
Legends Of Tomorrow finally cracks its 1925 quagmire in a wildly good episode

Also making things great for Legends: the return of Matt Ryan (and the introduction of Matt Ryan's beard).

TV Reviews Legends of Tomorrow
Legends Of Tomorrow finally cracks its 1925 quagmire in a wildly good episode
DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow Photo: The CW

Folks, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow has (finally) reached its destination: New York City! After being stranded in the culturally hostile 1925 for four episodes (one of them taking place almost entirely inside Gideon’s synthetic brain), the Legends have finally, finally darkened the doorway of Dr. Gwyn Davies, as played by former John Constantine, Matt Ryan. (Perhaps Matt didn’t show up for any of the other episodes this season because he needed more time to grow that beard?)

Dr. Davies, who strikes a close resemblance to a young Prof. Martin Stein (or a more hairy Mick Rory or maybe Dr. Ray Palmer, it depends on who you ask), has long held the key to the Legends’ continued survival in the timeline: the world’s first functioning time machine. Now that they have arrived at this season’s first major turning point, all the Legends need is a little more time… and a bit of luck.

And as luck would have it, “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist” comes to play. Bigger (and more seamless) effects, amped-up drama, solid character work, it’s not a stretch to say “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad…” is the strongest episode of the season so far. And let’s not forget the catharsis that comes with finally seeing the entire Legends’ roster united with Ryan towards the end of the episode. (“There are a lot more of you than I thought there’d be,” Davies says. Oh, buddy. Same.)

Huddled together in a gigantic group hug, it’s clear that the Legends are stronger than ever. And they’ll have to be—those baby steps Sara keeps insisting upon has triggered a stampede of temporal messes that will need to get cleaned up sooner rather than later. (Their latest bit of time trouble that’ll need solving: Thomas Edison DIES!) Plus, there’s still the matter of that rogue Waverider continuing to dispatch flesh-covered murder-bots to wipe them from the timeline altogether. Legends!

Structure is the name of the game this week, namely finding something for each individual member of the crew to do that matches their worth without tripping up these high-wire hijinks along the way. It’s a tricky calculus, especially with a cast as large as Legends’, but this week pulls it off by splitting the Legendeers into three converging plotlines. And, for the most part, the episode runs smooth as clockwork: Sara, Behrad, Gary, and Ava attempt to intercept Davies’ time travel notes from the Edison Institute and, failing that, Davies himself; Nate and Zari hang back for some much-needed alone time… with the murderous Hoover-1000, who menacingly watches the sweetness unfold; then there’s Spooner, Astra, and Gideon’s arduous trek to New York, which becomes—quite literally out of nowhere!—a bonafide Cannonball Run.

Placing stress upon all of this mayhem is the episode’s ticking clock that races towards the explosive death of Sara, Ava, Gary, Behrad, Zari, Nate, and Davies (Gideon says they’ll blow up in Davies’ copper-lined time-trap), which would effectively strand Spooner, Astra, and Gideon in 1925 for the rest of time, or whenever a newly-manufactured Hoover-1000 finally tracks them down. (What is the robots’ protocol for Legends murder, anyway? Just blowing up in their general vicinity? Because so far it ain’t effective, mystery villain/probably Bishop.)

The latter two plotlines might not come together as neatly as the prime storyline, but it’s not like these are egregious storytelling flubs. There’s Astra’s made-up lucky rock arc, which is missing a crucial component to Gideon’s newfound belief in luck; Gideon being absent when Astra declares we make our own luck to Spooner kinda backfires in this regard. (Maybe next week?) Then there’s the ongoing Nate/Zari romantic complications, which come to a head after Zari Tomaz comes clean to Nate about her heart being pulled in two separate directions—her life inside the totem, we find out, has given her a family of her own, whatever that can possibly mean. (“It feels like home,” she says.)

This, of course, happens after Zari sees Hoover-1000 reject his new, Legends-friendly programming and as a result explodes in Thomas Edison’s face. (I suppose there is a connection, if you squint at it long enough.)

Still, it’s hard to get mad at DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow at this juncture. It is at long last altering its course towards an intriguing seasonal arc after a few episodes of putzing around in a cheaply-assembled period setting. (I’m chalking all of this up to COVID complications.) There has been much singing and drinking (so much drinking) and even more revelry along the way, and the Legends have adapted to their ever-shifting timeline kerfuffles with their typical… well, I won’t say grace. Ebullience?

Stray Observations

  • Episode’s MVP: Dr. Gwyn Davies. Matt Ryan’s jittery, borderline manic performance this week made the episode’s stakes feel more fraught—and how good is Caity and Matt together? The scene where Sara, out of sheer desperation to get Davies to calm down and understand the situation he’s in, is the best thing I’ve seen from Legends all season. Then, later: “I’m as mad as a hatter!” Oh, Matt Ryan, how I’ve missed you.
  • Davies’ calming recitation comes from Invictus by William Ernest Henley: “Out of the night that covers me/Black as the Pit from pole to pole/I thank whatever gods may be/For my unconquerable soul.” Nice touch.
  • Bishop Watch 2021: Again, nothing. Looks like that may change next week.
  • Timeline Housecleaning: I flubbed up Sara & Ava’s whiskey source last week. The perils of recapping live television! Special thanks to those eagle-eyed Legends faithful who pointed it out to me. (You know who you are.)
  • Gary, concerning Nate & Zari: “I’m not concerned. I’m just, you know, emotionally invested in their love story.” Gary is good, Non-Gary People. Calm down.
  • Sara thinks Davies looks like a young Martin Stein, Gary thinks he… looks… like… Mick? Zari thinks he looks like Ray Palmer. I’m sure somebody will get it right sooner than later. Or maybe not. Legends!
  • Gary: “This is the last time I sneak you train doughnuts.” Nate: “The hell you will, you’re my doughnut dealer!”
  • Sara takes a long pull from Zari’s “Rip Hunter” bottle from a couple episodes back. Why am I getting the impression that it’s not saying “Rip” Hunter, but “R.I.P.” Hunter?
  • I genuinely could not find evidence that cannonball runs existed in 1925, but then, I was working on deadline. Chalk Erwin George Baker’s sudden appearance to the show’s neverending contrivances, which I am now calling the Legends Bag O’ Luck.
  • Gary, to everyone: “I love scavenger hunts! Because I love giving myself to all things — games…” Gary, to Nate: “People?” Zari, to Nate: “Did you and Gary hook up? I won’t be mad. I will be confused.”
  • Every time Sara says “babe,” I’m reminded of Elaine’s mimbo boyfriend Tony from the fifth season episode of Seinfeld, “The Stall”.
  • A spitting agreement? In this climate?
  • Pretty sure that was a Wilhelm scream I heard when the Hoover-1000 explodes.
  • Nate and Zari’s heart-to-heart, which occurs over the corpse of Thomas Edison, felt wrong in a couple ways. That may be Thomas Edison, but that’s still a human being lying dead at your feet, lovebirds! (Legends!)
  • The way Astra fell into Spooner’s arms, amirite.
  • Say! The director of this week’s episode, Andrew Kasch, was an editor on Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th, a horror documentary that I quite enjoyed. It’s free to stream over on Shudder right now, seek it out.
  • So what say you, group? Did “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist” do things for you as it clearly did things for me? How good is it to have Matt Ryan back? What could possibly possess the Legends writing team to throw the crew at Chernobyl next week? Let’s flip out in the comments below.


  • ukmikey-av says:

    I don’t see how Gideon had to be present for Astra and Spooner’s convseration in order to believe in the rock? It sounds like it act3d as a device to increase her confidence to take the wild chance of knocking the carjacker out.

    • jarrodwilliamjones-av says:

      It would have neatly closed the storyline had Gideon been present for the revelation.

      • ukmikey-av says:

        Maybe, but the fact she was “kidnapped” and the rock lost was the reason Astra made the revelation in the first place.  It might have worked with just the car bei g stolen, but then how would Gideon have got to NY in time?

  • dtrombino-av says:

    I was *so happy* when they all got together again. I’ve really enjoyed Spooner, Astra and Gideon getting to bond together, but this team just needs to be together.Matt Ryan as this character is so good. The pendant on his chain had “Thomas” on it, but I couldn’t tell if that was a first name or a last name? Is his love Thomas Edison? Interested to see where that goes, he was clearly thrilled to hear Sara had married a woman.I’ve enjoyed their time in 1925 more than I thought I would, but I’m excited to see what they can get up to now that they are out of there. Will miss the costumes though, they all look great in 1925 outfits.

    • percysowner-av says:

      Dr. Davies said he wanted to save someone he loved that’s why he invented Time Travel. That implies that the person he wants to save died in the past, so probably not Thomas Edison. Maybe a child named after Edison? Or a brother? The show is very big on familial love, both biological and found so either would work.

      • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

        +1 to seeing Thomas and wondering if it was a son or a partner. I’m also kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop and learn that the Legends promised to save somebody terrible in return for his help.

        • simonc1138-av says:

          I assume they’ll realize saving said person will cause a paradox given Davies wouldn’t have invented time travel otherwise, and Sara will have to break her promise. Who knows what’ll come from that? 

          • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

            eh, they could use something similar to saving Spooner’s mom without repairing Spooner’s childhood.

        • wastrel7-av says:

          It doesn’t have to be somebody terrible. It could just be “this will change the timeline so we don’t exist”. Like, Davies wants to go back and save someone, but if they hadn’t died he wouldn’ have invented time travel, so…[of course, they could just save the person by bringing them to a different time period leaving Davies-of-the-time thinking they were dead. But what are the odds they don’t think of that?]

          • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

            the baby Spooner/Spooner’s mom play! they’ve found that loophole before, so hopefully it doesn’t get ignored if they need it.

        • jarrodwilliamjones-av says:

          That would be a plot twist I’d love to see.

        • crackblind-av says:

          Partner would be great. He as particularly interested when Sara mentioned she married a woman (yes it would surprise someone in 1925 but there was a little more than that behind how he said it).

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      If Gideon had run up just in time to see the Legends disappear I would have lost it, I really needed her & Astra & Spooner to reunite with the team, as fun a sub-team as they have been I love Spooner but her being a NASCAR fan definitely challenges that 

      • crackblind-av says:

        Remember, Spooner was introduced as a gun-toting, Second Amendment loving, paranoid conspiracy theorist from Texas. Luckily she got better due to her time with the Legends.

    • evanwaters-av says:

      I’m only upset that we missed the reactions of Sara et. al. seeing Gideon in human form. 

    • haodraws-av says:

      Definitely last name. You could see the first name before the ‘Thomas’, but it was covered by Davies’ fingers.

  • kris1066-av says:

    Love the metaness of trying to figure out who Davies looks like.Zari and donuts. Now that’s true love.
    Did Zari say 1935?
    They do write Zari as acting like Behrad’s older sister.
    “Did you and Gary hook up? I won’t be mad, just confused.” I love it.
    Trying to beat your record, huh? Wouldn’t carrying three extra people sort of slow things down?
    That might leave a footprint.
    Nate can’t get Zari excited with THAT talk, so he offers her a bearclaw. At least he understands her.
    And now they’ve killed Edison. The Legends just can’t stop screwing up time.
    In the totem. Huh. Is this the beginning of the end for Nate?
    Astra and Spooner just can’t win for losing.
    So who is Davies trying to save?
    I knew that Gideon was going to bludgeon him with that rock.
    That seems like a very unstable electrical grid.
    If Davies was supposed to die that day, then how did his ideas make it to the Time Masters?
    Are they going there with Astra and Behrad. It seemed like they had dropped that idea.

    • simonc1138-av says:

      In the totem. Huh. Is this the beginning of the end for Nate?I’m wondering that too. There’s really no good reason to keep bringing this up unless they’re planning to retire one of the Zari’s…or Nate.

      • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

        I really like Nate & am starting to be uneasy with where this weirdness with him & Zari 1.0 is going, I start to wonder if them being together means both being off the team, which I don’t want, but I don’t want them to break up either. Both of them have already been through so much

    • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

      The show wrote themselves into a corner with the Totem. The only way out is through. So, I’m happy in anticipation that we’ll finally get to see an expanded Totem interior and the generations of ancestors therein. My semi-hope is that this new dimension can circle back into the main Legends storyline.Now. There’s two big gorillas in the room: Will Nate & Zari (Flannel) live happily ever after in Totem World … and … hate to bring this up: is the show building up to a sunset for Ava and Sara. Both couples certainly deserve a ‘happily ever after’ a la Mick & Kayla and Ray & Nora. Is the show grooming Spooner for leadership? Could the TV show survive the retirement of its #1 star(s) or is this series Endgame?Personally, if the stories keep coming on strong, I think they could survive a major cast change. You know if they lose 4 prime characters and then add in two quality new ones (perhaps DC established names) it would be heart wrenching for hardcore fans, but it could work. Depends if the CW wants this show to go on for another 3 or 4 years.

      • jarrodwilliamjones-av says:

        I feel like retiring one of the Zaris is the most likely outcome at this point, I really can’t see this show going on without Caity Lotz, she’s the anchor to all this. (Though my vote’s certainly for Spooner taking the captain’s seat if it does come to that.)

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Caity shown bright in this latest episode too. In close-up scenes my heart again went pitter-pat.

        • simonc1138-av says:

          Yeah we’re 7 seasons in and I have to think Legends is closing in on the end. If Lotz leaves I’d rather they just end the show as to having “that oddball final year without Sara.”

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          I also think Caity Lotz is the one essential cast member. At one point I think new Zari appointed herself and Nate interim co-captains when they were looking for Sara last season & that I thought worked. Could Spooner & Astra one day be co-captains? I feel that both have the essential qualities needed 

      • tonysnark45-av says:

        Well, if they need to bring in two more established DC actors, I can think of a couple of ones that aren’t doing anything anymore…

        • bobfunch1-on-kinja-av says:

          Certainly B&D would fit in with the crew. Fans want it – but would showrunners react as though it would be too “fan-service-y.” Idk.

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        The idea of Nate and Zari living in the totem within John’s pocket dimension house is giving me a headache. I hope that Caity Lotz was sincere in the 100th episode teaser when she said she loved the show and never wanted to leave. Don’t ever want to lose her from my screen again.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        I like the way the show has rotated its cast, and bringing in new people means losing some old ones too. [although it would be nice if Charlie or Amaya or Ray or even Jax could be brought back for a reunion some time – an actual one, not an imaginary one!]. I’d be OK with them losing Nate and Zari (one or both of them), though I hope the replacements might be a bit more ambitious than Spooner and Astra (two (functionally) contemporary humans). [I suppose this is the same Law of Companions that Dr Who has to deal with, though: the audience supposedly can’t be trusted to relate to anyone who isn’t a beautiful young Earth woman from an era contemporary with the airdate].I wouldn’t be OK with losing Sara, though. If Ava wants to retire from front-line duty and operate a home base for the crew, stepping down to recurring character again, I’d be OK with that. I recognise that Sara doesn’t have much growth to go through anymore – she’s confident, happy, wise – but she’s the heart and soul of the team. Without here, there’d be an immense sense of absence.
        I MIGHT be OK with Sara being gone for one final season – with the remaining crew trying to work out how to operate without her (maybe with her popping in for advice now and then). Thematically, it makes sense to show how the Legends can continue on with someone new taking over, just as Sara took over from Rip. The problem is, while the Legends of Tomorrow can continue on without her, I’m not sure “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” can. If they want to do this ‘see what happens next’ thing, I’d rather they do it in a final-episode flashforward to Astra and Spooner captaining an entirely new crew of people we’ve never seen before (and Lita?). But maybe they could make a final season out of it. I wouldn’t want it to continue as a going concern without her, though.That said, if Lotz is bored and wants to move on, I guess I’d rather have Legends without her than no Legends? For a while, at least.

    • crackblind-av says:

      If Davies was supposed to die that day, then how did his ideas make it to the Time Masters?They somehow got hold of his plans. Gideon said that the only flaw in his design was that the power source he needed wouldn’t be invented for 300 years and that’s why the time machine blew up when Davies tested it. So thank you Hoover-bot 1000 and Waverider 2 villain.

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        They showed the plans pinned to the wall as they took off. So he disappeared, but the plans remained, waiting for someone to understand them and invent a power source.

    • wastrel7-av says:

      Speaking of Legends mentioning years: Sara says she’s from 2021. But… is she? In fact, has she ever even been here?OK, apparently she did visit once: she tracked a pod here and found the trap-cube-thing that teleported her to a space bowling alley.Other than that, she left time in 2016, spent six months back on earth in 2018 [and many months more trapped in 1957 – it would be nice if they remembered that some time, she must be pretty familiar with the era by now!], then buggered off again. She popped into 2019 occasionally to see Ava, then in 2020 she was briefly famous after that supernatural theme park thing we all totally remember happening in 2020. Then she had a brief but intense time later in 2020 when she was killed by zombies. And I think the Loom’s alternate reality is set in late 2020. But then Sara spends most of season 6 in 1977 (albeit on another planet), and is pretty busy for the rest, before getting trapped in 1925. So other than a brief trip to Kansas, and possibly some time on board ship in space, she has no experience on 2021. [Gideon does, though, since 2021 is when Rip and the Hawkpeople defeat Vandal Savage. Sara wasn’t there, though].This may explain why she has any interest in ‘getting back to’ 2021. Maybe if she’d actually spent any time here, she’d prefer to skip ahead…

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        I was wondering about the 2021 thing too! Of course, this is Legends so we’re all probably better off not concerning ourselves with trivial details like “making sense”

  • kinjascrewedupmyaccount-av says:

    Yes, that was a Wilhelm Scream (my wife notices these things, being a Middleman junkie). And Hooverbot’s face flying by was a direct steal from The Matrix.One thing they didn’t do – when Zari was looking at Hooverbot’s primary orders, it did say “uphold the law”, but not “serve the public trust” (although the stationery order was humorous, it wouldn’t out-funny a Robocop reference).

    • crackblind-av says:

      Nice to find another Middleman junkie (& Wilhelm aficionado)! My wife & I cosplayed as Wendy & the Middleman at NY ComicCon a few years back. I still wear my Eisenhower jacket.
      Javier Grillo-Marxuach said they planned to have a different audio stinger in each episode had they gotten another season. And just in case, you don’t already know about these, here are the two table reads of unaired scripts:

    • cabs1975-av says:

      “Why do I keep unmuting you?”

  • simonc1138-av says:

    I honestly did not expect the time machine to work, at all. At one point someone compares it to Da Vinci’s diagrams, and well – Da Vinci had a great mind conceptually but it’s not like you could get a functioning airplane from his designs. I thought Gwyn Davies would be the same.Man, they really got their mileage out of the Riverview filming location this week. No less than 4 exteriors (train station, NY street, Edison building, asylum exterior). I don’t know if they allow interiors in the building, there may be more bites of the apple here.So is Gideon childlike because she’s still not 100% or is this just how she is as a human? She seems to lack awareness on some front while retaining her usual knowledge base on others.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      I love Gideon being a full time team member this season, but still being all-knowing, and being so much weirder than I expected & not really understanding how to be a person. Thing I don’t want: Gideon & Gary to be a thing 

      • crackblind-av says:

        Gary gets off being bossed around. I don’t think Gideon is his type. He has his sights set on Zari 2.0 (and it’ll be incredibly amusing to so how much that definitely won’t happen).

      • onslaught1-av says:

        Im not as enamoured with Gary as everyone else is, pairing him with the delightful Gideon will only increase my annoyance.

      • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

        That description of Gideon reminds me of a Korean drama called Black that I loved. The title character’s inability to act like a normal human was a constant source of hilarious scenes. To make it work that way with Gideon, you would have to pair her with people getting violently annoyed at her attitude. But the Legends just aren’t like that.

      • wastrel7-av says:

        Here’s a thing I hadn’t noticed before I just looked at the wiki: way back before Rip’s wife died, Rip’s wife’s timeship’s AI was called… Gary. Coincidence? Yes, probably…

    • angelicafun-av says:

      The funniest thing to me regarding the location is that the train station they used was also the train station exterior they used for Chicago when they went to the 20s in s2 and dealt with Al Capone.

  • percysowner-av says:

    Way back when, when the show introduced Totem World, they stated that all the previous Totem bearers were in Totem World. I’m guessing that is the family Zari was referring to.I do wonder if Zari 2.0 will see the resemblance between Gynn Davies and Constantine. Of all the Legends, she should see it and the misdirects would explain why no one tries to prepare her for seeing GD the way they did with Nick and Charlie looking like Amara.

    • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

      Totem World could be a fun bottle-ish episode if we meet all the old totem bearers Flannel!Zari’s been hanging out with.

      • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

        Agreed. Zari-Prime’s reason for staying in the totem would’ve hit harder for me if there were some scenes prior of her interacting with the other folks inside the totem.I wonder if there’s a way to bring out the totem into John’s pocket manor dimension.

        • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

          that would be a cool compromise between Flannel!Zari’s totem home and Nate’s idea to stay in the pocket dimension. plus I’d like to see the other Legends meet Zari’s totem family too.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    While I love Zari 2.0 (Zari B?), my preference is still for Original Recipe Zari.

  • luasdublin-av says:

    Side note , but since its not covered by reviews (:( ) Doom Patrol had its (Season) finale as well and it was amazing!That is all.

  • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

    I wonder what Gwyn Davies’ role on the team will be once they use his time machine to hopefully get back to the Waverider, I don’t currently get what subsequent usefulness he would have. Behrad & Astra had one of their best scenes when he brought her a whiskey bottle & bantered somewhat charmingly. Maybe they could still be a thing

    • angelicafun-av says:

      My Bestrad (a name i just conjured up) ship is still sailing! 

    • avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576--disqus-av says:

      They don’t have any engineers, mechanics or mechanical geniuses on the ship anymore. Jax, Ray and even Mick are gone and Flannel Zari is in the totem. They need someone who can repair the ship and Davies looks like a good fit to me. They can even take his loved one out of time to live with him on the Waverider without messing up the timeline.

      • briliantmisstake-av says:

        Isn’t Behrad the engineer now?

        • simonc1138-av says:

          Yeah it’s Behrad, having subbed out Zari 1.0 when the timeline updated. I think the show could stand to play up his mechanical genius a bit more, but I did like that it was him and Zari 1 leading the time machine build from the blueprints.

    • briliantmisstake-av says:

      I loved the smile Astra gave him.

  • videopgh-av says:

    I like that in this version of 1925, the fact that the Bullet Blondes are in fact NOT sisters, is above the fold headline news.

  • mrrpmrrpmrrpmrrp-av says:

    -“I’m finding it very hard to erase the image of my wife being shot by a trigger-happy local.” Sara has mostly processed her new healing factor by jumping into its usefulness- with the big speech over how scary it was to watch Ava disappear, maybe she’ll slow down and try not to traumatize Ava with it too much.-Gideon trying to logic spells.-“Did you and Gary hook up? I won’t be mad, I’ll just be confused.”-Hahahahaha Davies pretending to take Sara hostage. Sara’s dramatic shrieking as she tries to subtly steer Davies’s knife hand.-Tahiti? Is it a magical place?-Oooooh they Legends’d it up again.-The thing I love about the other Waverider hunting down the Legends for the timeline anomalies they cause is that it comes from a long-established Legends habit of screwing things up.-Here for Dr. Gwyn Davies so far.

  • pi8you-av says:

    Didn’t get to last week’s episode until yesterday, so that was a couple of greatroaring hours for me last night.
    A little disappointed Eddie didn’t get to turn the mansion into a permanent speakeasy, his chemistry with Zari 2.0 was great and it could have made a fun nod to DC’s Oblivion Bar, but more Gideon singing with an Ava/Sara dance routine did more than enough to offset that.
    Sara doing a terrible job of looking horrified as Davies held her ‘hostage’ was probably my favorite moment from this week’s episode.The Nate/Gary stuff in the last two episodes was GOLD.And now the preview’s got them stuck in Chernobyl? That’s one way to power the time machine.

    • jarrodwilliamjones-av says:

      I love the idea of the mansion becoming a permanent speakeasy! Frustrated Legends sidling up to the bar, Eddie cleaning a glass and going “hard day?” That would have been incredible.

  • joseiandthenekomata-av says:

    Yeah, this was such a fun episode, upping the stakes with the Legends’ possible doom. I did like last week’s episode but Eddie and Maude’s plotlines got a bit treacly at times.
    I was wondering if we’d see any other historical figures in 1925, and sure enough there’s Thomas Edison (RIP) and Erwin Baker, who I wasn’t familiar with, but my car-loving dad might know.The lucky rock was a cool little plot device, which I suspected during the stop with the cop that Astra faked the spell.
    So the Legends are in Chernobyl, huh? I thought they were back in prehistoric times again, but this, this is a way stickier situation than I expected.

    • hornacek37-av says:

      At the end of this episode I fully expected the camera to pull back and reveal that they were surrounded by dinosaurs, and for Sara to say “And we definitely are not in 1925.”

  • sonicoooahh-av says:

    Watching this episode, I was struck by how Legends started as something of a love story regarding Rip and his wife, now it is between Ava and Sara.

    • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

      No disrespect to Rip & his wife, but they are garbage compared to Sara & AvaOkay I realize that probably was a bit disrespectful 

      • angelicafun-av says:

        I mean, all we knew about Rip and his wife (did we even ever learn her name?) that she was teary-eyed all the time… so you aren’t too wrong.

        • smittywerbenjagermanjensen22-av says:

          Rip’s wife probably had a name but I have no clue what it wasRip’s main contribution to the Legends of course was that Sara and Ava were “his favorite protégés”

          • angelicafun-av says:

            The Legends wikia says she was “Miranda Coburn” (though it also says it was an alias so who knows what her real name is) who was a Time Master but then quit to be with Rip… I have 0 recollection of any of that.

    • crackblind-av says:

      I have a feeling I’ve commented on this before. Between your avatar and commenter name, you’ve hit the sweet spot in pop culture.

  • onslaught1-av says:

    Dammit Gideon is just pure Joy. Her need to enthusiastically wave at things is adorable.

  • mattthecatania-av says:

    I love how they lampshade Matt Ryan getting a new role by having everyone insist Dr. Gwyn Davies resembles former Legends whom aren’t Constantine.Prime Earth’s Edison Labs were in NYC instead of Menlo Park?
    Ava & Gary blinking out & in of existence is another frustrating existence of time travel logistics being inconsistent.

    Astra has an anti-tiger rock Spooner would like to purchase.

  • danielnegin-av says:

    Zari, to Nate: “Did you and Gary hook up? I won’t be mad. I will be confused.”I’m taking this to mean that FlannelZari would be OK with an open relationship, maybe even a little swinging.

  • tpeach-av says:

    Did anyone else catch the sly Shining reference? The Doc was in room 237 at Bellevue hospital.  

  • psychopirate-av says:

    A delight, again. Ryan was fantastic in his new role; the manic energy couldn’t have been more enjoyable. The gag about who he resembled was fun, and I look forward to its conclusion. The robots are interesting, too; we assume they’re from Bishop, but I’m less sure.

  • haodraws-av says:

    What’s the deal with Legends reviews/recaps sometimes getting delayed by a full day? I used to think it was just an AV Club thing, but yesterday I looked around and no other outlets who usually cover Legends had anything up yet, too.

  • newbender2-av says:

    Every time the Legends screw up the timeline in some way, I find myself hoping that the changes will cause a ripple effect which somehow brings the real Sara back, but then I think, yeah, this is probably how all the Supercorp shippers felt every time Kara and Lena so much as looked at each other, so probably best not to get my hopes up.

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