of shield against his dipshittiness. 

  • sensesomethingevil-av says:

    What a power move to say an actor’s name properly, then add “or whatever his name is.”“I remembered his name so you’d know exactly whose name I’m dropping because I’m cool enough to run into him, but I’m going to play it off like I wouldn’t know him from Adam because he’s trash.”

  • badphairy-av says:

    Welp, he -would- know. 

  • michaeljordanstoupee-av says:

    Are these “kids” the ones Watters had with his wife or the ones he had with his mistress?

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