The final trailer for Jordan Peele’s Nope reveals more of its mysteries

Keke Palmer and Daniel Kaluuya are on the hunt for UFOs in Peele's latest horror flick

Aux News Jordan Peele
The final trailer for Jordan Peele’s Nope reveals more of its mysteries
Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, and Brandon Perea in Nope Photo: Universal Pictures

Just as we suspected: aliens. Or is it? Nothing in a Jordan Peele film is ever as it appears on the surface, so we can’t be too sure–even if there does appear to be a big ol’ UFO stalking the Haywood ranch. In fact, in the final trailer for Nope, we’re explicitly told “It’s not what you think.”

Still, though we may not be convinced that aliens are the true horror behind Peele’s latest, Emerald and OJ Hayward (Keke Palmer and Daniel Kaluuya, respectively) sure are. The sibling duo believe there’s an extraterrestrial explanation for the terrors on the family ranch (including the gruesome death of their father).

Being of enterprising spirit, the pair sets out to get “undeniable proof of aliens on camera” as a money-making scheme: “I’m talking rich and famous for life,” Emerald assures her brother. Along the way, they inadvertently recruit Tech Team employee Angel (Brandon Perea), while Emerald also seems to trade in on her Hollywood connections to bring in director Antlers Holst ​​(Michael Wincott).

It all seems like a grand adventure, and Peele’s comedic roots on definitely on display. But these aliens (if that’s what they are) don’t take kindly to being filmed. “I think we pissed them off,” Emerald admits after the house appears to be doused in blood (!!!). Forget being filmed, whoever’s flying this UFO doesn’t even want to be seen: “I don’t think they take you if you don’t look at it,” OJ theorizes. (Recalling that memeable moment of Keke Palmer flying into the sky in the previous trailer, we sense she has trouble following this rule.)

The film also stars Steven Yeun (who seems to get more than he bargained for when he promises the rodeo crowd an “absolute spectacle”), Barbie Ferreira, Keith David, Donna Mills, and Andrew Patrick Ralston.

Nope premieres in theaters July 22.


  • noblezero1979-av says:

    Looks awesome. But if it isn’t aliens I’m gonna be kinda disappointed..

  • drewskiusa-av says:

    Tickets purchased, albeit for the weekly discount movie night; seems like one of THOSE fun films where the audience will be talking and not paying attention half the time.

  • MajorBriggs-av says:

    A fun enough trailer, but way more information than I wanted (and that’s on me). I should’ve stuck to the ominous teasers and just went in mostly blind. 

    • nilus-av says:

      I still think the movie has some major twist to it.  So I think you are okay

      • MajorBriggs-av says:

        Almost certainly, but I didn’t even really want to meet the new characters we did. Again, fully on me, slow work day and all.

    • labbla-av says:

      Meh it all looks like 2nd act stuff. There’s going to be more to it. 

    • jomonta2-av says:

      That’s my plan, the previous trailer got me hooked so I’m not going to watch this or anything else that comes out before the film. 

    • lmh325-av says:

      The amount in the trailer makes me think there might be more to it. Maybe I’m being overly generous, but they’ve been playing it close enough to the chest and have with Peele’s other movies enough that I’m inclined to think if we’re being shown this, the rest will be different.

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Yeah, I had the same thought. But at least it got me more excited to see it. 

    • wookietim-av says:

      I suspect that the trailer here is meant to give the feeling that you know what you are going into. Kinda like “Us” – the trailer made me assume it was just another home invasion movie and it was much more. So my guess is there are still surprises.

  • naimgood-av says:

    I honestly don’t know why I come to this site anymore. Who the hell writes a story about a trailer, embeds the trailer in the article, and then links to 73 seconds into the video? It would be one thing if the article was about what happens during the 74th second of the clip, but no, it’s just incompetence. “data-src=”″

  • maulkeating-av says:

    I hope Aisha Tyler’s in it.

  • 10cities10years-av says:

    The AV Club Don’t Post a Trailer that Starts in the Middle Challenge

  • nilus-av says:

    So lets try to guess the twist!I am gonna say that the big reveal is that this is an alternate dimension where Fry’s Electronic didn’t all close down in 2021. RIP Fry’s. You were a weird store chain. Like if a Best Buy and a Microcenter had a baby and named Radio Shack your God parent. Some of your stores had cool themes and that led to this extremely silly display by the Podcast: The Ride guys

    • laurenceq-av says:

      Podcast: The Ride sounds like something totally up my alley (as a grown, childless man who is maybe slightly too much into theme parks, but not THAT much into theme parks…)That said, it’s always the episode length that turns me off. Do you really need to talk about Davy Crockett’s Explorer canoes for two hours?No. No, you do not.

      • nilus-av says:

        I listen to podcast when I do work around the house or when I am doing boring crap at work that does not need my full attention. It means I have a good ten hours of listening time a week. So I am okay with 2 hours on Davy Crockett canoes, especially since with the Podcast: the Ride guys it will also be a lot of funny side tangents. With many podcasts, for me, it comes down to the idea of if I would hang out with these people in real life.  I know its the whole parasocial relationship thing.    I have listened to podcast about subjects I really like but stopped because I did not like the hosts, even if the info was interesting in good.  

    • pocrow-av says:

      So lets try to guess the twist!The farm is next to an Area 51 analogue and the UFO is actually US military, who are killing the locals when they’ve seen too much.

      Heck, they could have let the vehicle be seen on purpose as part of a test, because “no one will believe them or care if they do talk,” which goes out the window when they start working so hard to document it all.

    • insectsentiencehatesnewaccounts-av says:

      I remember the precursor, Incredible Universe, it was a weird place too.

    • hendenburg3-av says:

      Man, the Fry’s near my office, where I bought all of the components for my most recent PC build, was Atlantis-themed.

      Still really bummed out that place closed

  • respondinglate-av says:

    Just saw the trailer before Top Gun: Maverick on IMAX last night. As someone who spent 4th-8th grade very into UFOs in the mid-90’s*, this trailer freaked me out. The movie title is apt.*The mid-90’s had a UFO craze. It was the first popular rise of the Internet, making more (potential) info and stories accessible. UFO magazines were widely available. The X-Files was on every week. Unsolved Mysteries was still on. Fire In the Sky came out at this time. Sightings was a popular show. UPN even ran a special called “Alien Abduction: Incident At Lake County” that, while later shown to be a hoax, is still giving me goosebumps and sending a shiver down my spine just typing it. The Phoenix Lights occurred about this time as well. The cult Heaven’s Gate committed mass suicide at this time so their spirits could ascend to an alien spacecraft they believed was behind the comet Hale Bopp that was visible to Earth in that span as well (or something like that). All of this was fascinating and terrifying to a relative weakling with frequent experiences of sleep paralysis. At least Will Smith was only slapping aliens in MIB and ID4 back then—that was fun and cathartic.

    • jasonchristopher83-av says:

      I’ve been waiting for a proper UFO horror movie since Fire in the Sky. I mean believe in it or not, abduction stories are so specific, strange and terrifying that there is so much to pull from. We only usually get alien action movies. Pretty excited for this.

      • respondinglate-av says:

        There’s definitely a real terror in abductions. I agree. I couldn’t bring myself to watch The Fourth Kind and the one or two others that came out since then. Did you see those?

    • robert-moses-supposes-erroneously-av says:

      I remember that era and was around the same age! In hindsight, UFO talk was everywhere and then sort of disappeared around 2000.

      • respondinglate-av says:

        That’s a good observation. Maybe it was part of the buildup to Y2k/millennium fears. Funny enough, I remember Weekly World News being on the checkout magazine stand next to the Enquirer and other tabloids. It’s like when 2000 hit, pop culture put down WWN and picked up the Enquirer. 

        • killa-k-av says:

          Probably had everything to do with cell phones getting widely adopted

          • respondinglate-av says:

            I think I see what you mean, but you mind elaborating on that a bit?

          • killa-k-av says:

            I’m rereading these comments, and I appreciate you replying because my first comment wasn’t clear. I was referring to the UFO talk just disappearing around 2000. Cell phones – specifically cell phone cameras – made it easier than ever to document everything. Things like camcorders had begun that trend, of course, but the wide ubiquity of the cell phone camera made it so that UFO sightings should have gone up. No longer would we have to rely on eyewitness accounts; anyone would pull out their camera and start recording. So the fact that UFO talk disappeared suggests that it was all kinda bullshit.In thinking about it more though, it’s possible that 9/11 just affected culture so deeply that people didn’t care about nebulous “unidentified” flying objects are were grappling with the fear of another terrorist attack. And it’s fun to speculate about what, if anything, triggered the 90’s UFO craze in the first place. Might’ve been the adoption of camcorders in the first place, since they were low quality enough that grainy, out of focus footage would pass as perfectly acceptable in a way that our 4K HD present wouldn’t accept.

          • respondinglate-av says:

            Thanks for responding! I think you’re right about cameras and 9/11, though I doubt it was a conscious move away from UFOs even if cameras everywhere was a driving force. Thinking about what triggered the UFO craze is fun, I agree! It seems like there’s always been a thread since at least WW2 or the Roswell Incident. I’m tempted to chalk the whole thing up to the lingering sense among many/most humans that there’s something going on beyond our usual perception. We’re naturally drawn toward mysteries and given the right media/entertainment/messaging, where we focus can change unless we’re really committed to something. I think maybe The Matrix in 1999 was also a part of the shift. We’re seeing its effects lately in popular discussion on whether or not we live in a simulation, and it’s been over 20 years. I mean, maybe, anyway…

  • kingofdoma-av says:

    … I’m sorry, these aliens killed Keith David?…TEAR THEM FROM THE SKIES AND MAKE THEM PAY FOR THEIR SINS

  • underemploid-av says:

    Is that a The Jesus Lizard T-shirt/jersey she’s wearing? I can totally see David Yow acting in a Jordan Peele film.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    Hey, it’s that guy from ‘The Cape’!

  • necgray-av says:

    All due respect to the alien folks in the comments (you are underserved by horror and that does suck), I hope there’s a twist and that it’s demons. I find alien stuff pretty meh, especially “grays” and “saucer” type aliens. (Xenomorphs and Predators are an exception.)

  • dmfc-av says:

    Peele is fakery in the bakery. GET OUT was his SIXTH SENSE, US was his UNBREAKABLE, and here comes the bomb parade

    • pocrow-av says:

      Shyamalan’s second film after Sixth Sense was Signs, which lines up.

      • dwarfandpliers-av says:

        I liked Signs, can’t explain why LOL, and honestly now that I know a bit more about Nope, I’m much more likely to see it

        • vw0-av says:

          Signs is an effective movie for the most part. The first time we actually see an alien through the home video footage was effectively creepy.

    • lockeanddemosthenes-av says:

      What? How are any of those movies similar at all?

  • wookietim-av says:

    Peele has become one of those directors that I immediately perk my ears up as soon as I see his name connected with something. He’s usually pretty good… Not all the time (Twilight Zone) but usually reliably good.

    • vw0-av says:

      I didn’t get around to the second season, but that first season of Twilight Zone could basically be summed up as “white people, amirite?”

      • wookietim-av says:

        I thought the last episode was pretty clever. Not particularly great but clever – making the ghost that was bothering the characters be Rod Serling was kinda smart in a meta commentary way. Peele is good when he’s playing in that space and so it generally worked for me. But a lot of the rest felt just kinda bland… I am sure if I tried I could dig into some of those episodes more but none felt deep enough to bother doing that with. Maybe Peele just needs the extra breathing room of a feature length running time to produce that stuff.

  • secretagentman-av says:

    Michael Wincott & Donna Mills?! So intrigued!!

  • dbwindhorst-av says:

    Wow…yeah. And where has Michael Wincott been?

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