Saddle up, folks: The Space Force is here

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Full credit to Donald Trump: He managed to successfully distract us from watching yet another member of his cabinet—in this case, Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson—get Oompa-Loompahed down the “Bad Egg” chute this week, when he idly mused that America was in desperate need of some sort of armed military group to protect the country’s extraplanetary interests. A “Space Force,” if you will.

And while Trump’s comments elicited any number of rational responses—like the fact that the mores of international politics have long resisted the urge to further militarize space, in an effort to avoid dragging our petty political disputes our into the stars, or that the U.S. already has a space-based military branch, the Air Force Space Command, which could simply be supplemented if Trump had such a serious hard-on for Star Wars—the fact remains that the President Of The United States said America should have a Space Force, so that’s what we’re doing today.

Many Bothans died to bring us these jokes.

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