Grimes suggests society is crumbling due to cancel culture, defends Lizzo and Doja Cat

Having been canceled "many times," Grimes likes to stick up for fellow canceled artists like Lizzo and Doja Cat

Aux News Grimes
Grimes suggests society is crumbling due to cancel culture, defends Lizzo and Doja Cat
Lizzo; Grimes Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer; Frazer Harrison

A controversial meme out of nü Gossip Girl goes: “It gets worse. Jameela Jamil just defended you.” As it happens, Jameela Jamil did support Lizzo in the wake of a lawsuit alleging the singer fostered a hostile work environment. And there’s someone else who might fit that meme just as well, if not better than Jamil: “It gets worse. Grimes just defended you.”

Grimes, the musician lately infamous for dating Elon Musk, is willing to admit some bad things might’ve happened behind the scenes on Lizzo’s tour, “but I had dancers mistreated on my watch in ways I didn’t find out about until way later,” she posted on X (formerly Twitter). “But loyalty matters to me. Lizzo was kind to me and others for a decade before she was ‘cool,’ and she checked in [on] me when no one cared. I’ve only ever seen exemplary behavior from her, especially when everyone was hating on me and she was on top of the world. There was no reason for her to check in, besides to be a good person. Just my two cents.”

The post continued: “I recall when she first blew up being so happy because I’d never known such an admirable person to find fame in the music industry. I struggle to believe she would have so radically changed tired of a culture that seeks to destroy it’s greatest virtues. Lizzo is amazing.”

To those fans arguing Lizzo was only nice to her because Grimes had some power in the industry, Grimes was quick to point out that Lizzo was nice to her “before Elon,” “in like 2012 before anyone cared [about] either of us,” and even “while I was cancelled af while I was pregnant when most people abandoned me because they didn’t want the association.”

For Grimes, the backlash against Lizzo says a lot about cancel culture, democracy, and due process. In her opinion, “The cancel culture decision to assume guilt without due process. This seems aggressively destabilizing to public mental health.” Furthermore, “There is undeniably a massive crowd accusing a prominent successful important woman of abuse and atrocities without due process. My tweet refers to due process in the justice system which is an essential element of freedom,” she argued with one critic. “It is what stops us from burning accused witches for example, because said women do not resemble accepted archetypes. I urge you to engage with my concern for the call to dismantle due process, which is a direct threat to freedom. There are many historical examples of similar instances, it’s worth researching the cultural revolution for example.”

As it happens, Grimes also came to the defense of another embattled pop star, Doja Cat, following the release of the latter’s new track “Paint The Town Red.” While Grimes doesn’t “think it’s cool to lash out at fans,” she also acknowledged the “psychic perils of fame” that Doja seems to be railing against. Similar to her defense of Lizzo, she noted that “Doja has always been a friend and deeply kind person to me. She’s one of my favorite artists ever.” She added, “I hate when an artist gets cancelled and we’re all quiet cuz we don’t want guilt by association. Doja will be one of greatest artists of all time and we all know it and idc if I get in trouble for fucking adoring this. Damn.”

Grimes obviously has feelings about the specter of cancel culture, seeing as how it’s come for her “many times for things I didn’t do” (in her words). “I see a society crumbling under the weight of human imperfection because people can’t handle that we all fuck up,” she posted regarding Lizzo. “I see humans becoming pathetic shadows of themselves, fighting for a fragile acceptance by turning against their friends.”

Your mileage may vary on cancel culture as a whole—this writer tends to believe the concept is usually much ado about nothing—but Grimes made at least one point, which is that social media does love to dog pile, especially when it’s a woman or person of a marginalized identity. The rest… well, you can decide for yourself whether Grimes vouching for someone is a help or a hindrance when it comes to the court of public opinion.


  • virtuous-being-av says:

    Go Republican woke, literally go broke, especially in Florida! 👍 🤣

  • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

    At the top of the list of People Who Can Never Be Cancelled, Despite What They Whinge, has got to be Rich White Canadian Popstars. 

  • journeymanbuzzkill-av says:

    The Salem witch trials most certainly did have due process. And by that I mean that they had trails according to what the patriarchal government at the time though was due process with judges and witnesses and whatnot. 

  • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

    You go, Grimes!

  • sncreducer93117-av says:

    one way not to get dogpiled on would be to shut the fuck up, Grimey

  • keepemcomingleepglop-av says:

    The actual reason society is crumbling?You guessed it:Frank Stallone

  • keykayquanehamme-av says:

    When was Grimes cancelled? And/or for what? I think I own two of Grimes’ albums and I don’t know enough about her to know that I give enough of a shit about her to pay close enough attention to anything said about her to consider her “cancelled.” I’m also willing to bet literally every penny I have that my mom, for example, wouldn’t know Grimes from Niall HOran from Dikembe Mutombo. I suspect Grimes wasn’t “cancelled” so much as she “came to more mainstream attention” because she had a baby with a public-facing asshole and gave it a weird name. Big picture: I need to see the evidence, but I’ve got Grimes in my “not cancelled/playing the victim” category.When was Doja Cat cancelled? And/or for what? I don’t own any of Doja Cat’s music. I don’t think I could hum any of her songs. I don’t think my Mom would know Doja Cat from Rosalia from Grimes. The only thing I think I know about Doja Cat is that, before she got… “famous” or whatever, she was extremely online. And I vaguely remember something about her being extremely online in some questionable spaces. Big picture: I need to see the evidence, but I don’t have Doja Cat in my “cancelled” column just because Grimes says so.Lizzo: I know who she is. I’m pretty sure my Mom knows who Lizzo is. She’s got lots of hummable songs. And Lizzo isn’t cancelled, she’s facing scrutiny based on accusations that conflict with her image. Big picture: Definitely better to have defenders that are better-regarded than Grimes, but I also feel like most of the reaction to Lizzo’s recent notoriety is people who are openly hoping it isn’t true. That’s the opposite of cancelled.

    Bottom line: You can’t claim cancelled when everybody is rooting for you (Lizzo). You’re not cancelled just because Grimes says you’re cancelled (Doja Cat). You can’t get cancelled if nobody ever subscribed (Grimes).

    • bcfred2-av says:

      Fake news! Your mom knows who Dikembe Mutombo is.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      Almost like “cancellation” is a ginned up talking point the right wing ‘elite’ uses to motivate the rubes.

      • keykayquanehamme-av says:

        They don’t seem to have settled on a definition for ‘woke’ either. They use it like “Smurfy” and I think they think it means “Blackity-black-black-black.”

      • ooklathemok3994-av says:

        Look, all I want in this world is a fuckable M&M and some straight as hell Bud Light. 

  • murrychang-av says:

    Girl you had a kid with the richest guy in the world, you weren’t ‘cancelled af’ you were transfixed by money.

  • chris-finch-av says:

    I see a society crumbling under the weight of human imperfection because people can’t handle that we all fuck up
    That’s funny, because I’d argue those touting that “cancel culture” is a real and tangible concept mainly prop it up as some chaotic force that’s turned on them by chance, rather than holding oneself accountable for fucking up.

    • recoegnitions-av says:

      Fucking insane that someone would try to claim with a straight face that cancel culture isn’t a thing. How much dumber can you get? 

  • kman3k-av says:

    “Doja will be one of greatest artists of all time and we all know it and idc if I get in trouble for fucking adoring this. Damn.” “Ol Grimey has a career in stand up comedy coming soon I see.

  • unfromcool-av says:

    Stop reporting on these nitwits just for rage clicks. 

  • thegobhoblin-av says:

    Or “Grimy”, as she likes to be called.

  • MisterSterling-av says:

    Grimes becomes another artist who is testing just how much of an asshole she can be after delivering great art (Oblivion, 2012). That one song has kept her in my playlists. But this is testing me. 

  • quetzalcoatl49-av says:

    Who the fuck is Grimes again, and why should her opinion on literally anything matter? Never actually heard a single song of hers. Also, the “they were nice to me once” argument is fucking stupid

  • argiebargie-av says:

    I can see now how she ended up having a kid with Apartheid Karen.

    • argiebargie-av says:

      Two, actually! JFC

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        Easy to forget when they only account for 20% of Musk’s output. So far.

        • nilus-av says:

          “Musk’s output”Please excuse me while I vomit for a decade 

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          I’m mildly certain that Elon Musk was a Wouter Basson genetic experiment under Project Coast to creative white people who could outbreed black people, but with the side effect of removing all personality and social skills. 

      • kinjacaffeinespider-av says:

        Hell, there might be a third lurking in there! Somebody should check!

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      This needs a trigger warning.  Anything that makes me think of elon musk having sex needs a trigger warning.

  • deb03449a1-av says:

    Grimes has no credibility on anything

  • gospelxforte-av says:

    I’ve always assumed that cancellation came after someone has attained some level of cultural relevance. If she has any at all, Grimes can’t really say anything because she wasn’t relevant until the point of her so-called cancellation. She’s not wrong that society likes to dogpile (because we enjoy joining in on low-hanging social acceptance). But I think her defense of people, “they were nice to me before,” isn’t quite the strongest defense of a person’s character. People are multifaceted.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      In my experience in entertainment and business, it means very little that someone’s nice to their peers (fellow performers, c-suite members, etc etc). It’s one thing when the people on the show poster have nice things to say about you; what “the help” has to say is a whole ‘nother.

    • jaywantsacatwantshiskinjaacctback-av says:

      But I think her defense of people, “they were nice to me before,” isn’t quite the strongest defense of a person’s character.Unsurprising coming from the idiot who said they “investigated “[Musk’s union busting] heavily and even visited factories etc” thus the matter is settled. I also thought I read she said something like “the workers seemed happy when I visited Tesla therefore they didn’t need to unionize”, which would be inline with your quote, but didn’t care enough to look beyond a cursory search so I may be wrong. 

    • lmh325-av says:

      I do think there’s some validity to the criticism of the backlash on Lizzo that other singers aren’t really held to that standard. Compilations of Beyonce being a diva to the other members of Destiny’s Child get her called a queen as does that video where she literally steps over Michelle after she fell. There are some valid conversations about how the parasocial relationship people think they have with Lizzo means she’s required to be especially nice or different from any other pop singer. It reminds me of the John Mulaney backlash around his divorce. I don’t know that anything Lizzo did really makes me think she wasn’t being genuine publicly with most things she said.All that said, she’s also not getting cancelled and will likely win the lawsuit since most of it is built on interpretation of emotions that are hard to prove. 

    • breadnmaters-av says:

      This may just because you’re not a fan of Grimes. I’m not either but she certainly has them and, yes, she’s had a ‘voice’ for quite some time. Her cancellation was at the hands of her baby daddy.

    • electricsheep198-av says:

      Plus, no one has “dogpiled” on Lizzo.  The allegations came out.  Lizzo issued a response, and that’s pretty much the last we’ve heard of it.

      • theblackswordsman-av says:

        There were a fair number of comments on her videos saying the allegations were disturbing or awful. I guess that’s the dogpile? People who were fans saying “wow, what the hell”. Whew. I unfollowed and left it at that in terms of commenting directly at her. 

    • jeshwk-av says:

      Grimes wasnt relevant till she dated Elon. You just didn’t listen to her in 2013/14 🙄

  • captainbubb-av says:

    I’m not super familiar with Grimes’ career, but wasn’t she already sort of established by 2012? Or at least more established than Lizzo. I feel like I knew of Grimes well before Lizzo. Wikipedia says Grimes had three albums by 2012, including her breakthrough, while Lizzo released her first solo album in 2013 but didn’t really break through until a few years later.

    • tarst-av says:

      No you are correct. Her album Visions and the track “Oblivion” were her breakout moment. In fact, everything she’s done since then has been incredibly diminishing returns, so maybe what she’s stating here is that she’s never been popular enough to cancel?

      • breadnmaters-av says:

        I’m assuming that the cancellation she’s refering to is owing to her relationship with Musk.

        • nilus-av says:

          Probably that time, while still married to Muskrat, she was photographed sitting on a bench reading Communist Manifesto. Trying so hard to look cool and hip for the pleebs. 

          • breadnmaters-av says:

            I actually watched a few of her music videos and was genuinely impressed, but I don’t care for her particular genre so I’ll never be a fan. In her interviews she just seems clueless and highly “relevant” (which is not a complement, lol). She went from “industry-shaking genius” to a “class traitor.” Idk, young people today have just as many challenges navigating the problems of ‘identity’ as all young (and old) people – maybe more. But trying them on publicly with such committment, then throwing them off for another makes me nervous. It’s like getting that ‘super important’ body tattoo then having yourself completely lasered for another. They don’t seem as interested in future consequences.
            But then we haven’t left them much of a future.

        • tarst-av says:

          Wait she was cancelled multiple times for her relationship with Musk? Did we cancel her every time they (redacted for everyone’s collective mental wellness)?

    • popculturesurvivor-av says:

      We might also have to redefine “breakthrough.” Grimes was absolutely huge with the Pitchfork crowd and absolutely deserved to be. “Visions” is a fantastic album. But there’s a big difference between being big with Pitchfork, indie bloggers, and would-be Brooklyn residents to being Beyonce-style big. 

      • bcfred2-av says:

        That hardly describes me, but I definitely knew who she was even back then. Lizzo I feel I’ve only been aware of for a few years at best.Regardless, Grimes was definitely a known artist well before Lizzo so it’s hardly surprisingly Lizzo would be nice as she was trying to break in.

        • gojirashei2-av says:

          Yeah, Lizzo was definitely still hanging around Minneapolis in 2012. Her star was rising (this is around the time she worked with Prince), but she was still more of a local phenom at that point.

      • captainbubb-av says:

        True, Lizzo eventually broke through and made it at a much bigger level than Grimes, but she was more of nobody than Grimes in 2012. And I’d say Lizzo didn’t get to the big-with-Pitchfork/indie blogger level of fame until 2016 or 2017.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “But there’s a big difference between being big with Pitchfork, indie bloggers, and would-be Brooklyn residents to being Beyonce-style big.”

        Then why did you (and ONLY YOU) bring up Beyonce?

  • andreros2548-av says:

    Truly cant think of anyone who has had a further fall from coolness than Grimes. From countercultural figure who called herself “anti-imperialist” to dating the worlds most evil proponent of the capitalist system and selling out completely. Now re-emerging as someone who is scared of the “cancel culture” bogeyman? Wont be surprised if a full right wing heel turn happens eventually.

    • tarst-av says:

      I think her right wing heel turn happened with “We Appreciate Power”. Ever since then she’s been kind of floundering for cultural relevance.

    • chris-finch-av says:

      After reading about her houseboat adventure, I’ve been more of the mind that she’s always been annoying. It’s just that for a little while she was putting out music which jusitfied/obfuscated that annoyingness.

      • bcfred2-av says:

        I think for the longest time she was able to make the story a sort of perpetual performance art act, constantly changing her appearance and such.  Hey, look what cool girl Grimes is up to now!  Then she started dating Musk and people began asking her questions about things other than her music, clothing or hair color.

        • thepetemurray-darlingbasinauthorithy-av says:

          She’s merely been doing what little rich girls have been doing…forever. Slummin’ it. And she was rich and privileged before she let L. Ron Musk fire off his pink Falcon 9 off in her Texas wetlands. Cosplaying life in a different milieu for a bit, because why not? No one’s ever told her no, she has no other obligations to fulfill, and she’s got enough resources to pull her out of whatever trouble her naivete gets her into.So, yeah, she’s a socialist, wait, no, now she’s an techbro, wait, no, now she’s a rightist. It’s all a game, and yet she has zero skin in it. 

    • vanheat-av says:

      “…the worlds most evil proponent of the capitalist system…”Um. Why is he the most evil proponent of capitalism? Because he allows more speech on Twitter? Speech you disagree with? He’s a bastard for union-busting, but the most evil?I’m sure she’s destined to appear on the Matt Walsh Show any day now.Oh, and the capitalist system lifted a billion people out of poverty in the last few decades. What do you propose, socialism lol?

    • brianjwright-av says:

      It didn’t make Musk better, it just made Grimes worse!

      • eatshit-and-die-av says:

        My momma always said “Be the KoTH reference you want to see in a comment section full of Simpsons references”.

  • dc882211-av says:

    The eternal refrain of the moron: “they were cool to me, it can’t be possible they were monstrous somewhere else”

  • photoraptor-av says:

    There’s a much more immediate and representative example of how society is crumbling, and you had a kid with him.

  • fireupabove-av says:

    None of these people have been cancelled because cancel culture is a myth.(teehee, I am greybaiting)

  • godshamwow-av says:

    Maybe society is crumbling because too many people are easy marks for the con men who are crumbling it.

  • minimummaus-av says:

    So here’s the thing… I’m not a court of law. I am under no requirement to consider anyone as innocent until proven guilty. The only guideline I need to follow is “good enough to me.” Give me some investigative and subpoena power and I might reconsider.That said, dog piling someone is BS. Obsessively posting about the in comment sections or on social media is BS*.
    No longer buying their music or their books or tickets to their movies is fine. Nobody is entitled to any of that. If that’s “cancel culture”, then fine. It’s still the free market at work.*Kind of an exception is where someone just lays low for a while but doesn’t actually face consequences. It’s fine to remind people what a shit human Mel Gibson is in any news article about Mel Gibson still getting work in major productions, for example.

    • bcfred2-av says:

      It’s hard to come up with many examples of people who truly were just drummed out of the entertainment industry via cancelation, shortly of truly criminal behavior.  Even Louis CK was back touring after voluntarily taking himself out of circulation for a little while.

      • captain-splendid-av says:

        Once again, I am begging, begging to be canceled. Please, cancel me so I can come back and be paid good money to star in films and do live shows.  Is that too much to ask?

        • bcfred2-av says:

          Plus think of the salf-aggrandizing tales of perseverance available for the big comeback! “They tried to silence me, run me out of the industry, but I refuse to be canceled by the meek and small-minded! I’m the one with the microphone so YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!”

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        We just lost one person who was truly cancelled: Sinead O’Connor.Of course the people most angry about cancel culture were the loudest voices shouting her down.Other than that, yeah, Cosby and Spacey got cancelled. Everyone else is still on tour or making movies or selling books or whatever.

  • duckamuck-av says:

    I was more worried that he took the advice of his ex-wife to demolish Twitter. I suspect that despite her character on the show, she actually is a huge Doctor Who villain.

  • glabrous-bear-av says:

    “My tweet refers to due process in the justice system which is an essential element of freedom… It is what stops us from burning accused witches for example”Witches were generally given due process before they were burned. That’s why we refer to “witch trials” – the justice system was fully engaged, with lawyers and witnesses and judges and everything. They problem wasn’t a lack of due process, the problem was that people thought “witchcraft” was real.

    • boggardlurch-av says:

      Honestly, my first thought was “We stopped ‘burning witches’ when we stopped listening to people like you. Now we’re getting close to doing it again, and who are we listening to?”

    • wangledteb-av says:

      There’s actually a strong case to be made that believing in “witchcraft” wasn’t the problem per se, but that the witch trials were a deliberate campaign by the church to destroy whatever social power women had and weaken solidarity between sexes among the working class. Sylvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch is a great book about that time period!

  • risky-av says:

    Nothing goes to together like has-beens and complaining about cancel culture.

  • boggardlurch-av says:

    “Cancel Culture”?You mean that right wing bugaboo that only exists so they can clutch their pearls in horror at the thought that they might be held accountable for being horrid?You mean the thing that our favorite proto-fascists trot out every time they need a sales bump from the sheep?Yeah. Next?

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      “I am using my free speech to disagree with you”“wHy ArE yOu CaNcElLiNg mE!?!?!?!?!”

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Anytime I almost take Elon Musk seriously I remind myself that he’s married to her and they named their kid sadfljeqr905r43rt

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    Her and Elon Musk are such cringy people. I just clicked on X (I’ve never used X) it’s actually called X now…. to imagine there are college bros who worship this guy hahahaha.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    No, cancel culture is necessary. The only people who say they hate cancel culture are people who have something to hide.

  • imnottalkinboutthelinen-av says:

    It’s time for Grimes to be sent back to living in that apartment that’s above a bowling alley, and beneath another one.

  • simplepoopshoe-av says:

    My Dad (this is annoymous so whatever) a few years ago was ranting on and on about how much he hated cancel culture. He was a manager with a secretary and I just….. I’m 99% sure he’s guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace and ranting to everyone he knows about cancel culture is the equivalent of raising his hand.

  • ijohng00-av says:

    Grimes’s new single, i wanna be software, is amazing. i can’t wait to finally get a new album.

  • mavar-av says:

    Society is crumbling because Trump and conservatives exist.

  • breadnmaters-av says:

    I can’t believe how many comments this generated. No one knows her much or cares, but wow.These ladies all getting up to something. Got to say something.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Got to say something.”

      And there YOU are, above it all, being condescending and definitely NOT part of the problem you’re whining about.

  • glaagablaaga-av says:

    Apparently, not getting work because you suck at your job means you’re “canceled”.

  • igotlickfootagain-av says:

    I mean, if Lizzo has done the things people says she has, something should be done about it. This is going beyond a difference of opinion and into actual sexual harassment.

  • d-loc-av says:

    Im glad Grimes is sticking up for Lizzo. Although not quite canceled yet, her haters are foaming at the mouth, not even waiting for the accusations to be confirmed, ready to unleash every I- told – you – so -she – ain’t- healthy – fat joke there is. For those that believe that cancel culture isn’t real, just look no further than the late, great Sinead o Connor. Although she continued to make important music throughout the years, many still regarded her as a one hit wonder. Grimes is certainly familiar with being backlashed, and having a few kind words to say publicly about her homegirl – in her time of need – is admadmirable & way more gutsy than someone like Beyonce, who will cut you out in a heartbeat if you threatened her popularity in any way. So three cheers for Grimes, who isn’t afraid of being unpopular with the mainstream, and for her refusal to kick another artist when she’s down.

    • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

      Name one person other than O’Connor who was cancelled.Also, explain why the people who claim to hate cancel culture led the charge against O’Connor back in the day.

  • jallured1-av says:

    Does anyone understand the difference between legal due process and just, like, people’s opinions? They are not the same, silly! One has the weight of serious consequences, including financial penalties, incarceration or even death. The other is…opinions.

    • gargsy-av says:

      “Does anyone understand the difference between legal due process and just, like, people’s opinions?”

      Do you really think that people who pretend “canceling” is a thing would understand that?

  • wangledteb-av says:

    idk if I agree with the term “cancel culture” because that implies this is new behavior, but I will say I find it annoying that every celebrity who has some kind of allegations like this end up going through the same process. First everyone’s like “Ah-HAAAA!! NOW we see what you’re REALLY like. All those things we loved about you that we put you on a pedestal for before, those were all FAKE; you were just deliberately trying to HIDE how SHITTY you are!!” and then if she comes out and apologizes (or refutes the allegations) people will be like “Oh, YEAH, RIGHT!! That’s exactly what a SHITTY PERSON who is trying to SAVE FACE would say!!” and then even ten years down the road if she’s made legitimate amends and changed her behavior, the second she does something even remotely shitty there’s gonna be people who’ve kept a running tab of everything wrong she’s ever done who will come out of the woodwork to be like “NEVER FORGET that in 2023 Lizzo was accused of mistreating her workers and sexually harassing a coworker!! This is what she’s REALLY like on the inside!” Like the discourse is fucking exhausting and it’s the same shit every goddamn time lol

  • electricsheep198-av says:

    But no one has even “cancelled” Lizzo? Cancel culture doesn’t exist, first of all, and second of all, Lizzo is fine? Nothing has happened to her.And I have no opinion on whether or not the allegations are true, but “Lizzo was nice to me a while ago” isn’t evidence that they aren’t, Grimes.

    • mrsixx-av says:

      It exists. Just look at Bud Light. Cancel culture doesn’t mean that the subject can’t exist after. It’s just that people are so eager to punish those that seem to violate a belief that they actively try to cancel them. Just because they aren’t successful, doesn’t mean it’s not a thing that a lot of society participates in.

      • electricsheep198-av says:

        It doesn’t, though, because no one and nothing is ever “cancelled.” When has it not been the case that “people are so eager to punish those that seem to violate a belief that they actively try to cancel them”? The answer is never.

      • gargsy-av says:

        “It exists. Just look at Bud Light.”

        That’s. Not. Canceling.

        Jesus fucking Christ, eat the business end of a shotgun, please.

      • buttsoupbarnes-av says:

        Bud Light is in every beer fridge in every liquor store in America. They aren’t cancelled either.Trust me. Though I don’t drink Bud Light, I’ve done my research 🙂 

  • theblackswordsman-av says:

    I guess I have actually “canceled” Grimes as I enjoyed art angels and now won’t listen to anything of hers because she opens her mouth and idiocy pours out, but generally when we talk about “cancelation” we mean someone in a position of power or prevalence has a tumble. Did Grimes ever actually reach any mainstream level of popularity that would make her cancel-able? Most of the time I just kinda don’t give a shit what she has to say and I think that’s long been the approach people took to her. 

  • eatshit-and-die-av says:

    Wow the dumb cunt married to (and fucking) a massive scumbag has dumb cunt takes on other scumbags?! NEWS AT 11!

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