QAnon conspiracy nuts are finding clues in Adam Sandler's Murder Mystery

Aux Features qanon
QAnon conspiracy nuts are finding clues in Adam Sandler's Murder Mystery
Photo: Scott Yamano

Murder Mystery, Adam Sandler’s latest film for Netflix, isn’t too terrible. It’s on the affably goofy (rather than obnoxiously crude) end of the Happy Madison productions spectrum and, as such, is 100% pure, uncut, middle-of-the-road Sandler. Unsurprisingly, it is a massive hit for Netflix.

More surprisingly, but maybe just as inevitable, is who the film is a hit with: QAnon followers. Yes, as The Daily Beast’s far-right-interpreter Will Sommer has detailed in his newsletter, QAnon’s true believers have latched onto Murder Mystery as the latest proof of QAnon’s power and influence.

For those blissfully unaware, QAnon is the premier 4chan-based conspiracy for MAGA-loving boomers who have absorbed a fatal dose of internet radiation via their frontal lobes. A mysterious Svengali named “Q” delivers gibberish transmissions to his followers that prove, in gobsmackingly obscure ways, that all of Donald Trump’s various bungling and legal woes are a cover for the fact that he is in truth working in league with numerous federal agencies to bring down the sinister cabal of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, et al.

But what does Adam Sandler bumbling around on a yacht have to do with QAnon? Sandler’s apolitical, low-energy outings ask so precious little of the viewer that they already make sense as MAGA kibble, but there’s more to it than that. As Sommer points out, many of QAnon’s true believers have noticed what can only be interpreted as a clue appearing in the film, over and over again.

“New movie, Murder Mystery with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. Q is everywhere. See photos below,” writes prominent QAnon figure @qanon76. “Take this as a sign, a further indication that Patriots are ultimately in control.”

Wow. It is, one must admit, hard to deny that the letter “Q” sure does seem to show up a lot in this movie. Could it be that Sandler, a member of the rich and powerful Hollywood elite, is taking a chance, perhaps with his life, to show his support for our president and his secret Deep State battles? Or perhaps there is a True Patriot out there moonlighting as a set-designer, determined to prove that Where We Go One We Go All? Is the real murder of Murder Mystery that of former DNC staffer Seth Rich?

It could be! Sommer, however, has a theory of his own on the meaning behind all those Q’s popping up behind Sandler and Anniston.

I had the poor judgment to watch this movie a few weeks ago, so I can assure you that the Q’s are not a signal from Sandler that Trump is about to imprison Hillary Clinton in Guantanamo Bay. Instead, the Q’s refer to “Malcolm Quince,” the fictional rich guy whose murder closes out the movie’s first act. He’s a rich guy! He’s got his initial all over his yacht!


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  • gdtesp-av says:

    I blame chemtrails.

  • archbishop-avclub-av says:

    “Take this as a sign, a further indication that Patriots are ultimately in control.”

    • bartfargomst3k-av says:
    • bigal6ft6-av says:

      Yasss! You know how in the game they say they’re “memes” that live in the wallpaper or something? That’s how I always view the word “memes” now instead of being about like pictures with words on them it’s the Patriots living and controlling reality from like wallpaper or whatever. Anyway, I know later on MGS4 said they were an AI system (which they do also say in MG2 but answers in that game are wonky) but if anyone is seriously saying The Patriots as a real life shadowy cabal someone should make them watch all of the Metal Gear Solid series cut-scenes. In a row. In real time. All at once.

  • galdarnit-av says:

    “Instead, the Q’s refer to “Malcolm Quince,” the fictional rich guy whose murder closes out the movie’s first act. He’s a rich guy! He’s got his initial all over his yacht!”

    Right, but he’s also a fictional character created by James Vanderbilt who could’ve chosen a last name for the character that starts with any of the other 25 letters in the alphabet. He didn’t though. He chose Q, knowing that this rich guy would have his initial all over the yacht.

  • desertbruinz-av says:

    Of course a light, made-for-TV-but-with-bigger-names direct-to-video project starring two former TV stars would be the revolution we were long promised would be televised. That’s America. Right there.(Also, the movie was fine. Affable, charming, Sandler not as “Sandlery.”)

    • larrydoby-av says:

      All this time I was under the impression that the revolution would not be televised!

      • desertbruinz-av says:

        That’s just what they wanted you to think. What with all their cool and hip spoken word music.The real Qs know to listen to their television for further instructions.

        • adohatos-av says:

          I thought that was the microwave! Which appliances are safe and which have they gotten to? The water heater has been acting suspicious lately, I bet it resents being stuck inside a wall. That’s how they get to you.

          • wolfgang-von-schrei-av says:

            I dunno, but my toaster oven won’t shut up about the Rosicrucians

      • bartfargomst3k-av says:

        It’s on Netflix so technically it isn’t?

      • swabbox-av says:

        The revolution will not be televised on a streaming service you actually subscribe to.

  • martianlaw-av says:

    If QAnon Patriots are making Adam Sandler movies then they’ve gone from harmless kooks to full-blown terrorists.

  • darkzeid-av says:
  • hankheal-av says:

    Jesus tap dancing Christ………..

  • RyanNiger-av says:

    But, ask yourself why did the screenwriters name him Robert Quince? Checkmate.Advantage Q!

  • yemk-av says:

    Woah, in the version I saw, these Q’s were replaced by a bunch of W’s. I thought it was a reference to how George W Bush and Gabe Worgaftik both just recently came out as mentally retarded. Maybe everyone got a different version of the film with different letters????? spooky

  • RhubarbPlatypus-av says:

    I just… I just can’t.

  • lattethunder-av says:

    James Vanderbilt also wrote The Losers. Take that as a sign, fuckwits.

    • taumpytearrs-av says:

      Man, I wish that movie had the balls the comic did. Aisha was much more interesting as a former child soldier from Afghanistan.

  • the-colonel-av says:

    Oh Internet, have you ever done anything good?

    • light-emitting-diode-av says:

      The QAnon stuff is basically Anonymous gaslighting Boomers and it’s fucking great… so long as it doesn’t lead to war and shit I mean.

  • raw365-av says:

    They couldn’t find their own nuts with medical assistance.

  • insertfunny-av says:

    That’s it; there’s no hope left for this country. Anybody with nukes, you have my permission to just go to town.

    • phillamos-av says:

      I’ve got tickets to David Byrne’s American Utopia on Broadway in October, so if you could put off the nuclear holocaust until then i’d appreciate it. After that…yeah, go nuts.

      • joestammer-av says:

        Thank you for alerting me to this. I saw the tour last year and LOVED it. I just bought December tickets.

      • seinnhai-av says:

        Yeah, I’m going to see Sleater-Kinney in October.  Can we stall the nukes until, like, early November?

  • fronzel-neekburm-av says:

    What does this mean for my search for Da Vinici Code Clues in Adam Sandler movies?

  • minimummaus-av says:

    What’s going to happen to these people if the Hamberdler loses in 2020?

  • quasarfunk-av says:

    Billy MadisonEight Crazy NightsLittle NickyHappy Gilmore
    Hotel TransylvaniaAnger ManagementYou Don’t Mess With the ZohanI Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry…MY GOD!!!!!!!

  • mark-t-man-av says:

    So just to make this clear, there was and is a deep state that conspired to (a) operate a illegal sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza parlour with no basement (b) put all of their capital and influence behind making Hilary Clinton president, except these International Banking Conspiracy guys ran out of money before they could get sway Wisconsin.Wow, nearly a century later and these people still insist that the enemy is strong, ubiquitous and ever-growing while at the same time being weak, divided and constantly losing ground to the collective might of the True Patriots.Fascism never really changes.

  • igotsuped-av says:

    I do kinda want to encourage this conspiracy, just for some MAGA chuds to do a full 180 and become full-throated believers in the might and majesty of Hollywood.

  • pinkpaws-av says:

    These Qanon freaks are seriously unhinged. Like moreso than your garden variety trump whackadoo. They are beyond stupid and into mental sickness for real.

  • anthonypirtle-av says:

    Well, someone had to be watching these awful movies. Apparently it’s long suffering film critics and right-wing nutjobs. Dunkaccino, anyone?

  • modusoperandi0-av says:

    A mysterious Svengali named “Q” delivers gibberish transmissions to his
    followers that prove, in gobsmackingly obscure ways, that all of Donald
    Trump’s various bungling and legal woes are a cover for the fact that he
    is in truth working in league with numerous federal agencies to bring
    down the sinister cabal of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, et al.

    Well, if you can think of a better explanation, I’d like to hear it!

    • ooklathemok45-av says:

      I believe that we’re all just pawns in an elaborate scheme by Q to illustrate to Picard a lesson in humanity. But in the end, it’s Q who learns a little bit more about us. 

  • theguyinthe3rdrowrisesagain-av says:

    The podcast QAnon Anonymous is arguably the best sort of ‘field guide’ for how the absolute crap all of this works. Start at the beginning as they track how this started from the disparate threads of right wing conspiracies like Pizzagate and Seth Rich and then started going all the way up to heavy hitters like the Kennedys and that old chestnut, blood libel.

    It’s simultaneously fascinating and horrifying. On the one hand, it’s interesting to see just how this monstrosity keeps growing and mutating, like a conceptual version of Tetsuo at the end of Akira. On the other, it also makes it increasingly clear that some of these people are never going to come back. They’ve learned how to modify the narrative to suit their needs without ever having to worry themselves that the narrative will be wrong (or creepily fascist in its underpinnings). Some of these people will live among us, but in their own fantasy worlds. Growing, aging, and in many cases going to their graves still secretly believing that all of Trump’s political enemies will be rounded up, tried, and executed.

    …seriously though, if that prospect doesn’t disturb you, that podcast is worth a listen as a handy field guide to conspiracies in general as well as the entire Q movement.

  • scrappleluvr-av says:

    The real conspiracy is who the hell keeps paying Sandler to make shows in which he does a derpy voice as the central punchline.He hasn’t been funny in years but still makes bank.Fhat the Wuck?

  • yummsh-av says:

    Gonna need to see the Snyder cut of this before I make any real assessments.

  • dbradshaw314-av says:

    OK, I get why they’re looking for Q, that makes sense. But why do they care about 17? Big fans of prime numbers?I could probably Google it to find out, but I can’t be arsed to put in any effort to learn about these mutants.

  • kencerveny-av says:

    “Instead, the Q’s refer to “Malcolm Quince,” the fictional rich guy…”That’s exactly what “they” want you to think!

  • liebkartoffel-av says:

    Yep, that seems about their speed.

  • grogthepissed-av says:

    “They are in the process of deprogramming the masses (first) so that the people can free their minds and think for themselves.”I love the logic that says anyone who disagrees with my brainwashing is clearly a sheeple who can’t think for themselves. 

    • timstalinaccounting-av says:

      This is the same logic that says that said deprogramming is best achieved via a middling Adam Sandler movie. The word “logic” is doing so much heavy lifting it has a chance of winning the gold at, er, wherever the next Olympics is.

      • grogthepissed-av says:

        Less likely to win the gold and more likely to blow out its sphincter in an epic explosion. 

  • wykstrad1-av says:

    Wait until they find out about this little puppet musical that came out on the eve of the Iraq War!

  • tinelbow-av says:

    Click on that first tweet and just read all the responses. Holy fucking hell… I didn’t realize these people were THAT batshit!? It scares me that they are that blind to reality, but it also really makes me want to fuck with them and just come up with bullshit for them to go along with. Tee-hee.

  • akabrownbear-av says:

    These guys must really be looking forward to Bond 25. “Look, Q just equipped 007 with the tools he needs to take out Rami Malek, the guy most well known for Mr. Robot. Obviously this is a sign that Trump will be stopping artificial intelligence from taking our jobs!”

  • squamateprimate-av says:

    Probably one thing funnier than watching QAnon people post is watching liberals trying and failing to figure out enough about QAnon to construct tepid John Oliver-style takes on it

  • jasonr77-av says:

    They must have a field day with any Star Trek TNG episode guest starring John DeLancie.

  • kevincarrol-av says:

    Who really killed JFK? Was 9/11 an inside job? Why is NASA hiding the Flat Earth?
    These types of headlines used to be limited to tabloid printed newspapers found at the end of the grocery store check-out line. The part of the store where impulse purchases, which usually aren’t very healthy, like candy and chewing gum, are strategically placed.* Conspiracy theories are an addiction many of us just can’t quit.* But what about the impact this alt-culture has in the workplace?

    Once a post-JFK assassination phenomenon from the 20th century,* this cottage industry has been amplified by 21st-century technology, metastasizing into quite an addictive tumor. Hand-held smart screen technology changes everything. The list of conspiracy theories is constantly growing.* And the internet is in the palm of everyone’s hand. Its enticing and counterproductive content a finger swipe away.
    Read more here:

  • mosam-av says:

    When Trump was running, I genuinely thought his support was ironic and that people couldn’t be that dumb. Then he won. Then QAnon came around and I think the same thing – this has to be a prank.

    All I know is I would happily invest in SkyNet right now.

  • badabingg44-av says:

    Wonder how many Q deniers have changed their minds since 2019? Millions have. First of all. There is no such thing as a “Qanon”. There are anons, which came before Q. And then there is Q. The media spun the term Qanon to try and discredit something they have no understanding of. The thing about followers of Q. Millions of people are using their heads and digging in. Searching and researching information. There is no shortage of “dead ends” and just plain erroneous findings. This can be said about anything. Including Science. But this article doesn’t cover all the proofs presented by Q, which prompted many to search and find even more proofs. About Hollywood. About the government. Big pharma. Corporations. Ukraine corruption. Pedophilia running rampant. The CIA drug running. The FBI murdering and acting as a front for all of the above. The list goes on. And the hole gets deeper. And you can thank “Qanon” for spreading the word and waking up many millions of people. This is why the right wing parties are taking the world back. Because left wing parties are fully compromised by luciferian cults. To be continued…

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