Surprise, the social media agency behind Fyre Festival chronically steals other people’s work

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Even though it took place nearly two years ago, wreckage from the Fyre Festival continues to spew forth from its vainglorious corpse like rocket-propelled maggots. There are the lawsuits and prison sentences and Ja Rule trying to save face in light of two viciously competing documentaries on the subject. There’s also, within all of this muck, renewed attention being directed at Jerry Media, the marketing agency that promoted the train wreck (and subsequently denied any culpability for its failures despite aggressively suppressing online concern). That company, it should be noted, was born from a joke-stealing Instagram account called Fuck Jerry.

Fuck Jerry, the brainchild of Elliot Tebele, has managed to become enormously successful (and profitable) based on the practice of stealing other peoples’ work and posting it on its own page. Tebele and company are still doing this—calling to mind another meme they could repackage as their own—despite years of call-outs.

Credit Vulture comedy editor Megh Wright, then, for working to break the inertia that keeps Fuck Jerry going. This week, she’s been spreading awareness of the account’s self-enriching joke theft, imploring everyone to unfollow it while sharing the #FuckFuckJerry hashtag.

Wright’s also shown the reasoning behind her approach in a longer thread posted yesterday that breaks down how building a company off of other people’s jokes actually works.

This isn’t the first time Fuck Jerry made these kinds of headlines—the account has garnered attention for doing the same shit before—but Wright’s concentrated efforts to hurt ’em in the follower count seems like one of the only ways to truly make a difference.

Her work has picked up plenty of steam throughout the week, gaining support from comedians including Judah Friedlander, Akilah Hughes, Jonny Sun, Paul F. Tompkins, Patton Oswalt, Marcia Belsky, Tim Heidecker, and Vic Berger.

In Berger’s case, an especially personal rip-off from back in 2016 highlights how enormously shitty the company’s behaves, even when a comedian informally asks them to provide credit.

Wright shows no signs of stopping her noble campaign to take down Fuck Jerry, which is both long overdue and a welcome new development in the renewed Fyre Festival fallout.

Seriously, fuck Fuck Jerry.

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  • wuthanytangclano-av says:

    Every Instagram meme page just reposts memes others have made. There are thousands of them. I’m all for people getting recognition where they deserve but this isn’t going to stop because you unfollowed fuckjerry. It’s a problem with the internet/social media that doesn’t yet seem to have an effective solution.

    • coolmanguy-av says:

      Yeah but those guys in particular are massive shitheads about it

    • loveinthetimeofdysentery-av says:

      You’re not wrong (paging that dipshit TheFatJew), but “Jerry Media” just makes me grit my teeth with impotent rage

    • faketrivia-av says:

      There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme without attribution because you think it’s funny and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.Most Twitter users that retweet memes or jokes aren’t making money off it at someone else’s expense, nor are they seeking to.

      • nevarh-av says:

        There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme…and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.^^^This^^^Some content aggregation businesses compensate their sources, or at the very least provide attribution, and many do not. Fuck all of the latter, and fuck FuckJerry in particular for being crusty taints about it in the process.

      • adamtrevorjackson-av says:

        yeah exactly. i constantly put memes i find on my ig stories but i don’t think my whopping 120 views is hurting anyone.

      • letsgetit88-av says:

        This right here.I make posts or add to my stories, but I don’t care about sponsorship or making money off memes. Tons of other people do it too, for fun or to share laughs, but Jerry Media don’t do it for either reason.
        They do it because they’re unoriginal and want to get paid.

    • chanman-av says:

      You’re right on everyone stealing on social media, but I think that campaigns like this are a step in the right direction. Their follow counts are what make them in demand and lucrative. If the unfollow campaign succeeds, maybe the next thief will see that it’s going to hurt them in the long run.

    • faketrivia-av says:

      There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme without attribution because you think it’s funny and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.Most Twitter users that retweet memes or jokes aren’t making money off it at someone else’s expense, nor are they seeking to.

    • 746u467b465ybv-av says:

      There’s a difference between re-posting someone else’s work and monetizing someone else’s work, no?

    • detectivepikachoo-av says:

      It’s not about just re-posting, it’s re-posting without attribution making it look like they’re the ones who came up with the jokes and then making money off the quality of said jokes. The effective solution is to not follow accounts that don’t attribute effectively – like Fuck Jerry. This isn’t that complicated. 

      • wuthanytangclano-av says:

        But the whole idea of attribution for memes is kind of silly. Memes in themselves are just exercises in plagiarism. I cringe at the idea of calling people who make memes ‘content creators’ when it’s effectively just repackaging someone else’s work in the first place.

        • detectivepikachoo-av says:

          Ah so you think a Vic Berger video that was edited in an artistic and comedic way requires no attribution for the work he put in? Also, these all aren’t Spongebob memes – they’re jokes that people write out and put on Twitter to be associated with them – not a Fuck Jerry account. Also also – even if you think that memes don’t need attribution and are a form of plagiarism in themselves then you should STILL have a problem with Fuck Jerry profiting so heavily off of them rather than the person who created the meme to begin with. This isn’t that hard to understand.

          • wuthanytangclano-av says:

            I’m not sure why you keep saying condescending things like “this isn’t hard to understand” when I’ve clearly acknowledged it as a problem in my original post. Is it that you think it is hard to understand but you’re the genius who cracked it? You sound like the kind of guy who thought he needed to explain Inception to all his friends. I have a problem with any and all meme Instagrams because they are a rehashing of the exact same jokes told by someone else first. Power to them for figuring out a way of just reposting and turning it into money that other people couldn’t. I’m sure it will all come crashing down eventually.

          • detectivepikachoo-av says:

            Yeah you’re right nevermind you totally get it 

          • eye8urcake-av says:

            This campaign is doing multiple things to speed up that collapse, hopefully. It’s turning Jerry Media’s incredibly self-serving Fyre Festival propaganda against them by using the high profile it generated to shine a light on their origin and practices, and linking the brands of the companies that pay them for posts to that negativity, which will hopefully make them somewhat less inclined to market that way. Then, by mobilizing their own fanbases to unfollow and spread the word, legitimate comedians who create actual comedy content are ostensibly chipping away at the reason companies do business with these ‘influencers’ in the first place, which would be the massive numbers of followers they hope will see the advertisements.Frankly, I hope they keep it up and that it has an impact. Specific to these Fuck Jerry people, at least, it’s obvious that lazy, greedy plagiarists don’t stop with a little content theft and the sooner they have their noses publicly rubbed in the shit they’ve left on the carpet and are abandoned and forgotten about never to ‘influence’ again, the better.

        • steviexmcfly-av says:

          They also do screenshots of people’s posts on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. and cut out the usernames, or copy and paste the text onto blank images. I’ve had original things I’ve written posted on Fuck Jerry and the like without attribution, which is a lot different than four words thrown on top of an image or whatever.

      • duration1239-av says:

        this campaign against FJ takes issue with him reposting people’s tweets even though they are attributed (shows original tweeter’s avatar/username/name)

    • hottakemybreathaway-av says:

      hey eliot, is this one of your alts?

    • jackgarprime-av says:

      Well they’re extra-bad because they flat-out monetize other people’s memes in blatant fashion. They’re the ones who made that horrendous “What Do You Meme?” game, after all. Probably the worst of the multitude of Cards Against Humanity copycats (which was itself a copy of Apples To Apples).

    • LoyolaRambler-av says:

      Napster didn’t collapse because everyone who used it got sued. It collapsed because people were made examples of. The same could be said here. Yes, there are a ton of people who steal jokes and memes, but they are given the confidence to do this because no one is held responsible.

    • themanofletters-av says:

      It’s a problem with the internet/social media that doesn’t yet seem to have an effective solution.I think this is the entire point of the campaign. If #fuckfuckjerry can actually put a dent in the account’s follower numbers, which would affect the company’s ability to monetize stolen content, it would prove the boycott to be an effective solution.Will plagiarism continue even if that is the case? Of course. However, it would be an effective tool for creatives to use against the big dogs (Fuck Jerry, TheFatJew, etc) who are profiting the most from this.

    • andrewfrommars-av says:

      Well let’s stop these particular guys then we can move on. Just because you doing your part is small doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing 

    • sh90706-av says:

      Yep, kind of ironic that the above article about Fyre festival stealing other people’s work, is basically 90% screen-scraped from twitter.

    • thetexasradio-av says:

      You’re right, we shouldn’t try to fix something because that won’t fix EVERYTHING.  Makes perfect sense.

    • caad8rider-av says:

      And one of those – beigecardigan – is Tebele’s wife.

    • sporkmaster-av says:

      Sounds like Fuck Jerry is the ebaumsworld of Insta. ebaum was notorious for cropping other people’s watermarks out of stolen content and slapping their own on it.I wonder if DMCA would work on them.

    • udontknoandrew-av says:

      True, but your buddy from high school reposting memes trying to get to 1k followers isn’t the same as someone forming a full fledged profit rearing corporation off of the same idea.

    • Dupe420-av says:

      They stole actual videos made by someone and then added ads to the videos sooo…

    • billstevensons-av says:

      And the meme’s birthplace is usually reddit or 4chan.

    • tspeterson-av says:

      So let’s just give up, I guess?  Unfollowing these shitheads is a perfect place to start righting the ship.

    • gawkeruberalles-av says:

      FuckJerry’s value is their 14.3m IG followers

    • utahhjazzhands-av says:

      Or you could follow the few pages that actually produce original content rather than XxEdGeLordMeMeZ3000xX (Adam the Creator, Tank Sinatra, Vic Berger, GayVapeShark, etc. etc.)

    • hellomylover-av says:

      Not everyone is like, attaching ads to others’ content to make money directly off them. 

    • bembrob-av says:

      Not defending FuckJerry in any way, especially since they profited from it but isn’t a ‘meme’ by definition, an online post that is copied and reposted infinitum by a growing online community?Noone really creates a meme, they simply catch on and take off, like trends.

    • cko92-av says:

      Counterpoint: my IG doesn’t have a single meme.

  • chancellorpuddinghead-av says:

    Been a good year for punchable faces so far.  

  • jonathanmichaels--disqus-av says:

    Asking Jim Carrey to do a “cartoon” isn’t the best way to get him to help, I feel.

  • cinecraf-av says:

    Well I for one am in support of Jerry and I am starting my own counter campaign against the fuckFuckJerry campaign. Everyone spread #fuckfuckfuckJerry!

  • weirdstalkersareweird-av says:

    Wow. That there’s a primo douchebag.

  • theworldis-av says:

    Learn to code 

  • coolmanguy-av says:

    Such crude language! And on the internet of all places!

  • serpentsteve-av says:

    Can we also remember that Vice is a part of the FuckJerry cover up?  #fuckfuckjerry #fuckvice 

  • elrond-hubbard-elven-scientologist-av says:

    fuckfuckjerry is the version of duck duck goose we played during WW2.

    • cferejohn-av says:

      Well, on the western front. Probably shouldn’t repeat the name of the Pacific version.

    • jhelterskelter-av says:

      This article was linked to recently (February 2020) so my reply is very late, but it’s important that you know that this is still a very funny comment.

  • twopmarrival-av says:

    Memes. Is this what this is really about? If so, humanity is fucked. Also, memes should be public domain. Like graffiti on a freeway or a dick on a bathroom stall. It’s noise that serves no purpose and therefore should be worthless.

    • detectivepikachoo-av says:

      It’s not memes, it’s actual videos, written jokes that go re-posted without attribution. No one tweets thinking they’re going to get rich off of it, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for another company to come in, steal the work without attribution and then they get rich off of it. If it were as worthless as you suggest, then Fuck Jerry wouldn’t be getting paid off of it, would they? 

      • duration1239-av says:

        a lot of the issues are with attributed tweets 

      • chickcounterfly-av says:

        Also, remember that meme is just another word for an idea, specifically an idea that gains enough traction that it spreads quickly. That must mean that the idea was interesting enough to many people because it spoke to them.So when somebody has an original idea, creates content based on that idea, and it becomes popular, but someone else directly steals that idea in order to make money, that thief is actively taking away both the credit for the idea and the financial profits from the person who originally had the idea. It’s not just unethical; it is actively taking money away from and financially profiting from the theft of that idea. It is theft of another person’s work. In other words, this is not just about stealing an idea, it’s ultimately about stealing money (and credit) from other people.And in the industries of comedy, writing, etc., it is not easy to make a living in the first place. It becomes much more difficult to make a living because thievery like this happens. Who knows how many careers have been crushed by this bastard? How many people ended up unable to make rent or put food on the table because of the theft of their intellectual property? If the answer is more than zero, and it is, that’s a problem.

    • tubytubytuby-av says:

      It’s not just memes, man. Vic Berger makes videos, Tim Heidecker makes music and videos, many others are comedians. They are all having their work product stolen.
      Don’t reduce it to “it’s just memes”

    • ronmexicowillpay-av says:

      I am so glad to be so fucking old as to have had no fucking idea what an “influencer” is or does. Now that I kind of know, I am almost ready to slit my wrists.

    • panda103-av says:

      Graffiti is not necessarily public domain (interesting tidbit, public area does not mean public domain either). Not sure about the dick on a bathroom stall.

    • theobserver21-av says:
    • 14fortyone-av says:

      It’s about profiting off something created by someone else. Let’s not act like it’s particularly difficult to understand why such a thing is a scumbag move that should be called out.

    • switchingtime-av says:

      As Fake Trivia said on another comment:“There’s a difference between reposting someone else’s meme without attribution because you think it’s funny and deliberately seeking out other people’s content to monetize for yourself while actively telling the content creators to fuck off.Most Twitter users that retweet memes or jokes aren’t making money off it at someone else’s expense, nor are they seeking to.”

    • thatsthename-av says:

      1. Read article.
      2. Post commentIts simple really.

    • docprof-av says:

      It’s a weird choice to make an argument about something that you clearly don’t have any understanding of whatsoever.Please explain the thinking that made you do this.

    • cigarette31-av says:

      I don’t think you know what “public domain” means

    • ShutTheFuckUpMan-av says:

      Shut the fuck up.

    • classicblanca1-av says:

      I would like to agree with you as a bit of a curmudgeon, but as a historian I have to tell you the exact same thing you said in that last part has been said of every new medium and artform, so I think you just sank your argument. They said it about rap, rock-n-roll, jazz, modern art, film, American literature, hell all the way back to Shakespeare.(Also grafitti isn’t always public domain and seems to hold its own in value going by Banksy or SAMO.)

    • qvckii-av says:

      Your ass should be public domain in that case.

    • officialcomplaint-av says:

      Actually graffiti is not public domain at all. I’m a photographer and have to had to spend a lot of time photoshopping out what seems like meaningless scrawl for my commercial and stock clients. Or get releases for it.

    • hellomylover-av says:

      You’re clearly not a creative whose skills are worth money, or you’d feel quite differently about this. You don’t own something because you see it. 

      • twopmarrival-av says:

        I am but I also don’t have dilutions of my work’s value. No one every really *owns* anything but trying to compare artistic value of memes is a stupidly pointless conversation.

  • murso-av says:

    Let’s just ban memes.  Mandatory jail sentences for everyone

  • loveinthetimeofdysentery-av says:

    Anyone over the age of 17 who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole

  • faketrivia-av says:

    Hey, while we’re at it, can we get a campaign against Josh Ostrovksy (aka The Fat Jew) going too?

  • thecoffeegotburnt-av says:

    Hell, even their avatar is ripped off. It’s that ‘90s solo cup design. Jazz, I think?  

  • jackgarprime-av says:

    Fuck Jerry also managed to make the worst Kickstarter board game of all time a few years ago:Like everything else with their brand, it is, of course, about memes.

  • tubytubytuby-av says:

    Vic Berger is a national treasure

  • detectivepikachoo-av says:

    I can’t believe I have to explain this after the article and various linked articles already did this, but here goes! To those saying: This doesn’t matter because they’re just memes, they [suck/are worthless/belong in public domain]. Stop saying this! It’s not clever, intelligent or engaging. The fact of the matter is: someone is making money off of these things and that person is not the person who created these things, it is this asshole running Fuck Jerry. He’s doing that by deliberately making it look like his stupid account come up with these jokes/memes/videos by not attributing the original creator. That is someone stealing other people’s creative work to make money and that is wrong no matter what you think of the underlying work. The people who are being stolen from mostly make these things for free and if they’re comedians it’s a part of their brand that allows them to book jobs and shows. They don’t charge for tweets, but it probably will help them make money at some point if they’re lucky. Which means it extra sucks when someone takes that content they’re using to build a brand to make money off their craft and erases them from it so they can make money. Also, you are being hypocritical because at some point you like a meme/joke that comes across your twitter or instagram and that is you participating in this digital economy. That like has value and you shouldn’t be giving it to someone who is stealing the content from someone else. 

  • LoyolaRambler-av says:

    One of the things that I loved about the Fyre Festival Netflix documentary is that there were so many people, like the Jerry Media people, who really tried to make it look like they weren’t assholes because there were bigger assholes, but they still look like assholes.

  • hogidentifierhelper-av says:

    Here’s a poll. Which of these would make a person involved in this campaign happier:1. FJerry keeps all its followers but they never go on the Internet ever again2. FJerry gets to 0 followers and they rejoice in the victory and continue spending every minute of every day online.I have a guess!

  • hamnosadsong-av says:

    It’s like eBaums World for a new generation

  • bootybooty-av says:

    was this article pulled from five years ago?

  • 3rdshallot-av says:

    lol. this blog has like 300 tweets, 630 links to real journalists actual work, and not a single original thought. but fuck fuck jerry, am i right?

  • thrael-av says:

    I highly doubt this matters, but it should be pointed out that by the definition of “meme,” you can’t steal one. It’s a collective consciousness thing.. nobody owns it.
    Stealing jokes, sure.
    I guess my point is that not all jokes are memes.

  • SolongeFarewell-av says:

    The next step is to identify how many of those followers are bots, particularly how many are purchased bots. One of the biggest scams in advertising using social media is cheating old people who don’t realize that abandoned accounts get claimed, cloned, and sold for pennies all the time.

  • wadddriver-av says:

    If there is one thing guaranteed to make me feel old its trying desperately to understand what the hell is going on when someone describes a new Twitter beef….

    • milkmansson-av says:

      And when the pictures just make it worse.

    • ivan256-av says:

      Until I accidentally clicked on this article, my only context being clickbait headlines I never clicked, I thought Fyre Festival was some insufferable millennial with neo-hippy parents who got cute when it came time to fill out the birth certificate.

  • juantawn-av says:

    I wonder if you could compile a list of all instagram accounts that belong to jerry media. 

  • dcp73-av says:

    If I were on Instagram, I would be unfollowing these clowns posthaste! Tried to watch one of those Fyre Festival docs, but it’s a struggle to get through.

  • skabb15-av says:

    All this could be avoided if people just got their heads out of their own rectums, supressed their ego and got the **** off of facebook, instagram, and twitter.

  • badombre-av says:

    How is this a real person?

  • redplasticmac-av says:

    He posted a gofundme link to the woman who got shorted $50k around a month ago. The gall to do something like that is breathtaking—outsourcing paying back the theft of money from someone that he was directly complicit in, while also trying to bank some of the goodwill inherent in the story after someone else created said gofundme.I never comment on instagram comments of people I don’t know but I was like, possessed with fury over that.Its one thing to get to “influencer” status by stealing material but this guy built a fucking marketing empire, and everyone is just cool with it? Good for Megh Wright. Its fucking stunning.

  • udontknoandrew-av says:

    I remember when this became a thing with TheFatJew circa 2013-2014. Shit didn’t work. The problem is that people are lazy af, and rather than trying to follow the ACTUAL PEOPLE who make the content they enjoy, it’s much easier for them to just follow one account that steals it all and posts it to one place. It reminds me of when The Chive got popular around 2010 and everyone was saying how it was just an organized version of sub reddits smashed into one “blog”.ALL of those media are absolute trash and I’m really glad more people are starting to realize it.

    • davide5-av says:

      Hmmm, if only there was one site where I could visit that consolidated the day’s best news in cars, gossip, politics, sports, and technology…if only…j/k

    • hellomylover-av says:

      I follow a lot of accounts of people who repost/curate artist posts. I do that because it is a one stop shop to see the things I’m interested in – like you say basically. But they are attributing to the original account in these cases and offering those artists exposure – which is not difficult and which these liars COULD do if they wanted to.

  • trlrgrl2-av says:

    Well you called him out on it 4 years ago, so how is this a surprise, lol. it’s all stealing shit from other accounts. It’s not-as they try to tell us- “curated content”….. which that phrase alone makes me want to vomit.

  • smittywerbenmanjensen-av says:

    Based on the headline, I thought the social media agency was called “Surprise.” Imagine my, er, surprise when I learned it was called FuckJerry.

  • duration1239-av says:

    the buzzfeed instagram does the same thing.. same with @girlwithnojob and @betches etc

  • altomjohnson-av says:

    Our first warning should have been the brand strategy based on the concept “Hey, you remember those crazy paper cups!?! WTF!?!”

  • mindpieces79-av says:

    Thanks to Vulture and these minor celebrities, FuckJerry’s follower count has gone from 14.3 million to *refreshes* 14.3 million. Great work, everyone!

  • brubble-av says:

    Scummy business tactics aside, anyone who takes a photo like this is the epitome’ of poncey douche and is in need of a severe beating, on the regular of course

  • mharris660-av says:

    Yeah but if you need water Andy has you covered

  • wyattprivilidge-av says:

    This is incredibly old (by internet standards) news. They have been known thieves for years.

  • lennyvalentin-av says:

    Why don’t people (IE, victims of these thefts) invoke the DMCA. IG getting hit a sufficient bunch of times with takedown requests would eventually prompt them into shutting down the entire channel.

    • umrguy42-av says:

      Yeah, I mean, too often it gets abused, but hell, if they stole Vic Berger’s video, THAT’S WHAT IT’S FOR. DMCA that thing, and everything else.

    • cverl996-av says:

      This is a nice idea but anyone who’s had to deal with social media support of any kind can verify this is spitting into a windstorm. Also insta/FB are ALSO making bank off the stolen content so there’s no incentive for them to change anything.

  • patrickgerard-av says:

    Wait. Their comedy account is called “Fuck Jerry”, a Parks & Rec reference, and their promotional work and Fyre Festival look like something done by Tom and Jean Ralphio from P&R?Is their whole agency a P&R gag?

  • oddestartist-av says:

    Can FuckJerry be considered a content aggregator? While they may not be providing creator attribution, what they are doing, in essence, is the same as The Chive. Convenient lumping of content to a particular demographic. That being said, how is Gizmodo Media Group any different as the majority of the content here is aggregated from original work developed elsewhere? Most posts then just provide a Gizmodo editorial lens to the content found elsewhere. Granted, they provide attribution but they are making coin off of aggregating the work of others.

  • room88-av says:

    Reading this I realize I have no idea about instagram..

  • singedvinegar2-av says:


  • shawnwestfall-av says:

    Has anyone else noticed that even the documentary they made borrows heavily from Wes Anderson’s cinematic conventions (symmetrical framing, a Futura font, even his color palette)?

  • kimcardassian83-av says:

    I got a Duck Duck Goose notification for this?

  • bullshooter4040-av says:

    The way I see it, there’s only two outcomes to the FuckJerry ordeal.Someone with deep pockets sues the site to oblivion. or.Someone with too much time on their hands DDoSes the site to oblivion.

  • celer-aqua-av says:

    Fyre is a festival that never ends.

  • iksworbez-av says:

    so…. can you recommend some good meme accounts to follow that credit the creators?

  • dchristien-av says:

    That their ‘chief content officer’ replied with “Shut up” as a leader of what’s supposed to be a media company just shows these are stupid f*ckwad children who don’t deserve a dime or any of our attention. May they land back in mom’s basement where they belong.

  • gundamlord-av says:

    Unfortunately this campaigns doesn’t seem to have made a dent at all in FuckJerry’s followers. Still 14.3 million.

  • louisfriend-av says:

    maybe less spread viral boycott attempts, more suing them.

    if that guy created video content, and they stole it, put ads on it. your immediate response should be, contact a lawyer, and sue them. Have your lawyer name IG in the suit as well. whatever money they made from your works,  you’d have a claim against.  

  • logruszed-av says:

    On the other hand a few acts of mad violence for shit like this and the trend would probably go away.

  • drinking-til-2020-av says:
  • randomactsofsenselessverbage-av says:

    Fuck Fuck Jerry.

  • jakes-right-hand-av says:

    I watched the Netflix doc yesterday (on the recommendation of a young person and Netflix). I went in never having heard of the festival. It made me feel so old. Ja Rule and Blink-182 were the only recognizable names. I am 30. I weep for our future. Ja Rule wasn’t even that good of a rapper 20 years ago; how is he around still?

  • poloniumfanputin-av says:

    I’m glad we can still blame Eric Baumann for fucking up the internet and making it easy for assholes to steal content and make money.

  • buckfiddious-av says:

    Yay! Unfollowed.

  • kmhernandez-av says:

    Honestly, I had no idea Fuck Jerry and The Fat Jew were different people. I went into the Fyre Festival documentaries thinking, “why the fuck is that goofy ass guy in charge of their marketing”. I was wrong. They found a whole group of goofy ass guys to do their marketing for them. Yikes.

  • afriendcalled_5-av says:

    Why hasn’t instagram closed that account for copyright infringement?

  • adwband-av says:

    Most great success stories in the country and history are not original ideas but copies that were taken and executed better. The inventors are never the ones who bask in the credit. That said, you can hate what the results of their marketing has been, but this company has done a pretty damn good job of marketing between the instagram egg and a horrible festival they made look great.

  • rhgoiasrhgoihfgoifsdhoi-av says:

    Unless their social media accounts get shut down, I can only see this causing them to *gain* more followers.

  • peterjj4-av says:

    I saw John Mulaney posting about this which is how I heard about it, although the responses had the inevitable edgelord “I’m following them now and unfollowing you, lol!” stuff. 

  • tzins-av says:

    I can’t wait until adults are back in charge and companies with Names like “Fuck Jerry” wouldn’t even be considered.

  • flatbubbly-av says:

    If it wasn’t for Tumblr, Fuck Jerry and Buzzfeed would be out of work. 

  • 19sjdjwisnzns-av says:

    Part of the problem is that a.) they actually do attribute the jokes to the original authors a lot (anything that is a picture of a tweet is technically doing just that)

    And b.) It’s much easier to follow an account that collates jokes from a bunch of different artists. It’s almost like pandora, but for memes. The outrage is (sort of) justified, I get it, they have blatantly ripped off videos and put ads in front. But at the same time the outrage doesn’t see the real problem, which is that people want to follow an account that shares things. I, for one, am not going to follow a bunch of aspiring Comedians for their one gem of a tweet/joke, it’s much easier to follow the one account.

    But also, what’s been neglected through your story, is that they helped produce the netflix doc

    So they either shot themselves in the foot, or, are making money of our new outrage or both.

  • gooberking-av says:

    Same as it ever was

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